Versions 5.0.0 through 2024.02. You'll find the new form of release notes in the Feature Announcements Collection
Release Notes for Capacity IQ® will remain here alongside Capacity Management Suite® for the time being.
Eventually they will split and so bookmark the Capacity IQ® Release Notes!
Whats New?
Version 2024.02
Capacity Management Suite® and Bed Management Suite®
Discharge Disposition: A new Discharge Disposition field is available for clients using either the Capacity Management Suite® solution or the Bed Management Suite® solution. This read-only field is populated through the HL7 interface in the PV1.36 segment and can be added to the PreAdmitTracking® or PatientTracking Portal® consoles. A Discharge Disposition is an indication of what will happen to a patient after discharge. Examples of these values include Patient Going Home, Skilled Nursing, Rehab Facility, and Transfer. A Discharge Disposition helps caregivers doing discharge planning to act accordingly. Discharge Disposition can be used as an Advanced Filter condition.
BedTracking® Application
Daily Clean Job Update: Daily Clean jobs for transferred patients now clear the job’s To Do status and update the reason code to System: Patient Transferred. The bed is then cleaned by the discharge bed cleaning workflow. Note: One or both of the Unit Information settings, Dirty Bed on Intra-unit Transfer or Dirty Bed on Intra-room Transfer, must be enabled for this enhancement to work for patients with the associated type of transfer.
Inbound HL7 Messages: Configurations are in place for customers who have the Capacity Management Suite® Shell to use with inbound messages. TeleTracking assistance is required for these settings. Note: These configurations are not for clients who currently have the BedTracking® standalone application, the Capacity Management Suite® solution, or the Bed Management Suite® solution.
App Refresh: The TeleTracking EVS™ mobile application now refreshes when it is brought to the foreground or unlocked.
Mobile Notification Sounds: In the Settings > Notification Sounds page, users of the TeleTracking EVS™, Transporter™, and Nurse™ mobile applications can now choose a different sound to replace the default tone that plays when receiving notifications.
iOS: Users can preview and select from ten different sounds of a variety of length, volume, and number of repetitions. The selected sound is associated with the user’s login and persists when the user logs into a different device.
Android: Users are presented with the notification sounds available in the device's library. The user may select a sound here. The selected sound persists on the device until changed by a user.
Mobile Notification Sound: Users of the TeleTracking EVS™, Transporter™, and Nurse™ mobile applications can now change the sound played when receiving a notification. Users must navigate to Settings which will allow them to select a different sound for when push notifications are delivered to the device.
Note: There will be variations in how these work between iOS and Android devices – an article with video demos is available in Knowledge Bridge.
Current Mobile Application Versions
To view the current mobile application versions, go to this page on Knowledge Bridge.
Version 2023.09
HL7 Outbound Messages Update: When a customer’s system is configured to send outbound A20 messages for Blocked bed statuses, if a reason code is associated with the block, the Capacity Management Suite® solution sends the reason code in the OBX5 segment of the A20 message to the Admissions Discharges Transfers (ADT) system. Administrators specify the bed statuses for which messages are sent in the Bed Status ADT Mapping section of the BedTracking® Global Settings page.
Version 2023.08
New Summary Snapshot: The TransportTracking Assist Jobs report now provides the option to print only a Summary Snapshot. This enhancement prevents the report generation from timing out when clients run the report for an extended time period.
Location Dwell Time Report Clarification: Text has been added to the Help to clarify the Location Dwell Time Report. To be considered for inclusion in the report, a unit/ward must be configured with a Unit/Ward Type of either Ancillary or InHouse.
Version 2023.07
All of the Capacity Management Suite® Solution
Security Items Addressed: Telerik controls have been updated to reduce vulnerability to malware attacks.
Version 2023.06
Multi-Stage Bed Cleaning Available:
Multi-Stage Cleans is a bed cleaning workflow with two stages that can be performed after a patient with a specific isolation type or attribute has stayed in a room or after any patient has left a specific unit/ward.
The first cleaning stage involves the usual cleaning tasks. In the second stage, an employee who has additional training and a specific new group permission uses a specialized machine or process to perform deep cleaning.
Administrators can rename the user-defined statuses Udef8 and Udef9 to indicate Stage 1 and Stage 2 cleaning jobs.
Administrators can configure multi-stage cleaning jobs to be triggered by certain isolation types, locations, or patient attributes.
When the system detects a discharge or transfer for a bed or patient having at least one of these characteristics, it automatically generates a Stage 1 (Udef8) cleaning request.
When an employee completes the Stage 1 job, the system automatically generates a Stage 2 (Udef9) cleaning request.
The Stage 2 job is automatically sent to a logged-in user who is configured with a permission that allows them to accept the second stage of a multi-stage cleaning job.
Supervisors can change the status of Stage 1 jobs to exit the multi-stage workflow, or they can cancel Stage 2 jobs.
Multi-stage cleaning jobs are color-coded on the user interface: light blue for Stage 1 jobs and dark blue for Stage 2 jobs.
In Progress jobs display the cleaning stage number (1 or 2) in a color-coded circle.
Mobile application users see the same color-coding with Stage 1 and Stage 2 status names on their devices and can mark Stage 1 or Stage 2 jobs In Progress and Completed as usual.
Note: Before enabling the Multi-Stage Cleans option in the BedTracking Global Settings page, all existing Udef8 and Udef9 jobs need to be completed or canceled.
Version 2023.05
URL Refresh: Mobile URLs are now refreshed when the Mobile Device Management settings are updated.
Sign In Issues Avoided: The Submit button is now inactive during sign-in until after users select their memberships. This enhancement reduces the possibility of duplicate submits.
Version 2023.04
All the Capacity Management Suite® Solution
Tablet Support Standardized: Capacity Management Suite® browser navigation is now supported for tablets (Safari on iPadOS and Chrome on Android OS).
Message Group Settings for Android: TeleTracking mobile application users on Android operating systems can now view their permanent notification groups as well as view and set their temporary notification groups in the new Settings tab > Message Groups pages. On the Permanent Groups page, users see all the notification groups that they belong to. If the users have a variable membership (floaters), the group that is associated with the unit/ward or cluster that they selected at login appears at the top. The users are automatically members of that notification group for the duration of their logins. On the Temporary Groups page, users can add themselves to a notification group membership based on the roles that the administrator assigned to the group. Users with the group’s role can select the group to receive those notifications for the duration of their login. This enhancement makes it easy for Android operating system users to view and temporarily set their notification groups without returning to the desktop version of the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
Level of Care Field: The Level of Care field now appears in the Patient overview card and the View Details card in the Patients list of the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application. This new field allows nurses to see more patient information without needing to return to a workstation.
Note: This enhancement is only available for clients who have version 2023.04 or later of both the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application and the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
Automatic User Logout When Charging: As of version 2023.04, healthcare systems have the option to automatically log out TeleTracking mobile application users when their devices are charging. Contact your TeleTracking representative to have this feature enabled.
New Mobile OS Versions: The TeleTracking Technologies mobile applications now support Android operating systems version 13.
Alphabetized Reason Codes: The delay, suspend, cancel, and reschedule reason code selection lists in the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile applications now display options in alphabetical order. This makes it easier to find and select the desired reason code.
Version 2023.02
Tablet Navigation:
Users on the IQ-enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution (on Safari browser on an iPad or Chrome browser for Android) can now use the menus to navigate from the TeleTrackingIQ platform to the modules of the Capacity Management Suite® solution and back again. This enhancement saves users time because users do not need to navigate using the browser back arrow.
"Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" (under iPAD Settings\Safari) must be OFF.
Users who have the IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution will now use a mouse click to see sub-menus rather than a mouse hover.
Deactivating Users:
When marking a user inactive (via Admin > User Management > User > Deactivate button), values are removed from the user’s record. This has been done to provide performance optimizations. When a user is reactivated in Admin Tool, the values are re-created.
Customers in the European Union who have the IQ-Enabled or on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution will now also see the TeleBot icon conveniently located in the lower right-hand corner of any Capacity Management Suite® solution screens. As a reminder, TeleBot is TeleTracking’s AI chatbot which allows customers to search for articles and content on their own, chat with a robot for commonly asked questions, and/or chat with a Client Support Engineer for more complex, involved inquiries.
Version 2022.12
Admin Tool
Campus ID for Capacity Management Suite® Installations: The new Campus Account ID field on the Campus configuration page allows the SynapseIQ® Enterprise Solution to identify health systems to use in reports. Administrators can type a minimum of 12 alphanumeric characters and dashes, or administrators can leave the field blank. SynapseIQ® Enterprise Solution will use this information in a future release.
AssetTracking® Application Integration
New Columns for Asset Search: The Capacity Management Suite® solution Asset Search now lists the asset’s manufacturer, model, and groups, in the search results. Users can search all assets by entering “%” as a wildcard in the Search field and filter the results by the Location Certainty field, which describes the likelihood (High, Medium, Low, or All) that the asset is in the location displayed in the Location column. The default setting is High which returns only assets that are most certainly in their locations. Users can also filter the results by typing in the search field below the Name, Manufacturer, Model, Owner, Groups, and Location column headings. The results refresh to display only the assets that have a match in that column for what users typed. In addition, the Floor Plan column can be alphabetically sorted by clicking the arrow next to the heading. Users can click the arrow a second time to change an ascending sort to a descending sort and vice versa. This enhancement makes it easier to find assets.
Version 2022.11
Message Group Settings: TeleTracking mobile application users on iOS can now view their permanent notification groups as well as view and set their temporary notification groups in the new Settings tab > Message Groups pages. On the Permanent Groups page, users see all of the notification groups that they belong to. If the users have a variable membership (floaters), the group that is associated with the unit/ward or cluster that they selected at login appears at the top. The users are automatically members of that notification group for the duration of their logins. On the Temporary Groups page, users can add themselves to a notification group membership based on the roles that the administrator assigned to the group. Users with the group’s role can select the group to receive those notifications for the duration of their login. This enhancement makes it easy for iOS users to view and temporarily set their notification groups without returning to the desktop version of the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
Note: This enhancement is temporarily only for users with iOS mobile devices.
iOS v16 Supported: The TeleTracking mobile applications now support iOS version 16.
Admin Tool
Filter Reason Code and Travel Requirements Dictionaries: Administrators now select the campus in which reason codes and travel requirements are used before viewing, adding, editing, or deleting items in these dictionaries. This enhancement improves usability because users no longer need to scroll through all campuses to find the item that they want.
Version 2022.09
Notification Groups
Temporary Notification Groups Membership: Users can now become temporary members of notification groups in two ways:
Users are now automatically added to appropriate notification groups based on the unit/ward or cluster that they log into. On the Unit/Ward or Cluster configuration page > Floater notification group field, administrators select a notification group that variable membership users are assigned to if they select the unit/ward or cluster at login.
Users can temporarily add themselves to a notification group in the My Notifications page > Temporary Groups column based on their roles. In the Notification Groups dictionary configuration page, administrators select user roles to associate with a notification group. If the users have those roles, the associated groups appear for selection in the My Notifications page > Temporary Groups column. Administrators can also temporarily assign these notification groups to users in the Users configuration page > User Notifications tab. Both of the above methods add users to a notification group for the duration of their login.
The temporary members appear in the Instant Notification dialog box when users expand the notification group that they selected. In addition, the Notification Groups section in the User Notification Settings Report now displays two subsections, Permanent and Temporary, to list a history of the user's permanent and temporary notification group membership. This enhancement simplifies the process of users getting appropriate notifications and provides visibility into the history of users' permanent and temporary notification groups membership.
Create Transport Jobs: TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application users can now create, view, edit, and delete patient transport jobs in the action menu at the bottom of the patient details page. This enhancement saves nurses time because they do not have to return to the desktop application to request a transport job.
Job Sorting Updated: The TeleTracking EVS™ mobile application now lists jobs within the bed status grouping by oldest to newest with the oldest job at the top of the status group. This enhancement helps employees to know which jobs have been waiting the longest to be completed.
Daily Cleaning Jobs
Jobs Not Started: In the Daily Cleans report, users can now see at-a-glance the daily cleaning jobs that were not started in the Detail-Group by Unit and the Summary-Group by Unit report versions. The new metric appears in both the Unit Summary and the Report Summary sections.
Reason Codes: Users can now run the Daily Cleans report by reason codes: System: Job Not Started, System: Job Not Completed, System: Patient Discharged. The codes appear for selection in the report criteria page in the Reason Codes drop-down list.
TeleBot: TeleTracking is expanding its support offering for customers in the United States with the introduction of a new artificial-intelligence (AI) chatbot accessible directly from within the Capacity Management Suite® solution (either on-premise or IQ-Enabled installations). TeleBot allows customers to search for articles and content on their own, chat with a robot for commonly asked questions, and/or chat with a Client Support Engineer for more complex, involved inquiries.
Version 2022.08
Alerts Enhancement:
Supervisors can now receive an alert when a daily cleaning job is in an In Progress status for more than the acceptable amount of time. Administrators can configure the alert in the Admin Tool > Alerts Management > BedTracking page. In the Daily Clean In Progress row, administrators can set the number of minutes after a daily cleaning job becomes In Progress to send an alert or escalation. This enhancement assures that supervisors know when daily cleaning jobs are started but not completed.
Version 2022.07
PatientTracking Portal:
ZB3 Patient Attributes: Administrators can now add more than 20 interface patient attributes on the Admin Tool > Patient Attributes dictionary page. This new feature allows customers to use more than the previous limit of 20 patient attributes. Contact your TeleTracking representative/integration analysts for more information.
Version 2022.06
BedTracking® Application and TeleTracking EVS™ Mobile Application:
Daily Cleans: Environmental Services (EVS) employees and supervisors can now track routine daily room cleaning tasks. These tasks, which differ from discharge cleaning, comprise the bulk of the employees' work. Once a day, the system generates a list of occupied rooms that require cleaning. Employees use the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile application to view the daily cleaning list on the My Jobs page. In the mobile application, employees can put the jobs in progress, cancel, or complete them. Using the BedTracking® desktop application, supervisors can view the number of current daily cleaning jobs and their statuses on the new Daily Cleans multi-view tab and in additional columns on the Bed Dashboard and Occupied Beds List. Supervisors can also change the status of a job to Clean or To Do from the desktop application. Indicators appear for rooms that have patients with Pending and Confirmed Discharges statuses to avoid duplicating work. Some Real Time Key Indicators (RTKI’s) at top of the BedTracking® application screens have been renamed to clarify to which kind of job they apply. Resp Time (Response Time) is now Disch Resp Time (Discharge Response Time). Turn Time is now two metrics: Disch Turn Time and Room Turn Time (for Daily Clean). The Daily Cleans report allows supervisors to analyze the time employees spend on daily cleaning tasks. This new feature enables health systems to track and account for the time spent on routine daily cleaning.
Admin Tool:
Limited Variable Membership: Administrators can now limit variable users to a subset of campuses in the healthcare system. On the User configuration page in the Membership & Assignment section, administrators can select the Variable Membership Campus Map tab and then select campuses where the user is allowed to work. By default, all campuses are selected. At least one campus must be selected for the user. Consequently, when signing in, the user sees a list of units/wards and clusters in their membership that are also in the campuses which the administrator has selected for them. The user can then choose to work in a unit/ward or cluster in one of those campuses.
Version 2022.05
TeleTracking IQ® Platform Integration:
Copy Users: Administrators in health systems that have the IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution can now copy certain fields of an existing user account to a new user account. The administrators create the new account in the TeleTracking IQ® platform, enter the user information, and select Access Permissions. When the Capacity Management Suite > User Management list appears, administrators select the Copy to button. A dialog box appears, and administrators search for and select the existing user account that they want to copy. The existing Capacity Management Suite® user’s information is then added to the user who was created in the TeleTracking IQ® platform. This enhancement improves the ease of adding new users to the IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution.
PatientTracking Portal®:
Staff Search Optimized: The Staff Assignment search results now display up to 200 staff members along with their base campuses. In addition, in the Staff Search field, users can enter the staff member’s last name and first name separated by a comma to limit the number of search results. These enhancements help users to easily locate the specific staff member that they want to assign to a bed.
Version 2022.04
PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® Applications:
Behavioral Health Hold Timer: Caregivers can now track the length of time that patients have been in a behavioral health hold. This timer is set on a campus level. Administrators can configure multiple Behavioral Health Hold timers with different durations and activate a maximum of three timers for each campus. Users can start, extend, and end the timer from the Patient Placement Details dialog box or from the PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® list views. The system sends alerts to users as the timer approaches the end of its duration. Users can generate the Hold Audit report, Hold Compliance report, and the Current Hold Patients quick report to analyze data collected by the timer. The Behavioral Health Hold timer allows caregivers to easily view and update behavioral health holds.
Behavioral Health Hold Timer: Users can view a patient’s Behavioral Hold Timer on the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application without returning to the desktop application. The timer appears below the patient’s name on the patient’s card on the Patients page. The timer name is associated with the type of behavioral health hold and its required duration. A color-coded icon describes how close the timer is to the end of the required duration.
All the Capacity Management Suite™ Solution:
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificates Required: Customers who do not have https support (SSL certificates not installed), will need to configure and install an SSL certificate in order to update to Capacity Management Suite® solution version 2022.03 or later. Customers need to periodically maintain and renew their SSL certificates.
Version 2022.03
More Secure Cookies: Cookies for the IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution now automatically have the HttpOnly and Secure attributes enabled, which increases security for sites supporting https. This will require a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to be installed on the TeleTracking application and Web servers. For customers who do not have https support (SSL certificates not installed), the cookies will automatically have the HttpOnly attribute enabled.
Version 2022.02
Admin Tool:
Filter Deactivated Users: The Capacity Management Suite® solution Admin Tool > User Management page now has a new filter option in the drop-down User Type list that can include or exclude deactivated users.
TransferCenterIQ™ Application Integration:
User Accounts: The creation of user accounts has been standardized for both health systems that use the TeleTracking Active Directory and health systems that use their own Active Directory. This update only affects administrators who manage user creation for health systems that have the TransferCenterIQ™ application integrated with the Capacity Management Suite® solution (IQ-enabled CMS).
Create and Reply to Instant Messages: Signed-in TeleTracking EVS™, TeleTracking Transporter™, or TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application users can now create instant messages and replies to each other and to Capacity Management Suite™ desktop users. Users must have the Instant Notify group permission enabled.
Version 2021.12
Microsoft® .NET Framework:
The Capacity Management Suite® solution now supports Microsoft® .NET Framework version 4.8. Prior to updating the Capacity Management Suite® solution to version 2021.12, customers must upgrade to Microsoft® .NET Framework version 4.8. If you have questions reach out to your TeleTracking representative.
Version 2021.11
Notifications Update: TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application users now receive notifications about TransportTracking™ and BedTracking® job statuses in addition to the notifications that users already receive for the PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® applications. To implement this enhancement for a user, enable the Screen Alert field in the Admin Tool > User Management > User Notifications page.
OS Update: The TeleTracking EVS™, TeleTracking Transporter™, and TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile applications now support iOS version 15.
Last Login Date: The Last Login Date column has been added to the User Master List report as the right-most column. This enhancement allows users to see the last login date for all users. This is useful to determine which user accounts should be deactivated.
