Message Group Settings – TeleTracking mobile application users on iOS can now view their permanent notification groups as well as view and set their temporary notification groups in the new Settings tab > Message Groups pages. On the Permanent Groups page, users see all of the notification groups that they belong to. If the users have a variable membership (floaters), the group that is associated with the unit/ward or cluster that they selected at login appears at the top. The users are automatically members of that notification group for the duration of their logins. On the Temporary Groups page, users can add themselves to a notification group membership based on the roles that the administrator assigned to the group. Users with the group’s role can select the group to receive those notifications for the duration of their login. This enhancement makes it easy for iOS users to view and temporarily set their notification groups without returning to the desktop version of the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
Note: This enhancement is temporarily only for users with iOS mobile devices.
iOS v16 Supported - The TeleTracking mobile applications now support iOS version 16.
Admin Tool
Filter Reason Code and Travel Requirements Dictionaries – Administrators now select the campus in which reason codes and travel requirements are used before viewing, adding, editing, or deleting items in these dictionaries. This enhancement improves usability because users no longer need to scroll through all campuses to find the item that they want.