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External User Management
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over a month ago


See the Feature Update for External User Management for the background context of this feature. Functionality described below will not change until the feature is enabled by TeleTracking.


  • Nonaffiliated Referring Facilities must have federated authentication to access Referral IQ®.


  • External Medical Practices or Nonaffiliated Referring Facilities are now able to manage their own user accounts through their own identity provider.

  • Medical Practice Accounts are now only able to be edited/created by TeleTracking.

  • New role of Referring Facility Admin (RFA) allows the management of this feature.

    • Referring Facility Admins are able to create other RFA’s within their assigned Medical Practice Accounts (MPA) or Facilities they have access to. Their access is controlled by the governing Health System Administrator

  • Upon first implementation the RFA role will be granted to an Health System Administrator subsequent RFA’s will be managed by that administrator.

    • Health System Administrators are responsible for user management of subsequent Referring Facility Administrators.


  • Referring Facility Administrators require the External Care Provider role.

  • You can confirm the External Care Provider feature is enabled by the presence of the Referring Facility Admin role when adding/editing a user.

  • Associating facilities to an MPA is restricted but creating/editing facilities is not.

  • If an External Care Provider or Referring Facility Admin is assigned an MPA or facility beyond what the assigning RFA has themselves, they will not be able to view/edit the account for that user.

  • A user with the RFA role can only be assigned the External Care Provider role. If any other roles are assigned a generic error will occur.


Referring Facility Admin

Create New Referring Facility Administrators

Create a New External Care Provider User

Why are these locked down

  • Locking down changes of Medical Practices Accounts is a requirement to manage our Business + Legal requirements appropriately.

Requesting edits to an MPA

  • Identify what needs to be changed within your nonaffiliated facility/health system.

  • Consult with your governing health system administrator.

  • Confirm what is Included/excluded in your existing contracts.

  • Reach out to TeleTracking Support with a request to edit.

Facility Changes in Medical Practice Accounts

  • What you need before requesting a facility change in medical practice account

    • Vetting through the administrator

    • Only approved users can request changes?

Authentication for Nonaffiliated Referring Facilities


  • Health System Administrators create Referring Facility Admins

  • Referring Facility Admins create other Referring Facility Admins or External Care Providers

  • External Care Providers do not create anyone.

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