Data Source Updates
To accommodate customers overseeing multiple Capacity Management Suite® instances with diverse timezones, we have implemented a new "_ENTERPRISE" timestamp field for each timestamp associated with application in all CMS data sources. For instance, "COMPLETED_TIMESTAMP" in BTJob data source will have 3 fields - "COMPLETED_TIMESTAMP","COMPLETED_TIMESTAMP_UTC", "COMPLETED_TIMESTAMP_ENTERPRISE". The "_ENTERPRISE" timestamp showcases data in the Tenant Timezone (as configured in IQ Tenant Settings for each tenant), while the original timestamp (without "_ENTERPRISE") and with "_UTC" continues to display the timestamp in the Capacity Management Suite® Instance timezone and UTC timezone respectively. When calculating durations in Tableau, it is advised to utilize the "_ENTERPRISE" timestamp with the NOW() function for precise results.
Data Source Updates
The following new data sources are now available in SynapseIQ®. Please refer to the Data Sources Overview – Standard Lane page or the Data Sources Overview – Fast Lane page for more details on the new data sources. Please refer to the Data Points – Standard Lane page or the Data Points – Fast Lane page for more details on the new data points.
Current BedTracking Employee Status (Fast Lane)
Current TransportTracking Employee Status (Fast Lane)
Care Progression Indicators Detail (Standard Lane)
Note: The PATIENT ADMIT SOURCE and MILESTONE ENTITY TYPE CODE data points in the Standard Lane data source contains information for the past six months. If there is a need for data older than six months, contact the TeleTracking® Technical Support team for assistance
Current Care Progression Indicators Detail (Fast Lane)
IQ Case Escalation Communication Detail (Standard Lane)
IQ Case Facility Communication Detail (Standard Lane)
As previously communicated, the existing field ‘IS_ROUND_TRIP_JOB’ with data type of Number has been deprecated.
Enhancements have been made to the Transport Tracking data source to improve latency. These changes should not affect any existing data points.
Patient Visit and Current Patient Visit
A new data point called ‘Patient Type’ has been added to both the Standard Lane and Fast Lane Patient Visit data sources. The 'Patient Type' value for Standard Lane has been backfilled for the last 2 years. Please refer to the Data Points – Standard Lane page or the Data Points – Fast Lane page for more details on the new data points.
Previously, the CASE_PHYSICIAN_COMMUNICATION and the IQ_CASE_ESCALATION_COMMUNICATION data sources filtered out deleted communication records. This behavior has changed. Deleted communication records in the CASE_PHYSICIAN_COMMUNICATION and IQ_CASE_ESCALATION_COMMUNICATION data sources are now shown. Users can filter out deleted communication records on Tableau.
Case Physician Communication IQCase & IQ Case Physician Communication Detail
The Case_Communication_ID serves as the distinctive identifier connecting all communications from a Physician to a specific case. Historical data was retroactively filled into the Case_Communication_ID without affecting existing reports. The WarehouseAcquisitionDate_UTC was modified, ensuring that DWC customers automatically retrieve the latest updates, provided their data pull is linked to WarehouseAcquisitionDate_UTC.
It's important to note that Case_Communication_ID was incorporated into TCIQ around February 2022. Communications from Physicians preceding this date will display empty GUID as their Case_Communication_ID.
Note: Case Physician Communication (Snowflake view) is the CASE PHYSICIAN COMMUNICATIONIQ CASE data source in SynapseIQ®/Tableau.
Note: Physician Communication (Snowflake view) is the IQ CASE PHYSICIAN COMMUNICATION DETAIL data source in SynapseIQ®/Tableau.
Dashboard Updates
See our Command Center Dashboards page to view more detailed information on the available Command Center Dashboards.
Two new dashboards that utilize the Current BedTracking Employee Status and Current TransportTracking Employee Status data sources, respectively, are now available in SynapseIQ®:
Current EVS Employee Status - This dashboard shows the current status of EVS employees.
This dashboard contains 3 main sections:
Employee Count by Status shows a donut chart of the number of employees in each status.
Employees by Status by Campus shows a table of the number of employees in each status by campus
Idle Employees by Campus shows a table of all employees whose current status is 'Idle.' This is sorted by longest time being idle, meaning the employee at the top of the list has been idle for the longest amount of time.
Current Transport Employee Status - This dashboard shows the current status of Transport employees.
This dashboard contains 3 main sections:
Employee Count by Status shows a donut chart of the number of employees in each status
Employees by Status by Campus shows a table of the number of employees in each status by campus
Idle Employees by Campus shows a table of all employees whose current status is 'Idle.' This is sorted by longest time being idle, meaning the employee at the top of the list has been idle for the longest amount of time.
Executive Overview is a new dashboard that serves to replace our Executive App and recreate its functionality in SynapseIQ®.
This is the first SynapseIQ® dashboard designed specifically for a mobile device. For the best functionality we recommend viewing on the Tableau Mobile app, but viewing within a web browser will also work. This dashboard still has a desktop computer view built-in, meaning it can be viewed on both desktop and mobile devices. If interested in seeing the mobile layout while viewing on a desktop, select the 'Device Layouts' button near the top right of the screen.
This dashboard contains 4 main sections:
Enterprise Census - This displays a high-level visual of the census of all campuses within your health system. By default these will fall into 3 categories - Green, Orange, and Red. The percentages for these can be modified within the filter menu.
Census by Campus - This shows the census of each campus within your health system. To expand this to view at the Campus and Unit level click on the campus name and then hit 'Drill Down'. If you then wish to revert to the Campus-only view you can click on the unit name and hit 'Drill Up'.
Census by Unit Category - This shows the census of each Unit Category within you health system.
3 Emergency Department (ED) Metrics
Patients Waiting in ED - This shows the current number of patients in the ED who are waiting to be placed into a bed.
Current Longest Wait in ED - This shows the longest wait time of any patients currently in the ED.
Current Avg Wait Time in ED - This is the average wait time of all patients currently in the ED.
Data Source Extract Updates
We have now deployed Data Source Extracts to all customer sites for historical throughput data sources. For questions related to Data Source Extracts please refer to the Data Source Extracts page of our online help.
Data Source Updates
New data points were added to the data sources listed below. Please refer to the Data Points – Fast Lane page for more details on the new data points.
Current Patient Attribute & Current Bed Status:
Current Transfer Milestone:
Census Current
To support the Capacity Management Suite 'Projected Census – Today’ filter, the following fields were added:
A small change was implemented to our Current Transport Tracking data source. Previously in this data source the records for delay reason codes would only be shown if the current status of the job was 'Delay'. With this update the records for delay reason codes will now show the most recent delay reason, even if the current status of the job is not 'Delay'. This will enable you to easily see if there was a delay for the transport job at any point and the reason for the delay.
Data Source Updates
Please refer to the Data Points – Standard Lane page for more details on new data points.
In order to support the Staff Communication feature that the TransferCenterIQ™ application was enhanced with, two new views are now available in SynapseIQ®:
IQ Case Staff Communication (Standard Lane) - IQ Case Staff Communication is a Standard Lane data source that contains a Standard Lane view of staff communications records from TransferCenterIQ™. It includes the times they are created, the initial contact recorded, when the call is initially returned (Initial Response), and the latest time a disposition is recorded for the staff (cancelled). Each row usually represents one staff communication card and there could be multiple rows representing multiple staff communication cards. This data source has a latency of 45-90 minutes. This data source is joined to the IQ Case data source, and all measures and dimension from that data source are also available.
IQ Staff Communication Detail (Standard Lane) - IQ Staff Communication Detail is a Standard Lane data source that contains the detailed events occurring in staff communications in each transfer center case. Each of the events in the communications history will be a unique row in this data set, including the times contacted, the times where the call is returned, and the times when any disposition is set on the communication record. This data source has a latency of 45-90 minutes.
As a component of an ongoing initiative to enhance Standard Lane data latency, we have implemented performance improvements for BTJob by utilizing BT Job fast lane data to support the Standard Lane. This modification does not affect dashboards or DWC connections. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the TeleTracking® technical support team.
A bug in the DOB field within the Standard Lane Transport Tracking and Patient Placement data sources, was causing the date of birth field to be one day earlier. This has been fixed and all Standard Lane data has been updated to accurately reflect the correct DOB date.
Case Physician Communication and Physician Communication
A new field ‘CASE_COMMUNICATION_ID’ was added to support enhancements to the TransferCenterIQ™ solution.
Note: Case Physician Communication (Snowflake view) is the IQ Case Physician Communication data source in SIQ.
Note: Physician Communication (Snowflake view) is the IQ Case Physician Communication Detail data source in SIQ.
Previously, the Current Patient Attributes data source only showcased attributes associated with patients who currently possess or had a home location in the past. This week we have rectified this by incorporating all custom attributes for both patients with and without a home location. Consequently, all attributes for patients with Pre-admit and OutPatient status types were also integrated into the Current Patient Attributes data source. This adjustment should not have caused any issues with the dashboards or affect DWC customers.
US Tableau Updates
Tableau Server Upgrade:
On December 13th, the SynapseIQ® server was upgraded to Tableau version 2022.1.19. This update is for US customers only and it includes the following design and functionality changes:
Updated Toolbar
The functionality of the toolbar remains the same, apart from a modernized design. The 'Subscriptions', 'Metrics', and 'Alerts' options have been consolidated into the 'Watch' drop-down.
Workbook Optimizer
This is now available on the server, as it was previously available only on Tableau Desktop. Use this to understand how your dashboard performs compared to Tableau's best practices for dashboard design. If you have a slow or poor performing dashboard this is a great place to start to work to understand ways to improve.
Upgraded Content Search
The ability to search for content has been upgraded and will now return more relevant results up front.
Filter Performance Improvements
Filters should now function much faster than on previous versions.
Expanded Web Authoring Capabilities
You can now right-click on reference lines, trend lines, highlighter cards, quick filters, and titles to edit, format, or delete these.
As a reminder, we highly recommend using a Tableau Desktop version at or below our current Tableau Server version. This means that once we upgrade our server to 2022.1.19, if you have Tableau Desktop you can upgrade it to Tableau Desktop 2022.1.19.
EU Tableau Updates
Tableau Server Upgrade:
On November 16th, the SynapseIQ® server was upgraded to Tableau version 2022.1.19. This update is for EU customers only and it includes the following design and functionality changes:
Updated Toolbar
The functionality of the toolbar remains the same, apart from a modernized design. The 'Subscriptions', 'Metrics', and 'Alerts' options have been consolidated into the 'Watch' drop-down.
Workbook Optimizer
This is now available on the server, as it was previously available only on Tableau Desktop. Use this to understand how your dashboard performs compared to Tableau's best practices for dashboard design. If you have a slow or poor performing dashboard this is a great place to start to work to understand ways to improve.
Upgraded Content Search
The ability to search for content has been upgraded and will now return more relevant results up front.
Filter Performance Improvements
Filters should now function much faster than on previous versions.
Expanded Web Authoring Capabilities
You can now right-click on reference lines, trend lines, highlighter cards, quick filters, and titles to edit, format, or delete these.
As a reminder, we highly recommend using a Tableau Desktop version at or below our current Tableau Server version. This means that once we upgrade our server to 2022.1.19, if you have Tableau Desktop you can upgrade it to Tableau Desktop 2022.1.19.
Data Source Updates
Case Physician Communication and Physician Communication
To support the new enhancement to the TransferCenterIQ™ solution, a new field ‘POSITION_NAME’ was added.
Note: Case Physician Communication (Snowflake view) is the IQ Case Physician Communication data source in SIQ.
