Employee Statistics Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:
Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The Employee Statistics Report displays the number of beds each employee cleaned during the selected date/time range and shifts as well as the number of calendar days each employee worked, the number of hours the employee spent cleaning beds, the average number of beds the employee cleaned per day, and the average clean time that the employee need to clean a bed.
Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning employees who appear on the report.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Employee data is grouped by cost centers with which the employees are associated. Only cost centers that were selected when the report was generated appear. If no cost centers were selected, then all cost centers in the selected campus shown in the Report Parameters section appear.
Only employees associated with the selected cost centers appear on the report.
Only transactions that occurred between the dates and during the shifts selected on the Report Criteria page appear. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.
For transactions related to bed cleaning jobs, only transactions associated with completed jobs are included.
Cancelled bed cleaning jobs are not included.
Only bed cleaning jobs that employees received credit for are included.
Adjusted bed cleaning jobs are included only if that type of adjustment was selected on the report criteria page . The user who generates the report can include any of the following:
Adjusted Minimum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is less than the minimum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.
Adjusted Maximum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is more than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.
Adjusted Max Response—Bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or when the report was generated.
Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.
Employee Statistics Report Column Descriptions
The following information appears in the columns on the Employee Statistics Report for each cost center or for each employee selected when the report was generated. If no cost centers or employees were selected when the report was generated, then all cost centers or employees within the selected campus listed under Report Parameters appear.
This column... | Displays for the date range and shift selected... |
Time/Bed | Average clean time that the employee needed to clean a bed.<br><br>Calculation: Hours column/ Beds column. |
Adjusted | Number of beds that the employee cleaned that were classified as adjusted cleans. |
Totals | Total in each column for each employee or each cost center (depending on whether the report was grouped by employee or by cost center). |
Employee Transaction Analysis Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:
Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The Employee Transaction Analysis report displays, per employee, the bed cleaning jobs that the employee received credit for, the times when the first and last notifications about the jobs were sent to the employee, the durations of suspensions and delays, when the jobs were placed in the In Progress status, when the jobs were completed, the clean time, and the turn time.
Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Cleaning jobs are included on the report only 1) if their locations are in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or 2) if the base unit of the user who generated the report includes the locations of the jobs.
The report includes only data about jobs that were created during the date range and shift selected on the Report Criteria page. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.
Only jobs for which formal bed cleaning requests were submitted in the BedTracking® application are included in the report. Non-compliant bed cleaning jobs do not appear.
Adjusted bed cleaning jobs are NOT included.
Only completed jobs are included.
Cancelled jobs are NOT included.
Only those bed cleaning jobs that an employee received credit for appear on the report. For more information, see Credit in the BedTracking® Application.
Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.
Employee Transaction Column Descriptions
For each employee, the following information appears.
This column... | Displays for the selected date range... |
Bed ID | The IVR ID of the bed that the employee worked on. This is the code used on the IVR system to identify the bed. |
Requested | The date and time that the bed cleaning job was created. |
Original Notification | The date and time when the first notification about the bed cleaning job was sent to the employee. |
Last Notification | The date and time when the last notification about the bed cleaning job was sent to the employee. |
Delay Duration | The number of minutes that the bed cleaning job was in Delayed status. |
In Progress | The date and time that the bed cleaning job first entered the In Progress status. |
Suspend Duration | Number of minutes that the bed cleaning job was suspended. |
Completed | Date and time that the bed cleaning job was completed. |
Clean Time | The amount of time from In Progress status to Completed (or Clean) status minus any time spent in Suspended status.<br>Example:If the bed cleaning job was placed in the In Progress status at 10:00 AM, suspended at 10:10, placed in the In Progress status again at 10:15, and then completed at 10:25, then the clean time is 20 minutes (10:00 AM to 10:25 minus 5 minutes of suspended time). |
Turn Time | Completed column minus Requested column. |
Employee Statistics Report
Bed Cleaner / Employee—To include only data associated with certain bed cleaners (employees), select the bed cleaner names. If you do not select any names, all bed cleaners associated with the selected campus will be included on the report. For example, on the Delayed Beds History report, to include only beds that were delayed by certain bed cleaners, select the names of those bed cleaners.
Note: On the Average Response/Turn Time report, if the report is grouped by unit, then all jobs that were completed by the selected bed cleaners will be included in the report. If the report is not grouped by unit, then all jobs that were associated with the selected bed cleaners will appear on the report.
To Select Bed Cleaner / Employee Names:
In the Search by section, select Employee to search for individual employees / bed cleaners to include on the report. Select Employee Category to display a list of employee categories to include on the report.
If you selected Employee Category in the Search by section, a list appears in the Employee Category box. Click the category you want to include on the report (such as Bed Cleaners-Campus A). To select multiple categories, press and hold the CTRL key and click the categories. If you do not select any names, all employees will be included on the report.
If you selected Employee in the Search by section, click the magnifying glass icon next to the Employee box to display the Search Employees window.
Note: Only employees or bed cleaners whose base units are included in your membership and within the selected campus are listed.
To search for a specific name:
To narrow the list of bed cleaners or employees, in the User Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the first or last name, and then click Go.
Select the check boxes for the bed cleaners or employees whom you want to include on the report OR to include all bed cleaners or employees who appear on the list currently, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Selected Bed Cleaners to close the Search Bed Cleaners window and place the selected bed cleaner names in the Bed Cleaner box on the Report Criteria page.
To return to having all employees or bed cleaners in the campus who are within your membership included in the report, click the restore icon next to the Bed Cleaner box.
Date Range—Select the date range for the report. Only data from within the date range that you select will be included on the report.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
Example: If the report should include all jobs created between
January 1, 2011 and January 15, 2011, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 15.
Shift Time—To choose specific shifts to be included on the report, in the Start and End boxes, type the start and end times of the shifts. For example, to include the 8:00 AM to 3:59 PM AND the 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM shift, in the Start box, type 08:00 AM and in the End box, type 11:59 PM. If a shift starts on one date and ends on the next, the report will include data from the entire shift. If a shift starts on the last date of a date range ends one day later, data from the entire shift, including the part of the shift that is after the end date of the report, still will be on the report. A message appears indicating that a shift that crosses over the midnight boundary was selected and that the report end date will actually be the day after the selected end date.
Important Note!
If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Cost Center —To include only data associated with certain cost centers, select the cost center names. To select multiple names, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the names. Only cost centers associated with the selected campus appear in the list. If you do not select any cost centers, data from all cost centers associated with the selected campus will be included on the report.
Include—Select the check boxes for any of the following types of adjusted cleans that should be included on the report. If no check boxes are selected, then adjusted cleans will not be included:
Adjusted Minimum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is less than the minimum clean time. Type the minimum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.
Adjusted Maximum—Bed cleaning jobs where the clean time is more than the maximum clean time. Type the maximum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.
Adjusted Max Response—Bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than the maximum clean time. Type the maximum clean time value, in minutes, in the Min box. Type a number from 0 through 10080 minutes (0 to 7 days). If you do not type a value, the default value established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component will be used.
Include Spills?—To include completed or cancelled spill cleaning jobs on the report, select Yes.
Group By—To group the data on the report by bed cleaner (employee) or by cost center, select Employee or Cost Center. If Cost Center is selected, data is grouped by the cost centers selected in the Cost Center field. Within each cost center, there is one line for each employee who worked in the cost center. If Employee is selected, data is grouped by employee. Under each employee, there is one line for each cost center in which the employee worked