Date of Birth Timestamp Changes
There were duplicate Date of Birth fields in the Patient Visit datasources with only the DOB_Timestamp_UTC field showing the correct values.
The first Patient_DOB field showed as a string value, which required some manipulation in order to be used correctly as a date field.
The Patient DOB_Timestamp field previously showed the local timestamp value, which caused confusion based on the timezone where the user viewed the data. For example, a user viewing the data in EST vs PST could show a patient with a different age depending on when the user viewed the data. By changing this field to also point to the UTC timestamp, we can ensure that the correct patient age is always showing regardless of timezone.
The Patient DOB fields in Current Patient Visit (fast lane) are being updated.
DOB_Timestamp – Previously showed the local date/time, which caused confusion based on the timezone where the user viewed the data. This now shows the timestamp in UTC for uniform reporting.
DOB_Timestamp_UTC – Also displays the timestamp in UTC.
The Patient Visit standard lane will be updated in the near future with the same changes.
See our Product Updates page for information on previous releases and our latest server update.