Note: Physician Communication (Snowflake view) is the IQ Case Physician Communication Detail data source in SIQ.
Please refer to the Data Points – Standard Lane page for more details on the new data points.
All Data Sources
To prevent duplicate values from appearing in Fast Lane data, all Fast Lane data points have been trimmed to remove any leading or trailing whitespaces from the text.
Transport Tracking
In an effort to make the fields adhere to standard data types, a new field, 'IS_ROUND_TRIP_JOB_BOOL,' with Boolean datatype has been added to the Transport Tracking (Standard Lane) data source. The new field will display the value as TRUE/FALSE and will not have any impact on existing content. Please migrate your associated custom dashboards or ETL processes to point to the new field going forward. The existing field 'IS_ROUND_TRIP_JOB' with the data type of Number will be deprecated on 15 January 2024.
To provide full Standard Lane data for our performance improvements to the BTJob and Transport Tracking data sources and to address minor inconsistencies in data, the SynapseIQ® team has replayed the last 2 years of transactions.
Location Action Status & BTJob
To improve data consistency, the ACTION data point in Location Action Status (Standard Lane) and the INITIAL_PRIORITY_STATUS_TYPE data point in BTJob (Standard Lane) will now be populated with data generated from Capacity Management Suite® solution tables. Previously, these values may have included “Blocked” or “Occupied.” In this release, “BLOKD” or “OCCPD” will now appear instead. Other values include “Clean,” “Next,” “Dirty,” “Stat,” “Udef8,” and “Udef9.”
Discharge Milestone & Care Progression Indicators
In order to fully provide Standard Lane data for the recent fix on the null Discharge Timestamp in Milestones data sources, the SynapseIQ® team has replayed the last 2 years of transactions.
Dashboard Updates
Any Dashboard using the ‘Campus State’ field within the Patient Visit data source:
Previously the ‘CAMPUS_STATE’ field could have untrimmed space characters at the end of the text. This would allow for two separate values for the same state, meaning you would need to select two values for the same state when filtering.
Example: You could have a value of ‘Ohio’ and another of 'Ohio '. Note the additional space at the end of the second Ohio.
To correct this in SynapseIQ we have renamed the existing field to ‘CAMPUS_STATE_RAW’ field in Patient Visit Data source and created a new custom field called ‘CAMPUS_STATE’ as a replacement. The new ‘CAMPUS_STATE’ field removes any extra spaces within the text of the value. This new field will need to be used in place of any reference to the previous field, meaning customers will need to replace the old field with the new field in any existing reports using the Campus State. Additionally, we have hidden the ‘CAMPUS_STATE_RAW’ field to help avoid any confusion as to which field to use.
The calculation for the new ‘CAMPUS_STATE’ field is: TRIM([CAMPUS_STATE_RAW]).
Note: This field being updated is in the Patient Visit data source, and any dashboards connected to it referencing the field would be impacted.
As discussed in the July SynapseIQ® User Group, the team has added the new 'Patient Age Initial' and 'Patient Age Current' custom calculations. As a reminder, these custom calculation fields are intended to replace the existing 'Patient Age' field within our data sources. If data is replayed, the existing 'Patient Age' value will change to reference the date of the replay and not the date of the actual patient visit record. This would show the patient as having been older than they were during their visit. The existing 'Patient Age' field will be deprecated in the first half of 2024. To ensure that any reports referencing this field continue to work properly after that deprecation, please replace any references of 'Patient Age' with either 'Patient Age Initial' or 'Patient Age Current'.
The custom calculations for the new fields are:
Patient Age Initial - The time in years between the Patient's date of birth and the case created date.
Calculation: DATEDIFF('year', [Patient Dob], [Case Created Date])
Patient Age Current -The time in years between the Patient's date of birth and today.
Calculation: DATEDIFF('year', [Patient Dob], NOW())
These custom calculation fields have been added to the following data sources:
IQ Case Physician Communication (Standard Lane)
Current Patient Placement (Fast Lane)
IQ Behavioral Health (Full Standard Lane)
IQ Case Enterprise (Full Standard Lane)
IQ Case Escalation Communication (Full Standard Lane)
IQ Case Facility Communication Case (Full Standard Lane)
IQ Case Issue Notes (Full Standard Lane)
IQ Case Issue (Full Standard Lane)
IQ Case Note (Full Standard Lane)
IQ Case (Full Standard Lane)
Patient Placement (Full Standard Lane)
Transfer Center (Full Standard Lane)
Please refer to the Data Points – Full Standard Lane page or the Data Points – Fast Lane page for more details on the new data points.
Data Source Updates
New data points were added to the data sources listed below. Please refer to the Data Points – Full Standard Lane page or the Data Points – Fast Lane page for more details on the new data points. New data points were added to the data sources listed below. Please refer to the Data Points – Full Standard Lane page or the Data Points – Fast Lane page for more details on the new data points.
Current Bed Status (Fast Lane):
Current Discharge Milestones (Fast Lane), Current Transfer Milestones (Fast Lane), Care Progression Indicators (Full Standard Lane), and Discharge Milestones (Full Standard Lane):
Note: In Capacity Management Suite, there are default milestones named “ConfirmedDischarge”,”Discharge”,”ReadyToMove”,”Transfer" related to Discharge and Transfer events that are not visible to the customer and are not part of the milestone setup. These default milestones are used to trigger backend flow of events and are not related to the progression of Discharge and Transfer Milestones. The SynapseIQ® analytics platform has stopped ingesting these invisible, default milestones from the Capacity Management Suite® solution. When IS_VISIBLE is “false,” it is used in a custom SQL query to remove invisible milestones from both the Full Standard Lane and Fast Lane Snowflake warehouse to eliminate report confusion.
Streaming (Fast Lane) and BTJob (Full Standard Lane):
Location Action Status (Full Standard Lane):
Transport Tracking (Full Standard Lane):
The DATEDIFF_BIG function used in a custom SQL query to provide duration data consistency among both the Standard and Fast Lanes has been replaced with the DATE_DIFF function to ensure that the query is supported by all versions of SQL Server.
Below is the list of the duration data points for the two data sources that was part of the Datediff change:
This change does not impact the resulting data.
As an effort to improve consistency and match among both the Standard and Fast Lanes, the data types of several fields in the BTJob, Current Transport Tracking,and evs_streaming views have been updated. The table below displays which fields were changed.
Data Point | Data Type |
Data Point | Data Type |
Data Source Updates
Current Discharge Milestones, Current Transfer Milestones, Care Progression Indicators and Discharge Milestones:
In an effort to improve the data processing times and dashboard load times of Milestone related data sources, we have filtered out the milestone details that are "Not Ordered" from the source. This should not have any impact on the existing content.
IQ Case Escalation Communication (Full Standard Lane):
Please refer to the Data Points – Full Standard Lane page for more details.
Transporter Employee Performance (Full Standard Lane): Previously, the ‘Start Date’ field was in UTC time zone instead of the local time zone. These results in some incorrect numbers on the Transporter Employee Performance standard content as it is currently using ‘Start Date’ as the field for the date filter. To fix this issue, the below changes have been made:
Modified ‘Start Date’ to the local time based date value
Existing date filter in the standard content now functions as expected
Existing custom content will not need changed as the field now functions as expected
Modified ‘Hour’ to the local time based date value
Existing hour filter in the standard content now functions as expected
Existing custom content will not need changed as the field now functions as expected
A new field called ‘Start Date UTC’ has been added
Matches how most date fields in the SynapseIQ® Enterprise Solution have an accompanying UTC value.
Data Source Updates
Three new data points have been added:
HOSPITAL SERVICE - The latest hospital service recorded in the patient visit record. The type of treatment or surgery for the patient (e.g., Oncology, Obstetrics, Adolescent, or Cardiology) is called Hospital Service or Service Line.
PATIENT STATUS TYPE - The latest patient status type set on the patient record. The values can include ConfirmedDischarge, Discharged, InHouse, OutPatient, PendingDischarge, PendingTransfer, PreAdmit, VisitCanceled.
PATIENT STATUS TYPE CODE - The key that represents patient status of the patient during the visit. This field is used in standard content for multi-language support. This field is not intended for client report building
The above data points have been added to the following data sources:
Full Full Standard Lane Data Sources:
Fast Lane Data Sources:
The Current Patient Placement (Fast Lane) data source is modified to improve efficiency. Currently, the data source only includes data with Latest_LastModDate in last 48 hours. We made a change so that every 12 hours we remove the placements that are either Completed, Canceled or Requested but inactive and older than 3 days from the Requested Date. This does not impact Full Standard Lane standard data source.
The Current Discharge Milestones and Current Transfer Milestones (Fast Lane) data sources is modified to improve efficiency. We made a change that will run every 12 hours to remove the Current Discharge Milestones that don’t have a patient record in the Current Patient Visit and Current Transfer Milestones that don’t have a placement record in the Current Patient Placement. This should not impact the Full Standard Lane data sources.
LATEST_LASTMODDATE_UTC has been added to EVS Streaming (Fast Lane) Data source.
LATEST_LASTMODDATE_UTC - The UTC datetime when the EVS reporting data for an EVS job gets updated.
One new data point has been added to all Full Standard Lane (Capacity Management Suite®, TransferCenterIQ™, and Classic TransferCenter™) data sources:
WAREHOUSEACQUISITIONDATE_UTC - The latest timestamp that a record is inserted in Snowflake Data Warehouse in UTC format.
Transporter Employee Performance Dashboard Update
A new filter was added to the SIQ dashboard that will filter all of the transporters with no dispatches even though they have other metrics and are logged in to the system. Please remove/edit the filter if you wish to see all of the transporters.
New Data Sources
Two new published data sources are now available in SynapseIQ:
Current Discharge Milestones (Fast Lane) - A data source that includes discharge milestones for active patients as well as milestones that have been updated within the last 72 hours.
IQ Behavioral Health (Full Standard Lane) - A Full Standard Lane data source that contains Full Standard Lane details about behavioral health assessments recorded in TransferCenter IQ.
Note: For clients who were previous extracting Behavioral Health Assessment data using the data warehouse connector, we have also added a new data point called "Is_Deleted." This data point is a flag indicating if the assessment was deleted or not. The default value is False.
Data Source Updates
New data points were added to the Discharge Milestones (Full Standard Lane) data source:
PATIENT_EXPECTED_DISCHARGE_DATE_TIME - The projected discharge local date time for the patient associated with the discharge milestone.
PATIENT_EXPECTED_DISCHARGE_DATE_TIME_UTC - The projected discharge UTC date time for the patient associated with the discharge milestone.
PATIENT_PENDING_DISCHARGE_DATE_TIME - The latest local date/time when the patient was put into a pending discharge status.
PATIENT_PENDING_DISCHARGE_DATE_TIME_UTC - The latest UTC date/time when the patient was put into a pending discharge status.
WAREHOUSEACQUISITIONDATE_UTC - The latest time when a record is inserted in the Snowflake Data Warehouse.
BT Job Data Source
As an effort to make the data accurate, we corrected the BedTracking Jobs to display the correct Job Status Type as "Completed" if there is a valid Complete Timestamp.
New Interactive Report
The newly released Transfer Center Case Teams Full Standard Lane report displays information related to the case team assigned to transfer cases and a detailed breakdown of transfer cases.
Data Source Updates
Current Patient Placement
New data points were added to the Current Patient Placement (Fast Lane) data source:
Admitting Patient Physician Type Code - This field is not intended for customer report building.
Attending Patient Physician Type Code - This field is not intended for customer report building.
