Variable Membership
Users with variable memberships do not necessarily work in the same ward/unit each day.
Administrators specify the campuses that variable membership users can work in.
When Variable membership users sign in to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for the day, they each must select one ward/unit or one cluster with which they are associated in the campus(es) that the administrator has specified for them. For that day, they can access patient, bed, and ward/unit data only for the wards/units or clusters that they entered while signing in.
If users with variable membership types must have access to other wards/units or clusters on the same day and they do not have the Allow User to Set Membership on Login without RAC permission, then they must sign out, request a Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC) from a supervisor, and then sign in again, enter the RAC code, and select the different wards/units and clusters.