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Location IQ® Asset and TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System AssetTracking® - User Help Content
Location IQ® Asset and TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System AssetTracking® - User Help Content
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 5 months ago

As the application transitions to SaaS, TempTracking™ will transition to Location IQ® Temp and AssetTracking® will transition to Location IQ® Asset. Until then you will still see TempTracking™ and AssetTracking® referenced in the documentation.

AssetTracking® Application Overview

The TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions include a web-based application that connects to real-time locating system data sources (badges) to provide a consistent interface and functionality. TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions allow companies to monitor the following:

  • The location and movement patterns of various assets throughout multiple physical locations within an organization.

  • Track status and other attributes for each asset as they move through various business processes or storage periods.

  • Track service requests and work executed against these assets by various staff members.

  • Track ownership responsibility of assets across multi-disciplinary groups in an organization.

  • Create rules that assist with the general security of these assets including alerts and notifications.

Logging In to the AssetTracking® Application

When accessing the AssetTracking® application from a new browser window the login screen appears. Enter a valid user name and password and click the Login button to gain access to the system.

Note: For users utilizing the Single Sign-on feature:

The first time a user logs in, they must go to their AssetTracking URL with "/login" removed from the end of the URL. After logging in the first time, users are presented with a “Login as…” option, which eliminates the need to re-enter a username and password.

The AssetTracking® application has three default user accounts. Each account has varying levels of access. The accounts are listed below:

User Name

Default Password

User Rights



Administrative account



Asset-management rights for all assets



View-only access to all asset information and locations

It is HIGHLY recommended to change these default passwords shortly after installation to prevent unauthorized system access.

If a valid username and password have been entered, the AssetTracking® application shows the main AssetTracking view by default.

Note: For each user, the last Floor Plan View, AssetTracking View filter settings, and Asset Maintenance View filter settings are retained between login sessions.

Menu Screens

The AssetTracking® application consists of multiple screens for viewing and editing different kinds of information. A menu bar at the top of every screen allows one-click access to these different views. Additionally, the currently logged-in user is shown in the upper-right of every screen, as well as a link to log out of the system and the version number of the application. As a security precaution, it is recommended that users log out of the system whenever they are finished using the AssetTracking® application, or when they step away from their computer.

The AssetTracking® application Asset Tracking view appears by default after logging in. Another similar menu page exists for the Admin sections. Clicking the Help link, located in the upper right-hand corner of any screen, displays the AssetTracking User’s Online Help.

Home Page / Menu

The AssetTracking view is displayed after logging in. This screen provides several columns of information.

This page, as well as many other pages, sizes itself to fit inside the available browser window space. This eliminates annoying scroll bars in the window, but can limit the visible area of the screen. If necessary, make the browser window larger, or use a higher screen resolution for the best experience.

Asset Tracking View

The Asset Tracking view displays all badged assets. On this page, the user can quickly find location information on a given asset with an active badge. When a user enters text into the search box and clicks Search, the AssetTracking application quickly fetches and displays a list of assets that match the search. Searching is done using all visible fields in the Asset Tracking view, as well as the unique serial number of the badge currently linked to the asset.

Filters can be used to display the view by any combination of group, owner, status, campus, or preventative maintenance status(All PMs, < 30 Days, > 30 Days, Missed PM's). Users can also filter the list based on assets' Missing status, with the option to Exclude Missing assets, show All Assets (Missing and Active), or show only Missing assets.

Users can also use the Asset Tracking view to quickly jump to other areas of the application. By selecting a badge from the search results list, the AssetTracking® application navigates to the Asset Maintenance view and shows only one entry for that asset. The Track option displays the asset location on the appropriate floor plan in a separate window.

Floor Plan View

The Floor Plan View icon in the AssetTracking® application offers a visual representation of the location of assets detected by the system. Here's a summary of its features and functionalities:

  • Asset Display: Assets detected by the system are shown on the floor plan, allowing users to locate them visually.

  • Search Functionality: Users can search for assets from a specific floor plan or across all floor plans in the hospital. Additionally, assets can be searched based on their status.

  • Zoom Capability: Users can zoom in on specific assets for a closer view.

  • Patient and Staff Representation: Patients and staff members who are assigned badges appear on the floor plan as generic icons without detailed information.

  • Toggle Panel: The left-hand pane displays assets, patients, and staff members. Users can toggle this panel open or closed using arrows.