We are changing the logic so that the Current Patient Placement data source will always include placements associated with an active patient visit record. Previously, a limited number of patient placements might be excluded from the fast lane, and this change ensures we include all of the associated placements.
Patient Placement
We have added the WAREHOUSEACQUISITIONDATE_UTC data point to the Patient Placement (Full Standard Lane) data source.
Transporter Employee Performance
In an attempt to match the Transporter Employee Performance (Full Standard Lane) data source with the Capacity Management Suite®, the "MINI TASK COUNT" field is deprecated.
Ongoing Improvements
As part of continuous improvement to the Full Standard Lane data latency, we made a few performance improvement changes to the Patient Visit and Patient Placement data sources.
Updates to Interactive Throughput Standard Content
The side panel will be added to all dashboards opened via the "hamburger menu" and will now include:
The filter menu, which was moved from its previous location
The ability to download PDF documents and images of the dashboards
The SynapseIQ® user survey, which will allow you to provide feedback directly to the development team to influence future enhancements.
The newly embedded help page, which will now open within the dashboard window as opposed to a new tab.
The dashboards also will now have uniform formatting and date filters, which will now default to "Last 7-Days." The exceptions are the "Census Full Standard Lane Trends," "Performance Trending Scorecard," and "Predictive Admissions" dashboards, which will continue to use their current default date ranges.
Additionally, six dashboards will be retired as they are lightly used or phased out by new Standard Content. A new "Retired Content" folder will appear next to the "Access" and "Throughput" folders within the interactive parent folder to house this retired content. Dashboards being retired include:
Capacity, Census, and Epidemiology V1
Capacity, Census, and Epidemiology V2
Capacity, Census, and Epidemiology V3
HHS Portal Data
Transport Employee Interactive
Dashboard Updates
The below changes were made to the Transport Employee Performance dashboard:
"Hours Worked" has been removed from the table view
"AVG(Dispatch Time (min))" and "AVG(In Progress time(min))" have been removed from the table view and replaced with "Avg Minutes Dispatched Per Call" and "Avg Minutes In Progress Per Call"
The Jitter plot has been updated to include "Avg Minutes Dispatched Per Call" for Avg Dispatch Time and "Avg Minutes In Progress Per Call" for Avg In Progress Time
Data Source Updates
Transporter Employee Performance
Two new data points have been added to the Transporter Employee Performance data source:
Avg Minutes Dispatched Per Call - calculates the average total minutes that a transporter is in a dispatch status per transport
SUM([Total Dispatch Minutes])/SUM([Dispatch Count])
Avg Minutes In Progress Per Call - calculates the average total minutes that a transporter spends in progress per transport
SUM([Total Inprogress Minutes])/SUM([Dispatch Count])
IQ Case
Two new data points have been added to the IQ Case data source:
INITIAL_TEAM - initial value set for the Case Team* in the Transfer Center Case
CURRENT_TEAM - latest value set for the Case Team* in the Transfer Center Case
*A Case Team can be used to assign a collection of users who specialize in a particular kind of transfer case to a Transfer Center Case (see the screenshot below).
One data point has been updated in the IQ Case data source:
INITIAL_CASE_COMPLETE_DATETIME - updated to show the first case completed timestamp instead of the final or current case timestamp
Ongoing Improvements
The SQL queries that power the Fast Lane data sources have been optimized to improve ongoing management and maintenance. This change is done in the background and should not cause any disruptions to data flow.
New Dashboard
Patient Placement Pipeline Dashboard
The new Patient Placement Pipeline Dashboard that we previewed in February, the first visual depiction of patient flow data, is now available in the standard content. This dashboard displays the key time intervals from when a bed becomes empty to when the next patient occupies the bed. The dashboard also shows an average interval figure for all placements that have been completed. The pipeline highlights which parts of the process meet the best practice goals and which might be causing delays to patient flow.
The new Patient Placement Pipeline Dashboard is available with other Command Center Dashboards.
New Data Source
A new published data source is now available in SynapseIQ.
IQ Case Physician Communication Detail
This data source contains the detailed events occurring in physician communications in each transfer center case. Each of the events in the communications history will be a unique row in this data set, including the times contacted, the times when the call is returned, the times conferenced, and the times when any disposition is set on the communication record.
Data Source Updates
We have updated the logic for the data point "Last_Upgrade_Status" in the EVS_STREAMING data source. Previously, it referred to the status that the job was "last upgraded from," and now with the updated logic, it refers to the status that the job was "last upgraded to."
Data Source Updates
Census Current Data Source
We have corrected the logic of "OutGoingAssigned" and "OutGoingUnAssigned" to match the right status with Capacity Management Suite® for the Census Current data source. Both fields now match appropriately with the placement status and whether they are activated or not.
The new calculations are as below:
OutGoingAssigned = Count by Origin Unit where placement status is Assigned and Is_activated is True
OutGoingUnAssigned = Count by Origin Unit where placement status is Requested and Is_activated is True
Previously, we defined the logic where we were filtering on the requested date for a specific time frame. This caused an unexpected result where it would not include certain placements in the pre-admits/pending transfers and that was undesirable. Hence, we removed the filter to include all outgoing placements. If a count of placements filtered on the requested date/time is required, the "Current Patient Placement" data source can be used to filter on a specific time frame for outgoing placements.
See below details on the data exposed (retention hours) in Tableau for the following Fast Lane data sources:
Data Source | Updates |
CURRENT_PATIENT_ATTRIBUTES | This data source retains records of patients that were discharged within the last 72 hours along with all other patient statuses. These are Confirmed Discharge, Discharge, In House, Pending Discharge, Pending Transfer, and PreAdmit. |
CURRENT_PATIENT_VISIT | This data source retains records of patients that were discharged or marked as Out Patient in the last 72 hours along with all other patient statuses. These are Confirmed Discharge, Discharge, In House, Out Patient, Pending Discharge, Pending Transfer, and PreAdmit. If a patient’s latest status is cancelled, their record is removed from the data source. We keep only the latest record for each patient. |
CENSUS_CURRENT | This data source retains the last 48 hours of data based off of the LastModDate. This is when we retrieve the data and store it in our database. |
CURRENT_BED_STATUS | This data source retains only the latest record for each location. |
CURRENT_TRANSFER_MILESTONES | This data source retains the last 48 hours of data based on the Latest_LastModDate. |
CURRENT_TRANSPORT_TRACKING | This data source retains the last 48 hours of data based on the LastModDate. |
EVS_STREAMING | This data source retains the last 72 hours of data based on the LastModDate. |
CURRENT_PATIENT_PLACEMENT | This data source retains the last 48 hours of data based on the LastModDate. |
Two new data points were added to the Current Transfer Milestones (Fast Lane) and Discharge Milestones (Standard Lane) data sources:
These fields represent a patient's status in Capacity Management Suite® when they are close to being discharged. For more information, please view the full data sets on the Standard Lane and Fast Lane Data Points pages.
We also corrected data ingestion and transformation logic for the Transport Employee Performance data source to ensure that the metrics seen in SynapseIQ for transporter performance match what is seen in Capacity Management Suite. We also updated the standard content folder's Transport Employee Performance dashboard to reflect these changes.
New Calculations:
We have changed the logic for the Dispatches Per Hour calculation. We are now calculating this as the sum of Dispatch Count / Total Available Minutes, + Total Dispatch Minutes + Total InProgress Minutes * 60. The full code is below:
IF [Job Type] = 'All Jobs' THEN (SUM([Dispatch Count])/(SUM([Total Available Minutes])+SUM([Total Dispatch Minutes])+SUM([Total Inprogress Minutes])))*60
ELSEIF [Job Type] = 'Patient Jobs' THEN (SUM([Dispatch Count For Patient Jobs])/(SUM([Total Available Minutes])+SUM([Total Dispatch Minutes For Patient Jobs])+SUM([Total Inprogress Minutes For Patient Jobs])))*60
ELSEIF [Job Type] = 'Item Jobs' THEN (SUM([Dispatch Count For Item Jobs])/(SUM([Total Available Minutes])+SUM([Total Dispatch Minutes For Item Jobs])+SUM([Total Inprogress Minutes For Item Jobs])))*60
There is also a new calculation for Avg Minutes Dispatched to Complete that is the sum of the Total Dispatch Minutes + Total InProgress Minutes / Dispatch Count. The full code is below:
(SUM([Total Dispatch Minutes])+SUM([Total Inprogress Minutes]))/SUM([Dispatch Count])
Transport Employee Performance Dashboard updates:
We replaced the field reference in "Avg Dispatch and Complete Time" BAN and visualization with a new "Avg Minutes dispatch to Complete" field. This field matches Capacity Management Suite logic and provides the correct values.
Data Point Updates
A data point in the Transport Tracking Standard Lane data source has been updated. The Is_Round_Trip_Job flag indicates if a transport job is a "round trip," meaning the origin and last destination are the same. Previously, this data point counted each leg of a round trip job as one complete job, which resulted in duplication. Now, this field will correctly show round trip jobs as one complete job instead of counting both legs of the transport.
This data source still shows every individual transport job as a separate row. This change is specific to the Is_Round_Trip field.
Date of Birth Timestamp Changes
The Patient DOB fields in Current Patient Visit (fast lane) are being updated.
DOB_Timestamp – Previously showed the local date/time, which caused confusion based on the timezone where the user viewed the data. This now shows the timestamp in UTC for uniform reporting.
DOB_Timestamp_UTC – Also displays the timestamp in UTC.
The Patient Visit Standard Lane will be updated in the near future with the same changes.
What is the purpose of these changes?
There were duplicate Date of Birth fields in the Patient Visit datasources with only the DOB_Timestamp_UTC field showing the correct values.
The first Patient_DOB field showed as a string value, which required some manipulation in order to be used correctly as a date field.
The Patient DOB_Timestamp field previously showed the local timestamp value, which caused confusion based on the timezone where the user viewed the data. For example, a user viewing the data in EST vs PST could show a patient with a different age depending on when the user viewed the data. By changing this field to also point to the UTC timestamp, we can ensure that the correct patient age is always showing regardless of timezone.
The SynapseIQ standard content has been updated. This update includes minor fixes and enhancements to existing content.
Command Center Dashboards
EVS Employee – Switched the data source to the EVS_Streaming fast lane. Previously this was connected to the BTJob Standard Lane as "Completed By Employee" was not a field in the fast lane. The dashboard displays all of the same metrics: Number of jobs, response time, clean time, and turn time by employee.
Patient Flow – Fixed a Census unit filter that was only affecting one worksheet instead of all connected to the data source.
Interactive Reports
Patient Placement and Patient Visit – Fixed an issue with the custom date filter that would not allow users to select a custom start date.
Transport Employee – Fixed the duration calculations that were taking an average of an average. Now the report shows the true average, the total duration divided by the number of jobs.
Predictive Admissions – The report is now displayed at the Unit level by default. Added a filter (Auto Unit Filter Selector) that removes units with partial data by default. If a campus/unit does not have full data in the date range, the forecast will not generate. To see which units are excluded by default, users can hover over the "Hidden Units" text at the top right of the screen.
Published Data Sources
TCIQ Issues and Notes – The TCIQ Issues and Notes dashboard has been enhanced with a filter to only include cases with notes by default. This helps with performance of the data source. Users can modify this filter in Tableau desktop if they desire to see all cases within this data source. All cases are always displayed in the main IQ_Case data source.
Transport Tracking – Changed the "IS_ROUNDTRIP_JOB" field to be a discrete dimension and displays values of Yes or No. Previously this was showing as a measure (displaying the data as 1 or 0) which causes Tableau to treat it as a continuous number.
