Logging In
When a variable user logs in they are presented with a screen that allows them to select the unit or cluster of units they are working with that day.
If a variable user needs to change where they are working, they will need to log out and when they log back in they can pick their new area.
In the above picture, ADMITTING is a Unit while Psych is a Cluster containing ADULT PSYCH L1, ADULT PSYCH L2, etc. A unit cannot be individually selected if it is part of a cluster.
Several settings in a unit's configuration will affect a variable user when that unit is selected:
Allow Floaters - If this is not enabled this unit will not be available to select on the variable user login screen.
Floaters view the entire campus - When this is enabled the user will be able to see patients in the entire campus rather than just within their selected membership.
Floater Role - This will temporarily change a variable user's role when the unit is selected. This reverts when they log out for the day.
PreAdmitTracking and PatientTracking Portal Default Console View temporarily overrides the default consoles set on the user's profile.
Logging Out
In the upper-right corner of the page, click the sign-out or end-session link.
End session - if you are signed into more than one session or workstation, select end session to end the current session.
Sign out - if you are signed into multiple sessions (or multiple workstations), sign out will close all sessions on all workstations.
Users with variable membership will be prompted to choose another unit when they sign out for the day upon logging back in.