TransportTracking™ Application:
Search Results Maximums: The patient search function now has a limit of 1000 results in the TransportTracking™ application > Patient tab and Patient Add/Edit dialog box. If more results are possible, a message appears suggesting that you refine your search criteria.
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite:
Notification Service Update: The Notification Service for the Capacity Management Suite® now supports 64-bit architecture for instant notifications, console-based notifications, subscription-based notifications, and job notifications in the mobile and desktop applications. The 64-bit architecture allows the notification service to handle more data at once. This feature may require manual installation. Check with your TeleTracking representative for confirmation prior to updating your system.
Version 2021.09
Set Patients to Ready to Move: Users can now update a patient’s Ready to Move field in the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile app. The Edit Ready to Move option appears on the patient's detail card if they are in a Pending Transfer or PreAdmit status. Setting Ready to Move changes the status in the desktop application as well as in the mobile app. This feature allows on-the-go nurses to notify bed placement personnel that the patient needs to be assigned to a bed without the nurse needing to return to a desktop application.
Version 2021.08
Set Bed Assignment Priority: Nurses can now set and edit Bed Assignment Priority in the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile app. This enhancement allows the bed to be assigned based on the facility's definition of the priority. The Bed Assignment Priority appears in the bed’s card on the All Beds view and can be updated by tapping the field in the Bed Details view.
Bed Status Timestamp: EVS employees using the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile app can now view the date and time that the bed’s current status was set. The timestamp appears in the My Jobs page in the bed card’s color-coded header along with the bed status.
Version 2021.07
Pending Job Count: The TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile app now displays a count of Pending jobs below the My Jobs and Current Job page titles. This enhancement provides transporters with more information about their jobs.
Date Localization for United Kingdom: Customers in the United Kingdom who have the Capacity Management Suite® solution version 2021.09 or later now see Date of Birth in the format dd-mm-yyyy in the mobile applications rather than the United States format mm-dd-yyyy. Note: The Capacity Management Suite® solution version 2021.09 or later is required for this enhancement.
Version 2021.06
Patient Demographics Enhancement: Patient, Item, and Batch job cards in the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile application now display five patient identifiers rather than two. The patient’s Name, MRN, Visit Number, Gender, and DOB all now appear by default. The identifiers defined by client administrators for core Capacity Management Suite® will continue to be the ones provided for the TransportTracking™ application for desktop and IVR. All five patient identifiers only automatically appear in the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile app if the core (desktop) version of the Capacity Management Suite® is 2021.06 or later.
Version 2021.04
Chromium Edge Supported: With version 2021.04, the Capacity Management Suite® solution supports the new Microsoft Edge® browser, which is based on a Chromium engine. Note: The use of Microsoft Edge® browser with vertical tabs is not supported.
New TeleTracking Nurse App: TeleTracking Technologies is pleased to announce that the new TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile app is available for customers with the Capacity Management Suite® solution version 2021.04 or later. TeleTracking Nurse™ combines the functionality of the TeleTracking Bedside Nurse™ and TeleTracking Charge Nurse™ mobile apps. Nurses can see details about their assigned beds and assigned patients without having to consult a wall board or use a pager. Most of the information that appears in PatientTracking Portal® application and notifications appears in the app.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
More Rows on List View: A new Smallest option in the Console Settings > Bed/Patient Row Text size field allows more rows to appear on the list view. The feature avoids excessive scrolling by displaying more patients at one time.
Version 2021.03
IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite:
Enterprise Abbreviation on Browser Tab: Users in health systems that integrate with more than one instance of IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution can view the enterprise abbreviation before the text that normally appears on the browser tab. This allows users to quickly distinguish which instances are open on each browser tab. Your TeleTracking representative can configure this option for your health system.
Version 2021.02
Housekeeper Selects Campus at Signin: When signing into the TeleTracking EVS mobile application, housekeepers with fixed memberships to multiple campuses and a variable assignment now select the campus at which they will work for the day. Housekeepers then only receive notifications about jobs in the campus and assignment that they selected. Existing users with only one campus are not affected. Once the user’s profile is configured for campus selection, then the administrator no longer needs to manually change the user's Base Unit and Base Location each time the housekeeper changes campuses. Health systems must update to the 2021.02 version of this app and the Capacity Management Suite® for this feature. Consult your TeleTracking representative to implement this feature.
Transporter Selects Campus at Signin: When signing into the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile application, transporters with fixed memberships to multiple campuses and a variable assignment now select the campus at which they will work for the day. Transporters then only receive notifications about jobs in the campus and assignment that they selected. Existing users with only one campus are not affected. Once the user’s profile is configured for campus selection, then the administrator no longer needs to manually change the user's Base Unit and Base Location each time the transporter changes campuses Health systems must update to the 2021.02 version of this app and the Capacity Management Suite® for this feature. Consult your TeleTracking representative to implement this feature.
Multiple Instances of the Capacity Management Suite®:
Multi-Instance Integration: The TransferCenterIQ™ application can now integrate more than one Capacity Management Suite® solution instance when health systems are forming a new tenant. This allows for a distributed architecture to access a larger number of facilities. While a single TransferCenterIQ™ tenant may integrate with multiple Capacity Management Suite® solution instances, the Capacity Management Suite® solution instances cannot integrate with each other. Several specific configuration considerations apply. Your TeleTracking representative must be consulted if you are interested.
Version 2020.12
TransportTracking™ Application:
Transporter List Identifiers: New columns for the transporter's first and last names (Empl First Name and Empl Last Name) now appear on the Transporter List in addition to the Empl ID column. In the Show Transporter as field of the Campus > Global Settings > TransportTracking page, administrators can choose to display one of the following options:
Empl ID column.
Empl First Name and Empl Last Name columns.
Empl ID column and the Empl First Name and Empl Last Name columns. This feature helps supervisors more easily identify the transporters in the Transporter List.
Version 2020.10
Standard Reports:
New Location Dwell Time Report: A new Cross-Application report displays the time patients spent in Ancillary locations or out of their InHouse locations as determined by the Arrival and Departure times recorded by either TeleTracking RTLS, the TransportTracking™ application, or both. If within the selected Date Time range there exists only an Arrival or only a Departure event, the record will be flagged as an Exception and excluded from averages and totals. Users can run the report for selected Units/Ward(s) in Summary or Detailed mode, or they can run the report for one or more selected patients indicating visits to various locations over the selected time range. Administrators designate which unit/wards are Ancillary or InHouse in the new Unit/Ward Type field on the Units/Wards configuration page. This report helps health systems understand trends of where patients spend their time.
Employee Audit Report Duration Format Improved: The Event durations in the Employee Audit report now appear in hh:mm:ss format. This enhancement avoids displaying extremely large durations in minutes for the employee’s Log Out events. This is a concern because Log Out events can include the employee's time off until the employee returns to work. This enhancement makes the report easier to understand.
TransportTracking™ Application:
Addition of Date of Birth Column: A new Date of Birth column now appears on the Transport Patient Search List in the TransportTracking™ application. This enhancement makes it easier to distinguish between patients who have similar or duplicate names.
Version 2020.09
Installation Program:
Reduced Downtime for Capacity Management Suite® Installations: Capacity Management Suite® solution updates from 2018.04 to 2020.xx versions now occur in minutes rather than hours. System downtime has dropped from an average of 4 hours to under 30 minutes. Once clients are on a 2020.xx version, subsequent monthly patches will take approximately 10 minutes. Note: The system downtime does not include pre-install backup and post-install validation.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Patient/Placement Details Refresh Update: Selecting Close on the Patient / Placement Details dialog box now automatically refreshes the bedboards and list views. This is the same functionality that was previously only available with Save and Close.
Mobile Applications:
Sign In Screen Improvement: The Sign in screen for the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile app and the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile app now displays the name of the app under the logo. This clarifies for users which app they are signing into.
Version 2020.08
All of the Capacity Management Suite:
SQL Always On Improvements: Always On Available Groups can now be configured for customers who have SQL Server® to create a separate read-only database. This enhancement keeps the system always responsive and provides high-availability disaster recovery. Your TeleTracking representative can assist your health system to enable Always On Available Groups.
Mobile Apps:
Button Labels Updated: The labels for the action buttons on some of the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile app pages have changed. Suspend Job replaces "Suspend" on the Job cards. On the New Job and Change Bed Size pages, Search replaces "Submit" and Return to My Jobs replaces "Cancel." These changes clarify what the buttons do.
Reschedule Time Increased: Transporters using the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile app can now reschedule jobs for a maximum of three hours later in the day. This enhancement better accommodates a typical workflow.
Version 2020.06
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite:
Windows Server® 2019 with IIS 10 Supported: The Capacity Management Suite® solution version 2020.06 and later supports Microsoft® Windows Server® version 2019 with Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) version 10.
Note: The Capacity Management Suite® solution installed on Windows Server®
PatientTracking Portal® Application, PreAdmitTracking® Application, and BedTracking® Application:
Floor Plan View No Longer Needs Adobe® Flash®: Version 2020.06 and later of the Capacity Management Suite® solution no longer depends on Adobe® Flash® to display the Floor Plan view. This enhancement allows users to more easily view the Floor Plan on modern browsers, such as Google Chrome™, Mozilla® Firefox®, and the Microsoft® Chromium-Based Edge. Users will not experience any interruption when Adobe® discontinues Flash® on December 31, 2020. The following changes have been implemented:
The arrow (▶) to open the Search pane is located at the bottom left of the floor plan. The close search (❌) arrow is located at the middle and right of the open Search pane.
Plus (+) and minus (-) icons have replaced the zoom icon for zooming in and zooming out on the floor.
The fit to screen icon (□) displays the entire floor plan centered in the current size window.
Users can select the new double-headed arrow icon (⤡) to expand the Floor Plan view to full-screen mode. They can exit the full-screen mode by selecting the x icon (❌).
An icon (ℹ) linking to the TeleTracking Technologies® web page appears in the lower right of the Floor Plan view.
Security Vulnerabilities Addressed: An additional layer of encryption has been added to the code to prevent unauthorized viewing if the network is not configured correctly.
Version 2020.05
When transporters reschedule patient transport jobs, the Destination lead time and the number of minutes before the job is returned to Pending status for assignment to a Transporter are now both displayed. This enhancement avoids confusion about when the rescheduled jobs will be available again for transporters.
Version 2020.04
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Update: The read and update operations have been separated in the database to improve performance and scalability.
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite:
More Secure Cookies: Cookies for the Capacity Management Suite® solution now automatically have the HttpOnly and Secure attributes enabled, increasing security for sites supporting https.
Message Broker Message Query (MBMQ) Update: The processing operations for notifications have been removed from the MBMQ application, making it more available to process user and Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) functions, which improves performance.
Version 2020.03
SQL Server® 2017 and 2019 Supported:
The Capacity Management Suite® solution v2020.03 and later supports Microsoft® SQL Server® 2017 and 2019.
Version 2020.02
64-Bit Compatibility:
Reporting and Webconnector services in the Capacity Management Suite® solution can now be run as a 64-bit application, enhancing performance.
Version 2019.12
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite:
Google Chrome™ Support: The Capacity Management Suite® supports the Google Chrome™ browser.
Enhanced Notification Delivery: Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol (WCTP) now replaces Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP) as a notification delivery method, upgrading the system to a more secure notification protocol.
Version 2019.04
Integration with the Classic TransferCenter™ Application and the Clinical Workflow™ Suite:
Forward Compatibility with Classic TransferCenter and Clinical Workflow Suite: Versions 2018.2.5 and later of the classic TransferCenter™ application are compatible with the current version of the Capacity Management Suite® (v2019.04) and later. Versions 2019.04 and later of the Clinical Workflow™ suite are compatible with the current version of the Capacity Management Suite® (v2019.04) and later.
Integration with the AssetTracking® Application:
Send Information about Assets in Occupied Locations to AssetTracking® Application: The Capacity Management Suite® now automatically populates room status information in the AssetTracking® application's new Occupied? column. Your TeleTracking representative can assist your organization to enable the new RTLS Room Status setting that controls this feature.
Mobile Apps for Capacity Management:
TeleTracking Charge Nurse App Supports Variable Membership: The TeleTracking Charge Nurse App now supports variable membership, synchronizing membership information with the app.
Version 2019.03
PreAdmitTracking® Application:
Dark Mode Available: Dark mode is now available in the PreAdmitTracking application.
Version 2018.2.5.4
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application:
See Patient's Nurses on Patient / Placement Details Form (If Staff Assignment Feature is Used): The Patient / Placement Details form displays information about the nurses associated with a patient's current home location and assigned new home location.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
PatientTracking Portal Dark Mode and Light Mode Selections are Retained in the Database: Users' theme selections (modes) will be retained in the applications database.
TransportTracking™ Application:
See Patient's Nurses in Patient Details (If Staff Assignment Feature is Used): The patient details now display information about the nurses associated with a patient's current home location and assigned new home location.
TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ Solutions Integration:
Configure Scanners for RTLS Badge ID: Administrators can configure the starting position and string length of the RTLS badge ID on patient identification bracelets.
Version 2018.2.5.3
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite:
Apple® iOS® v12 Validated with TeleTracking mobileXT™ App: Apple iOS v12 has been validated with the TeleTracking mobileXT app on the iPhone 7, 8, and X.
PreAdmitTracking® Application:
Targeted Unit or Ward is Now Maintained When "Maintain Bed Assignment on Pending / Confirmed Discharge Status" Global Setting is Enabled: Enabling this setting prevents the patient's assigned bed and targeted unit or ward from being removed when the patient's status becomes Pending or Confirmed Discharge.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Enhanced Contrast: Updates to the user interface include alternating row colors for quick horizontal scanning, increased font size while maintaining row height, and decreased space between rows for improved screen space utilization.
Each User Can Enable Dark Mode if Needed: Users can select the Dark Mode toggle button to enable or disable dark mode, providing flexibility for users who prefer a darker interface.
Dark Mode Toggle Button: A darker background can be appropriate for some situations, such as when information is displayed on large wall monitors in patient units or wards. The darker background can make it easier to locate and view information. Dark mode can help ease eye strain in low-light situations, and for users who experience high sensitivity to light. In Dark Mode the majority of the table has a dark background and the colors on the grid are darkened. Text colors have been calculated for optimal legibility and minimal eye strain. Each PatientTracking Portal user can select the Dark Mode toggle button to enable or disable dark mode, as needed. To make the Dark Mode toggle button available for users, ask a TeleTracking representative to enable the Master Configuration setting called Enable Toggle Button for User to Select Between Light and Dark Mode. Deleting browser cookies will set the PatientTracking Portal view to Light mode the next time the browser is launched.
Dark Mode for Interactive Wall Display: If wall displays should have the darker look, then the user who signs in to the wall display should enable Dark Mode.
Version 2018.2
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite:
WCTP (Wireless Communication Transfer Protocol) for Mobile Heartbeat® MH-Cure Supported — If your organization uses Mobile Heartbeat® MH-Cure for notification purposes, you will need to use the Wireless Communication Transfer Protocol (WCTP) notification service. The WCTP protocol is used for sending wireless messages to mobile phones and other mobile devices. WCTP for MH-Cure is supported starting in version 2018.2 of the Capacity Management suite. Please see the Configuration Overview for New Features to learn what is required to configure the WCTP notification service.
Version 2018.1
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite:
Some United Kingdom Terminology Has Been Updated — Some terms used in the United Kingdom are now more universal.
Administrators Can Deactivate Levels of Care:
In the past, the dictionary item Level of Care could be deleted, but not deactivated. If you do not plan to use an existing level of care in the near future, but might use it again later, as administrator can deactivate it. If a level of care was associated with patients before it was deactivated, it still will be visible for those patient records. However, while it is deactivated users cannot select it for patient records or for units or wards. A deactivated level of care can be activated again later.
Users Choose to Receive Patient Location Change and Patient Discharge Notifications on the My Notifications Tab:
On the My Notifications tab under PreAdmitTracking, users can choose to receive notifications when patients are discharged from or when patients change locations in units or wards that are within their membership in selected campuses. Previously, a TeleTracking representative configured a Master Configuration setting and selected which users received messages about patient location changes and patient discharges for the whole enterprise. Now, users can select the individual campuses where they have membership and receive patient location change and patient discharge notifications only for units or wards to which they have membership within those campuses. The notifications are sent via the notification methods that the users choose on the My Notifications tab (such as email). The Master Configuration settings called Patient Location Change Notification Recipients and Patient Discharge Notification Recipients are no longer available. Users who received notifications based on these Master Configuration settings in previous versions will need to configure the Patient Location Change and Patient Discharge settings under My Notifications. This change allows users to focus on the units or wards in campuses that they are associated with and eliminates unnecessary notifications about other areas of the enterprise.
Microsoft® Silverlight™ No Longer Required:
The Capacity Management suite no longer requires the Microsoft Silverlight browser plug-in.
The Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) is Supported in Cloud-Hosted Capacity Management Suite:
Cloud-hosted Capacity Management suite customers now have an additional option for facilitating bed cleaning and transport jobs. The IVR is supported in cloud-hosted Capacity Management suite. HMP Elements port 5060 must be open.
Compatibility with TeleTracking Mobile Apps v2017.3.1:
The TeleTracking Bedside Nurse™, TeleTracking Charge Nurse™, TeleTracking Patient Flow™, and TeleTracking Executive™ Mobile Apps v2017.3.1 are Compatible with the Capacity Management Suite v2018.1— Version 2017.3.1 of the mobile apps has been validated with the Capacity Management suite version 2018.1 in addition to the Capacity Management suite version 2017.3. This version of the mobile apps can be used if the Capacity Management suite is TeleTracking IQ-enabled.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Transport Job Request Form Matches TransportTracking™ Application Transport Job Request Form — The PatientTracking Portal Transport Job Request form in is now the same as the Transport Job Request form in the TransportTracking™ application. The consistency ensures that transport requests look the same and have the same information, regardless of the application in which they were created.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Advanced Bed Search Results on Patient / Placement Details Form Can Include Current Occupying Patient's Age and Isolation Type — To help patient placement professionals quickly make decisions about assigning currently occupied beds to incoming or transferring patients, a new feature has been added to the advanced bed search on the Patient / Placement Details form. If you select the Include In-House Occ. Beds check box before selecting the Adv. Search button, the advanced search results include currently occupied beds. The last two columns in search results show the ages and isolation types of the patients who currently occupy the beds.
TransportTracking™ Application:
Transporters Can Request Assistance for Item Transport Jobs — If an item transport job requires more than one transporter, a transporter can now request assistance. Although transporters could request assistance for patient transport jobs in the past, the feature is new for item transport jobs, making it easier to move large items.
As with patient transport jobs, transporters can press 6 when using the IVR, and then enter the total number of transporters needed for a job.
Transporters using the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app can request assistance and indicate the total number of transporters needed for the job.
It is not possible to request assistance for batched item transport jobs. If transporters request assistance for batched item transport jobs on the IVR, they hear the message "Unable to set the number of transporters." Transporters using the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app do not have the option to request assistance for batched item transport jobs.
The Item Transport Dashboard now has an Assist column showing the number of item transport jobs that are in Assist status.
The Patient column on the Assist Jobs report is now the Patient/Item column. For a patient transport job, the patient's name appears. For an item transport job, the item appears.
The Transport Job Auditing report and the Employee Audit report now include data about assistance on item transport jobs.
