Data IQ® data does not appear real time. We’ll cover the expectations for data latency depending on the Data Source.
Fast Lane
Included Data Sources - Data Points - Fast Lane
Anything with prefix of CURRENT
These data sources are meant to be used with dashboards set to display current information. They are not suitable for most historical reporting.
Expected Latency
They update every 5 minutes.
Data Coverage
24-hour period.
The CURRENT_PATIENT_VISIT data source will always have currently admitted patients, regardless of when they were admitted.
Each row in this data set represents an individual discharge milestone for a patient record.
Standard Lane
Included Data Sources - Data Points - Standard Lane
These data source contain all TeleTracking® data and are useful for historical reporting.
Expected Latency
General - 45 minutes - 90 minutes
Exceptions - 3 hours
Transporter Employee Performance
Care Progression Indicators
Discharge Milestones
Data Coverage
All historical data
Data Warehouse Connector
Included Data Sources
This is custom for your Health System.
Data exported to custom data warehouse is for historical reporting only.
Expected Latency
General Standard Lane - 6h 45m - 7h 30m
Standard Lane Exceptions - 9h
Transporter Employee Performance
Care Progression Indicators
Discharge Milestones
Data Coverage
All Historical Data
All data sources that are accessed through the DWC have an additional 6 hours of delay added to existing latency.