Note: Patients and staff members who are assigned to badges also appear on the floor plan as generic icons without any associated details. Patients appear asand staff members appear as

The left-hand pane of assets, patients, and staff members can be displayed by clicking the open arrow (➡️) located on the bottom left side of the Floor Plan View. After the open arrow is selected, the close arrow (⬅️) appears to the center left of the floor plan. Selecting the close arrow hides the list of assets. These arrows are grayed until you move your cursor over them.

Asset Maintenance View

The Asset Maintenance view displays all badged and unbadged assets. On this page, administrators and advanced users can create or modify the records for tracked assets, attach or detach tracking badges to/from assets, organize assets into groups, view/make service requests, or jump to the latest known location for assets (graphically via the Track option, or textually via the Location option). The Search and Filter functions limit the view to assets of interest.

Note: The Asset Maintenance view is not available to users who are members of the General User Group.

Groups View

The Groups Icon may be selected to show a list of all assets in a group, as well as a count of the number of assets in each group. To quickly view or interact with assets in a particular group, select that group from the list and click List Assets. The Asset Maintenance view opens and shows only Assets in that group.

Asset Utilization View

The Asset Utilization view provides information about how often the specified asset type is available, in use, dirty, or under maintenance over a period of time. The report can be filtered by asset groups, asset owners, and asset location to limit the data that is used in generating the utilization numbers. Additionally, when in Bar Graph mode, data can be filtered to display by Owned Only, Rented Only, or Rented and Owned assets.

The Asset Utilization data can be displayed as a table or graphically as a Bar chart. Users can also print the asset utilization data display or export the asset utilization data to a Microsoft® Excel® Comma Separated Value (.csv) spreadsheet.

Events View

The Events icon offers a quick glance of events detected by the AssetTracking® application. This view is good for administrators that want to verify functionality of a particular rule or event. Responding to an event is performed from within this screen via the Respond option.

To view the asset associated with the event on the floor plan:

  1. On the Events view, click the asset name in the Asset column.
    The Asset Tracking view appears displaying information about the current location of the selected asset.

  2. Click the Track link to display the asset's location on the appropriate floor plan when the event occurred. An Action History option appears when a user responds to an event. Various filter levels are available to narrow your selection.

Inventory Levels View

The Inventory Levels icon may be selected to show the number of assets that need to be added or removed at a location to maintain the minimum acceptable number on hand as defined by that asset's inventory rule. This view helps supply chain personnel know when to move assets from one location to another to maintain the number that employees need to do their work.

Reports View

The Reports Icon provides access to a set of pre-designed reports that display current data on assets and badges. Clicking on any of the report titles display filter settings relating to that specific report. Reports can be produced as Excel, HTML, or PDF files.

Grid-Based Screens

Many screens display a list of information in a similar format. Users interface with these grid-based screens in a similar fashion, and so details of the basic interface are summarized here. The sections are organized from top to bottom and left to right on a typical grid-based screen.

Grid-Level Actions

Many of the grid-based screens have action links that apply to the entire grid. These additional links appear in the upper-right part of the screen, to the right of the Search and Export links. For example, creating a new row entry is accessible via a Create New action link on many screens. Other grid-level functions may be available depending on the specific screen being accessed.

Search Functions

Several search methods are available in the AssetTracking® application depending on the specific page.

Users can access the search functions through the Search link which is at the top of the screen and to the right of the data grid's title. Alternatively, users can click a search icon (🔍) at the bottom of the data grid. These options open a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen. Three different search methods are available, and one is selected by default for each grid-based screen. A description of each search method follows:

Simple Search Method

The Simple Search section displays a search entry box, a Filter link, and a Reset link. Enter all or part of the information to find on this screen, and click Search to perform the search. Click Reset to remove the results of the search.

Advanced Field Search Method

The advanced Field Search section displays several search entry boxes — one for each searchable displayed field on that screen. To open the Advanced Search, select the Search button to the right of the page title. See an example from the Asset Tracking page below.

The Advanced dialog box appears.

The Search link and a Reset link are at the bottom. Enter all or part of the information desired for that field in any of these search boxes, and click Search to perform the search. To search on different information, click Search again. To see all search results, scroll down to the end of the section. Click Reset to remove the results of the search and hide this section. Search values may be entered on more than one field at a time to perform advanced searching on the information on that screen.

Note: A search of a single letter or numeral results in all words containing that letter or number. For example: If number “1” is entered in the Serial field, it returns all badges with a serial id that contains the number 1.