On the Item Transport Request, Assist now appears under Inprog Information with the names of assisting transporters, if there are any.
Version 2017.3
New Mobile Apps Available:
Four new mobile apps are available, enhancing clinical care teams' communication and collaboration, providing managers key information to optimize patient flow, and offering executives a clear overview of enterprise health.
About the apps:
TeleTracking Bedside Nurse™:
Allows nurses to see and act on patient needs on units or wards while on-the-go, providing more bedside time with patients and less time at the computer. Requires the use of Staff Assignment functionality in the PatientTracking Portal® application.
TeleTracking Charge Nurse™:
Enables charge nurses to act on patients needing immediate attention from an operational standpoint, optimizing patient flow within individual units or wards.
TeleTracking Patient Flow™:
Helps facilities prioritize patients needing immediate attention operationally to optimize patient flow throughout the facility.
TeleTracking Executive™:
Provides executives with a clear overview of enterprise or health system health based on pre-defined metrics.
App requirements:
Compatible Versions of the Capacity Management™ Suite: Version 2017.3.1 of the mobile apps has been validated with the Capacity Management suite versions 2017.3 and 2018.1.
TeleTracking IQ-enabled Capacity Management Suite: Version 2017.3.1 of the mobile apps can be used if the Capacity Management suite is TeleTracking IQ-enabled.
Devices: Currently supported on Apple® iPhone® only, validated with iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, and SE. Support for Android™ devices planned for the future.
Apple® iOS Compatibility: Validated with Apple® iOS 8, 9, 10, and 11.1.
Licenses: Requires licenses for all Capacity Management suite applications (BedTracking, PreAdmitTracking, PatientTracking Portal, and TransportTracking).
SSL Requirement: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is required.
Unit or Ward Category Definition: Administrators must define unit or ward categories in the Admin Tool for units and wards where the apps will be used.
Additional Supported Versions of Microsoft® SQL Server® and Microsoft® Windows Server:
Supported versions include Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016, and Microsoft Windows Server 2016.
"Always On" Functionality Supported in Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 and 2016: "Always On" mode validated for SQL Server 2014 (both ON and OFF) and for SQL Server 2016 (ON).
Mozilla® Firefox® Browser Supported:
Firefox version 55.0.3 browser is supported. However, not validated with the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.6.2 Supported:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 is supported.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Supported:
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is supported for .PDF format reports.
Apple® iOS 11.1 Validated:
Mobile apps and tablet applications compatible with iOS versions 9.2.1 through 11.1.
Screen Alerts Button Updated:
The size of the screen alerts button has been expanded to give more visibility to alerts. It now behaves as it did in versions earlier than 5.0.1. If the button:
Shows an exclamation point and is blinking, then at least one message has been sent since the last time you viewed messages.
Is highlighted, then there is at least one unread message. However, no new messages have been sent since the last time you signed in.
Is gray, then you have no new or unread messages.
Additional Unit or Ward Categories:
Administrators have the option to select a unit or ward category when configuring a unit or ward. The categories are helpful if the Capacity Management suite is integrated with the Performance Reporting application in the TeleTracking IQ® platform and are required if staff members at your organization use the TeleTracking Executive™, TeleTracking Patient Flow™, TeleTracking Charge Nurse™, or TeleTracking Bedside Nurse™ mobile apps. Units or wards that are placed in categories can be noted on reports and in the mobile apps as associated with a specific department such as the Emergency Department (ED) or Post-Anesthesia Care (PACU) or as part of a grouping, such as External Transfer. The unit or ward categories that are available to select are provided by default to Capacity Management suite customers as "seed data" and they cannot be changed. Starting in version 2017.3, the following additional unit or ward categories are available for administrators to choose: Womens, Behavioral, Critical Care, Observation, Step Down / Intermediate, Overflow, Medical, Surgical, Med / Surg, Transport Only, EVS Only, Rehab, Hospice, Cardiology, Telemetry, External Transfer.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application:
RF <Name> Appears Only for Centrak® Customers:
For customers who use Centrak® hardware for real-time tracking, the name of the beacon that last detected a patient badge is shown after RF in the tooltip. Starting in version 2017.3, RF will only appear in the tooltip if Centrak hardware is in use.
User Interface Refreshed:
The user interface has been refreshed for better distinction of list view rows, tabs, and toolbar icons.
TransportTracking™ Application:
Consistent Patient Information Whether You Create a Transport Request Using the Patient Trans Icon or the Patients Tab:
Full patient details now available whether creating a patient transport request using the Patient Trans icon or the Patients tab. The window that appears when you select the Patient Trans icon now has the same columns as the Patients tab, including Iso Type, Current, Admitted, Patient Status, Last Activity, and Unit (or Ward), ensuring selection of the correct patient.
Version 2017.2
TeleTracking IQ® Platform Admin Menu Reorganized for Easier Use:
In the TeleTracking IQ platform, the Admin menu has been reorganized. A second level of sub-menus makes it easier to view and select the option that you want. To access administration features for the TeleTracking IQ enabled Capacity Management Suite® , go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For the onpremise or cloud-hosted Capacity Management Suite® that is not TeleTracking IQ enabled, the Admin Tool menu is the same as in the previous version.
PreAdmitTracking® Application:
Automatic Patient Status Transition Enhancements:
Two automatic patient status transition global settings have been updated to provide better discharge planning flexibility. This enhancement makes it easier to implement and manage TeleTracking best practices.
Pending Discharge Upon Projected Discharge Date:
Set Patient Status to PendD <number of days before> Projected Discharge Date
Changes patients' statuses to Pending Discharge automatically either on or up to 3 days before their projected discharge dates. The administrator selects whether the patient's status changes to Pending Discharge 1, 2, or 3 days before or on the day of the projected discharge date.
Cancel PendD Upon Changing Projected Discharge Date > Today:
Revert PendD Status If Patient's Projected Discharge Date is Updated to a Future Date
If a patient's projected discharge date changes to a future date, their status reverts from Pending Discharge to InHouse automatically, according to the number of days before or on the day of the projected discharge date chosen for the Set Patient Status to PendD setting.
Patient Age in Tooltip on the electronic bedboard® View:
When you move your cursor over a patient name on the electronic bedboard, a tooltip with information about the patient appears. The patient's age is now in the tooltip.
Discharge Timer Enhancement:
If a patient's Physician Order discharge milestone is marked as completed, and then later either it is marked incomplete or the patient's discharge order is cancelled through the Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT) system, then the discharge timer will be reset to 00:00. This enhancement supports clearer and more accurate reporting on the timing related to discharge planning, allowing for better alignment to TeleTracking best practices.
Paging Device and Email Notification and Alert Enhancement:
The Capacity Management Suite® starts sending users PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® console list view notifications and alerts via paging devices or email, even if those users have not signed in. This enhancement benefits organizations who have configured a user account that allows multiple staff members to receive notifications and alerts on one paging device (a "department pager"). Users who have selected "When I Am Logged In" as their notification delivery time for subscription-based notifications and alerts still will receive those notifications and alerts only when they are signed in. Screen alerts are accessible only when users are signed in.
Performance Enhancements:
Performance has been improved for the electronic bedboard® view. Interactions, refreshes, and access times are quicker.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Lab, Radiology, Medicine, and Other Orders:
To help caregivers learn quickly which orders for patients need attention, the following changes have been made. For example, users can more easily identify patients who have pending or confirmed discharges with the goal of reducing discharge delays.
The Lab Order, Radiology Order, Medical Order, and Other Order columns can now be sorted by status in the PatientTracking Portal® application list views. Ascending order shows Ordered status, In Process status, Resulted status, Cancelled status, and then patients who do not have orders. Descending order shows patients who do not have orders, Cancelled status, Resulted status, In Process status, and then Ordered status. If multiple patients have the same order status (such as Resulted), then within each status, the rows appear in order of status date and time — latest to earliest.
Advance Filtering:
On the list views, you can select Adv. Filter to include or exclude those patient records that have lab, radiology. medicine, and/or other orders in specific statuses. On the List View Advanced Filters window, there are check boxes for Lab, Radiology, Med Order, and Other Order. For each order type, you can select statuses (such as Ordered or Resulted), and then select Include or Exclude. Patient records that have the order types you chose and the statuses that you chose for each order type will be either included or excluded from the list view, depending on your selections. For example, you can choose to display only patients with radiology orders that are in Resulted status. You can choose to exclude patients with lab orders that are in Ordered status. You can access quickly the status information for specific order types.
Bed Status Text Color Updated:
To improve readability, the bed status text that appears on colored backgrounds, (for example, in the Bed Status column in a list view), is either white or black, depending on the background color.
Performance Enhancements:
Performance improvements have been made for the electronic bedboard® view and the PatientTracking Portal® application list views and user interface.
Version 2017.1
All of the Capacity Management Suite®:
Option to Use Campus ID in Patient Matching:
To further refine matching Admit, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) system patient records from multiple campuses with Capacity Management suite patient records, your enterprise can use campus identification numbers in patient matching. The campus ID matching parameter is helpful if, for example, ADT systems from different campuses maintain patient identifiers differently. The additional matching parameter can help your organization to avoid the creation of duplicate patient records and minimize the chance of a patient record NOT being created when it should be. For example, two different patients from two different campuses have the same visit number. If the visit number parameter is used in patient matching, then the two patient records are seen as duplicates and a record for the second patient is not created. However, if both the visit number and campus ID parameters are used in patient matching, then the two ADT patient records would not be seen as duplicates and a patient record for each patient would be created in the Capacity Management suite. A TeleTracking representative can enable the Include Campus ID in Patient Matching master configuration setting for your enterprise.
Discharge Efficiency Report Enhancements:
The Discharge Efficiency Report helps users analyze discharge information more efficiently to drive results.
The summary and the details can be in one report or each in their own report. If the report includes both or only has the summary, then it can only be generated in .pdf format. To include the summary and the details in one report, select Both for Summary View? when generating the report.
If you select Yes for the new Include Mobile Discharges Under TransportTracking? option, then the TransportTracking Discharges and Mobile Discharges columns are replaced with a single TransportTracking & Mobile Discharges column. The column shows discharges that happened because of transport jobs that were facilitated through the Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) and through the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app. If your hospital purchased mobile devices to use for patient transports, then selecting No for this option and having separate columns on the report is a good way to see data about transport jobs facilitated only through mobile devices. However, if you prefer to see combined data about all transport jobs, then select Yes.
The summary now includes a pie graph that visually compares the use of the different TeleTracking discharge types, such as Mobile, TransportTracking, and RTLS. The total number of discharges completed, in addition to the percentage of total discharges that were completed using TeleTracking discharge types, appear under the pie graph.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Care Progression Group Enhancements:
Alert and warning thresholds can be configured for each individual care type.
The administrator can select the Enforce status order check box so that care type statuses must be completed in the order in which they appear. If the Enforce care type order check box is selected, then care types must be completed in the order in which they appear on the menu. If HL7 messages that would change statuses or complete care types out of order are received, the messages will not be processed and the statuses or care types will not be changed. These options ensure that statuses and care types progress in the required sequence.
Set to In Progress on Patient Admission:
The Set to In Progress on Patient Admission option has been changed to Start Care Type on Patient Admission. If a care type should change to the first available status, such as Ordered or In Progress, as soon as the patient is admitted, then select this option. Choose this option if your organization requires certain care types to be completed within a defined period of time for all newly admitted patients.
Licenses Required for TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ Solutions Features:
If TeleTracking RTLS is integrated with the the Capacity Management Suite® at your organization, you will need a Patient Tracking license or a Staff Tracking license, both a Patient Tracking license and a Staff Tracking license, or either license to use the following TeleTracking RTLS features. A TeleTracking representative will help you to obtain the licenses.
TeleTracking RTLS® Feature:
Lists various features and the licenses required for each.
Patient Name and Badge Number Added to Patient Walkout Alarm Email Notification:
The emails that are sent to subscribing users when there is a Patient Walkout alarm now contain the patient's name and TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ badge number.
TransportTracking® Application:
Automatic Transport Job Enhancements:
Starting in version 2017.1, the following will happen for transport jobs that were created automatically. These enhancements make it even easier to reduce the time that patients wait to reach their assigned beds.
If an automatic transport job for a patient who is marked Ready-to-Move is already in progress when an ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer system) order to cancel the Ready-to-Move designation is received, the ADT order will not be processed and the patient still will be Ready-to-Move.
If an automatic patient transport job is in progress, then the RTM button for that patient is not available. The patient's Ready-to-Move designation cannot be removed if the job is in the In Progress status.
An automatic patient transport job in Pending or Dispatched status will be cancelled automatically if the patient's Ready-to-Move designation is removed. The transport job cancellation reason code will be AT NOT RTM. If a transporter was dispatched to the job, the transporter will receive a notification that the job was cancelled.
Assigned Bed:
An automatic patient transport job in Pending or Dispatched status will be cancelled automatically and if a transporter is dispatched to the job, the transporter will receive a cancellation notification if:
The status of the patient's assigned bed is changed to a non-clean status. The transport job cancellation reason code will be AT BED DIRTY.
The patient's bed assignment is removed. The transport job cancellation reason code will be AT NO BED ASSIGN.
Version 5.0.1
New Capacity Management Suite® Hosting Options and Options to be Enabled through the TeleTracking IQ™ Platform:
New user experience with a refreshed look and feel.
Traditional navigation experience with menus similar to earlier versions.
All components installed on-premise at the client site.
User profiles configured in the Capacity Management Suite®.
IVR system and TeleTracking mobileXT™ app used to facilitate jobs.
SSL recommended.
On-Premise, TeleTracking IQ Enabled:
Single sign-on with other TeleTracking IQ™ applications & Clinical Workflow™ suite.
New user experience with a refreshed look and feel.
TeleTracking IQ platform common navigation menus.
All components installed on-premise at the client site.
User profiles initially configured in TeleTracking IQ and completed in the Capacity Management Suite®.
IVR system and TeleTracking mobileXT™ app used to facilitate jobs.
SSL required for TeleTracking IQ enabled options.
Does not support tablet computers.
New user experience with a refreshed look and feel.
Traditional navigation experience with menus similar to earlier versions.
Some components installed in the cloud and hosted by TeleTracking.
User profiles configured in the Capacity Management Suite®.
Only SMTP (email) paging service supported.
SSL required.
Does not support IVR system or third-party staffing systems.
Cloud-Hosted, TeleTracking IQ Enabled:
Single sign-on with other TeleTracking IQ™ applications & Clinical Workflow™ suite.
New user experience with a refreshed look and feel.
TeleTracking IQ platform common navigation menus.
Some components installed in the cloud and hosted by TeleTracking.
User profiles initially configured in TeleTracking IQ and completed in the Capacity Management Suite®.
SMTP (email) is the only supported paging service.
SSL required for cloud-hosted and TeleTracking IQ enabled options.
Does not support tablet computers, IVR system, third-party staffing systems, or custom reporting solutions.
Integration with TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ Solutions:
If fully integrated, the source of a patient's current location can be determined by actions in the Capacity Management Suite® or in TeleTracking RTLS.
At the point of TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions patient badge activation and attachment, the association of the badge to its previous patient and the last known location is reset automatically.
TeleTracking Discharge Efficiency Report:
Replaces the Real Time Auto-Discharge report.
Includes a new summary view displaying revenue opportunity and potential revenue opportunity.
Detailed report provides a full picture of discharges by source—TeleTracking discharges and ADT system discharges.
Columns on the detailed report re-organized for ease-of-use.
Summaries at the end of the detailed report now include Average Time Gained and Total Time Gained.
Bed Days Gained calculation changed to display the difference in time between the Capacity Management Suite® discharge and the receipt of the ADT discharge message.
No longer displays Bed Days Annually.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Care Progression Warnings and Alerts When Care Types Are in One Status Too Long:
Users can subscribe to warnings and alerts for selected patient home location units and selected care progression groups.
Administrator can set alert and/or warning thresholds for each care progression group.
Subscribing users receive warnings and/or alerts if a care type within the group is in one status longer than the chosen number of minutes.
Care Progression Worklist Quick Report now includes a Duration column showing the time each care type was in a particular status.
Duration of each status helps ensure proper care-giving compliance.
Care Types Can Be Configured to Change to In Progress Status as Soon as the Patient is Admitted:
Administrator can configure care types in a progression group to change to In Progress status upon patient admission.
Helpful for ensuring completion of certain care types within a defined period for all newly admitted patients.
Subscribing caregivers receive notifications if care types are not completed by the specified threshold.
TransportTracking™ Application:
Not applicable for this version.
Version 5.0.0
TeleTracking IQ™ Platform:
Access the Capacity Management Suite® from the TeleTracking IQ® Platform:
Users can now access the Capacity Management Suite® by signing in to the TeleTracking IQ® platform via web browser.
Single sign-on allows access to all TeleTracking IQ® platform services for which the organization has a license and the user has appropriate roles.
Increased productivity and accessibility as it can be accessed from anywhere within the organization via a browser.
User interface designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.
BedTracking® Application:
Not applicable for this version.
PreAdmitTracking® Application:
Not applicable for this version.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
Not applicable for this version.
TransportTracking™ Application:
Not applicable for this version.
Key Changes
Version 2023.02
Navigation Update:
Users who have the IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution will now use a mouse click to see sub-menus rather than a mouse hover. This functionality is consistent with the menus on the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
Version 2022.08
Search on the My Jobs page of the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile application now only searches beds included in the employee's Assignment (Section or Zone).
Version 2021.09
Show All Units/Wards View-Only Bedboard:
The "Show all units/wards" bedboard setting has been renamed to "Show all units/wards view-only bedboard" for greater clarity. This setting allows units in the selected campus, even those not included in the user’s membership, to appear on the bedboard, but the electronic bedboard view will be view-only.
Version 2021.07
Electronic Bedboard Capacity Clarification:
Information has been added to clarify that the Electronic Bedboard Capacity Indicator calculation does not include patients in Pending or Confirmed Discharge statuses.
Version 2021.05
TeleTracking Nurse™ App Clarification:
While TeleTracking Technologies recommends the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile app, the TeleTracking Bedside Nurse™ and TeleTracking Charge Nurse™ mobile apps remain available.
Version 2021.04
Campus Select Feature Clarification:
Customers who want to allow EVS employees and/or transporters to select campuses when they sign in to the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile apps must update to version 2021.02 or later of those mobile apps and the Capacity Management Suite® for the functionality to be available.
Version 2020.10
Clarification for SQL Always On Feature:
TeleTracking Technologies does not update customer SQL environments for the SQL Always On feature as previously reported. Customer Database Administrators must implement the SQL Always On feature.
Version 2020.07
Release Note Correction:
In version 2020.02, the issue MOB-2044 was incorrectly referred to as OP-2044.
Version 2020.02
WCTP Clarification:
Clients can employ either Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol (WCTP) or Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP). The newly supported WCTP does not replace SNPP.
Version 2019.12
Standard Reports:
The Date and Time fields of the Security Modifications Audit report have changed to display the local date and time of the base campus for the user generating the report. Milestones Delay report errors with Delay Reasons containing commas have been fixed.
Version 2019.09
TransportTracking Mobile Application:
MobileXT and TeleTracking EVS™ mobile applications transporters who check for transport jobs now receive credit for checking for jobs similar to the IVR process via IVR. Counts are recorded regardless of whether jobs are available for their assignment.