To US SynapseIQ® Analytics platform users,
On 12/05/2022, improvements to the SynapseIQ® Analytics platform will be made that require whitelisting additional URLs for outbound data continuity:
If you currently whitelist services.teledev.io and *.teledev.io by IP address, you must whitelist the following IP addresses:
Please ensure your hospital IT team is made aware of this change requirement. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to complete this change before 12/05/2022 as we implement additional improvements to ensure the safety of your operational and patient data.
Transport Delay Data Points
Delay reason codes and delay timestamps have been added to the Current Transport Tracking and Transport Tracking data sources! Reason codes allow users to see why a Transport Job was delayed. Irrespective of the delay status, the delay and reschedule reasons are shown as first and latest delay reason. For a full list of data points and definitions, please visit the Data Points tab.
Census Current Logic
A slight change was made to ensure that the Census Current data source logic was 100% matching what is shown in both Census Snapshot (Standard Lane) and Capacity Management Suite (CMS). The Census data sources are derived as per CMS guidelines in the location settings: a campus and discipline set for the location, and one of the following flags: Include in Census, Count as Physical, or Count as Staffing.
Transfer Milestones
The newly released Current Transfer Milestones fast lane data source and Interactive Report allows users to view Transfer Milestone data from the Capacity Management Suite® solution. The interactive report gives a detailed table view of the Transfer Milestones, focusing on Transfer Assign Time, Transfer Request Time, Patient Transfer Time, Patient Expected Discharge Time, and Actual Patient Discharge Time. The indicator in the rightmost column shows if the patient was discharged within 24 hours of the transfer taking place.
Spill Clean Type Added to EVS Standard Lane
The Spill Clean Type data point has been added to the BTJOB (EVS Standard Lane) data source. Previously, this was only available in the EVS Streaming fast lane data source.
Changes to Existing Interactive Reports
The following existing Interactive Reports have also been updated:
Environmental Services
Fixed Found Beds filter on Found Beds worksheet. Previously did not include the Found Beds.
Default date range set to last 7 days
Patient Visit
Exposed more parameter threshold controls for upper and lower bound discharge percentage goals.
Default date range set to last 7 days
Length of Stay
Default date range set to last 7 days
Patient Placement
Renamed worksheets for consistency
Default date range set to last 3 days
Observation Patients
Removed Patient Visit number from tooltip to ensure there is no front end facing PHI on standard content. Users can still add this via the edit mode.
Backdated Discharges
Removed Patient Visit number from detail table to ensure there is no front end facing PHI on standard content. Users can still add this via the edit mode.
Transporter Employee Details
The Transporter Employee Details datasource enables users to create a report that displays transporter daily statistical data, such as breaks, delays, available time, and durations. This is a Standard Lane data source as the data are captured as an hourly snapshot. For the full list of available fields, please visit the Data Points page of the Online Help.
A new Transporter Employee Performance interactive report has been published to the Throughput folder. This report shows a detailed breakout of all transport jobs by employee for the past week (users can change the date range in the filter menu). The report is broken out by Number of Dispatches, Completed Jobs, Rejected Jobs, Delayed Jobs, Total Delay Duration, Avg. Dispatch Time, Avg. In Progress Time, and Avg. Dispatch to Complete. There is a visual dashboard which shows the distribution of transporters for a given metric as well as a tabular report with the row-by-row data. Users can select the 'Open Table' button in the top right corner of the screen to switch between the two.
Patient Attribute Details
Current Patient Attribute Details is a new fast lane data source that displays the start date, end date, and the duration that an attribute was attached to a patient. Previously, SIQ users were only able to see a list of all attributes that were currently applied to a patient within the Patient Visit datasource.
The Patient Attribute Details interactive report makes this easy to see by listing out all of the attributes that were added over the last 7 days (users can change the date range in the filter menu). For the full list of available fields, please visit the Data Points page of the Online Help.
Due to a defect on the CMS side, data are only available for the unarchived records until a hotfix is applied. This means all data are available from 5/30 onwards. Once the CMS hotfix is applied, all Standard Lane records will be available. The hotfix is scheduled to be pushed out by the end of June with no downtime or action needed by end users.
IQ Case Enterprise Enhancements
The IQ_Case_Enterprise datasource has been updated to allow for more accurate reporting from the enterprise structure within TransferCenter IQ. Previously, the enterprise data were being joined with the IQ_Case table on ONLY the referring facility. The data source is now comprised of the main IQ_Case table, which is joined with the Enterprise table in three ways—referring, preferred, and destination facilities. This change has been made to capture transfers that, for example, may not have a referring facility.
The TransferCenterIQ enterprise structure allows users to configure the structure of their health system. In SynapseIQ, this data source is used to easily identify in and out of network transfers. This change does not result in anything being taken away as we are adding more data to the data source.
The following TCIQ workbooks are connected to the IQ_Case_Enterprise data source:
Transfer Center Case Breakout
Areas of Opportunity
Enterprise Scorecard
IQ Transfer Center History Table
TCIQ Issues and Notes
For more information on the enterprise structure within TransferCenterIQ, please visit this link.
Patient Flow
The Patient Flow Command Center dashboard displays shows a comprehensive view of your facility’s demand and performance. Users can easily monitor the incoming demand, the current occupancy, and the upcoming discharges. This dashboard is connected to all fast lane data sources, showing the current metrics for the day. This dashboard works best when filtered to one individual campus at a time. Users can change the campus by using the filters in the pop up menu in the top left corner of the screen. Click here for more detailed documentation.
TransferCenter Map (TCIQ)
The TransferCenter Map interactive report has been modified to include more meaningful metrics. The previous version of the TransferCenter Map interactive report compared case numbers to the previous month, indicating a drop or raise in transfers. Now the TransferCenter Map interactive report displays case volumes by location, disposition, case type, service line, and destination/referring facilities. Clicking on any of the bars will filter the map to those specific locations. This interactive report is connected to the IQ_Case Standard Lane data source.
TransferCenter Case Breakout (OPTC)
The Transfer Center Case Breakout interactive report displays trending information for all OPTC cases over a given period of time. This report differs slightly from the TCIQ version that displays the cases by in and out of network. Users can still see the cases by in network and out of network by using the Destination Health System in the filter menu. By default, the report shows the cases broken out by week and disposition. Each cell is compared to the previous value with both the text color and arrows. This report is connected to the Transfer_Center_Consult Standard Lane data source.
Tableau Server 2021.4 Upgrade
The Tableau server has been upgraded to version 2021.4 with a host of new features and enhancements. Please review the following changes. If you have any questions, reach out to TeleTracking Client Support at 1-877-570-6903.
UI Navigation Changes
The navigation in the 2021.4 version of Tableau server is slightly different from past versions. The biggest change to navigation comes with the main buttons on the left side of the screen. The Explore button is now the bottommost option, with 2 new buttons, Collections and Personal Space. The Explore page shows the highest level of navigation within the SynapseIQ® Enterprise Solution, with the TeleTracking Standard Content and Customer Custom Content folders.
Collections are a new feature that allows users to gather dashboards and data sources into an easy to access folder. For example, users could create a Transport collection that contains all content related to Transport Tracking in one easy to find place. Collections function similar to favorites, but unlike favorites, collections can be shared with other users. Collections can remain private if desired, and the files within the collection retain their previous permissions.
To see Collections, use the navigation pane on the left side of the screen.
To add content to a collection, simply select the desired workbook and select Add to Collection.
For more information on Collections in Tableau, please see: https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/collections.htm
Personal Space
The personal space is a private location for Publishers or Editors to store any content before sharing with others. This eliminates the need for users to create private project folders for every individual. All users will only be able to see the contents of their own personal space. To share content from a personal space, users must first move the content out of the personal space and into a project folder. The Personal Space is similar to the My Reports tab in Custom Reporting Solution™ application.
For more information on Personal Spaces in Tableau, please see: https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/personal_space.htm
New Features
Copy and Paste
Users can now copy and paste dashboard objects (containers, text boxes, images) across different dashboards. Individual worksheets and containers cannot be copied between workbooks. This new functionality allows users maintain and replicate format/size for faster dashboard creation.
Saving Content
The Save and Save As buttons have now been replaced with Publish and Publish as buttons. They still have the same functions, just with a different name! A button has also been added to the top right corner while in edit mode to making publishing easier.
Replay Button
A new replay button has been added to show dashboard animations when changing filters. If animations are turned on for a dashboard (they are by default), changing filters causes the data to move. The replay button allows users to rewatch this animation to get a better understanding of how the data has changed.
Custom Views
Users with at least Publisher access can now see all private custom views, which allows for better content management.
The filter options in have been improved to give users more control over conditional formatting and exactly where the filters are applied. Filters can now be applied to selected worksheets. Previously filters could be applied to all worksheets using a common data source, or only one worksheet at a time.
Filters can also now be applied to the data source itself. This is useful when wanting to limit data (for performance), or applying a universal filter that should be on every worksheet. To apply a data source filter, select the desired data source from the Data drop down and select Edit Data Source Filters.
Formatting Changes
There is now more control over formatting individual worksheets in Tableau server. The biggest change is that users can now change the background color of a worksheet. Navigate to the formatting menu and select Worksheet to see a list of available options.
Device Designer
Users can now design device specific dashboards within the browser. Tableau will automatically recognize the screen size of the accessing device and will present the appropriate device view. This allows users to have one Tableau workbook that is optimized for multiple screen sizes. Only views (charts) included in the default layout can be used in other layouts.
Transfer Center IQ Case Breakout
The Transfer Center Case Breakout interactive report displays trending information for all TCIQ cases over a given period of time. By default, the report shows the cases broken out by week and disposition. Each section also displays the cases by In Network and Out of Network. Each cell is compared to the previous value with both the text color and arrows.
The Transfer Center Case Breakout report is connected to the IQ_Case_Enterprise and Case_Physician_Communication Standard Lane data sources. This report is also highly configurable, with multiple filters for each section to ensure the most accurate data is being displayed. Please review the filter options when initially setting up the report:
The Lost Business section at the bottom displays the number of cases and a percentage calculated as (Cancelled + Declined Cases)/(All Cases – Consults – Other).
Predictive Admissions
The Predictive Admissions interactive report leverages Tableau’s built-in forecasting feature to predict campus admissions for the next 2 weeks. By default, the data is displayed for all campuses at a high level. The blue line shows the actual admits, while the green line displays the predictions, as well as the confidence interval in the lighter shaded areas.
The tables on the right show a history of past forecasts. In the following example, we can see what the estimates were for each campus, as well as the actual admissions.
This report is not meant to predict admissions with 100% accuracy. During testing, the forecast accuracy still performed closer to 90% accuracy. The forecast simply looks at Standard Lane data in order to create a trend for the next 2 weeks. These are the full forecast options:
If there is not enough Standard Lane data to create a forecast, the report will show a “No forecast” tag on the chart. The example below shows a campus with partial data that breaks the forecast. In order to get the forecast to display, simply filter out the campuses with partial data.
For more information on how the forecasting feature works, please review this Tableau white paper.
Data Source Updates
Both the EVS Streaming and Current Transport Tracking fast lane data sources have been updated to include all data points that are available in the Standard Lane versions! In total 63 new data points are available between the 2 data sources.
One new data point was added to the EVS Streaming data source: Spill Clean Type. This field allows users to determine the category of spill job that is being requested, and is commonly used to track daily cleans. For more information, please view the full data sets on the Fast Lane Data Points page!