Multi-Asset Search

You can enter more than one search criteria in the Asset ID, Tag ID, and Serial Number fields of the Advanced Search by separating the values with a comma, space, or semi-colon.

Performing a Badge ID Search

In cases where a badge has been separated from an asset, it may be necessary to search assets by Badge ID to reattach the badge to the correct asset. Users can search by Badge ID by clicking the Search button and typing or scanning the badge number into the Badge ID field on either the Asset Tracking view or the Asset Maintenance view. Pressing the ENTER key after scanning the badge ID automatically removes the leading characters from the ID number. If your scanner has been configured to automatically press the ENTER key, you do not have to manually press ENTER after scanning the badge's barcode.

Export Functions

An Export link or icon is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools. The exported data is downloaded in a comma-separated-values (CSV) file, suitable for importing into programs such as spreadsheets.

Exporting Data

  1. Click the Export link or icon to show the Export section.

  2. Make the desired selections in the Export section:

    • Columns to Export – Select the checkboxes to control which fields to include in the export.

    • Options – Select the boxes to change the exported data format:

      • Omit Header – select this box to leave out the field titles from the exported data.

      • Delimiter – To change the delimiter character from the default comma, type the character in the field.

      • This Page – Select the box to export only the rows on the current page.

      • All Pages – Select the box to export the rows on all available pages for this screen.

      • Email Options – To send the exported file to an email address:

        • Click the Send export as email option.

        • Enter an Email Address.

        • Enter a message in the Message Body field (optional)

  3. Export – Click the button to generate and download the data file. The browser may prompt to either open or save the file, or it may be opened automatically by an application on your computer. You can choose to open the file in the Microsoft® Excel® or Adobe® Acrobat® application.

Filter Views

Many pages use a Filter View section that appears above the data grid on that page.

This is a high-level filter selection, allowing the user to filter the list view by one or more properties. Click on the down arrow of the selection box to see a list of options for that selection.

To filter based on an option:

  • Select that option, and then click the Filter button.

  • Click the Reset button to restore all filters to the default (off) settings.

Single-level Filtering

The AssetTracking® application supports both single-level and multi-level filtering. For example, Groups and user groups are single-level filters. Select one group or user group from the list to filter on that selection.

Multi-level Filtering

Multi-level filtering is used with location-based filters. This filtering uses a hierarchical selection process to get as broad or narrow filter criteria as desired. As a top-level location is selected, another selection box appears for facilities on that location. Similarly, selecting a facility shows a selection box for floor plans on that facility. Selecting a floor plan shows a selection box for locations on that floor plan. At each level, the default selection of (All) allows filtering at a broad level.

Multiple filter selections can be used at the same time for screens that offer more than one filter option. Filter selections are retained if the user navigates away from the screen and then returns later.

In Location Certainty filter: Select from the three options in the drop-down menu, High, Medium, or Low. These options describe the likelihood that the asset is in the location that appears in the Location column.

Sorting and Pagination

To Sort the Grid:

  • Click the column heading at the top of the list to sort by that column.

  • Sorting is done alphabetically and numerically, and assets are sorted in ascending order.

  • To sort in descending order, click on the column description again. To restore the previous or default sort selection, click the column description a third time.

To Go to A Different Page:

Each of the grid-based screens is paginated by default if more than 25 rows appear in the grid. The total number of records appears at the bottom of the page.

  • If available, the Next and Previous buttons or arrow icons (⏩) allow for viewing page-by-page.

  • The page number field allows jumping directly to the requested page.

  • To see more rows on the screen, select a different option from the list next to the page viewing arrows if it is available.

Row-Level Actions

On most of the grid-based screens, action links are available for each row entry on the right side of that row. More or fewer links may be available based on the current user’s access rights or the availability of that option for the given entry. For example, the Track action link is shown for some assets on the Assets screen, which opens a window showing that asset’s location on a floor plan. For assets that are not attached to tracking badges, or if this badge has not yet been located, the Track option is not available. Also, Edit and Delete links may be available for administrative users on some pages but is not available for general users on those same pages.

On some grid-based screens, a More ⬇️ link is available for each row entry. Click this link to open up an additional list of less-frequently-used action links for that row. Click the More ⬆️ link again to close the list, or click one of the additional links to perform that action. Please note that the available row level actions will vary from view to view.


