The Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application application with the electronic bedboard® view view allows your organization to manage patient placements and bed assignments. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can:
Customize and/or see list views displaying patient placement information, patients admitted today, and patients in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status.
Configure the settings that determine which subscription-based notifications you receive.
Search for a patient.
Set and view transfer and discharge milestones.
Create new preadmit records or edit existing patient placement details and complete information on the Patient/Placement Details form. You may use the Patient/Placement Details form to perform tasks such as entering patient contact information, setting the patient attributes and needed bed attributes so that an optimal bed can be found in an advanced bed search, performing an advanced search for a bed for the patient, setting the patient's observation start time or entering when the observation ended, selecting a target ward for a patient, selecting users to receive notifications about the placement, or assigning a bed.
If your organization uses floor plans and the Capacity IQ® solution is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can access a floor plan to see the real-time locations of patients, staff, and assets. If your organization uses floor plans, but the Location IQ® is not integrated, then you can view the floor plan to see the locations of patients as determined by the Capacity IQ® solution
If your organization uses floor plans and the Capacity IQ® solution is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can search for assets and staff members.
Perform patient actions on the Patient/Placement Details form, such as admitting a patient, transferring a patient, sending a patient to a procedure, and changing a patient's status to Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge.
Add, edit, or cancel patient transport requests.
Access and configure multiple bedboards, so that you can view a snapshot of beds by ward and see information for each bed such as bed status, the patient who is occupying or assigned to the bed, whether the patient is being transferred or is in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status, the number of physical beds, staffed beds, and census beds per ward, whether a bed is assigned to or occupied by a male or female patient, whether a bed that is not assigned or occupied can accommodate a male or female patient.
Indicate that a patient is or will be ready to move.
Use the electronic bedboard® view view to create a new preadmit record, associate bed attributes with a bed/location, view bed details, or view patient details.
Generate "quick reports" that display information about beds, patients, placements, and placement-based notifications.
Enter the number of staffed beds that exist per ward, per shift.
View and print the projected census. For example, you can view the current census, the total staffed beds or physical beds, the number of available beds, the number of patients in Pending or Confirmed Discharge status who are expected to be discharged within a certain amount of time from now, and the number of requested and assigned placements for incoming or outgoing internal transfers and incoming new preadmitted patients.