Current Bed Status
The Current Bed Status data source is a fast lane data source that is a more streamlined version of the Current Location Action Status data source. Recently, Current Location Action Status has been having much longer load times due to the complexity of data being aggregated from multiple locations. The Current Bed Status shows only the current status for each location, allowing the data to load much faster. The data source is prefiltered to only include bed statuses that have an end timestamp of Null, meaning they are still in that (current) status. The standard content Blocked Beds command center dashboard has been repointed to this new data source. Any custom content that is connected to the Current Location Action Status data source should be switched over to the new Current Bed Status data source for faster load times.
Performance Trending Scorecard
The new Performance Trending Scorecard is designed to help users look at the key Capacity Management Suite metrics needed to improve patient flow – all in one place! Each metric is a key indicator of where the patient flow opportunities and successes are, and can help users understand what processes to focus on. Additionally, you can see these metrics over different time spans to help narrow or broaden your view of performance.
The Performance Trending Scorecard displays Standard Lane data from Placement (broken out into multiple areas), Patient Visit, Transport, and EVS Standard Lane data sources. By default, the dashboard displays the data by month for the past 12 months. Daily, weekly, and monthly view options are provided to help users better understand which direction their patient flow efforts are heading. To change these date aggregations and refine which campuses/units to include, simply click the filter menu in the top-left corner of the screen. Similar reports in CMS were heavily filtered to include only certain campuses/units, so we recommend looking at all of the available filters to remove any unwanted units:
This scorecard can be further configured to modify the target metric values. For example, if your health enterprise has a different target metric for an EVS response time, click Show Target Values in the top-right corner of the screen. Then, type in the desired value to change the target, which will change the color calculations to match.
Location Action Status Data Source
Two new published data sources are now available in SynapseIQ.
Current Location Action Status (Fast Lane)
Location Action Status (Standard Lane)
These data sources contain bed location and status level information from Capacity Management Suite. For more information, please view the Data Sources Overview tab.
Blocked Beds Command Center Dashboard
The new Blocked Beds command center dashboards displays the number of currently blocked beds by reason and location. This dashboard is connected to the new fast lane data source, Current Location Action Status. The currently blocked beds are defined as those that have an Action of Blocked, and an End Status Timestamp that is Null (meaning the blocked action is still active). By default, this dashboard shows all currently blocked beds grouped by campus. This can be filtered to specific campuses using the filter menu in the top-left corner. This can also be further broken out to show by Unit or by Location by hovering over the “Campus” header until a +/- button appears.
Blocked Beds Interactive Report
The new Standard Lane Blocked Beds interactive report contains information for any bed that was ever blocked during the selected date range. The report shows the total number of blocked beds by both the reason and the bed location. By default, this report shows the last full month of data, but can be changed using the menu button in the top-left corner. Similar to the command center version, this dashboard can easily change the level of aggregation by hovering over the campus header until the +/- button appears.
TCIQ Volume Analysis Interactive Report
The TCIQ Transfer Case Volume Analysis report is a new Interactive report that allows you to easily see the detailed case volume information for a given date range. This report connects to the IQ_Case Standard Lane data source, and allows for a full Standard Lane picture of TransferCenterIQ cases. Clicking on any bar in one of the charts will filter all of the other charts in the report. The report breaks out the total cases by a number of metrics, including:
Disposition Reason
Referring Facility
Referring Unit
Destination Facility
Preferred Facility
Case Type
Service Line
Transfer Reason
Patient Type
Payor Category
Users can also choose to look at this data in a row-by-row tabular view. Clicking the “Open Table” text at the top of the dashboard will bring the user to this tabular view:
Filters can also be applied on the tabular view by clicking the menu icon in the top-left corner.
Discharge Milestones
The Discharge Milestones data source and interactive report displays data relating to the Discharge Milestones functionality contained within the Capacity Management Suite® solution. The interactive report displays the discharge milestones by status, duration, and location. It also lists the number of delays by location and reason. For more information on the specific data points included in the Discharge Milestones data source, please refer to the Standard Lane Data Sources section of the Online Help.
Care Progression Indicators
The Care Progression Indicators data source and interactive report displays data relating to the Care Progression Indicators contained within the Capacity Management Suite® solution. The interactive report displays the care progression indicators by status, grouping, and duration. For more information on the specific data points included in the Care Progression Indicators data source, please refer to the Standard Lane Data Sources section of the Online Help.
Observation Patients
The Enterprise Observation Patients dashboard and Observation Patients interactive report allow users to monitor their observation patients by location and observation duration. Enterprise Observation Patients (Command Center Dashboard) is connected to the Current Patient Visit data source and shows the current observation patients in real time. Observation Patients (Interactive Report) is connected to Patient Visit and by default, shows all observation patients for the past two weeks, including patients who have been discharged.
The Enterprise Observation Patients dashboard can be found in the Command Center Dashboards folder, while the Observation Patients report can be found in the Interactive Reports > Throughput folder.
Census Standard Lane Trends
The Census Standard Lane Trends interactive report allows users to see their census percent over time. A unique calendar view makes it easy to follow the trends throughout the calendar year. This report also breaks out census by campus, month, day of the week, and hour of the day. Users can switch between physical and staffed census by using the parameter in the menu.
Patient Visit Data Source
The Patient Visit data source is now available in the fast lane! All data points form the Patient Visit Standard Lane have been added to a new fast lane data source, Current Patient Visit. The standard content command center dashboards that connect to Patient Visit have been re-pointed to the fast lane. Those dashboards are:
Enterprise Scorecard
Patient Visit
Capacity Census and Epidemiology
For more information on the data points in Current Patient Visit, please refer to the Fast Lane Data Sources section of the Online Help.
Filter Functionality
New filter functionality has been added to SynapseIQ! Each standard content dashboard will now feature a menu button in the top left corner:
Clicking this button will show the available filters and parameters that can be used to customize each dashboard. Previously, Command Center Dashboards did not have any configurable filters by default. Users can now filter to specific campuses, units, or disciplines, and change various threshold parameters on the front end.
The following images show examples of both a Command Center Dashboard and an Interactive Report.
Volume Analysis
The Volume Analysis interactive report enables you to review summary information captured every hour by the TeleTracking XT system. This data shows the total number of admits, transfers, confirmed discharges, and other events that occurred during a specified timeframe. To see a list of all available fields in the Volume Analysis data source, please view the recently updated Data Sources tab.
Backdated Discharges
Backdated Discharge Time is the time from the documented time of patient discharge (what is manually entered into the ADT) to the time it was actually entered and TeleTracking was notified of that patient's departure. By default, the Backdated Discharges interactive report shows only those with durations longer than 30 minutes but can be changed by using the parameter at the top of the report. Clicking on a bar in the Backdated Discharge Volume chart will filter the table below. The Backdated Discharge report is built from data in the Patient Visit data source.
Volume Analysis
The Volume Analysis interactive report enables you to review summary information captured every hour by the TeleTracking XT system. This data shows the total number of admits, transfers, confirmed discharges, and other events that occurred during a specified timeframe. To see a list of all available fields in the Volume Analysis data source, please view the recently updated Data Sources tab.
Backdated Discharges
Backdated Discharge Time is the time from the documented time of patient discharge (what is manually entered into the ADT) to the time it was actually entered and TeleTracking was notified of that patient's departure. By default, the Backdated Discharges interactive report shows only those with durations longer than 30 minutes but can be changed by using the parameter at the top of the report. Clicking on a bar in the Backdated Discharge Volume chart will filter the table below. The Backdated Discharge report is built from data in the Patient Visit data source.
Fast Lane Data Source Update
In addition to the Transport Standard Lane data source, with this release a new Transport Fast Lane data source entitled Current Transport Tracking has been added to SynapseIQ with a latency of less than five minutes.
Current Transport Tracking is connected to the following Command Center dashboards:
Transport Employee
Enterprise Scorecard
Areas of Opportunity
Use the table below for a complete list of the new data fields in this data source.
Current Transport Tracking | Completed by User | Root Folder | Name of the employee who set the transport job to a status of Completed. |
Current Transport Tracking | Completed Timestamp | Root Folder | The calendar date in number format when the transport job was set to a status of Complete. |
Current Transport Tracking | Created Date | Root Folder | Created Date in local time zone for when the record was entered. |
Current Transport Tracking | Destination Campus | Root Folder | The name of a collection of buildings in the enterprise where an item or patient was delivered for a transport job. |
Current Transport Tracking | Destination Unit | Root Folder | The unit where an item or patient was delivered for a transport job. |
Current Transport Tracking | Dispatched to Completed Minutes | Root Folder | The time that it took to transport the item or patient from when the job had a Dispatched status for the first time until it was in Completed status, including any time that the job was in a Delay status. Calculation: Completed Timestamp minus First Dispatched Timestamp. |
Current Transport Tracking | In Progress Timestamp | Root Folder | The date and time of day when a transport job was set to In Progress status. |
Current Transport Tracking | In Progress to Completed Minutes | Root Folder | The time that it took to transport the item or patient from when the job had an In Progress status for the first time until it was in Completed status, including any time that the job was in a Delay status. Calculation: Completed Timestamp minus First In Progress Timestamp. |
Current Transport Tracking | Last Mod Date | Root Folder | The date of the most recent update to the transport job in the local time zone. |
Current Transport Tracking | Last Mod Date UTC | Root Folder | The date of the most recent update to the transport job in UTC. |
Current Transport Tracking | Origin Campus | Root Folder | The name of a collection of buildings in the enterprise that includes the bed where the patient was located before being moved. |
Current Transport Tracking | Origin Unit | Root Folder | The unit that includes the bed where the patient was located before being moved. |
Current Transport Tracking | Pending Timestamp | Root Folder | The date and time of day that a transport job was first set to a Pending status. |
Current Transport Tracking | Pending to Completed Minutes | Root Folder | The time that it took to transport the item or patient from when the job had a Pending status until it was in Completed status, including any time that the job was in a Delay status. Pending_to_ Completed_Time is calculated as: 10:45 – 10:00 = 45 min. Calculation: Completed Timestamp minus First Pending Timestamp |
Current Transport Tracking | Pending to Dispatch Minutes | Root Folder | The total duration in minutes from when a transport job was set to Pending status until it was set to a Dispatch status.Pending_to_Dispatch_Time is calculated as: 10:10 – 10:00 = 10 minutes Calculation: Dispatched Timestamp minus Pending Timestamp |
Current Transport Tracking | Tenant ID | Root Folder | Tenant GUID - Non-Strict Dynamic Partition Column. |
Current Transport Tracking | TT Job ID | Root Folder | The identifier for a transport job that is in a sequence of jobs. This job ID appears on the user interface. |
See the Data Points pages to view a complete list of the data fields and data sources available in SynapseIQ.
Patient Placement Fast Lane Data Source
The Patient Placement Fast Lane data source (also denoted as Current_Patient_Placement) has been added to SynapseIQ. This data source contains data from the last 3 days and has a latency of less than five minutes.
This data source will automatically connect to the standard content command center dashboards for Patient Placement and Enterprise Scorecard (for Occupied Timer metrics).
Data Fields
Use the table below to view Patient Placement data fields and their descriptions, or see the Data Points pages to view a complete list of the data fields and data sources available in SynapseIQ.