Some row-level actions on grid screens dynamically add a secondary sub-grid of detailed information just below the original entry. To close this sub-grid, click the X link in the upper right of the sub-grid. The original row entry refreshes to show any changes. Some of these sub-grids have additional grid-level and row-level action links available. These links behave similarly to the same links at the screen level, except their effects are limited to the rows in that sub-grid.

Understanding Asset Management

The AssetTracking® application is unique in that it makes a clear distinction between the asset being tracked and the actual tracking unit (badge). Assets are distinct entities that may or may not have a tracking badge attached to it. Badges are the actual tracked unit with unique identifiers.

Since badges and asset are separated, a badge is associated with an asset to enable tracking and monitoring of that asset’s location.

For larger-scale tracking solutions, a pre-existing list of asset information may be imported, and then badges may be assigned to those assets in software at the same time that badges are physically placed on to the assets. This process is called “attaching” a badge to an asset. Contact TeleTracking Technologies for further details on importing pre-existing asset information.

Finally, this distinction between badges and assets simplifies the process of replacing an old or damaged badge with a new one, since the asset’s information remains intact. Also, this enables usage systems where badges are frequently being placed onto and removed from assets, by attaching and detaching badges to/from those assets (in other words, creating and breaking the badge-to-asset links in software).

Asset Tracking View Overview


This screen shows a list of asset records. As this list may be long, the screen displays 25 asset records at a time. To go to the next page of information, click the Next link in the lower right-hand corner, or click the page number to view. A total count of asset records appears in the lower left section of the Asset Tracking view.


Information on the Asset Tracking view may be sorted by clicking on any one of the column headings. Click on the heading again to sort the page in opposite order. Sorting the assets or changing the sort order always returns the view to the first page of assets.


The Filter View section is used on this screen to enable filtering the displayed list by group, by asset owners, by asset statuses, by the asset’s current location, or by the asset's preventative maintenance status (All PMs, < 30 Days, > 30 Days, Missed PM's). Users can also filter the list based on assets' Missing statuses, with the option to Exclude Missing assets, show All Assets (Missing and Active), or show only Missing assets. More than one filter can be applied at the same time. These show assets without a linked badge, and assets with a badge but without valid tracking information, respectively.


The Asset Tracking view also offers a field-based search to filter the displayed asset list and quickly find a specific asset or assets. Click Search to open the advanced search.

Enter all or part of the information in a specific field and click the Search link to perform a search. Click the Reset link to clear the search parameters and hide the search section.


The Export option produces a Microsoft® Excel® comma separated value file. This file can also be sent as an email attachment by specifying an email address. For more information, see Export Functions on page 10.


Each asset row has links on the far right side. The links that appear vary based on whether the asset has a tracking badge attached as well as the current user’s rights. The possible links are Track, Attachment History, Asset History and Event History. Some links may be under the More link.

Tracking an Asset

The Track link (only for assets with an attached badge and valid tracking information) displays a visual representation of the asset on the appropriate Floor Plan.

Viewing the Attachment History

The Attachment History link displays a historical record for a given asset that includes an attachment date, detachment date, and status for each badge that was used with this asset.

  1. From the Asset Tracking view, click More > Attachment History for the appropriate asset.

  2. The Attachment History and filter fields appear. The attachment history for the asset is displayed below the filter date option.

  3. To filter the attachment list, enter a Start Date and End Date.

  4. Click the Filter button. The attachment history is filtered based upon the dates supplied.

Viewing the Asset History

The Asset History link displays a historical record for all events associated with the asset, including the method by which the event was invoked, the date and time of the event, floor plan details and the duration of the event.

  1. From the Asset Tracking view, click More > Asset History for the appropriate asset.

  2. The Asset History and filter fields appear. The asset history for the asset is displayed below the filter date option.

  3. To filter the asset list, enter a Start Date and End Date.

  4. Click the Filter button. The asset history is filtered based upon the dates supplied.

Viewing the Event History

The Event History link displays events that have been initiated rules that have been defined by a system administrator.

  1. From the Asset Tracking view, click More > Event History for the appropriate asset.

  2. The Event History and filter fields appear. The event history for the asset is displayed below the filter date option.

  3. To filter the event list, enter a Start Date and End Date.

  4. Click the Filter button. The event history is filtered based upon the dates supplied.

Tracking a Single Asset

Links to enable the tracking of a single asset are available from the Asset Tracking and Asset Maintenance views, at the right side of each asset's row. Click the Track link to open a separate window displaying the asset in its current location on the appropriate floor plan. Multiple Track windows can be open simultaneously, but more than one window cannot be opened for a single asset.