Additional Note: In Mobile 2019.07 and later, a received job notification will induce an automatic job check if the user has the application open and the application is on the device screen.
Version 2019.04
Variable Membership (Floaters) Update:
Users with variable membership (floaters) in TeleTracking IQ-enabled Capacity Management suite, when selecting an application (such as PatientTracking Portal), now directly see the selected application instead of the My Information page.
Version 2019.03
Mobile for Capacity Management:
Starting in v2019.02, notifications that have not been acknowledged or dismissed in the TeleTracking Charge Nurse™, TeleTracking Bedside Nurse™, TeleTracking Patient Flow™, or TeleTracking Executive™ apps are deleted automatically after a certain number of days. The default is 7 days. If this default needs to be changed, please consult a TeleTracking team member.
Version 2019.02
All of the Capacity Management Suite:
The format of the product version number has been changed to yyyy.mm. For example, the current version is 2019.02.
Mobile Apps for Capacity Management:
Mobile Device Management system (MDM) AppConfig Community standards now apply to the v2019.02 TeleTracking Charge Nurse™, TeleTracking Bedside Nurse™, TeleTracking Patient Flow™, and TeleTracking Executive™. Previously, they applied only to the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ apps.
Version 2018.4
TLS 1.2 Support:
With this release, the Capacity Management Suite has been updated to support TLS 1.2, a cryptographic protocol used to establish a secure communications channel between systems. TLS 1.2 encrypts data when in transit and unencrypts it upon delivery to ensure confidentiality and integrity.
Support for TLS 1.2 is in addition to existing support for TLS 1.0/1.1. For more information on how this affects you, please contact your TeleTracking representative.
ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer System) Transactions
Issue Resolution (OP-2980):
Before v2018.4, the Master Configuration setting called Custom Update Overwrite applied to the complete set of patient attributes, rather than to discreet fields. TeleTracking has revised the processing to resolve this issue.
If the value of PreAdmitTracking global setting "ADT Overwrite Settings" is... and the value of Master Configuration setting "Custom Attribute Update Method Overwrite" is...
Processing Does the Following:
Always Overwrite: Deletes and re-adds the entire set of values for the Custom Attribute Tag Name for a patient.
Always Append: Appends the set of values for the Custom Attribute Tag Name for a patient.
If you are upgrading from a Capacity Management suite version earlier than v2018.4 and are currently interfacing bed attributes or patient attributes, TeleTracking strongly recommends having a TeleTracking Interface Analyst review and assist in testing this processing before implementation in the production environment. Please contact your TeleTracking technical project manager to make arrangements.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
Issue Resolution (OP-2255):
In version 2018.1 and subsequent versions, the Capacity Management Suite attempted to resize the columns in list view to fit the available window size. This behavior has been corrected to maintain the configured column size.
Version 2018.2.5.4
Technical Requirements Guide Update:
The Technical Requirements Guide for the TeleTracking IQ® Platform the CloudHosted Solutions previously listed certain TeleTracking firewall IP addresses that needed to be whitelisted. However, these firewall IP addresses (,, are not valid and have been removed from the guide. It is unnecessary to whitelist them. However, Email/Website domains listed in the Whitelisting section under Public IP Address, SSL Certifications, Whitelisting, and Apple® Push Service still require whitelisting.
Version 2018.2.5.3
Issue Resolution (OP-2608):
Apple® iOS push notifications are now delivered through a hosted Notification Service instead of through direct calls from the Capacity Management suite to the Apple® Push Notification Service. Clients installing or upgrading to version 2018.2.5.3 and subsequent versions will not need to replace the certificates previously required to send notifications to Apple iOS devices. The certificate is part of the Notification Service. Clients upgrading to this version must contact TeleTracking Client Support for details on setup and configuration.
Version 2018.1
PreAdmitTracking® Application:
[OP-2061] Users were not receiving notifications that they had subscribed to. Changes made to a console affect the flow of subscription-based notifications (for example, selecting a different ward, changing console settings, showing or hiding beds, or changing advanced filters). Be sure to save the console and load it after you have changed it so that subscription-based notifications flow correctly.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application:
[OP-2122] The View Options and View Options > Configure Columns features have been changed to address alignment issues:
The new white and green look and feel have been applied to the column selection windows in both the PreAdmitTracking and PatientTracking Portal applications.
In PatientTracking Portal, you no longer need to put column names into groups.
A column name can be moved to either side of another column name.
In PreAdmitTracking, to remove a group, you select Remove from the menu rather than Delete.
Clear your browser cache after upgrading to version 2018.1 so that the changes will be visible.
TransportTracking™ Application:
[OP-1867] The maximum number of days that can be entered for the IVR PIN Expiration setting is now 2000000.
Version 2017.3
All of the Capacity Management Suite:
[OP-557] In the Capacity Management Suite® versions 3.2.x and later, if the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app experienced WiFi connection issues, it did not recover gracefully and users could not continue working with the app. A new version of the mobile app was introduced earlier and changes to the application side for v2017.3 have been implemented to address this issue.
With the new version of the mobile app (version or later):
An Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) issue that prevents mobile app deployment has been addressed.
Reconnection and prompting from the application side are faster.
Push notification issues with Apple® iOS version 10.x have been addressed.
With the application side fixes in v2017.3:
When the app is disconnected from the network, is closed, or fails, then after the network connection is restored or the app is re-opened, the users can resume work without signing in again. Because app users do not have to sign in again, the database has fewer active sessions per user and fewer anomalies.
Minor code optimizations have been implemented.
The application side fix also addresses these issues:
When app users who had delayed or resumed a job left the WiFi-covered area and then their sessions timed out, they saw a "You are experiencing network issues" message when they returned to the WiFi-covered area. Then, they could not sign in again.
When the app was idle longer than the session timeout duration, and then the user attempted to sign in again after the session had timed out, the Login button was not available.
Transporters who took scheduled breaks when there were multiple jobs on their job lists saw the following error message if they selected the Job List button while on break: "User <name> is not a valid transporter to perform this job."
App users could not continue work if they were disconnected from the network during job retrieval.
PreAdmitTracking® Application:
[OP-855], [OP-856], [OP-857], [OP-858] There is a new unit/ward setting called Patient Bed Swap without Bed Request. Sometimes when patients are being moved from one unit or ward to another, they are temporarily placed in another bed on their original unit/ward before being moved. In this situation, the patient should still be considered a pending transfer and their bed request should remain open until they are finally moved to the new unit or ward. If the Patient Bed Swap without Bed Request setting is enabled, then after the move to the temporary bed, the patient's status will remain Pending Transfer and the patient's bed request for the new unit or ward will be retained. This setting is disabled by default.
TransportTracking™ Application:
[OP-555] There is a new TransportTracking global setting in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component called MobileXT: No Job Reject Upon Home Button Selection. If this setting is enabled, when a transporter is offered a job in the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app, and then the transporter selects the Home button, the job will not be considered rejected. However, if the setting is disabled, the job will be considered rejected.
Version 2017.2
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application:
[OP-562] If a patient is in Confirmed Discharge status and the Physician Order discharge milestone has been marked Completed, and then an interface (HL7-based) message is received to cancel the physician's order, then the Physician Order milestone will no longer be marked Completed.
Version 2017.1
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application:
[OP-531] If patients have discharge milestone delays associated with them at the time that the Milestone Delay report is generated, then those patients and their discharge milestone delays are displayed on the report, regardless of whether the patients have been discharged or are still inhouse. The patients' statuses could be InHouse, Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Discharged. The Milestone Delay report shows transfer milestone delays that were associated with patients in InHouse, Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Discharged status at the time that the report was generated, whether or not the patients' placements have been completed. Placements would be incomplete for patients who are in Pending Transfer status. The placement status would be Completed for patients whose status is InHouse, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Discharged. If the Maintain Bed Assignment on ConfirmD/PendingD setting is enabled, then placements could be incomplete for patients in Confirmed Discharge or Pending Discharge status.
[OP-533] The background color of each cell of the Bed column in list views indicates the status of the bed (for example, an orange background indicates that the bed is occupied). In version 5.0.1, and in older versions that had the contemporary view, only a sliver of color appeared on the left side of the cell to indicate the bed status.
[OP-614] In version 5.0.1, the title of the Real Time Auto-Discharge Report was changed to the TeleTracking Discharge Efficiency Report. It is now called simply the Discharge Efficiency Report.
TransportTracking™ Application:
[OP-446] There is now a TransportTracking global setting in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component called Return to Base Location After Break or Lunch. If the setting is enabled, then when a transporter chooses the Lunch/Break status option, the transporter's current location changes to their base location. When the setting is disabled, the transporter's current location remains the location where they selected the Lunch/Break status. This setting can help to ensure that the transporter is assigned to a job in an appropriate location when the transporter returns to work after a break or lunch period. The new setting addresses a known issue in which the transporter's current location did not automatically change to the base location when the transporter chose Lunch/Break status on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
[OP-543/XT-2952] If the automatic transport job creation feature is enabled, and a patient has been assigned to a bed that is not in Clean status, then once the bed's status changes to Clean and the patient has been marked Ready-to-Move, a transport job to take the patient to the bed will be created automatically.
[OP-546] If the automatic transport job creation feature is enabled, and a patient's assigned bed changes, the destination of the patient's transport job changes automatically to the newly assigned bed. The transporter is notified about the changed destination.
Version 5.0.1
All of the Capacity Management Suite®:
[DA-689] This issue only applies to the Capacity Management Suite® if it is enabled through the TeleTracking IQ® platform. The password complexity rules have been updated. Now users cannot create a new password that contains their username, first name, or last name. The new password must contain at least eight characters and not begin or end with a space. In addition, TeleTracking recommends that users not employ passwords that are single dictionary words, common phrases, email addresses, mobile phone numbers or other personal information that can be easily obtained.
[OP-322] So that ADT timestamps on the Real-Time Auto Discharge and Automated Patient Discharge reports are more accurate, the ADT time stamp data is now retrieved from different database tables.
[OP-392] Apple® iOS® operating system version 10 through 10.0.2 has been tested and verified with the Capacity Management Suite® tablet and mobile applications versions 3.4.0 through 5.0.1.
PatientTracking Portal® Application:
[OP-366] The PatientTracking Portal® application has only one view now, which was known as the contemporary view in earlier versions. If you used the classic view in version 3.x and you upgrade to version 5.x, you will see the contemporary view automatically.
Version 5.0.0
All of the Capacity Management Suite®:
[XT-1741] The TeleTracking IQ® platform has single sign-on capabilities. For example, after you sign in to the TeleTracking IQ® platform and access the Capacity Management Suite®, you can go to other applications that your organization has licenses for, such as the Community Access™ Portal or the On-Call Scheduling™ application, without signing in a separate time. However, you will not be able to use the Microsoft® Active Directory® credentials which might have been used in earlier versions of the Capacity Management Suite®. You will need new sign-in credentials for the TeleTracking IQ® platform. Your TeleTracking Implementation team will help you to configure new sign-in credentials.
Fixed Issues
Version 2024.02
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-8872] After a transporter had accepted a job changing it to a Dispatched status, an update from the Admissions Discharges Transfers (ADT) interface assigned the patient to a home location and cancelled the transport job. This has been fixed, and now ADT updates that place a patient in a home location do not automatically cancel the patient’s transport job.
[OP-8879] Employee/Supervisor History standard report did not display the employee’s section or zone. This has been fixed, and now the section or zone where the employee signed in is displayed in the report.
Electronic Medical Records Integration
[OP-8942] The ADTBedRequestResult displayed incorrect values when it was returned to the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. The OrderControl and OrderContorlCodeReason values were reversed. This has been corrected, and now the ADTBedRequestResult has the correct values for OrderControl and OrderContorlCodeReason when it is sent to the EMR system.
Version 2023.10
No fixed issues in this release.
Version 2023.09
All the Capacity Management Suite® Solution
[OP-8406] Some customers experienced degraded performance and responsiveness for a period of time. This has been fixed, and now the Capacity Management Suite® solution performs as expected.
[OP-8785] Some customers noticed slowed performance. This issue has been addressed by tuning the code in a stored procedure to not select from inactive users.
BedTracking® Application
[OP-8217] A variable user’s base location campus appeared on the BedTracking > Employees tab. This has been corrected, and now the BedTracking > Employees tab displays the employee's selection during login as expected.
[OP-8748] The Bed History report did not generate in the time allowed. This has been fixed, and now the Bed History report successfully completes in the time allowed.
[OP-8726] The Average Response/Turn Time Report ran slowly for some customers. This problem has been fixed by a change to the code.
Version 2023.08
PatientTracking Portal
[OP-8477] Users who have the Capacity Management Suite® solution integrated with the TeleTracking IQ® platform could not view or access the links in the footer of the PatientTracking Portal® list view. Wallboard users could not access the secondary login option. This has been fixed, and now the footer appears on the PatientTracking Portal® list view, and wallboard users can access the secondary log in option.
[OP-8623] An error appeared when the Daily Cleans report ran and the report could not be generated. This has been fixed. The Daily Cleans report has been re-factored and indexes have been added. Now the report runs successfully without errors.
[OP-7059] Deactivated transporters were not included on any TransportTracking™ application reports. This problem has been fixed, and now all transporters, including deactivated ones, appear on the TransportTracking reports.
All the Capacity Management Suite® Solution
[OP-8637] In some situations, a patient’s alias was not created or updated. This issue has been fixed, and now an alias for a patient is created and updated according to the campus' configuration.
TransferCenterIQ™ Integration
[OP-8127] A synchronization error sometimes occurred because bed requests that were sent from the TransferCenterIQ™ application to the Capacity Management Suite® solution could not be canceled. This issue has been fixed, and now bed requests made in the TransferCenterIQ™ application can be canceled and do not cause errors to appear in the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
[MOBA-742] Sometimes selecting Clear All in the Filter Patients By filter and the Bed Status filter of the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application only cleared the first option in the filter list. This has been fixed, and now Clear All clears all the previously selected options, as expected.
[MOBA-304] When transporters and EVS employees using Android devices were on break, the Sign out button appeared in the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile applications, even though the users could not sign out. This has been fixed by adding text to the user interface that says, Unable to sign out while on break in the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile applications.
Version 2023.07
No fixed issues in this release.
Version 2023.06
BedTracking Application
[OP-7185] Customers saw an error when they tried to navigate to the second page of the BedTracking Dashboard, and the page did not refresh. This has been corrected, and now customers can successfully navigate to multiple pages of the BedTracking Dashboard.
[OP-7312] In the Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction report, the name format appeared incorrectly as the first name followed by a comma and then the last name. This issue has been fixed, and now names appear in the Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction report as last names followed by a comma and then the first name, as expected.
PatientTracking Portal
[OP-8354] When users selected a number of columns to freeze in the Console Settings dialog box, the selected columns expanded to fill the entire screen width, and a scroll bar did not appear. This has been fixed, and now the frozen columns retain their original width while locking in place, and a scroll bar allows users to see the other columns to the right as expected.
[MOBA-718] When multiple patients in the same room have the same isolation type, the room's Daily Cleans job card listed the isolation type more than once. This has been fixed and now, the Daily Cleans job card lists the isolation type once if multiple patients in the room have the same isolation type.
[MOBA-316] The TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile app does not load when one or more patients in the current unit have a pending transfer within the same unit and when a bed is assigned without a Target Unit being specified. This has been corrected and now, patients with a pending transfer within the same unit appear as Intra Transfer on the user interface.
Version 2023.05
[OP-6119] If the Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction report was run over midnight, the report displayed some staff entries from days that occurred after the selected end time. This has been fixed, and now the report displays data from only the period between the start and end times selected in the report criteria.
PatientTracking Portal
[OP-7295] Staff members were automatically cleared from the Staff Assignment list even though they were still available to be assigned. The problem was that the PatientTracking Portal® application did not use the value in the Purge Staff from Staff List After (Days) setting in the Staff Assignment dialog box of the Admin Tool. This has been fixed, and now staff members remain on the Staff Assignment list for the entire time that is configured in the Purge Staff from Staff List After (Days) field.
[OP-6935] When a staff member’s name was updated, the update did not appear on the Staff Assignment list. This has been fixed, and now the Staff Assignment list displays updates to staff members' names.
Asset Search
[RTLS-2996] Running an Asset Search in the Capacity Management Suite® solution took a long time and caused a performance problem within the Microsoft SQL database. This has been fixed, and now the Asset Search results are returned in a timely manner.
[MOBA-331] When navigating to some TeleTracking mobile application screens, the application appeared to jump through several previous screens before reaching the one the user selected. This has been fixed, and now the screens do not jump through previous screens when navigating.
[MOBA-728] When a TeleTracking mobile application appeared in the foreground of a device, Instant Notify messages sent to the user did not display the expected banner, sound, and vibration. This has been fixed, and now users see Instant Notify banners when a TeleTracking mobile application appears in a device’s foreground.
[MOBA-714] When users opened the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application, they immediately saw a message asking about accepting notifications. If the users denied the notifications, they could not log into the mobile application. This has been fixed, and now the notification message appears after users log into the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application.
[MOBA-719] Users saw an error at login if they had the ability to log into two or more campus that each had different features enabled. This has been fixed, and now users who can chose which campus to log into do not get an error at log in.
[MOBA-745] Users had to enter the mobile URL each time that they signed in. This has been fixed, and now the Mobile Device Management program automatically saves the mobile URL. Consequently, users do not need to enter the mobile URL when they sign in.
Version 2023.04
PatientTracking Portal® on Tablet
[OP-6890] When viewed on Google Chrome™ (on Android) and Apple® Safari® browsers (on iPad), the standalone and IQ-Enabled versions of the PatientTracking Portal® application displayed column headers that did not align with their corresponding columns. This has been fixed, and now the headers align with their corresponding columns on Google Chrome™ and Apple® Safari® browsers.
[OP-5414] A security vulnerability with Active Reports was resolved by adopting Active Reports 15.
[OP-7946] In all Standard and Quick Reports, the last character of the report parameters was truncated. This has been fixed, and now the report parameters display complete text as expected.
[OP-8004] An error appeared and the Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction Report could not generate when users attempted to run it with one or more patients selected. This has been fixed, and now the report runs successfully without an error.
BedTracking® Application
[OP-7999] On the Bed Dashboard, the numbers displayed in the Udef8 and Udef9 bed status columns were summed and displayed in the Delayed bed status column. This has been corrected, and now the number of beds in a Udef8 and Udef9 bed status are not added to the Delayed bed status on the Bed Dashboard.
[OP-8015] Some customers noticed the tooltips displayed on the bedboard had extra text that said, “DONOT Change the German value.” This text has been removed from the bedboard tooltips.
[OP-8034] Users could not change a bed’s status from Clean to Udef9. This has been fixed, and now users can change a bed’s status from Clean to Udef9.
[OP-8192] When users hovered over a spill location in the Spill column of the Discharge and Spill Clean multi-view listing, the pop-up message that appeared stated “no user notified” even though a user had been notified. This issue has been fixed, and now the pop-up message for a spill location on the Discharge and Spill Clean multi-view listing accurately displays the name of the last employee who was notified of the spill clean job.