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Bed Assigned Timestamp | Root Folder | The date and time that a bed is allocated to a patient in the PreAdmitTracking® application or PatientTracking Portal® application. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Bed Clean Timestamp | Root Folder | The date and time that a bed was marked clean. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Bed Occupied Timestamp | Root Folder | The date and time that the patient began to physically occupy the bed when the placement was completed. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Bed Request Timestamp | Root Folder | The date and time the placement request was created. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Bed Requested to Bed Assigned Time | Root Folder | The duration from when the patient's bed was requested until the bed was assigned to the patient. Calculation: Bed Assigned Timestamp minus Bed Requested Timestamp |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Bed Requested to Bed Occupied Time | Root Folder | The duration from when the patient's bed was requested until the patient began to physically occupy the bed. Calculation: Bed Occupied Timestamp minus Bed Requested Timestamp |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Is Activated | Root Folder | If the column displays a value of True, the placement request is activated, and the patient needs a bed now. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Last Mod Date | Root Folder | The date of the most recent update to the patient record in local time zone. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Last Mod Date UTC | Root Folder | The date of the most recent updated to the patient record in UTC. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Occupied Timer | Root Folder | The time from when the patient is RTM, a bed is assigned, and a clean bed is available to the time the patient physically occupies the bed. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Origin Campus | Root Folder | The name of a collection of buildings in the enterprise that includes the bed where the patient was located before being moved. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Origin Unit | Root Folder | The unit that includes the bed where the patient was located before being moved. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Origin Unit Category | Root Folder | The category to which the origin unit belongs. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Placement ID | Root Folder | The identified for a home location (bed) that is assigned to a patient in a health system. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Placement Status | Root Folder | The status of the placement such as, Requested, Assigned, Completed, Cancelled, or Unknown. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | RTM Timestamp | Root Folder | The date and time that the patient was marked Ready to Move (RTM). |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | RTM to Bed Assigned Time | Root Folder | The duration from when the patient was marked Ready to Move (RTM) until a bed was allocated to the patient. Calculation: Bed Assigned Timestamp minus RTM Timestamp |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | RTM to Bed Occupied Time | Root Folder | The duration from when the patient was marked Ready to Move (RTM) until the patient began to physically occupy the bed. Calculation: Bed Occupied Timestamp minus RTM Timestamp |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Tenant ID | Root Folder | Tenant GUID - Non-Strict Dynamic Partition Column. |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Completed Placements | Custom Calc | IF [Placement Status]="Completed" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable ED Request to Occupied Colors | Custom Calc | IF [Adjustable ED Request to Occupied Variance] > 0.1 THEN "Outside Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable ED Request to Occupied Variance] > 0 THEN "Approaching Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable ED Request to Occupied Variance] <= 0 THEN "Within Threshold" ELSE """ END |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable ED Request to Occupied Variance | Custom Calc | (AVG([ED Bed Request To Bed Occupy Time]-[ED Request to Occupied Time]))/[ED Request to Occupied Time] |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable Request to Occupied Colors | Custom Calc | IF [Adjustable Request to Occupied Variance] > 0.1 THEN "Outside Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable Request to Occupied Variance] > 0 THEN "Approaching Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable Request to Occupied Variance] <= 0 THEN "Within Threshold" ELSE "" END |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable Request to Occupied Variance | Custom Calc | (AVG([Bedrequested To Bedoccupied Time]-[Request to Occupied Time]))/[Request to Occupied Time] |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | RTM Before Assigned Count | Custom Calc | IF DATEDIFF('minute', [Rtm Timestamp],[Bed Assigned Timestamp])>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | RTM Compliance % | Custom Calc | sum( IF [Placement Status]="Completed" THEN[RTM before assigned count] END)/SUM([Completed Placements]) |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable RTM Compliance | Custom Calc | IF [RTM Compliance %]>= [RTM Compliance] THEN "Green" ELSE "Red" END |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable RTM to Assigned Time Colors | Custom Calc | IF [Adjustable RTM to Assigned Variance] > 0.1 THEN "Outside Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable RTM to Assigned Variance] > 0 THEN "Approaching Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable RTM to Assigned Variance] <=0 THEN "Within Threshold" ELSE "" END |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable RTM to Assigned Variance | Custom Calc | (AVG([Rtm To Bedassigned Time]-[RTM to Assigned Time]))/[RTM to Assigned Time] |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable RTM to Occupied Colors | Custom Calc | IF [Adjustable RTM to Occupied Variance] > 0.1 THEN "Outside Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable RTM to Occupied Variance] > 0 THEN "Approaching Threshold" ELSEIF [Adjustable RTM to Occupied Variance] <= 0 THEN "Within Threshold" ELSE "" END |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Adjustable RTM to Occupied Variance | Custom Calc | (AVG([Rtm To Bedoccupied Time]-[RTM to Occupied Time]))/[RTM to Occupied Time] |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Time Format ED Request to Occupied | Custom Calc | IIF(int(AVG([ED Bed Request To Bed Occupy Time]*60)) % 60 == 60,0,AVG([ED Bed Request To Bed Occupy Time]*60) % 60)// seconds + INT(AVG([ED Bed Request To Bed Occupy Time]*60)/60) * 100 //minutes |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Time Format Request to Assigned | Custom Calc | IIF(int(AVG([Bedrequested To Bedassigned Time]*60)) % 60 == 60,0,AVG([Bedrequested To Bedassigned Time]*60) % 60)// seconds + INT(AVG([Bedrequested To Bedassigned Time]*60)/60) * 100 //minutes |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Time Format Requested to Occupied | Custom Calc | IIF(int(AVG([Bedrequested To Bedoccupied Time]*60)) % 60 == 60,0,AVG([Bedrequested To Bedoccupied Time]*60) % 60)// seconds + INT(AVG([Bedrequested To Bedoccupied Time]*60)/60) * 100 //minutes |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Time Format RTM to Assigned | Custom Calc | IIF(int(AVG([Rtm To Bedassigned Time]*60)) % 60 == 60,0,AVG([Rtm To Bedassigned Time]*60) % 60)// seconds + INT(AVG([Rtm To Bedassigned Time]*60)/60) * 100 //minutes |
Patient Placement (Fast Lane Data Source) | Time Format RTM to Occupied | Custom Calc | IIF(int(AVG([Rtm To Bedoccupied Time]*60)) % 60 == 60,0,AVG([Rtm To Bedoccupied Time]*60) % 60)// seconds + INT(AVG([Rtm To Bedoccupied Time]*60)/60) * 100 //minutes |
Data Updates
Of the original 5 IQ_Case reporting data points scheduled for Transfer Center IQ, 34 have been delivered. Use the table below to learn the status of specific data points.
Referring Facility Notified Staff Date/Time | IQ_Case | completed |
Transport Dispatch Date and time | IQ_patient_ transport | completed |
Arrival Time | IQ_patient_ transport | completed |
Preferred Facility | IQ_Referral | completed |
Patient Type | IQ_Patient_Type | completed |
Bed Assign Date Time | IQ_Bed_Request_ Data | already exists |
Assigned Bed Number | IQ_Bed_Request_ Data | completed |
Bed Request Date Time | IQ_Bed_Request_ Data | already exists |
Bed Request Activation | IQ_Bed_Request_ Data | completed |
Bed Requested Status | IQ_Bed_Request_Data | already exists as bed_type_value |
Targeted Unit | IQ_Bed_Request_Data | completed |
Referring Facility Notified Staff Name | IQ_Case | completed |
Patient Gender | IQ_Patient | completed |
Patient Directed to | IQ_patient_ transport | completed |
ETA | IQ_patient_ transport | completed |
Onset of Symptoms Date/Time | IQ_Patient_visit | completed |
Hospital Specialty | IQ_Patient_visit | completed |
Procedure | IQ_Patient_visit | completed |
Primary Care Physician | IQ_Patient_visit | completed |
First physician Contact Name | IQ_Physician_ Communication | completed |
First physician Contact Timestamp | IQ_Physician_ Communication | completed |
Patient Qualifies for Auto Accept | IQ_Case | completed |
Patient Return to Referring Facility | IQ_Case | completed |
Case Needs review | IQ_Case | completed |
Case Complete Date and Time | IQ_Case | completed |
Transport Mode | IQ_patient_ transport | already exists |
Caller 1 name | IQ_Referral | completed |
Referred Timestamp | IQ_Referral | Duplicate for Referring Facility Notified Staff Date/Time |
Case Withdrawn | IQ_Referral | completed |
Service Offered at Referring Facility | IQ_referral_ Caller | completed |
Initial Completed Date/Time | IQ_Case_ Updated | completed |
Patient Middle Initial | IQ_Patient | completed |
Patient Suffix | IQ_Patient | completed |
Internal Transport Offered | IQ_patient_ transport | completed |
Custom Subscription Schedules
Dashboard subscriptions can now be set up to deliver updates on a custom schedule, rather than pre-set delivery times. Custom subscription schedules will allow users to decide the day(s), time, and frequency of subscription report delivery.
Any existing subscriptions will not be affected by this update and will continue to deliver subscription reports at their designated time.
TCIQ Issues and Notes Dashboard
The new TCIQ Issues and Notes interactive dashboard allows users to view notes attached to TransferCenter cases, and recreate previous TCIQ History reports.
TCIQ Issues and Notes is connected to the IQ Notes, IQ Issues, and IQ Issue Notes data sources. See the Data Points pages to view the data source definitions.
Patient Visit Interactive Dashboard Update
The following updates have been made to this dashboard:
The Pending and Confirmed Discharge count labels have been updated to always display a current count (this is not affected by the date parameter).
The "Showing Data for" label has been updated to display a date range when a date selection contains multiple days.
Data Source Update
The Patient Visit data source now also filters based on the "Is Ever Admitted" flag, which is set to 'True'. Essentially this helps every chart connected to this data source more accurately display data for patient admits and confirmed discharges.
The dashboards affected by this updated are:
Patient Visit (Command Center and Interactive)
Enterprise Scorecard
Length of Stay
All versions of Capacity, Census and Epidemiology (Command Center and Interactive)
Dashboard Updates
Versions 1 and 2 of the Capacity, Census, and Epidemiology interactive dashboard have had their Patients by Age chart updated so that the "10-19" age range is now below the "20-29" age range.
The Transport Employee Performance interactive dashboard now displays the goal instead of the parameter in its Dispatch to Complete chart. Additionally, the Pending to Complete chart now references the Adjustable Pending to Complete Threshold (which is set to 30 by default).
The calculation for COVID-19 Patients by Age has been updated to account for patient attributes whether they're spelled out as "COVID" or "Covid".
The Interactive and Command Center versions of this dashboard have been updated to distinguish COVID-19 patients from all other patients, and identify the gender of all patients.
Export View as PDF
Users are now able to export views from Interactive dashboards as a PDF by selecting the Export PDF button at the top of a dashboard.
This feature is especially useful for sharing insights gained from specific views of a dashboard.
Standard Content Templates
With this release, SynapseIQ now has templates for Interactive and Command Center reports available to create pre-formatted custom reports.
Patient Visit Dashboard Update
The Patient Visit Interactive dashboard has been updated to include a visualization for Compliance by Unit which will display number of discharges at the unit level.
Data Updates
In the Census Current data source, the calculation for Census % is being updated to: Occupied Census Beds / (Total Permanent Beds - Blocked Beds)
Originally, the calculation was: Occupied Census Beds / Total Permanent Beds
Length of Stay Dashboard
This new interactive dashboard displays length of stay, discharge, and census metrics calculated using the Patient Visit data source.
The Length of Stay interactive dashboard shows metrics for all patients as well as ICU patients. ICU patients are those patients whose discharge unit is assigned the Critical Care unit category.
Server Update (2020-04-08)
On April 8th, 2020, SynapseIQ® Enterprise underwent a server update to enhance the user interface, and expand the features and capabilities of the application. The server update also includes hardware improvements designed to increase the application's performance.
