Why Configure the Inactivity Timeout?
The Inactivity Timeout setting helps to keep Protected Health Information secure by automatically signing out users when their workstations are idle for a certain amount of time.
For example, sometimes a user has started another task without closing the browser window.
Automatically signing out the user can prevent any visible patient information from being seen by another employee who has no need to see it.
How to Configure Inactivity Timeout
Go to Admin > Settings > Platform Settings to display the Manage Settings page.
Under General Settings in Inactivity Timeout (Minutes), type the number of minutes of inactivity after which the user will be signed out automatically.
Select Change Settings to save the new session timeout value that you entered.
The updated inactivity timeout setting is activated for users who sign in from this point forward.
The Operations IQ® Platform begins timing a user's session from the user's most recent page navigation, screen refresh, or save.
Some Considerations
You can type a value between 1 and 960 minutes (16 hours)
The default value is 30 minutes
Your organization’s Information Technology (IT) department might have configured a general setting that logs out users automatically after a certain period of time, regardless of when the users had activity.
If so, that setting will take precedence over the setting that you configure in Inactivity Timeout (Minutes)
If you have questions about your facility’s IT settings, please contact your organization’s IT department.
Warning Sent to Users
Five minutes before a user's session ends, a Session Timeout dialog box will appear that warns the user that they have five minutes before they are automatically signed out. The time counts down to zero. Then the user is signed out and any unsaved changes are lost. Users can select the Continue Session button to remain signed in and restart the session timer.