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Monthly Averages Report Description
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Monthly Averages Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Monthly Averages report displays, per employee and per month, the total number bed cleaning jobs that the employee received credit for, the number and percentage of those jobs that were adjusted cleans, the number of those jobs that were not adjusted cleans, the total time that the employee spent cleaning beds, and the average clean time for jobs that were not considered adjusted cleans.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Cleaning jobs are included on the report only 1) if their locations are in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or 2) if the base unit of the user who generated the report includes the locations of the jobs.

  • The report includes only data about jobs that were created during the date range selected on the Report Criteria page.

  • Only completed jobs are included.

  • Cancelled jobs are NOT included.

  • Only those bed cleaning jobs that an employee received credit for appear on the report. For more information, see Credit in the BedTracking® Application.

  • Adjusted bed cleaning jobs are included in the report only if they are a type of adjustment that was selected when the report was generated. For example, if Adjusted Minimum was not selected when the report was generated, then bed cleaning jobs where the clean time was less than the minimum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated are not included on the report. The following types of adjustments can be selected when the report is generated:

    • Adjusted Minimum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is less than the minimum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.

    • Adjusted Maximum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is more than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.

    • Adjusted Max Response—Bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.

  • If specific bed cleaners (employees) were selected when the report was generated, then only data for those employees appears. If no specific bed cleaners (employees) were selected, then data appears for all bed cleaners who meet the criteria in the next bullet.

  • Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.

Monthly Averages Column Descriptions

For each employee, the following information appears.

This column...

Displays for the selected date range...


The month and year to which the bed cleaner's (employee's) statistics apply. Months are listed in chronological order.

Total Cleans

Total number of completed bed cleaning jobs that the employee received credit for during the month.

Adjusted Cleans (%)

Total number of adjusted cleans that the employee received credit for during the month and the percentage of jobs that the employee received credit for that were adjusted. Adjusted jobs are included in the report only if they are a type of adjustment that was selected when the report was generated. For example, if Adjusted Minimum was not selected when the report was generated, then bed cleaning jobs where the clean time was less than the minimum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated are not included on the report.<br><br>Calculation: Number of adjusted bed cleaning jobs that employee received credit for / number in Total Cleans column

Non-Adjusted Cleans

Total number of bed cleaning jobs that the employee received credit for during the month that were NOT adjusted cleans.

Hours Spent Cleaning

The number of hours that the employee spent cleaning beds during the month. This is the sum of all clean time for the employee for this month.

Average Clean Times for Non-Adjusted Cleans

Average time that the employee spent cleaning beds for jobs that were NOT adjusted cleans.

Monthly Averages Report

  • Date Range—Select the date range for the report. Only data from within the date range that you select will be included on the report.

    • Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.

    • Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.

    • Example: If the report should include all jobs created between January 1, 2011 and January 15, 2011, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 15.

  • Bed Cleaner / Employee—To include only data associated with certain bed cleaners (employees), select the bed cleaner names. If you do not select any names, all bed cleaners associated with the selected campus will be included on the report. For example, on the Delayed Beds History report, to include only beds that were delayed by certain bed cleaners, select the names of those bed cleaners.

    • Note: On the Average Response/Turn Time report, if the report is grouped by unit, then all jobs that were completed by the selected bed cleaners will be included in the report. If the report is not grouped by unit, then all jobs that were associated with the selected bed cleaners will appear on the report.

To Select Bed Cleaner / Employee Names:

  1. In the Search by section, select Employee to search for individual employees / bed cleaners to include on the report. Select Employee Category to display a list of employee categories to include on the report.

  2. If you selected Employee Category in the Search by section, a list appears in the Employee Category box. Click the category you want to include on the report (such as Bed Cleaners-Campus A). To select multiple categories, press and hold the CTRL key and click the categories. If you do not select any names, all employees will be included on the report.

  3. If you selected Employee in the Search by section, click the magnifying glass icon next to the Employee box to display the Search Employees window.

    1. Note: Only employees or bed cleaners whose base units are included in your membership and within the selected campus are listed.

    2. To search for a specific name:

      1. To narrow the list of bed cleaners or employees, in the User Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the first or last name, and then click Go.

      2. Select the check boxes for the bed cleaners or employees whom you want to include on the report OR to include all bed cleaners or employees who appear on the list currently, select the check box in the title bar.

      3. Click Selected Bed Cleaners to close the Search Bed Cleaners window and place the selected bed cleaner names in the Bed Cleaner box on the Report Criteria page.

    3. To return to having all employees or bed cleaners in the campus who are within your membership included in the report, click the restore icon next to the Bed Cleaner box.

  • Cost Center —To include only data associated with certain cost centers, select the cost center names. To select multiple names, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the names. Only cost centers associated with the selected campus appear in the list. If you do not select any cost centers, data from all cost centers associated with the selected campus will be included on the report.

  • Status—To include only specific unclean bed statuses on the report, click a status, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click multiple status names. Statuses listed are associated with beds in the selected campus. User-defined statuses (for example, UDEF-8) are specific to each campus. If you do not select specific statuses, then all unclean statuses associated with the selected campus will be included on the report.

  • Include—Select the check boxes for any of the following types of adjusted cleans that should be included on the report. If no check boxes are selected, then adjusted cleans will not be included:

    • Adjusted Minimum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is less than the minimum clean time. Type the minimum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.

    • Adjusted Maximum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is more than the maximum clean time. Type the maximum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.

    • Adjusted Max Response—Bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than the maximum clean time. Type the maximum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.

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