[MOBL-127] The TeleTracking mobile applications automatically calculate the number of temporary groups that users can select based on any Floater Notification Groups the users may have inherited from their units or clusters. If users tried to select more than the allowed number of temporary groups on the Settings > Temporary Groups page, no groups were saved and no message appeared to explain why they could not select groups. This has been corrected, and now a message appears that informs the users how many temporary groups they can select if they try to select too many.
[MOBA-240] The Android operating system back button on the user interface did not work well. This has been fixed, and now although the Android OS back button might appear on the user interface (if enabled), users navigate back to the previous page by selecting the application back arrow.
[MOBA-252] Level of Care appeared on the push notification banner and when the notification was initially opened, but an in-app notification for Level of Care or Hospital Service was not generated and did not appear in the Notifications list. This has been fixed. Level of Care and Hospital Service changes generate in-app notifications and appear on the Notification list after the notification is opened.
[MOBA-255] The word “Verweildauer” appeared in the English versions of the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile applications instead of “Length of Stay.” This has been fixed, and now the English phrase “Length of Stay" appears in the TeleTracking mobile applications for English speaking users.
[MOBA-296] When users signed into the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application and selected a cluster for their membership, nothing appeared on the Dashboard. This has been fixed, and now the Patient Overview chart appears on the Dashboard when users select a cluster upon signing in.
[MOBA-316] The mobile app does not load when one or more patients in the current unit have a pending transfer within the same unit and when the assigned bed does not have a Target Unit specified. This has been corrected and now, patients with a pending transfer within the same unit appear as Intra Transfer on the user interface.
[MOBL-564, MOBA-347] Users who employed gesture navigation on the TeleTracking mobile applications were directed to the wrong workflow. The Gestures Navigation option is not supported by the TeleTracking mobile applications on iOS and Android operating systems.
[MOBA-714] When users opened the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile applications, they immediately saw a message asking about accepting notifications. If the users denied the notifications, they could not log into the mobile application. This has been fixed, and now the notification message appears after users log into the mobile application.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-6220] Some customers noticed that there was a delay between the time that a transporter requested assistance and when the job was dispatched to the secondary transporter. This has been fixed, and now there is no delay when an assist job is dispatched to the secondary transporter.
[OP-8092] Users were able to set the default origin or destination priority to zero. This issue has been fixed, and now zero cannot be set as a default origin or destination priority. Users can only set the default origin or destination priority to numbers between one and nine. Existing records that have a default priority of zero will be automatically changed to a priority of one.
Version 2023.02
PatientTracking Portal® and PreAdmitTracking® applications
[OP-6996] Changes made on the Admin Tool > Patient Alias Configuration page did not appear on the PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® application list views, even though a confirmation message appeared. This has been fixed. This was previously a Known Issue in version 2022.11.
Version 2022.12
[OP-7180] The archive program did not purge some patient records because removal was based only on the Last Modified Date. This has been fixed by adding Expected Admit Date Time to the removal criteria.
PatientTracking Portal®
[OP-1576] On large touchscreen displays, users saw an error when they tried to log out using the secondary Logout button. This has been fixed, and now users can log out with the secondary Logout button on touchscreen displays, as expected.
[OP-6166] In the PatientTracking Portal® application, when users searched for patients by entering the bed ID in the search field, the patients were not found. This has been fixed, and now patients appear in the search results when users search for them using their bed ID’s.
Admin Tool
[OP-7676] On the User Management page, when administrators changed a user’s Membership type from Fixed to Variable, then in the Membership & Assignment section the Variable Membership Campus Map tab appeared as expected, but the Membership tab continued to display the previous fixed assignments. This has been corrected, and now when the user’s Membership type changes from Fixed to Variable, the Variable Membership Campus Map tab appears and displays the variable assignments while the previous fixed assignments clear from the Membership tab.
Real-Time Locating System Integration
[RTLS-2755] Customers were unable to attach badges with a Battery Status of Medium to patients, assets, and staff. This issue has been resolved.
Version 2022.11
[OP-5967] The Transport Priority Change Report displayed times as UTC time rather than the local time. This issue has been fixed, and now local times appear in the Transport Priority Change Report.
[OP 7589] The Daily Cleans Report did not generate when Summary View was set to No in the report criteria page. This has been fixed, and now users can create a Daily Cleans Report with a Summary View.
[OP-6627] The Capacity Management Suite® solution did not integrate with the Rauland® Responder® Enterprise nurse call system. This has been fixed, and now the Rauland® Responder® Enterprise nurse call system and the Capacity Management Suite® solution integrate successfully.
PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® Applications
[OP-6887] When using the PreAdmitTracking® or PatientTracking Portal® applications on an iPad operating system viewed on Google Chrome™ browser, users saw an error at each refresh. This has been fixed, and now when the PreAdmitTracking® or PatientTracking Portal® applications refresh on an iPad operating system using Google Chrome™ browser, an error does not appear.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-7354] Users saw an error when they added the Nurse column to the Patient Search list view via View Options > Configure Columns. This has been fixed, and now users can successfully add the Nurse column to the Patient Search list view.
BedTracking® Application
[OP 7358] Sometimes users saw an error when they selected a unit/ward in the Unit Filter of the Beds tab and then clicked Apply. This has been fixed, and now users do not see an error when they filter the Beds tab by unit/ward.
Mobile Applications
[OP-7420] When an EVS employee has an In Progress status for a Daily Cleaning job, that employee is not available for selection in the Employee list of the Notify New dialog box. This has been fixed, and now EVS employees can be selected for a notification of another cleaning job while they are performing a Daily Cleaning job.
[MOBL-452] When transporters and EVS employees using iOS devices were on break, the Sign out button appeared in the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile applications, even though the users could not sign out. This has been fixed by adding text to the user interface that says, Unable to sign out while on break in the TeleTracking EVS™ and TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile applications. (Note: This update is temporarily only for users with iOS mobile devices)
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-7553] An error appeared sometimes when supervisors changed the transporter who was assigned to a transport job. This has been fixed, and now supervisors can successfully update the transporter assignment.
PatientTracking Portal®, PreAdmitTracking®, and TeleTracking Nurse™ Applications
[OP-7560] The membership screen did not appear for variable users when they attempted to log in. This has been fixed, and now variable membership users can successfully select their membership when they log in.
Version 2022.09
[OP-5421; 7195] The Capacity Management Suite® solution removed staff members who had been inactive for seven days rather than for the number of days that were defined in the Purge Staff from Staff List After (Days) setting on the Unit PatientTracking Portal Settings page. This has been fixed, and now staff members are removed in the number of days that are set in Purge Staff from Staff List After (Days).
[OP-7132] Transporters and EVS employees who did not have jobs did not receive Job for You notifications. This has been fixed, and now transporters and EVS employees receive Job for You notifications as expected.
[MOBL-322] In the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application, when users selected Now for Ready to Move, the patient’s card did not update. This has been fixed, and now selecting Now in Ready to Move updates the patient’s card with the correct Ready to Move time.
[MOBL-243] In the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application, completed timers appeared in the same format as in-progress timers. This has been fixed, and now completed timers appear in a dark gray box to distinguish them from in-progress timers.
Admin Tool
[OP-7170] The campus PreAdmitTracking Global Settings page did not display the correct description for the Create bed request for Outpatient when moved to Specialty Holding bed row. This has been fixed and now the Create bed request for Outpatient when moved to Specialty Holding bed description is correct on the campus PreAdmitTracking Global Settings page.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-7215] Users had difficulty selecting an origin or destination in the Transport Request dialog box because locations cleared from the Recent tab of the Origin / Destination finder section. This issue has been fixed, and now the locations in the Recent tab of the Origin / Destination finder persist and are available for selection.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP 6742] Staff members could not be assigned to beds because the Save and Save & Close buttons did not appear on the Staff Assignment dialog box. This issue has been fixed, and now the Staff Assignment dialog box displays the Save and Save & Close buttons as expected.
[OP-7158] The Daily Cleans report did not use the Daily Clean Min/Max Time values in the campus’s Global Settings for the report's Exclude from Averages > Adjusted Min Clean and Adjusted Max Clean values. This has been fixed, and now the report’s average min and max times are supplied by the Global Settings values for Daily Clean Min/Max Time.
[OP-7159] The Search Employees dialog box in the Daily Cleans report did not find some employees who existed in the system. This has been fixed, and now the employee search for the Daily Cleans report returns all employees who exist in the system if they match the entered criteria.
TransportTracking™ and BedTracking® Applications
[OP-7235] Customers saw an error when they tried to add values to the Reason Code dictionary. This has been fixed, and now users can add new values to the Reason Code dictionary.
Online Help
[OP-6992] When users clicked the Help button, a blank window appeared. This has been fixed by implementing an updated look for the Capacity Management Suite® solution help. Users still see the same topics and navigation in a tri-pane format. However, some functions are in different places on the interface and some functions now appear as icons rather than text buttons. For example, the Contents and Glossary are now tabs in the top of the left navigation pane, and the Search bar is in the top right of the window. The Print topic, Go back to previous topic, and Remove Highlights functions appear as icons to the right of the Contents and Glossary tabs. The collapse navigation function is an arrow in the middle of the right side of the navigation pane. To search within the currently visible topic users can click Control-F and type the text in the search box that appears. These changes improve the performance of the Help while delivering the same content and functionality.
Version 2022.08
BedTracking or TransportTracking Application
[OP-6465] An error appeared on any page that was not in the PreAdmitTracking® application or the PatientTracking Portal® application, when users selected an alert to open the Patient/Placement Details dialog box and then selected Observation or Hold Timer. This has been fixed, and now the Observation or Hold Timer details appear when users select them from the Patient/Placement Details dialog box.
Floor Plan View
[OP 6728] Users could not view the Floor Plan in the Capacity Management Suite® solution. This has been fixed, and now the Floor Plan view appears when users select the Floor Plan button on the BedTracking®, PreAdmitTracking®, PatientTracking Portal®, or the TransportTracking™ application pages.
[OP-6960] When supervisors selected a number in the In progress column of the BedTracking® application Employee Dashboard, no employee appeared who was performing a daily clean job. This issue has been fixed, and now the employees who are performing daily clean jobs appear when supervisors select the number in the In progress column of the Employee Dashboard.
[OP-6964] The daily clean In Progress status does not appear in the Status column on the Employee List or in the Current Status field on the Employee Details page. This has been fixed, and now In Progress status appears on the Employee List and the Employee Details page.
Version 2022.07
[OP-5990] The User Master List report displayed the Last Login Date in mm/dd/yyyy format even when the Enterprise-wide Settings had dd/mm/yyyy format selected. This has been fixed, and now the Last Login Date in the User Master List report displays in the same format that is selected in the Enterprise-wide Settings.
[OP-6666] On the User Master List report, the Last Login Date appeared in UTC time instead of the time in the campus server’s local time zone. This has been fixed, and now the Last Login Date is converted to the local time zone, as expected.
BedTracking® Application
[OP-6803] When the Master Configuration > Language Configuration page was set to English (United States), the Daily Cleans report > Group by criteria selection list displayed “Ward” rather than “Unit.” This issue has been fixed, and now the Daily Cleans report > Group by criteria selection list displays “Unit” when the Master Configuration > Language Configuration page is set to English (United States).
[OP-6925] Users saw an error message when they selected the Report Selection link at the top of the Daily Cleans report criteria page to return to the Report Selection page. This issue is fixed, and now when users select the Report Selection link at the top of the Daily Cleans report criteria page, no error appears and the Report Selection page appears as expected.
[OP-6926] The BedTracking® application Employee Dashboard did not display employees who had started a daily clean job in the Available column. This has been fixed, and now the Employee Dashboard > Available column displays employees who are working on daily clean jobs as well as discharge clean jobs.
[OP-6942] The following issues appeared in the Daily Cleans report output: When Employee was selected in the Group by criteria, each employee’s work appeared grouped by unit. This has been fixed, and now each employee's work appears under their name regardless of the unit in which the work was performed. When Employee was selected in the Group by criteria, the Unit column heading was aligned flush left rather than centered. This has been fixed, and now the Unit column heading is centered above the Unit column. If a user ran the report for the current day, the jobs that no employee worked on did not appear in the report. This has been fixed and now all the To Do jobs that were created appear in the report even if no employee worked on them.
[OP-6961] The Employee Details page of the BedTracking® application > Employees tab did not display any discharge cleaning jobs in the Employee Statistics section. This issue has been fixed, and now both the daily clean jobs and the discharge clean jobs appear in the Employee Statistics section of the Employee Details page.
Version 2022.06
[OP-6402, OP-6403, OP-6404, OP-6405] The date format in the following reports did not display the correctly: Bed Assignment Priority History Report Census Analysis by Day of Week Report Census Analysis per 12 Week Period Report Weekly Discharges/Transfers Report This has been fixed, and now these reports display dates in the format that is configured in Admin Tool > Enterprise Wide Setting > General > Date Format.
[OP-6241] The following fields did not appear on the Patient Audit report: Patient Hold Type, Patient Hold Start Date, Patient Hold End Date. This was fixed in version 2022.05, and now all the appropriate fields appear on the Patient Audit report as expected.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-5934, OP-6389] The archive process did not include some Admissions Discharges and Transfers (ADT) transactions. This has been fixed, and now the archive process includes all ADT transactions.
[OP-6530] Enabling Display milestone progress on Bed Board for any active patient status caused duplicates of the Transfer milestones and the Discharge milestones to appear. This has been fixed, and now duplicate milestones do not appear. When users hold their pointers over a bed’s milestones, a tooltip displays the Discharge and Transfer milestones grouped separately with the Transfers milestones group appearing first in the list.
Version 2022.05
Mobile Applications
[OP-5910] Sometimes TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile application users could not change the status of transport jobs to InProgress unless they entered the job ID. This has been fixed, and now users do not have to enter the job ID to accept jobs and put them in progress.
[OP 6251] Transporters did not receive notifications for new transport jobs or instant messages in the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile application. This has been corrected, and now the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile application receives notifications and instant messages as expected.
All of the Capacity Management Suite™ Solution
[OP 6379] New patient attributes included in a HL7 discharge message were not included in the patient’s record in Capacity Management Suite® solution. This has been fixed, and now patient attributes that are included in a HL7 discharge message are included in the patient’s record in CMS.
Standard Reports
[OP 6340] Users saw an error message when they tried to run the Patient Audit detailed report. This has been fixed, and now users can successfully run the Patient Audit detailed report without an error.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-6064] Users saw an error when they sorted the Patient Transports by Apt/Pend Time and then attempted to navigate to another page of the list. This has been fixed, and now users do not see an error if there is more than one page of Patient Transports list which is sorted by Apt/Pend Time, and users navigate to another page.
Version 2022.04
Standard Reports
[OP 6238] The Automated Patient Discharges report did not display events where the patient's badge was dropped in the discharge location's drop box. Instead, the report only displayed the events that came from the Admissions Discharges and Transfers (ADT) system. This has been fixed, and now the report displays data from the patient’s badge in the discharge location’s drop box as well as the ADT system’s data.
Version 2022.03
[OP-5047, 5747] In health systems with IQ-Enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution, users could not run the same report more than once with different criteria selected because the Run Report button was disabled after running the first report. Users had to close the report dialog box and open it again to run additional reports inputting different values. This has been fixed, and now the Run Report button remains active after a report is generated. Users do not have to close the dialog box and re-open it to be able to run the same report multiple times with different values selected.
All of the Capacity Management Suite Solution
[OP-6306] Some parts of the Capacity Management Suite® solution code continued to reference functionality in Microsoft .Net Framework version 4.6.2 instead of version 4.8. This has been resolved, and now the code no longer references Microsoft .Net Framework version 4.6.2 functionality.
[MOBL-19] When users signed into the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application, they could see patients who were not in their membership and sometimes could not sign in the next day. This problem has been fixed, and now TeleTracking Nurse™ application users only see the patients that they have permission to see, and they can sign in as expected.
[MOBL-20] When a notification arrived while a user was viewing any screen in the TeleTracking EVS™, TeleTracking Transporter™, or TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile applications, a red dot did not appear on the bell icon to indicate that there was an unread notification. This has been fixed, and now the red dot appears on the bell icon as a notification arrives.
[MOBL-31] If TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application users closed the application while in the membership screen and then signed in again immediately, then the correct membership selection screen did not appear. This has been fixed, and now the correct membership selection screen appears when users close the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application from the membership screen and sign in again.
Version 2022.02
PatientTracking Portal®
[OP-5730] Beds that were hidden in View Options > Show/Hide Beds for a Personal console appeared when users changed and saved the console to a Group console. This has been fixed, and now the hidden beds remain hidden when a Personal console is saved as a Group console.
Admin Tool
[OP-5943] Administrators could not find patients using the search on the Advanced tab of the Admin Tool > RTLS > Patient Badging page. The search omitted the first character of the search criteria. This has been fixed, and now the Advanced search includes the entire criteria as expected.
All of the Capacity Management Suite™ Solution
[OP-6151] A large number of PatientAudit Log entries caused some customers to experience slowness when the archive and reports ran. This has been fixed in this release.
[OP-6105] Patient records were incorrectly updated with information for other patients in different campuses who had the same Visit Numbers. This has been fixed, and now patients in different campuses with the same Visit Number are updated with their own information.
Standard Reports
[OP-2596] The PatientTracking Portal® application Unit Patients report did not display the patient's gender because the reports were printed in black and white and the gender was displayed on the user interface as a color (pink for female, blue for male, white for unknown). This has been fixed, and now the patient's gender is displayed as text in the report.
[MOBL-21] In the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application, the patient’s Observation Timer did not match the timer in the desktop version of the Capacity Management Suite® solution. One timer appeared to have crossed the first time threshold (yellow) while the other appeared to have crossed the second time threshold (red). This has been fixed, and now the Observation Timer in both applications displays the same threshold status.
[OP-6159] When using the desktop version of the BedTracking® or TransportTracking™ applications on a tablet, users who selected any tab saw an error message stating “Multiple tabs are open.” This has been fixed, and now the error does not appear when tablet users select tabs in the desktop version of the BedTracking® or TransportTracking™ applications on a tablet.
Electronic Bedboard® View
[OP-6074] During peak discharge hours, the popup when hovering over a bedboard entry took a long time to appear. This has been fixed in the code, and now when users hover their mouses over bedboard entries, the popup information appears in a timely manner.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-6123] Users could not request patient transports because a search of the Patient List did not return any results. This has been fixed, and now the search on the TransportTracking™ application Patient List works as expected.
Version 2021.12
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Integration
[OP-4990] Previously, the Clinical Workflow™ suite did not integrate with the Capacity Management Suite® solution’s Census Based Scheduling (CBS). This has been corrected. Now, if health systems use ES Optimizer™ to track nonBedTracking® application tasks for Environmental Services (EVS) employees, then the Clinical Workflow™ suite can access the Census Based Scheduling (CBS) feature via integration with the Capacity Management Suite® solution. Census Based Scheduling can help ensure that bed cleaners can complete their other work, such as routine daily room cleanings, and also complete bed cleaning jobs in a timely manner so that clean beds can be ready for new or transferred patients.
[OP-5414] A Static Application Security Testing (SAST) scan revealed two OS Command injection vulnerabilities. These issues have been corrected.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-5944] When users manually activated a patient, and admitted the patient via the Admissions Discharges Transfers (ADT) system, then the patient’s Expected Admit Date reverted to a past date. This issue has been fixed.