As part of the interface updates, a new home page has been created that includes: recently viewed dashboards, recommended dashboards, as well as banner updates for the latest information on SynapseIQ® Enterprise.
However, users can still access their health system's dashboards through the classic folder structure by using the Explore tab.
New Features
Explain Data
This feature allows users to find AI-driven insights to discover potential explanations for why particular data points are unexpectedly low or high. For instance if Average Response Time is higher than usual on a given day, you could use the Explain Data feature to learn potential reasons for the increase in response time.
To learn how to use Explain Data, click here.
Edit Tooltips in Web
With this update, users will now be able to edit dashboard tooltips to display metrics and information that has been customized to fit their health system.
To learn how to edit tooltips, click here.
Ask Data
Powered by natural language processing technology, this feature lets users ask data questions and in response, the application will create a basic visualization to answer the question.
To learn how to use Ask Data, click here.
Create Parameters in Web
With the ability to create parameters on the web, users can now filter between data sources that are not linked.
To learn how to create parameters, click here.
PDF Subscriptions
When subscribing to a dashboard, you now have the ability to have a PDF subscription that will provide PDF versions of a dashboard. How frequently these PDFs are delivered will depend on your settings when the subscription is initially set up.
To learn how to subscribe to a dashboard, click here.
Table Improvements
Tables in SynapseIQ® Enterprise now support up to 50 columns.
Data Source Updates
The Unit data field in the Patient Visit data source has been updated. Previously, when a patient was discharged this field went to NULL. However with this update, now when a patient is discharged the field will no longer go to NULL but instead retain the Unit the patient was in at the time of discharge.
Discharge Source was added as a data field in the Patient Visit data source. This field displays a patient's source of discharge to help users identify whether or not teams are meeting their targets (i.e. % discharges by transport).
Dashboard Updates
The Capacity, Census, and Epidemiology (COVID-19) dashboards have been updated to display data on confirmed COVID-19 patients, the number of patients that need ventilation, bed capacity for intensive and intermediate care, and more to help health systems combat COVID-19. Both Command Center and Interactive versions are available for this dashboard.
Users must filter out any isolation type that is either “None” or “Standard” for the total number of isolations (which appear at the top of the dashboard) to display accurate counts.
This dashboard is built from the following data sources:
To support the metrics available in the updated version of these dashboards, new data fields have been added to the Census Current data source:
Campus City | City of campus location. |
Campus State | Postal abbreviation for State of campus location. |
Campus Street | Street address of campus location. |
Campus ZIP | ZIP code of campus location. |
COVID-19 Confirmed | Number of patients in house (not discharged) diagnosed positive for COVID-19; based on Patient Attribute of “COV%19” or “COV%19%+” or “COV%19 Pos%” or “COV%19 C%” (Pos% for variants of ‘positive’ and C% for variants of ‘confirmed’). |
COVID-19 PUI | Number of patients in-house (not discharged) under investigation for COVID-19 based on Patient Attribute of “COV%19 PUI” or “COV%19 S%” or “COV%19 Pen%” (S% for variants of ‘Suspected' or ‘Screening’ and Pen% for variants of ‘Pending’). |
Near Nurse Clean Beds | Number of beds (permanent and non-permanent marked for inclusion in census) with the Bed Attribute “Near Nurse%” that are in Clean status. |
Near Nurse Occupied Beds | Number of beds (permanent and non-permanent marked for inclusion in census) with the Bed Attribute “Near Nurse%” that are in Occupied status. |
Near Nurse Other Beds | Number of beds (permanent and non-permanent marked for inclusion in census) with the Bed Attribute “Near Nurse%” excluding beds that are Occupied or Clean. |
Negative Pressure Clean Beds | Number of beds (permanent and non-permanent marked for inclusion in census) with the Bed Attribute “Negative Air%” or “Negative Pres%” that are in Clean status. |
Negative Pressure Occupied Beds | Number of beds (permanent and non-permanent marked for inclusion in census) with the Bed Attribute “Negative Air%” or “Negative Pres%” that are in Occupied status. |
Negative Pressure Other Beds | Number of beds (permanent and non-permanent marked for inclusion in census) with the Bed Attribute “Negative Air%” or “Negative Pres%” excluding beds that are Occupied or Clean. |
Ventilator Intervention | Number of patients in house (not discharged) with Patient Attribute “Vent%”. |
To see original version of these dashboards, see the 2020-03-20 update of our product updates page.
Refresh Updates
With this release, the default refresh timer on Command Center dashboards has been changed to 5 minute intervals to improve overall performance.
Page Refresh
Previously, Command Center dashboards updated data points using an API refresh that left the dashboard visible while refreshing.
However, with this release we have updated to a page refresh method for improved performance. The page refresh method will leave the page momentarily blank while new data is retrieved:
The new Census and Capacity dashboard is designed to identify key metrics such as ICU capacity and available beds to assist health systems with COVID-19. Both Command Center and Interactive versions are available for this dashboard.
This dashboard is built from the following data sources:
Additional Updates
With this update, users can now also schedule daily subscriptions for 8 PM UTC.
Dashboard Updates
All desktop interactive views have now been set to a fixed size (1700 x 900) in order to enhance subscription formatting.
EVS Employee Dashboards
A campus filter has been added to the Command Center and Interactive version of this dashboard. This update will allow users to narrow down employees by campus rather than viewing all workers in the health system at once.
The Response Time out of Threshold and Turn Time out of Threshold calculations have been updated to reference the appropriate parameters.
Transport Employee Dashboards
A campus filter has been added to the Command Center and Interactive version of this dashboard. This update will allow users to narrow down employees by campus rather than viewing all workers in the health system at once.
Patient Visit Dashboards
The Pending and Confirmed Discharge fields are now filtered based on Patient Status Type. This update offers a more accurate total count of each discharge field and affects the Command Center and Desktop version of this dashboard.
Adjustable Parameter Thresholds
With this update, certain dashboards can now be customized by changing threshold values directly on a visualization.
The following dashboards now have adjustable parameter thresholds:
Interactive Dashboards
Transport Employee Performance
Transport Services
Enterprise Placement
Command Center Dashboards
Transport Employee Performance
Enterprise Transport Performance
Patient Placement
The process to adjust parameter thresholds varies between Interactive and Command Center dashboards. Click here to learn how to change thresholds on each.
Additional Updates
Transport Services Interactive Dashboard
The Average Delay filter has been replaced with a Total Delay > 0 filter to prevent non-delayed jobs from being included in the count of delays.
Opportunity Interactive Dashboard
The date filter on Transfers by Referring facility has been updated to display the last two months instead of the last two days. The tool tip now also shows transfers instead of declines.
Enterprise Scorecard Data Sources
The Enterprise Scorecard dashboard now connects to the Census Current and EVS Streaming Fast Lane data sources instead of Census Snapshot and BTJobs.
Specifically, the visualizations now connected to Fast Lane data sources are:
Blocked Beds
Avg. Response
Avg. Clean Time
Avg. Turn Time
With this update, the metrics on the visualizations listed above will match the same metrics from Enterprise Census and Enterprise EVS Performance (which are both connected to Fast Lane data sources).
Dashboard Updates
Enterprise Scorecard
The IS_INHOUSE_ON_DISCHARGE filter has been set to True on the Discharges by 11:00 AM and Discharges by 2:00 PM visualizations.
The disposition = cancelled filter has been updated to include dispositions spelled as either "canceled" or "cancelled".
Enterprise Census
This dashboard now uses Campusdatetime UTC as the date filter instead of Campusdatetime so that data is based off of local time zones. The filter is set to only show "today".
A relative date filter has been added to the Interactive and Command Center version of this dashboard so that only data from the current year is utilized on the Accepted Transfers visualization.
Patient Placement
On the Placement Status by Facility visualization, the label "In Progress" has been changed to "Assigned" to accurately reflect the status of a placement.
Transfer Center Case
The disposition = cancelled filter has been updated on the Cancelled and Cancels visualizations to include dispositions spelled as either "canceled" or "cancelled".
Fast Lane Dashboards and Data Sources
To decrease data refresh times to five minutes or less, some Command Center dashboards have been placed in the new Fast Lane. In the Fast Lane, dashboards are linked to truncated versions of their original data source to focus on key metrics, and provide quicker feedback. This update does not affect any current data points, filters, or visualizations.
With this release, the Enterprise EVS Performance Command Center dashboard has been moved to the Fast Lane.
The Enterprise Census Command Center dashboard was also moved to the Fast Lane in a previous release (2019-11-6).
The dashboards are now also linked to the Fast Lane version of their original data source. Use the table below to learn about the new mapping:
Enterprise Census > Census Snapshot | Enterprise Census > Census Current |
Enterprise EVS Performance > BTJOBS | Enterprise EVS Performance > EVS Streaming |
These data sources will only be replaced in the Command Center version of the dashboards mentioned, and do not affect their Interactive dashboard counterparts.
Follow the links below to explore the new Fast Lane data sources:
Additional Improvements
The Transport Employee Performance dashboards (Command Center and Interactive) have been updated so that, left to right, the Pending to Dispatch visualization is now first. The Dispatch to Complete visualization has also been renamed Dispatch to In-Progress.
The Job Create Reason Type data field has been edited to only include: Discharge, Transfer, and Other.
The Census Interactive dashboard now links to the Census Snapshot data source instead of Census Current. This switch will make Standard Lane data available.
The Physician Case Communication dashboard has been updated so that each visualization filters on "Today".
The Disposition filter used for the Facility Communication dashboard has been updated to include any disposition that contains "accept".
The Job Create Reason Type filter linked to the EVS dashboards has been updated to only include Discharge, Transfer, and Other.
The Discharges by 11:00AM and Discharges by 2:00PM visualizations on the Enterprise Scorecard dashboard have been updated to filter on "today" instead of "this year".
Help Updates
The following column descriptions from the Census Current and Census Snapshot data sources have been updated:
Active Incoming Pre Admit Assign | The number of activated bed requests with a status of Assign originating in the PreAdmitTracking® application. | The count of activated bed requests with a status of Assign (i.e., a bed is assigned). |
Active Incoming Pre Admit Request | The number of activated bed requests originating in the PreAdmitTracking® application. | The count of activated bed requests with a target unit selected. |
Active Incoming Transfer Assign | The number of activated bed requests with a status of Assign originating in the TransferCenter™ application. | The count of activated in-house transfer requests with a status of Assign (i.e., a bed is assigned). |
Active Incoming Transfer Request | The number of activated bed requests originating in the TransferCenter™ application. | The count of activated in-house transfer requests with a target unit selected. |
Unit | The unit that includes the location which the patient physically occupied when the placement was completed. | The target unit selected for activated incoming Pre Admit and Transfer requests. |
Unit Abbreviation | The shortened name of the unit that includes the location which the patient physically occupied when the placement was completed. | The shortened name of the target unit selected for activated incoming Pre Admit and Transfer requests. |
Unit Category Name | The grouping of units that is associated with the unit where the patient occupied a bed. | The grouping of units that is associated with the target unit selected for activated incoming Pre Admit and Transfer requests. |
New Features
Employee Dashboards
This release introduces two new dashboards: EVS Employee Performance and Transport Employee Performance. These dashboards help track employee performance compared to the thresholds for environmental services and transport metrics. Both are available as Command Center and Interactive dashboards.
Transport Employee Performance
The Transport Employee Performance dashboard breaks down transporter metrics by employee to help illustrate who is or is not meeting the thresholds of their position. It is linked to the Transport Tracking Jobs flat table.
