Employee Category - A categorization method for employees
Example: Volunteer, Lead, or Employee Advocate.
Use Cases
There are several options to include employee information on reports. It is possible to select:
Individual employee names
All employees the user running the report has access to. (Only users with a membership within less or equal membership of the user running the report).
A specific category of employees
Your organization might generate a number of the Capacity IQ® solution reports to learn about the activities of new employees who have worked at your organization for less than one year.
An administrator can create an employee category in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component called New Bed Cleaners.
In the user profiles of bed cleaners who have been employed less than one year, the administrator can select the New Bed Cleaners category to associate it with those employees.
When users generate reports that involve selecting employees, they can select the employee category called New Bed Cleaners.
All employees associated with that category whose membership is within the membership of the user generating the report will be included in the report.