Admin Tool
[OP-6026] The success message for deleting a record was the same as the message for saving a record in the Dictionary Management > View Group page. Now the message for deleting a record is appropriate.
[MOB-2596] The Ready to Move functionality did not work for the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application when it was integrated with the IQ-enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution. This has been fixed, and now when the IQ-enabled Capacity Management Suite® solution is integrated with the TeleTracking Nurse™ mobile application, then TeleTracking Nurse™ users can set Ready to Move for patients.
Version 2021.11
PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® Applications
[OP-5081] After patients with Pending Discharge/Assigned statuses were transferred to their new non-holding home locations, the bed request continued to display statuses of Pending Discharge/Assigned. This has been fixed, and now the Pending Discharge/Assigned statuses are closed when patients are transferred to their new non-holding home locations.
[OP-5564] The Employee/Supervisor History report timed out before completing. This has been fixed, and now the report completes without timing out.
[OP-5843] The observation timer in the Obs@ column appeared in a color that was not the color set in Master Configuration. This has been fixed, and now the observation time appears red, yellow, or green at the appropriate times as configured.
Floor Plan
[OP-5892] Black boxes obscured assets appearing on floor plans that had a diagonal arrangement. This has been fixed, and now black boxes do not appear on top of assets on diagonal floor plans.
[OP-5911] Some users with variable memberships could not login because an error appeared when they selected their memberships. This has been fixed, and now the error does not appear when variable users select their memberships.
All the Capacity Management™ Suite
[OP-5733] The Capacity Management Suite® HL7 system sent a second Bed Request message with the ORU message when the assigned bed’s status changed. This has been fixed, and now duplicate Bed Request messages are not generated when there is a change to the assigned bed’s status.
PreAdmit Tracking® Application
[OP-3570] On the Projected Census view, some values, such as long campus or discipline names, were cut off even though sufficient space was available to display them. This issue has been fixed, and now long values fill the available space based on the standard supported screen resolution (15” 1024 x 768 for desktop displays).
AssetTracking® Application Integration
[OP-5453] Sometimes Patient badges did not detach when the patients were discharged. This has been corrected, and now patient badges automatically detach from the patient records when the patient is discharged.
TeleTracking IQ® Platform Integration
[OP-5694] Customers who had the Capacity Management Suite® integrated with the TeleTracking IQ® platform could no longer edit consoles to remove the toolbar row, tabs, or unit/shift row for a whiteboard display. This has been fixed, and now after integrating the Capacity Management Suite® with the TeleTracking IQ® platform, users can change console settings to remove the toolbar row, menu tabs, or unit/shift row for a whiteboard display.
User Accounts
[OP-5593] If users tried to sign into deactivated accounts on a standalone Capacity Management Suite® environment, they saw a message to request a temporary password by selecting Forgot your Password? This has been fixed, and now users who attempt to sign into deactivated accounts see the appropriate message stating, This user account is currently deactivated.
Version 2021.09
PatientTracking Portal®
[OP-5136] Patient Search results in PatientTracking Portal® application did not display icons for active transport jobs in the Transport Status column. This has been fixed, and now the icons for active patient transport jobs appear in the Patient Search results as expected.
[OP-5424] Sometimes an error message appeared when entering Patient Audit report selection criteria, if the date was in a format different from mm/dd/yyyy and the users sorted the list of returned patients by Admit Date Time or Discharge Date. This has been fixed, and now when creating a Patient Audit report while using a date format different from mm/dd/yyyy, users can sort the list of patients in the Search Patients dialog box by Admit Date Time or Discharge Date without an error appearing.
[OP-5444] Some customers noticed that the Capacity Management Suite® solution was not processing updates from the Admissions Discharges Transfers (ADT) system for Payor information. Now, the Capacity Management Suite® solution Admissions Discharges Transfers (ADT) system successfully processes Payor information. This improvement to a previous fix was made in version 2021.07 but mistakenly not reported.
Version 2021.09
[OP-5549] Customers had performance issues caused by too many outbound Bed Requests and A20 records in the archive. This has been fixed with code that automatically removes older records from the archive. The new archive process will take longer the first time that it runs, however, subsequent archives will take the normal amount of time.
[OP-5560] Sometimes the Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol (WCTP) service crashed because it overwhelmed the system with duplicate notifications. This has been fixed with code that prevents and removes the duplicate notifications, and now the WCTP service does not crash.
electronic bedboard® View
[OP-5583] Users with Fixed memberships could see all unit/wards in the electronic bedboard’s View Options > Displayed Units/Wards field. This allowed users to see patient information that was outside of their membership. This has been fixed, and now users with Fixed memberships only see the units/wards on the electronic bedboard® view for which they have membership.
[OP-5629, MOB-2430] Newly created users in the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile app users could not sign in if they selected No sections and zones. This has been fixed, and now employees can successfully sign into the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile app when selecting the No section and zones option.
Version 2021.08
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-5527] TransportTracking™ application users, who had the User can access "Notify History" view permission and who had a membership other than All, did not see notifications sent to their membership. This has been fixed, and now users with the User can access "Notify History" view permission can see the notifications that are sent to their membership as expected.
Capacity Management Suite® Solution
[OP-5080] A patient’s isolation type was changed when the following occurred:
a. A transport requester without the Edit Patient Isolation Type opened a patient’s record and left it open.
b. A second user opened the same patient’s Patient Placement Details, changed the isolation, saved and closed the Patient Placement Details.
c. The transport requester saved the patient’s transport request with the first isolation type.
d. The patient’s details displayed the original isolation type even though it was changed by the second user.
This concurrency issue has been fixed, and now a message "changes were made" appears when a second user attempts to save updates to the patient’s details when another user is editing that patient at the same time.
[OP-5493] The TransportTracking™ application did not cancel automatically-created transport jobs when users removed the patient’s Assigned Bed OR cancelled the patients Ready To Move (RTM) . This has been fixed, and now, as expected, the application cancels automatically-created transport jobs if the patient’s Assigned Bed OR Ready To Move is removed.
Note: the jobs will be cancelled only if the transport is in a status of Pending, Dispatched or Delay Dispatched. If the Transporter has transitioned the job to InProgress (or later) the job will remain as an active job.[OP-5415] When a patient’s automatic transport job was rescheduled as an appointment, and a user opened, saved, and closed the patient’s Patient Placement Details, then a duplicate automatic transport job was created. This has been fixed, and now duplicate transport jobs are not created if users save and close the Patient Placement Details when the patient has a pending transport job that was previously rescheduled as an appointment.
BedTracking ® Application
[OP-5528] The BedTracking Employee List sometimes took a long time to load. This has been fixed, because the query has been rewritten to be more efficient. Now the BedTracking Employee List loads in an acceptable time.
Capacity Management Suite® Solution Fixed Issues
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-4220] When viewed in the Google Chrome™ browser, the PatientTracking Portal® application list view columns were misaligned if the columns were frozen and the Large font size option was selected in the Console Settings. This has been fixed, and now frozen columns are not misaligned in a Chrome browser when Large font size is configured.
[OP-5547, 5455, 5499] Some customers noticed slowed performance. This has been fixed in the code, and now performance is improved.
[OP-5200] The Discharge Timer was still running when patients changed from Pending or Confirmed Discharge to In House status because the Physician Order discharge milestone was not automatically removed. This has been fixed, and now the Discharge Timer stops when patients go from Pending or Confirmed Discharge to any other status, as expected.
All of the Capacity Management Suite™ System
[OP-4989] When two enterprise Capacity Management Suite® systems sent the same VMI Client ID to the Vocera server, notifications were not delivered. This has been fixed with a new configuration option. Contact your TeleTracking representative to implement this update for your enterprise.
[OP-5618] The Capacity Management Suite® HL7 system sent a second Bed Request message with the ORU message when the patient was marked Ready to Move (RTM). This has been fixed, and now the Capacity Management Suite® sends only one outbound HL7 message when the bed request is made and does not send a second one when the patient is marked Ready to Move (RTM).
Version 2021.07
[OP-5486, OP-5498, OP-5499] Some customers experienced slow performance. This has been fixed with improvements to the PatientTracking Portal® application, electronic bedboard® view, and archiving process.
Fixed Issues Capacity Management Suite® Solution
[MOB-2339] In the TeleTracking Transporter™ mobile app, the Filter Patients By page had a section incorrectly labeled Bed Status. This has been fixed, and now the Filter Patients By page displays a section titled Patient Status as expected.
Version 2021.06
[OP-5253] The archive process took longer than normal because in some situations deadlocks occurred. This has been fixed, and various improvements were made to the archive process. Archiving now takes the normal amount of time.
Version 2021.05
PatientTracking Portal®
[OP-4937] Bed columns that were frozen did not retain their sizes after the screen refreshed. This issue has been fixed, and now a screen refresh does not change frozen bed column sizes
IQ-Enabled Multi-Instance Capacity Management™ Suite
[OP-5271] Only When Multi-Instance Capacity Management™ Suite Is Enabled - Users saw a gray screen and could not perform any action on one instance of Capacity Management Suite® when they signed out of another instance of Capacity Management Suite®. This has been fixed, and now signing out of one Capacity Management Suite® instance does not cause another instance to lock.
Admin Tool
[OP-4978] An error appeared when administrators sorted the records by the DOB column on the Advanced tab of the Admin Tool > RTLS > Patient Badging page. This problem has been fixed, and now sorting by the DOB column on the Patient Badging page does not result in an error.
Version 2021.04
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite
[OP-5386] As of versions 2020.05 and later, the patient attributes remained in the database after the patients were discharged or the patient visits were cancelled. This made the Patient table extremely large and slowed performance. This problem has been fixed, and now the patient attributes clear from the Patient table in the database when patient’s are discharged or visits are cancelled.
PreAdmit Tracking® Application
[OP-5105] Sometimes the Load/Save Console dialog box did not display the selection options. This has been fixed, and now the Load/Save Console dialog box displays the selection options as expected.
Version 2020.12
Instant Messages
[OP-4557] In Microsoft® Internet Explorer® browser, when a user selected Alerts on the Home page and then selected Reply All for an instant message from a notification group, an error appeared in the Screen Alerts dialog box. This has been fixed, and now no error appears.
Fixed Issues Capacity Management Suite® Solution
Standard Reports
[OP-4770] Users could run the Location Dwell Time Report when grouped by Location for a Date Time Range of up to a year. This resulted in decreased performance. This has been fixed in the code, and now the application prevents users from entering a Date Time Range of more than 30 days when the Location Dwell Time Report is grouped by Location.
[OP-4877] When the Location Dwell Time Report was grouped by Location and displayed details, the time stamp used for the Departure column and the Duration calculation was incorrect. This has been fixed, and now the correct timestamp, which is the transport job’s InProgress time, is used in the report.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-4828] Administrators could not select the correct campus when creating a dispatch set. As a result, users could not be configured. This has been corrected, and now administrators can select campus to successfully create dispatch sets.
Floor Plan View
[OP-4840] The Floor Plan view displayed the unit/ward that was previously selected in the console even after the user’s session ended. This has been corrected, and now when users sign in, the unit/ward that appears on the Floor Plan view depends on one of the following conditions:
If the signed-in user viewed a floor plan by changing the campus or the floor plan in the corresponding drop-down fields, then the last viewed floor plan appears.
If the user did not view any other floor plan, then the first floor plan in the first campus appears.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-4854] Customers had rendering issues and errors that appeared when viewing the PreAdmitTracking® application in Split View in Microsoft® Internet Explorer® and Mozilla® Firefox® browsers. These issues have been fixed, and now customers can successfully view the PreAdmitTracking® application in Split View in Microsoft® Internet Explorer® and Mozilla® Firefox® browsers.
Version 2020.11
Admin Tool
[OP-4083] When administrators created users with Fixed memberships, the Campus checkboxes did not appear and could not be selected. Administrators had to save the user with an All membership, change the membership to Fixed, and then save the user again. This has been fixed, and now when administrators create users with Fixed memberships, the campus selection boxes appear as expected.
[MOB-2133] Previously customers could see Protected Health Information (PHI) on their phone’s app switcher screen. This problem has been fixed, and now customers do not see PHI when viewing their phone’s app switcher. However, customers may find that this security enhancement prevents screen shots and accessing by phone remotely (for troubleshooting).
[MOB-2192] The My Jobs screen of the TeleTracking EVS™ mobile application displayed bed cleaning jobs with the most recent job at the top of the list. This has been fixed and now the oldest bed cleaning job appears at the top of the list so that the employees will clean it first.
[OP-3991] Some customers reported that their EVS employees waited for 10-20 minutes to receive dirty bed notifications after they signed into their mobile application. This has been fixed, and now EVS employees receive notifications of dirty beds immediately after signing in for the day as expected.
[OP-4669] Some customers had trouble integrating Mobile Heartbeat™ notifications service with the Capacity Management Suite® after upgrading to the Capacity Management Suite® 2019.12 or later. This has been fixed and now when the Capacity Management Suite® is integrated with Mobile Heartbeat™, notifications are received as expected.
[OP-4724] If no isolation end time was assigned to a patient at discharge, then the patient continued to appear on the Patient Isolation History Report. This issue has been fixed, and now the patient’s Isolation End Time is automatically added when the patient is discharged, and the patient does not continue to appear on the Patient Isolation History Report.
[OP-4784] The Location Dwell Time Report grouped by Patient did not display a count of exceptions when users selected the Include Exceptions parameter. This has been fixed, and now patients who have an arrival or departure that is outside of the selected date time range, appear in the report’s Exception column.
PatientTracking Portal®
[OP-4727, OP-4798] On the list view, white text in several columns (Occupied Timer, Discharge Timer, or Patient Status) was difficult to see because it did not have enough contrast against the background color. This has been fixed, and now the color of the text in the list view columns contrasts with the background color making it more readable.
[OP-4740] When users changed their PatientTracking Portal® application console while the bedboard was minimized, then they could not make any changes to the bedboard and no message appeared stating the console had changed. This has been fixed, and now the message that the console has changed appears as expected and prompts users to refresh the bedboard.
Version 2020.10
PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® Applications
[OP-3300] The Observation Timer on the Console counted down even though the Master Configuration setting was set to count upward. This has been fixed, and now the Observation Timer on the Console counts in the direction of the Master Configuration setting.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-4474] When the PatientTracking Portal® application list view was sorted by the Bed column, the Admit, Holding bed information was displayed on two rows instead of one. This has been fixed, and now when sorted by Bed, the list view displays one row for each Admit, Holding bed.
Capacity Management Suite® Solution Fixed Issues
TransportTracking™ and BedTracking® Applications
[OP-3356] Users could not change the employee’s assignment in the Change Assignment dialog box of the Supervisor Login/Logout screen if the device section said Variable. This problem has been fixed, and now users can change the assignment of a variable employee in the Supervisor Login/Logout > Change Assignment dialog box.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-4741] Customers noticed an unwanted duplicate tab appeared on the PreAdmitTracking® application console. This problem has been fixed, and now unwanted duplicate tabs do not appear on the PreAdmitTracking® application console.
Floor Plan
[OP-4552] When the search pane was expanded in the floor plan, sometimes it was blank. This happened in both the regular and full-screen views. This problem has been fixed, and now when it is expanded, the search pane always displays the floor plan’s assets.
[OP-3927] The number of cancel reasons codes in the Cancel Reason section of the Compound Metrics report did not match the number of cancel reason codes listed in the Event Details column of the Bed History report. This issue has been fixed, and now the number of cancel reasons codes in the Compound Metrics report matches the number of cancel reason codes in the Bed History report.
Version 2020.09
All of the Capacity Management™ Suite
[OP-3377] Users could not remove users with long names from the Selected Users and Groups list of the Instant Notify dialog box because the delete button was not visible. This has been fixed, and now the delete button is always visible in the Instant Notify dialog box.
PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® Applications
[OP-4448] When users selected any Print button option on the list views, they saw a message, “An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.” This has been fixed, and now selecting any Print button option prints the list view as expected.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-4686] Customers who use SQL databases with Always On availability groups noticed that some PreAdmitTracking® list view columns did not automatically update. A fix was developed for this problem by configuring a secondary replica with read-only access to the Always On availability groups. Contact your TeleTracking representative to implement this fix for your health system.
[OP-4582] Sometimes multiple transporters using the TeleTracking mobileXT™ application to access a job received an error stating, “Your changes cannot be saved, another user has changed this data.” This has been fixed, and now when the first user puts a job into Pending status, the second user no longer receives the job unless the first user decides to reject it.
Version 2020.08
TeleTracking Transporter™ Mobile Application
[OP-3903] If there are no other jobs available, when a transporter is removed from an assist job (either by self or by others), then the job is rejected. This has been fixed, and now when a transporter is removed from an assist job and there are no other jobs available, the original job is not rejected.
Capacity Management Suite® Solution Fixed Issues
PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal® Applications
[OP-4352] When Google Chrome™ browser users select an alert in the Screen Alerts window to navigate to the associated Patient/Placement Details view, the Screen Alerts window expands to display white space on the right. This has been fixed, and now navigating to the Patient/Placement Details view from Screen Alerts does not expand the Screen Alerts window with extra white space.
[OP-4420] Transporters did not get credit for automatic transport jobs when the ADT system completed the jobs before the transporters did. The information in various reports did not match. This problem has been fixed, and now automatic transport jobs cannot be canceled by the ADT system.
All of the Capacity Management Suite
[OP-3807] When viewed in Microsoft® Internet Explorer® browser, the fields on the login screen for the standalone version did not display any hint text. This has been fixed for Internet Explorer®, Google Chrome™, and Mozilla® Firefox®, and now the User Login ID field displays the text “User Name” and the Password field display the text “Enter Password.” IQ Enabled Capacity Management Suite® continues to display the hint text “someone@example.com” and “password.”
[OP-4492] After administrators reset users' passwords, the users received a message that they could not sign in because the password was expired, even though it had just been reset. This has been fixed, and now users can successfully sign in after administrators reset their passwords.
Floor Plan View
[OP-4523] When users hold their mouses over locations that have assets but are not home locations, then the locations' pop-up information boxes do not appear. This has been fixed, and now the informational pop-up boxes appear when users hold their mouses over non-home locations that have assets.
PatientTracking Portal®
[OP-4559] When some users added staff members to a unit on the Staff Assignment window and clicked Save, then all staff members were cleared from the window. No error message appeared. This has been fixed, and now users can successfully add staff members to a unit on the Staff Assignment window.
[OP-4430] Users could not run the same report more than once with different criteria selected because the Run Report button was disabled after running the first report. Users had to close the report dialog box and open it again to run additional reports inputting different values. This has been fixed, and now the Run Report button remains active after a report is generated. Users do not have to close the dialog box and re-open to be able to run the same report multiple times with different values selected.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-4387] When users entered the patient’s date of birth in the Patient/Placement Details dialog box, the patient’s age failed to automatically calculate and appear in the Age field. This problem has been fixed, and now the patient’s age is automatically calculated and appears in the Age field if the patient’s date of birth is entered.
Version 2020.07
Floor Plan View
[OP-4495] Patients on the floor plan who were attached to missing badges did not appear grayed as they should have. This issue has been fixed, and now patients with missing badges appear grayed on the Floor Plan view.
[OP-4496] Assets on the floor plan did not display a color-coded border indicating their status. This problem has been fixed, and now a color border appears around assets to indicate their status.