EVS Employee Performance
The EVS Employee Performance dashboard breaks down environmental service metrics by employee to illustrate who is or is not meeting the specified thresholds. It is linked to the BT Jobs flat table.
Census Dashboard
The new Census Dashboard allows you to track bed availability and capacity with the consideration of additional census metrics. Census is available as both an Interactive and Command Center Dashboard.
The Transfer by Referring Facility worksheet (which connects to the Transfer Center Map dashboard) now filters data from the last two months instead of including data from the last few years.
Any duplicate parameters have been removed to prevent dashboards from pulling incorrect data.
The Date Type parameter option "Last 7 Days" previously had a typo that prevented any chart referencing that field from displaying data. With this release that issue has been fixed to populate the correct data in a chart.
Help Updates
The hardware and server configuration page has been updated with important information about uninstalling previous versions of Java.
Navigation for the SynapseIQ® Enterprise Solution online help has been reorganized to include an "Administrator" section, and structure certain topics under new categories. Be sure to explore the navigation at the top of the page to familiarize yourself with the new layout.
New Features
Mobile-Friendly Dashboards
Dashboards have been optimized to display and function on mobile devices. The layout triggered on your device depends on the smallest iframe dimension that the dashboard appears in.
500 pixels or less | Phone |
501-800 pixels | Tablet |
Greater than 800 pixels | Desktop |
Mobile layouts are available for all interactive dashboards.
Facility Communication Dashboard
The new Facility Communication dashboard is designed to quantify the individual facility interactions that occur with every transfer case. Seeing these interactions can help monitor performance and accountability measures for your facilities.
This dashboard pulls from Transfer Center Facility Communications Detail data source, and shows data from the TeleTracking TransferCenter® application.
The data points used for the Command Center version of this dashboard are:
Initial Call to First Contact
Response Time
Disposition Time
Time to Accept
Top Declining Facilities and Reasons
Average Response Time by Facility
The data points used for the interactive version of this dashboard are:
Average Initial Call to First Contact
Average Initial Call to Response Time
Average Initial Call to Disposition Time
Average Time to Accept
Top Decline Reasons by Facility
Average Response Time by Facility
The Blocked Beds visualization (in the Enterprise Scorecard dashboard) has an updated time filter that reflects the most recent hour listed rather than the last 8 hours.
Tabular Reports now have relative date filters for Yesterday, Last 7 days, and Last month. The default filter is Today.
The Date Range filter options Week and Month have been renamed Last 7 days and Last month on all Interactive Dashboards.
Data Filters
The following filter updates have been made to the Sheets in the dashboards below.
To access Sheets, from a dashboard click Edit and select any of the items from the Sheets column.
Environmental Services Dashboard
A Job Create Reason Type (Discharge, Transfer, Other) filter has been added to the following visualizations below. Because Found Beds do not have a request time, Job Create Reason Type filters out Found Beds to prevent Average Response Time data from being skewed.
Average Response Time
Average Clean Time
Average Turn Time
Transport Desktop Dashboard
The Requesting Campus filter has been removed, and the Destination Campus filter has been renamed Campus. The Requesting Campus and Destination Campus filters performed very similar functions, so having only the Campus filter minimizes redundancy for a cleaner dataset.
Transfer Center Enterprise Scorecard Dashboard
A IS_INHOUSE_ON_DISCHARGE = True filter has been added to the Discharge charts.
Enterprise Scorecard Dashboard
A Job Create Reason Type (Discharge, Transfer, Other) filter has been added to all Response Time Charts.
The goal for Average and Average ED Occupied Timers has been updated to < 30 minutes on the Enterprise Scorecard dashboard.
The Adjusted Cleans visualization in the Environmental Services dashboards display 0 instead of Beds when there are no adjusted cleans.
Previously, the Start Date parameter on interactive dashboards prevented specifying a start date earlier than 2012. That limitation has been removed, so you can now specify a start date that is applicable to your dataset.
Tabular Reports for the Capacity Management Suite® Solution
Tabular reports are a new feature that present the data points and metrics from an interactive dashboard in a table format. From reports, you can edit the view of your data by excluding/including specific objects or applying filters.
You can also download tabular reports as a CSV file to edit the data or perform analysis that suit your hospital's needs.
Tabular reports are available for the following data sources:
Transport Tracking
Patient Placement
Patient Visit
Census Snapshot
Click here to learn how to download a tabular report.
Standardized Naming Conventions for Data Source Tables
Previously, data fields in a data source table weren't created with a standard naming format. However with this release we've introduced a new naming convention for data fields to make it easier to identify them during an analysis.
For example:
EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY | Employee Category |
count adjust cleans (yes) | Adjusted Cleans Count |
init cont to final dispo in time format | Initial Contact To Final Disposition In Time Format |
Additional Updates
An EVS hierarchy of Campus to Unit has been created.
Command Center dashboards have received a user experience update.
The Average total delay data field has been removed from Transport filters.
Interactive Dashboards
Visualization Update
The visualization of the interactive dashboards has been enhanced to further optimize the user experience. Key updates are noted below.
Date Filters
The new Date Range, filter includes these options for filtering the data shown on the dashboard: Today, Yesterday, Week, Month, and Custom Date. This new filter replaces the date filter, which included the options Today and Custom Dates.
The Schedule list (shown below), which determines when a subscription is delivered, now lists time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) rather than EST (Eastern Standard Time). Go to Subscribe to a dashboard to learn more.
The following new dashboards are available in the TeleTracking Standard Content folder.
Enterprise Scorecard—provides a high-level overview of the health system’s performance. The scorecard shows data from data sources BTJobs, Census_Snapshot, IQ_Case+Enterprise, Patient Visit, and Transport_Tracking for the current and previous day. The weekly average is also shown.
Transfer Center History—Shows transfers on a given year, month, and/or day.
Transfer Center Map—Shows volume of transfers, total number of transfers by facility, and volume of cases by disposition. The data shown is in comparison to the previous month. The topographical map shows the geographical location of facilities that experienced a 10% decrease in Transfers and enables you to track volume of transfers by facility.
Data Sources
These new data sources are now available.
Data Points - Standard Lane - Full Historical and Extracts—Connected to Areas of Opportunity and Transfer Center History
Data Points - Standard Lane - Full Historical and Extracts—Joined with IQ_Case and connected to Enterprise Scorecard
Data Points - Standard Lane - Full Historical and Extracts—Joined with Transfer_Center and connected to Physician Communication
Data Points
The Data Points - Standard Lane - Full Historical and Extracts, Data Points - Standard Lane - Full Historical and Extracts, and Data Points - Standard Lane - Full Historical and Extracts data tables have been extended to include new data points.
Patient Visit
ADT Discharge DateTime
Patient Status Type
Observation Start DateTime
Observation End DateTime
Patient Placement
Bed Clean DateTime
Placement Request By User
Placement Activated By User
Occupied Timer
Transport Tracking Jobs
Origin Location Type
Destination Location Type
Pending to In progress Time
Revised Dashboards
The following dashboards have been updated.
The Transfer Center Case dashboard now includes new TeleTracking Best Practice recommendations of Cancels <5% and Declines <3%.
The Physician Communication Dashboard dashboard now includes an option to filter by Hospital Service.
The EVS Performance dashboard has been updated to exclude jobs with a status of Cancelled.
The Patient Placement dashboard has been updated to include TeleTracking Best Practice recommendation of 95% for RTM compliance.
For your reference, the published data sources available when creating and/or editing a dashboard are now listed in the Data Points pages.
New Enterprise Dashboards
Enterprise Scorecard
Revision: New
Data Sources: BTJob, Census_Snapshot, IQ_Case+Enterprise, Patient_Visit, and Transport_Tracking
Transfer Center Map
Revision: New
Data Sources: IQ_Case+Enterprise OR OPTC -Transfer_Center
Revised Enterprise Dashboards
EVS Performance
Revision: Updated to exclude jobs with Cancelled status
Data Source: BTJobs
Transfer Center Case
Revision: Updated to include TeleTracking’s best practice recommendations for cancelled jobs (<5%) and declined jobs (<3%)
Data Source: TCIQ - IQ_Case+Enterprise OR OPTC -Transfer_Center
New Interactive Reports
Transfers Map
Revision: New
Data Source: IQ_Case+Enterprise OR OPTC -Transfer_Center
Filters: Month, Case Type, Campus Name
Transfer Center History
Revision: New
Data Source: TCIQ - IQ_Case+Enterprise OR OPTC -Transfer_Center
Filters: Year, Month, Campus Name, Case Disposition OR Year, Month, Day, Destination Facility
Revised Interactive Reports
Physician Communication Dashboard
Revision: Updated to included Hospital Service filter
Patient Placement
Revision: Updated to reflect TeleTracking best practice recommendation of 95% for RTM compliance, which is denoted by the horizontal dotted line in the line graphs.
With SynapseIQ® Enterprise, operational data is presented in an easy to consume format with the ability to drill down for deeper analysis. Extensive drill down configurations deliver unprecedented visibility from the enterprise down to the individual patient or employee, giving staff the precise insight they need to optimize resources, drive accountability, and celebrate successes of exemplary staff. SynapseIQ® Enterpriseprovides a real-time view of operations across a health system—allowing teams to make critical patient care decisions in the moment. With real-time dashboards optimized for the command center, you know that your entire organization is looking at, and responding to, the same operational data. Interactive desktop reports help analysts quickly and easily conduct ad-hoc analysis of emergent or real-time issues.
Enterprise Dashboards
SynapseIQ® Enterprise provides a real-time view of operations across a health system — enabling teams to make critical patient care decisions in the moment. Enterprise dashboards are intended to display on large, wall-mounted monitors in your Command Center or other key visible areas. To facilitate in-the-moment decision making, the dashboards are set to look for, and display any new data every 60 seconds. TeleTracking’s industry leading best practices are embedded into these reports as goals, allowing users to quickly identify areas of opportunity.
Transfer Center Case
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Facility Case Communication
Revision: New
Physician Case Communication
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Transport Performance
Data Source: Capacity Management Suite
Revision: New
EVS Performance
Revision: New
Patient Placement
Revision: New
Patient Visit
Revision: New
Desktop Reports
SynapseIQ® Enterprise desktop reports provide Standard Lane reporting, drill down views, enterprise-wide visibility, and full customization. These reports are built to be interacted with, so that users build operationally valuable relationships that can answer difficult questions with a few clicks. Each report highlights different components of healthcare operations and provide insight at each level. TeleTracking’s industry leading best practices are embedded into these reports as goals, allowing users to quickly identify areas of opportunity.
Environmental Services
Revision: New
Transport Services
Data Source: Capacity Management Suite
Revision: New
Enterprise Placement
Data Source: Capacity Management Suite
Revision: New
Patient Visit
Data Source: Capacity Management Suite
Revision: New
Case Cancels
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Case Declines
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Transfer Outbound Requests
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Inbound Requests
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Facility Case Communication
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Physician Communication
Data Source: Access Management Suite
Revision: New
Opportunity Report
Data Source: Access Management Suite and Capacity Management suite
Revision: New
Hardware and Server Configuration
SynapseIQ® Enterprise Solution requires a virtual server set up with the following specifications:
4 CPU core, 8GB RAM
100 GB+ of free disk space
Windows Server 2012 R2
Contact TeleTracking Client Support for details on environment and server setup.
Product & Version Compatibility
SynapseIQ® Enterprise is compatible with TeleTracking's on-premise applications: the Capacity Management Suite (v3.4 or later) and the TransferCenter application (v3.5.2.8 or later), and with the TransferCenterIQ application (v2018.4 or later).