Sometimes the dictionary between Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite® may not update in the Transfer IQ®. We’ll review how to trigger an update.
Part 1 - Make a change to the item
Manually update a dictionary in Capacity IQ®/Capacity Management Suite® and see if it updates in Operations IQ® Platform data dictionaries.
Navigate to Dictionary Management and update an item.
Part 2 - Verify the Specific Dictionary Functionality
It’s possible the dictionary items you are looking for are automatically updated.
For Physicians review - Physician Search Troubleshooting Checklist
For other descriptions of TCIQ Dictionary Items - Understanding Transfer IQ® Dictionary Items
Part 3 - Data Gathering
Ensure you have all the information you need to open a ticket with TeleTracking Support.
Identifying Information:
What dictionary are you trying to edit?
Where are you trying to edit? The Platform Dictionary?
Name of the field or other identifier?
Time Information:
When you added it?
How long it has not been updating?
Part 4 - Request a Dictionary Review
At this point if there’s still an issue our Support will be able to review.