[OP-4512] If users selected a floor plan that was not available, the previously viewed floor plan appeared. This has been fixed, and now if a selected floor plan is not available, the users see the default floor plan as expected.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-4462] When some customers tried to assign a bed to a patient, the Assigned Bed list did not display any options. Then, when users tried to save the Patient/Placement Details, an error message appeared stating the placement could not be saved because it had an active assignment. This has been fixed, and now the Assigned Bed field displays the list of options and the Patient/Placement Details can be saved as expected.
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-4473] When users selected Reply All to a notification that was sent to their notification group, the sender of the original notification did not receive a reply. This has been fixed, and now the user who sent the original notification receives a reply along with the other users in the notification group.
TeleTracking Transporter™ Mobile App
[OP-3902, MOB-2015, MOB-1825] If a job was presented to a transporter before they went on break, sometimes when they returned from break, the job was logged as a rejection. This has been fixed, and now transporters who return from a break never log a rejection for jobs that are presented to them before they go on break.
TeleTracking Transporter™ and TeleTracking EVS™ Mobile Apps
[OP-4524] TeleTracking Transporter™ and TeleTracking EVS™ mobile apps on Android™ phones did not successfully send and receive notifications. This issue was fixed by increasing the maximum characters allowed in the push notification token. TeleTracking Transporter™ and TeleTracking EVS™ mobile apps on Android™ phones now successfully send and receive notifications.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-4528] Patient attributes were occasionally cleared by the archiving process. This problem has been fixed, and now when patient records are archived, the patient’s attributes remain.
Version 2020.06
TeleTracking Transporter™ Mobile App
[OP-3904] A transport job rejection occurred any time a transporter took more than two minutes to implement an action. Consequently, transport job rejections were created inconsistently. This problem has been addressed in the code, and now transport job rejections occur when no action has happened before the Interval to keep a dispatchable job locked during assignment value in the master configuration has passed. For additional accuracy, the Master Configuration for job locking period for the transporter to initiate an action was changed from minutes to seconds.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-4257] When users selected a Delay Reason in a Care Progression group for a patient who was Assigned and then later Admitted, a “Please Contact the System Administrator” error appeared. The workaround is to remove the delay reason, admit the patient, then add the Delay Reason again.
Standard Reports
[OP-4241] When the Transporter Delay Analysis report output is unformatted Microsoft® Excel®, the values in the Delay End Time column and the Delay Start Time column were the same. This has been fixed, and now the columns display the correct values.
[OP-4258] When users ran the Processing Time Analysis Report in PDF format, some fields were blank. However, when running the same report in Microsoft® Excel® format, the fields that were blank in the PDF displayed values of "0.00." This was a problem when users tried to use the data for calculating averages. This problem has been fixed, and now the Processing Time Analysis Report displays a blank (Null) in both the Excel and PDF output. In addition, values in this field are now displayed in h:mm format.
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-4447] Users experienced unresponsive pages when they viewed the Capacity Management Suite® in the Google Chrome™ browser. This problem has been fixed, and users' workflow is no longer interrupted by unresponsive pages when viewing the Capacity Management Suite® in Chrome™.
Version 2020.05
[OP-4388] Variable membership users saw an "Contact your system administrator" error message when they logged in and attempted to select their units/clusters. This problem has been corrected, and now users with variable memberships do not see an error. They can successfully log in and select their units/clusters.
Version 2020.04
[OP-4170] The TransportTracking™ application took a long time to complete a Staff Search for a common name, such as “Smith.” This problem has been corrected by creating an index for the database.
[OP-4209] A stored procedure (ttEnterpriseTimerAlertEventUserGet) was timing out after one minute and constantly running every two minutes. This procedure could affect the patient, enterprise user, and milestone details. This issue has been fixed and the stored procedure no longer runs every two minutes and times out after one minute.
[OP-4237] Some TeleTracking IQ-enabled customers, who used the Google Chrome™ browser, could not remain logged in. They were automatically logged out when they clicked any tab in the TeleTracking IQ-enabled Bed Management Suite® and Capacity Management Suite® solution solutions version 2019.12 and later. This issue resulted from security changes implemented by Google™ in Chrome™, version 80 regarding the handling of SameSite cookies. This issue is fixed in version 2020.04, and users are no longer automatically logged out when they select any tab.
[OP-4259] Some customers experienced sporadic slowness across the entire Capacity Management Suite® solution solution lasting up to 30 minutes. The problem has been fixed, and users no longer experience slowness across the entire Capacity Management Suite® solution solution.
[OP-4284, OP-4280, OP-4271] On a maximized electronic bedboard® view displaying a horizontal scroll bar, a screen refresh hid the scroll bar behind the task bar. Users could display the scroll bar by minimizing and then maximizing or by scrolling down. However, the next screen refresh hid the scroll bar again. In addition, when users scrolled right and down, the application automatically re-positioned back to the top left when the screen refreshed. These problems, which were caused by unused memory not being released, have been fixed, and no longer occur.
Version 2020.03
[OP-4056] The electronic bedboard® view crashed because memory is not being released when the application was refreshed. This has been fixed, and now the electronic bedboard no longer crashes.
[OP-4249] The Location Master List Report displayed the full location name in the Location Abbreviation column rather than the abbreviation. This has been fixed, and now the location abbreviation appears in the Location Abbreviation column as expected.
Version 2020.02
Electronic Bedboard
[OP-4024] Customers' browsers crashed because a memory leak caused the system to run out of available memory. The workaround was for users to select F5 to manually refresh the screen which released unused memory. This issue has been fixed, and now the memory leak no longer causes browser crashes.
All Applications
[OP-4025] Customers sometimes noticed extended periods of slow system performance. This was caused by conflicts over access to a shared resources within the software. This problem has been fixed, and now the system performs at the expected speed.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-2920] The Isolation column ( ) displayed a bar (|) when there was no data, the column was frozen, and the Touch option was selected in Console Settings > Bed/Patient Row Text Size. This has been corrected, and now the Isolation column is blank under those circumstances.
[OP-3787] Columns in the list view were misaligned when the following conditions existed: the Freeze Columns setting is enabled, more than five icons appeared in a single row, and Medium font setting was selected. This issue has been fixed and list view no longer becomes misaligned when these conditions exist.
[OP-4021] Units that split the patients across two PatientTracking Portal® boards did not highlight patients who had the same last name. To split a board, all rooms are in the membership, however, some rooms are marked to not be displayed on a given board. This has been fixed, and now the patients with the same last name are highlighted even if the room is marked to not display on one of the boards.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-3924] Changing an item transport from Pending to Possible status removed the origin or destination location if the location did not have the override setting enabled. This has been corrected, and now the locations are not removed, and users do not have to manually re-enter them when the transport job changes from Pending to Possible.
[OP-2044] When a large number of users were signed into the TeleTracking EVS or Transporter app at the same time, the mobile server memory usage greatly increased and performance degraded. This problem was fixed in version 2019.10 but was mistakenly omitted from the Release Notes.
Version 2019.12
Admin Tool
[OP-3979] The Capacity Management Suite® now prevents administrators from creating new milestones names and new milestone delay names with commas in the Milestone Setup pages. If your existing milestone items contain commas, contact TeleTracking to have the commas removed.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-3861] When Google Chrome™ users applied Freeze Columns to a tab in Console Settings, the columns in the list view became misaligned. This has been fixed, and now, PatientTracking Portal® list view columns do not become misaligned when the Freeze Columns setting is applied.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-3868] PreAdmitTracking® patients were not matching and merging with patients who had bed requests made in the TransferCenterIQ™ application. This created new visit records. This problem has been fixed, and now, patients with bed requests in the TransferCenterIQ™ application are correctly matched and merged with patients the PreAdmitTracking® application.
[OP-3914] Customers who had workstations with a horizontal resolution of less than 1200 pixels found that the Search, Clear, Print, Adv. Filters, and View Options buttons on the list view were misaligned. This problem has been corrected, and now the list view appears as expected with horizontal screen resolutions under 1200 pixels.
PatientTracking Portal® Application and PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-3761] - In the list views, sub-menus that were expanded remained visible even after users had selected elsewhere in the view. This has been corrected, and now, the expanded sub-menus close when users select somewhere else on the page.
Standard Reports
[OP-3364] - The Blocked Beds report was taking about 55 minutes to run when it processed six months of data. This has been fixed and now the report takes less time to run.
[OP-3730] Previously, the Security Modifications Audit report required that one campus be selected. As a result, when a user changed campuses, the report did not display the user in the new campus. This has been fixed, and now, when the Campus criteria field is left displaying Select, all campuses that the selected user had access to appear in the report. This allows the report to track the user’s modifications as the user moves from campus to campus.
[OP-3733] An expired timer alert sometimes caused the database archive to fail. A fix to a foreign key constraint for the ExpiredTimerAlert table has corrected this problem.
Version 2019.11
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-3824, 3825, & 3848] During peak usage hours, customers noticed slow response times. The database has been optimized to improve performance.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-3697] In each campus' Global Settings for the Patient Notification/Alert Message Content and Discharge Timer Alert Message Content, it is no longer required that one of the following be enabled: the patient’s Full Name, MRN (Medical Record Number), or Visit Number. Now, administrators can enable any or none of these fields. This complies with the Protected Health Information (PHI) policies for some health systems.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-3659] When users held their mouse over badge names in the RTLS Badge column on the Patient Tracking Portal list view, the tooltip displayed Unknown for the badge location information. This has been fixed, and now the badge location information updates after the badge has moved.
[OP-3855] When users selected Manage Temp Staff in the Staff Assignment dialog box and entered the staff member’s information, selecting Done did not add the staff member. This has been fixed and now when users can successfully add temp staff members.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-3752] The Transport Tracking Requests by hour report displayed inaccurate times because it was calculating the average time from when the job was put into Pending status until it is set to Complete. This problem has been fixed, and now the average time is calculated from the start of Pending status to the start of In Progress status.
Version 2019.10
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-3685] TransportTracking™ application users who belonged to a user group that had the User can filter data in view setting disabled received an error when they performed a TransportTracking™ application patient search. This has been fixed and now the error does not appear.
[OP-3776] Transport jobs with a Possible status did not get archived even after the number of days in the Cut Off Days setting were met. This has been fixed, and now when the Cut Off Days are met, the transport job with a Possible status is archived, and removed from the Production database.
Note: The first time that the archive runs after the update is applied, it will take longer than expected because it will need to clear old jobs. TeleTracking recommends that customers make a fresh copy of their Production to Test system data to their Test environment before running the update. After applying the update to the Test environment, note how long it takes the first Archive to run. This will supply an estimate of what to expect the first time the archive runs in the Prod environment.
PatientTracking Portal® Application and PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-3441, OP-3410] An error appeared when users selected a patient from the electronic bedboard® view search results while in a split screen view. This has been corrected and now when a patient is selected from the electronic bedboard® view search results while in a split screen view, the Patient/Placement Details dialogue box appears as expected.
[OP-3530] In the Milestones Notification page, the text of the notification did not appear in the Notification History section if the Include Patient Information check box was cleared before sending the message.
[OP-3671] Customers were randomly getting the error message, “NavigationMenu_OnClientItemClickingHandler.” Users were able to close the message and continue working. This has been fixed, and now this error message does not appear.
[OP-3700] The PatientTracking Portal® application and PreAdmitTracking® application performed slowly because archived milestone detail entries that were past the number of days in the Cut Off Days setting were not deleted. This has been fixed in the code.
Note: The first time that the archive runs after the update is applied, it will take longer than expected because it will need to clear old jobs. TeleTracking recommends that customers make a fresh copy of their Production to Test system data to their Test environment before running the update. After applying the update to the Test environment, note how long it takes the first Archive to run. This will supply an estimate of what to expect the first time the archive runs in the Prod environment.
[OP-3526] When patients were transferred multiple times and then discharged, the Milestones Delay report displayed the patient's previous location rather than the most recent home location. This has been fixed, and now the report displays the patient's most recent home location.
Version 2019.09
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-2939] Some customers found that the Capacity Management Suite® locked up for an extended time. This issue has been fixed with a change to the web.config file timeout setting.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-2657] The PatientTracking Portal® application list view rows became misaligned after users applied a font size in the Console Settings > Settings tab > Bed/Patient Row Text Size field and froze columns. This has been fixed, and now changing the font size and then freezing columns does not cause misalignment of the list view columns.
[OP-2800] Previously, the View Options drop-down menu extended beyond the edge of the PatientTracking Portal® application window, which truncated the option labels. This issue has been fixed, and now the menu’s position allows the option labels to appear in full.
[OP-2832] The PatientTracking Portal® application list view rows became misaligned after users selected a number of columns to freeze in the Console Settings > Settings tab > Freeze Columns field.
[OP-2936] The PatientTracking Portal® application list view rows and columns became misaligned after users changed the font size to Medium or Large, or created a console with 10 or more icons next to each other.
[OP-3471] Translations from the date / time format, configured in Enterprise-wide settings, was causing erroneous staff assignments. When set to dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss, the day (dd) was being interpreted as the month (MM) This resulted on occasion in assigning a staff member to a bed for up to a year instead of the day intended. The year-long assignment had to be completed (or a data correction entry entered in the database) before the staff member could be assigned to the bed again. This problem has been corrected.
[OP-3729] Some customers noticed that the Patient Audit Details report returned the wrong patient’s data. This has been fixed and now data for the specified patient is returned when the report runs.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-3346] In version 2018.4 and later, the Patient Search in the TransportTracking™ application timed out when there were a large number of returns, such as when searching for a common last name (Smith). This has been corrected and now large numbers of returns do not cause the Patient Search to time out.
[OP-3174] Some customers noticed that the XTTranstport tracking timer service periodically stopped and restarted. This issue has been fixed.
Version 2019.08
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-3639] In versions 2018.2 and later, when users scrolled the list of Patient Custom Attributes in the Patient/Placement Details dialog box, the checkboxes and the attribute names became misaligned. This issue has been fixed, and now the checkboxes remain next to their associated attribute name when users scroll the list.
TeleTracking XT™ Platform
[OP-3414] Customers could not enter dictionary item names of more than 29 characters. This has been fixed, and now the names of dictionary items can be up to 100 characters.
[OP-3586] In version 2018.4 and later, users who were configured with Microsoft Active Directory noticed that their sessions did not automatically close after the Time Out period if they also had the electronic bed board open. This issue has been fixed and the Time Out occurs when Microsoft Active Directory users also have the electronic bed board open.
Version 2019.07
Clinical Workflow™ Suite Integration
[OP-3431] When a Clinical Workflow™ suite user assigned a procedure to a patient, the patient's current location was removed, which prevented an auto transport job. This has been fixed, and now assigning a procedure to a patient retains the patient's current location, and an auto transport job moves the patient as expected.
Staffed Bed Error
[OP-3483] An error appeared when a staffed bed was assigned to a patient, because all subscribed staff assignment systems were invoked even if it was not appropriate to do so. A code modification has fixed this problem, and the error no longer appears.
Version 2019.06
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-2943] Clients, who had single sign-on enabled, found that single sign-on was no longer enabled after upgrading from version 3.3 or 3.4 to versions 2017.3 or 2018.2. This has been fixed. Now the single sign-on feature remains enabled after upgrading.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-3433] Users who had variable memberships and had Require RAC code enabled had to enter their RAC code each time they toggled the dark theme mode on and off, rather than only when they changed units. This has been fixed and now users do not need to enter a RAC code when toggling the dark theme mode on and off.
Admissions Discharges Transfers (ADT) Application
[OP-3409] Outbound HL7 messages (such as Bed Status) that the Capacity Management Suite® sent to the health system's ADT application did not process. This has been fixed, and now outbound messages to ADT process as expected.
Instant Notify
[OP-3439] Sometimes the cursor would disappear when customers clicked in the Search Users and Groups field of the Instant Notify dialog box. This issue has been fixed, and now the cursor remains visible so that users can perform a search.
Admin Tool
[OP-3026] Some reason codes appeared that were for TeleTracking internal use only. This has been fixed, and internal reason codes no longer appear.
Version 2019.05
Admin Tool
[OP-3360] IQ enabled customers using Internet Explorer could not copy the text in the Screen Alerts dialog box. This has been corrected.
Version 2019.04
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-2632] Customers could not run the Patient Audit Report with the patient details enabled. This has been fixed, and now the Patient Audit Report successfully runs with the patient details.
[OP-3206] Customers experienced times when the Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) system could not update patient records because the archiving process was locking the records. An update to the archiving process has fixed this problem.
[OP-3234] A GetStatisticsData error was noticed in the logs that affected the Real Time Key Indicators (RTKI). This has been fixed in the code.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-2818] If customers set the Toolbar View, Tabbed View, Logout Row, and Unit/Shift Row to Disabled in Console Settings, they could no longer access Console Settings in order to make changes. Now users always have a way to open Console Settings while still allowing more room for additional patient rows to be displayed.
[OP-3283] When customers enabled the Require authentication to edit information or the Freeze columns options for the Console settings in standalone mode, the column headers did not align with the list view columns when viewed in Google Chrome™ or Firefox® browsers.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
[OP-2746] A high number of busy signals prevented access to the IVR system. This has been corrected by implementing new Host Media Processing (HMP) elements for Dialogic® PowerMedia™. A TeleTracking representative can assist your organization in implementing this fix.
Version 2019.03
TeleTracking mobileXT™ App
[OP-3109] Notifications that were received on the mobile device did not appear on the Messages tab in the mobile app or in the Notification History in the TransportTracking™ application.
[OP-3189] In the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app, job notifications were appearing as JOB FOR YOU, CALL <number> (as they would appear for Interactive Voice Response [IVR] users who need to call for more information). The notifications in the TeleTracking mobileXT app now correctly show JOB FOR YOU.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-2797] When there was a horizontal scroll bar on the PreAdmitTracking list view, the list view shifted.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-3183] Although the PatientTracking Portal staff assignment feature was in use, and nurses were associated with the patients' current home location and assigned new home location, the Origin Nurse and Assigned Nurse boxes on the Patient/Placement Details form did not show the patients' nurses.
[OP-3197] If the "Use Master Patient Index" Master Configuration setting was disabled, the Patient/Placement Details form did not expand properly.
Version 2019.02
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-3090] In list views, the gender color indicator (pink or blue) did not appear in the Age column if the Age column was included in a group of frozen columns and the Bed/Patient Row Text Size setting in Consoles Settings was set to Smaller.
[OP-3154] When the "Require Reason Code When Job Destination is Home Location Type" Master Configuration setting was enabled, and users tried to create transport jobs requests where the destinations were occupied locations, the application stopped functioning. Users had to refresh the page to continue.
Version 2018.4
ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) Transactions
[OP-2911] Some ADT A04, A05, and A08 transactions were not being processed.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-2882] After the Dark Mode and Light Mode feature was introduced in version 2018.2.5.3, the way timestamps were displayed in the RTM@ column changed inadvertently. In version 2018.4, this has been corrected. If the RTM@ column displays a future time, the timestamp appears in normal font. If the column displays the current time or a past time, the timestamp appears in bold font.
[OP-2976] In PatientTracking Portal staff assignments, if a staff member's user-defined shift started before midnight and ended after midnight, and then a user associated that staff member with a bed, the association of the staff member with the bed was not saved. Staff members with user-defined shifts that start before but end after midnight can be associated with beds successfully now.
[OP-3072] On the Listview Column Selection dialog box (accessed via View Options), when a user changed the size of one column and then saved, all other columns on the list view became larger. Each time the size of one column was changed, the sizes of other columns increased.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-2989] If one user was using multiple monitors, it was not possible to move the Patient Placement Details form from one monitor to the other.
TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ Solutions Integration
[OP-2849] The Automated Patient Discharge report could not be generated successfully if the Archive database was selected.
Version 2018.2.5.4
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-2794] In TeleTracking IQ-enabled Capacity Management suite, users with variable membership (or "floaters") saw consoles other than the ones that were associated with the units or wards they selected when signing in. Floaters now see the consoles that are associated with the units or wards they select when they sign in.
Version 2018.2.5.3
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-2240] In Dictionary Management, the search results for physicians or consultants did not display more than 25,000 records. For example, if you searched for a physician or consultant who was record number 25,100 in the database, that physician or consultant did not appear in search results, even though the record was in the database.
[OP-2553] When users attempted to generate a Patient Audit standard report with data from the archive database for a date range of longer than one week, an error message appeared and the report could not be generated.
[OP-2616] The following error message appeared when administrators attempted to add reason codes. The reason codes could not be added: “An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.” A configuration file has been modified so that between 1700 and 2000 total reason codes for BedTracking and TransportTracking combined can be accommodated now.
[OP-2698] Although the Capacity Management suite was not integrated with the TeleTracking IQ platform, TeleTracking IQ users were created through the Gateway service.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-2455] Discipline names were truncated on the Projected Census when the census was grouped by Campus.
[OP-2606] In View Options > Configure Columns, if more than 20 columns have been added to Selected Columns and you scroll all the way to the right, and then you remove a column from the second row, you cannot add another column to that location to replace it..
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-1523] If you freeze some columns in a list view, the columns that are not frozen sometimes appear misaligned under the frozen column.
[OP-1934] If the Capacity Management Suite was integrated with the Rauland staffing system, no more than 500 entities at a time from Rauland integration points were available. To resolve this issue, entities are now processed in multiple batches of 500 entities each.
Version 2018.2.5.1
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-2567 and OP-2211] When you start to create a patient transport or item transport request (for example, you select the Patient Trans or Item Trans icon), the Transport Request dialog box appears. When you select the magnifying glass icon near the Origin or Destination box, the Find a Location dialog box appears. The search works as expected the first time that you enter text into the Search Text box on the Find a Location dialog box, and then select units or wards, and then search for and select a location, and close the dialog box. However, in Microsoft® Internet Explorer® versions 11.0.27 through 11.0.33 and 11.0.65 through 11.0.75, if you want to make a change and you select the magnifying glass icon again to open the Find a Location dialog box, you cannot enter text in the Search Text box. This issue occurs in versions 2017.3 and 2018.1 also. If you are using one of the affected Internet Explorer browsers, make sure the Find a Location dialog box and the Transport Request dialog box are closed, and then manually refresh the browser. Then, return to the transport request and search for the location. As an alternative, use a supported version of the Mozilla® Firefox® browser noted in the Technical Information Reference Guide for your version of the Capacity Management suite. Although this issue has been fixed, when you access the Find a Location dialog box the second time, you must double-click in the Search Text box before you can type text in it.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-1216] When the application server is set to a different time zone from the workstations, the times for staffed bed assignments are incorrect by a few hours.
[OP-2226] The background colors that administrators selected in Dictionary Management to represent each isolation type are not appearing in list views.
[OP-2357] In TeleTracking IQ-enabled Capacity Management suite, when the Toolbar view is disabled in Console Settings, you cannot load and save consoles.
Version 2018.2
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-2141] Unable to edit users' membership types using the bulk edit feature. If you select more than one user record on the User Management page, and then select Edit Selected Records and try to change the membership type, the page becomes unresponsive.
[OP-2179] Total Bed Hours Gained value is calculated incorrectly on the Discharge Efficiency report.
[OP-2224] When users are uploaded in bulk through data import, orphaned SectionAssignment entries are created. This results in the Assignment section in user profiles displaying sections that the users should not be associated with.
[OP-2225] "Dead letter" ADT transactions are not removed during archiving. A "dead letter" transaction is a message from the Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT) system that either was sent to a non-existent queue or exceeded the queue length limit. During archiving, these transactions should be deleted from the database instead of being archived.
[OP-2227] Users cannot select units or wards. For example, PatientTracking Portal application console users and users who are creating transport requests cannot select units or wards.
[OP-2354] The Patient Audit report shows no transactions during a date range when there were transactions.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-2303] If the PreAdmitTracking application global setting called "Maintain bed assignment on Pending / Confirmed Discharge status" is enabled, then when a Confirmed Discharge order is sent via the Admit/Discharge/Transfer (ADT) system, the bed request is cancelled. This does not happen if the a patient's status is set to Confirmed Discharge through the user interface.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-1753]/[OP-1821] The Capacity Management suite might attempt to sign you out automatically due to inactivity when you are using a modal dialog box on a wall display (for example, the Patient Placement Details window, the electronic bedboard® view, the Console Settings dialog box, or the Message Board), even when you have been active and you have not exceeded the Secondary Login Inactivity Timeout (Seconds) setting. You might see a message prompting you to Leave Page or Stay on Page. Select Stay on Page to continue working.
[OP-1830] If an Active Directory user selects End Session in the PatientTracking Portal application, and then signs in again, multiple sessions of Capacity Management suite are open. However, the multiple active sessions do not affect the users, performance, or security.
[OP-1898] When users updated staff assignments from wall displays, they were signed out automatically when they should not have been.
[OP-1901] In TeleTracking IQ-enabled Capacity Management suite, if one user signs in to a wall display, and then another user signs in to the TeleTracking IQ platform using Active Directory credentials, and then navigates to the Capacity Management suite, and then signs in to a secondary session on the wall display using an IVR ID and PIN, and then that user signs out of the Capacity Management suite on the computer, both the second user and the first user are signed out on the wall display. The Capacity Management suite needs to be restarted or the first user needs to sign in to the wall display again. However, the Application Access Audit report incorrectly shows that the first user is still signed in, but that the second user's computer and wall display sessions have ended.
[OP-2221] If you are using a touch screen, you cannot use Slide to Acknowledge to acknowledge a Staff Assistance, Patient Isolation, or Walkout alarm.
[OP-2222] When you hover over a discharge milestone in a list view, a tool tip with information appears near the milestone (as expected), but also in the footer.
[OP-2355] Rows on the Staff Assignment window appear misaligned when the horizontal scroll bar is present in the Microsoft® Internet Explorer® browser.
PreAdmitTracking and PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-1969] On the Listview Column Selection dialog box (accessed via View Options), in the SELECTED COLUMNS section, the display of the selected columns would break across multiple rows. This display issue has been corrected. In the same Listview Column Selection dialog box, in the AVAILABLE COLUMNS section, when text entered in the Filter box (shown below) was cleared, all available columns would not display. With this release, when the Filter box is cleared, the available columns appropriately display.
[OP-2097] A BedTracking or TransportTracking user with variable membership can select a PatientTracking Portal or PreAdmitTracking unit or ward that floaters are allowed to select when they sign in. After the users sign in, they will see the icons and/or menus for the PatientTracking Portal and PreAdmitTracking applications. However, if they try to access the applications, they will see an error message: “An error has occurred. Please retry your action. If the error continues, contact your system administrator.”
[OP-2146] In the Listview Column Selection dialog box (accessed via View Options), in the SELECTED COLUMNS section, previously added columns shrank after lengthier new columns were added causing misalignment on the list view.
[OP-2338] Users cannot access View Options to update custom console views.
[OP-2348] When users try to load a console list view, the following message appears: "List View Cannot be NULL."
[OP-2356] If you select the Alerts button and the list of alerts is more than one page long, then when you attempt to access additional pages, the following error message appears: "Please contact your system administrator."
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-2239] After upgrading to version 2017.3 or later, when administrators accessed TransportTracking global settings for a campus, they could not see dispatch sets that had been created previously.
Version 2018.1
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-850] Patient purge cannot be completed in version 2017.3.
[OP-1808] An error message appears if you open the Patient Placement Details form from an alert within the BedTracking® application or TransportTracking™ application or the Standard Reports component, and then select Search Patient Demographics.
[OP-1831] If an administrator accesses the Location Information page from the Unit Information page and then changes and saves a bed's location type on the Location Information page (for example, changes Home to Specialty Bed), the change is saved but it does not appear on the Unit Information page.
[OP-1834] If an administrator uploads and saves a logo through Enterprise Management, the logo does not appear in the upper-left corner as it should.
[OP-2007] The upgrade installation process used a large amount of transaction log space, causing upgrade installations to fail.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-1815] After you assign a target bed to a patient on the Patient Placement Details window and save, and then remove the target bed assignment and save again, if you select the X in the corner to close the window, the window might not close.
[OP-1818] After you select a row on a list view and then select a second row, a blue border appears around both rows and the rows appear to separate from each other.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-1626] In Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.x, long text is truncated in the columns in the list views. There are no ellipses before the truncated text, so it is not apparent that the text is missing.
[OP-1706] In the Firefox browser, columns are misaligned on the wall display when the Require Authentication to Edit Information setting is enabled.
[OP-1827] If your browser font size is set to Larger and there are more than 10 columns in a list view, then only partial text might be displayed in the Origin Unit / Origin Ward and Current Location columns. There are no ellipses in the columns to indicate that some of the text is not visible, so it is not apparent that you cannot see the all of the text.
[OP-1941] When a user with variable membership signed in, selected a unit or ward that an administrator had associated with a PatientTracking Portal console, and then accessed the PatientTracking Portal application, the console that the administrator associated with the selected unit or ward automatically became the default PatientTracking Portal console in the variable user's user profile.
[OP-1996] When two patients in the same unit or ward have the same last name, the background behind the names is red in the Name column on a list view to alert staff members about the similar names and prevent confusion. Because of the font color, the last names were difficult to read on red backgrounds.
[XT-3748] The Hand Hygiene audit report now includes logic for when the Treat Semi Private Rooms with One Patient as a Single Room and the Use Separate Hand Hygiene Settings for Isolation Patients Master Configuration settings are enabled. A TeleTracking representative can generate the audit report for you.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-1538] On an item transport job request, if you are required to associate a patient with the item, but you do not, then when you save the job request, an error message appears and the selected origin and destination locations are deleted from the request.
[OP-1942] When users attempted to run the Employee/Supervisor History report from the archive database, the following error message appeared: "An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator."
Version 2017.3
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-570] The archiving process does not archive attending physicians for all patients, resulting in the attending physicians being excluded from reports in the Custom Reporting Solution™ application.
[OP-637] In TeleTracking IQ-enabled Capacity Management suite, in some cases, the user name fields in user accounts for new transporters and bed cleaners (housekeepers) were blank. Therefore, their user names were not appearing on the user interface. If the user name field in a user account is blank, the user's name now appears on the user interface in the following format: <last name>, <first name>.
[OP-666] Users whose names included apostrophes (for example, O'Hara) could not log in.
[OP-676] Operational validations of Capacity Management Suite® and TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions databases with Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 "Always On" functionality as well as Microsoft® .NET FrameWork version 4.6.2 in application server environments were unsuccessful. TeleTracking does not recommend using SQL Server® 2012 in an "Always On" environment or .NET FrameWork version 4.6.2 at this time.
[OP-826] Latency in page loading in User Management and with reports.
[OP-850] Patient purge fails.
[OP-885] If the Capacity Management suite is TeleTracking IQ-enabled, then only the users who have the default Capacity Management suite administrator role can click the Platform Version and Terms of Use links at the bottom of the Capacity Management landing page. For other users, these links are not clickable.
[OP-968] A repair installation of the Capacity Management suite version 3.4 fails when the Capacity Management suite is integrated with Performance Reporting on the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
[OP-970] Unable to edit existing users with email addresses.
[OP-1016] As of version 2017.3, there is no dependence on Microsoft® Internet Explorer® version 7 compatibility components.
[OP-1020] In the Asset Patient Staff Interaction report, the Lost Badge report, the Patient Staff Interaction report, and the Patient Staff Location report, the time stamps are not in local time. Instead of conversion to local time, UTC time conversion is used. Therefore, time stamps on reports are incorrect by one hour, except during Daylight Savings Time.
[OP-1026] On the User Master List report, the incorrect positions are displayed for employees.
[OP-1049] In the TeleTracking mobileXT™ app, the title bar overlapped the Done button and there was a drain on the phone battery.
[OP-1078] In the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, there is an unspecified error in patient search.
[OP-1152] TAP paging fails after a period of time because of inability to access the Comm Port. This leads to issues such as inability to create a transfer request.
[OP-1183] When a 404 error message page appeared in a browser because an incorrect page name extension was in the browser address bar (for example, the page extension was entered as .aspc instead of .aspx), a directory structure appeared in the message. The directory structure no longer appears, which minimizes security risks.
[OP-1186] Multiple duplicate A08 transactions were logged, causing the transaction log to grow excessively.
[OP-1580] If you attempted to generate the Discharge Efficiency Report when the Capacity Management suite was not integrated with TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions , the following message appeared: "An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator."
[OP-1843] Excessive deadlocks affect database-side performance.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-969] Consoles are not updating automatically.
[OP-1076] Unspecified error in patient search.
[OP-1149] Patients who have been discharged still appear on the floor plan.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-561] If a patient badge for real-time locating has an alphanumeric code, staff members do not receive alerts and notifications about the patient who is associated with the badge (for example, a notification when the patient is marked Ready-to-Move).
[OP-578] On a wall display, users cannot use the touch controls for scrolling up and down and left and right unless they are also logged in to secondary accounts.
[OP-787] In patient search results, if you sort a column that has no values in it, the following error message appears: Error retrieving data.
[OP-1101] In patient search results, the Staff Type column is always blank.
[OP-1150] If two patients are associated with a bed, you cannot show or hide the bed on a console.
[OP-1159] In the Bed column on list views, the background color for beds in Clean status should be light green. Beds in Suspended status should have dark green backgrounds. Beds in Clean and in Suspended status both had dark green backgrounds.
[OP-1798] Interactive wall display users who were configured to not timeout are timing out.
PreAdmitTracking® Application and PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-371] Rauland external location identification codes not displayed in the locations section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
[OP-542] Staff Assignment truncates long location names.
[OP-620] If the TransferCenterIQ™ application used the Capacity Management suite as the source for its physician records, the physicians were not automatically synchronized with the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
[OP-634] There were duplicate patients in PatientTracking Portal and optimization issues, as well as increased Microsoft SQL Server CPU usage.
[OP-791] On the Patient/Placement Details form, if the Admit Diagnosis box contains the special characters < or >, then users who receive alerts about the patient cannot delete the alerts or mark them as "read."
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-759] Transport jobs that occurred after the selected end date in the date range filter still appeared on reports.
[OP-815/OP-1237] If a transporter was offered a transport job and then took an unscheduled break, the job was noted as rejected.
[OP-1038/OP-1126] For possible and appointment transport jobs, the patient's current location should become the job's origin location automatically when the job's status changes from Possible or Appointment to Pending, so that the transporter can report to the correct location to start the job.
[OP-1147] When two different sections in two different campuses had the same section identification number, transporters with variable membership saw errors when they signed in to the TeleTracking mobileXT app and selected those sections.
[OP-1153] The Employee Audit report displays data from outside the selected date range.
[OP-1370] On the Transporters tab, if you select a job number for a job that is in Dispatched, Assist, or Dispatched/Delayed status, the transport request opens. When you close the transport request, the page shifts to the left and the status icons disappear. When the page is refreshed, the status icons reappear.
Version 2017.2
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-682] and [OP-754] In the Discharge Efficiency report and the Automated Patient Discharge report, the time stamps are not in local time. Instead of conversion to local time, UTC time conversion is used. Therefore, time stamps on reports are incorrect by one hour, except during Daylight Savings Time.
[OP-683] In the Discharge Efficiency report, if the same patient visit number has multiple ADT discharge messages, total counts and calculations include all of those discharge messages. Only the discharge message that was received first for a given visit number should be included in calculations. The counts should not show that the patient was discharged multiple times.
[OP-779] An exception error occurs in the Master Patient Index (MPI) search (Search Patient Demographics) when the user specifies a Middle Initial and at least one of the following in search criteria: a Suffix, an Age/Date of Birth, or a Gender.
[OP-785] The upgrade to the Capacity Management Suite® versions 5.0.1 through 2017.1 from version 3.4.0, with the version 3.4 patch applied, fails.
BedTracking® Application
[OP-309] BedTracking supervisor does not appear on the BedTracking® application Employee Zone Coverage Quick Report.
[OP-719] Compliance Report does not include all data indicated in help. The reference to Source > BT has been removed from the Standard Reports online help.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-475] Bed requests coming from the integrated TransferCenterIQ™ application are timing out. The timeout setting has been changed to address this.
[OP-512] Bed request orders from the Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT) system with a target unit in specified in ZB1.4 are not processed successfully.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-540] Console-based notifications are not sent to subscribing users when 1) the HHI column is included in the console and 2) the Show Unit Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) on PatientTracking Portal setting is enabled for the selected unit or ward on the console.
[OP-662] Patient search does not allow sorting by column.
TransportTracking™ Application
[OP-536] When a transporter accepts an assistance job, the following Apple® iOS error message appears: "Your changes cannot be saved. Another user has changed this data."
[OP-792] The following error message appears when users attempt to view patient details or transport job details: "An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated."
Version 5.0.1
All of the Capacity Management Suite®
[OP-257] If SSL is enabled before an upgrade to version 3.2, it's disabled after the upgrade.
[OP-258] Incorrect indication of required field in Configure User Template.
[OP-296] Excessive IIS log growth.
[OP-417] Notifications not sent to Apple devices.
[XT-2390] Significant performance enhancements in various areas affecting database stored procedures, PatientTracking Portal® application, etc.
[XT-2540] Slow generation of Patient Audit report.
[XT-2560] Issue with updating user list when navigating pages.
[XT-2702] Archive failure.
[XT-2772] XT User Session Monitor service failure.
BedTracking® Application
[XT-2306] Error message for users selecting a different menu option on subsequent logins.
[XT-2545] Timeout issue with Bed History report.
[XT-2666] Error with By the Hours Weekly and Employee Transaction Analysis reports from Archive database.
PreAdmitTracking® Application
[OP-161] User interface issue in split view.
[XT-2387] Clean-to-Occupied Target setting ignored on Processing Time Analysis report.
[XT-2541] Slow generation of Milestone Delay report.
[XT-2542] Error generating Notification History report from Archive database.
PatientTracking Portal® Application
[OP-89] Cosmetic UI issues.
[OP-253] Issue with Kronos OptiLink® integration.
[OP-306] Latency issue with milestones in list view.
[XT-2407] Unable to edit patient information in a custom column.
[XT-2408] HTML encoded value displayed in custom column.
[XT-2559] Unhandled exception error in Staff Assignment.
TransportTracking™ Application
[XT-2270] Incorrect base unit logic.
[XT-2446] Transport supervisors receiving job rejection alerts from unauthorized campuses.
[XT-2763] Transport dispatch logic malfunction.
[XT-2865] Job rejection not recorded when transporter selects Break option on IVR.