Floor Plan View Functions

The Floor Plan View screen is accessed by clicking the Floor Plan View icon on the top menu bar. This screen is used to monitor and review the position of several assets in real-time.

The default layout of the Floor Plan View screen is as follows:

  • The Campus and Floor Plan name fields are located at the top right.

  • Zoom in and out of the floor plan by selecting the plus or minus icons at the top left.

  • Expand the floor plan to full-screen view by selecting the double-headed arrow icon.

  • Fit the floor plan to the current size of the screen by selecting the fit screen icon.

  • The left pane displays a list of assets that appear on the floor plan, the Search field, and the Status and Group filters.

Accessing the Floor Plan Search Pane

The Floor Plan View screen displays all tracked assets on a given floor plan by default. To search for a particular asset, display the floor plan search pane by doing the following:

  1. On the Floor Plan View, select the arrow in the bottom left of the screen to display the search pane.

  2. The search pane allows you to search for assets that appear on the currently displayed floor plan.

Asset Borders

The icons that represent assets on the Floor Plan View each have a color border that indicates the asset's status. The same colors appear in the Status column of the asset's row in the Asset Tracking view.

The colors are:

  • Blue: No Status

  • Green: Ready

  • Yellow: In Use

  • Brown: Dirty

  • Black: In Maintenance

Searching by Asset Name

  1. In the search pane, enter alpha/numeric text for the asset's name, description, or ID in the Search field, to dynamically filter the asset list, showing only those assets that correspond to the entered text.

  2. Click one of the assets in the list to highlight it in color on the floor plan and change all other assets to gray.

  3. Double-click one of the assets in the list to zoom to an enlargement of it on the floor plan.

Searching by Status

To limit the displayed assets to those in a particular status:

  1. In the search pane, select the appropriate status (Dirty, Ready) from the Status drop-down menu.

  2. The assets with the selected status appear on the Floor Plan View.

Searching by Asset Group

To limit the assets appearing on the floor plan to the ones in the asset group:

  1. Select an option from the Asset Group drop-down list.

  2. The assets in the selected group appear on the Floor Plan View.

Searching All Floor Plans

If the asset you are searching for does not appear in the asset list:

  1. To search across all other floor plans for the asset, enter the asset's name, status, or group in the appropriate search field and click the Search All button.

  2. An All Floor Plans list of search results appears in a new window displaying the name of other floor plans where the asset appears.

  3. Select the box next to the floor plan that you want and then select Go To Floor Plan

Floor Plan Selection

The Floor Plan selection drop-down menu is shown on the right side of the Floor Plan View screen.

  1. Select a campus from the Campus list.

  2. Select a floor plan from the Floor Plan list.

Interactive Floor Plan Viewer

The Floor Plan Viewer in the Floor Plan View screen displays all or a portion of the currently-selected floor plan, as well as any assets currently located on that floor plan.

  • Zooming: You can zoom the floor plan in and out by using the controls located in the top left corner of the floor plan.

  • Fit to Window: Fit the floor plan to the current screen size by selecting the fit screen icon.

  • Full Screen View: Expand the floor plan to full-screen view by selecting the double-headed arrow icon.

  • Panning: Click and hold on the floor plan and then move the mouse to drag the floor plan up, down, or side to side to display the desired location.

  • Viewing Assets: Assets that appear on this floor plan are shown as icons (images). As asset locations are updated by the source AssetTracking® application, these icons move around the floor plan in near-real-time.

  • Viewing Asset Details: When you place your mouse over an asset on the Floor Plan View or over the asset on the Asset Search Grid, an information bubble appears with detailed information on that asset.

  • Viewing Location Information: When you hold your mouse over a location on the Floor Plan View, an information bubble appears stating the location's name and the number of assets that are currently in the location.

Asset Maintenance Functions

The Asset Maintenance view displays all badged and unbadged assets. On this page, administrators can:

  • Create or modify the records for tracked assets

  • Attach or detach tracking badges to/from assets

  • Organize assets into groups

  • View/make service requests

  • Jump to the latest known location for assets (graphically via the Track option, or textually via the Location option)

Note: The Asset Maintenance view is not available to users who are defined as General Users or who are members of the General User Group.

Sorting and Pagination

An Export link is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Export Functions

An Export link is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Creating and Editing Assets

The creating and editing assets feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users.

Bulk Updating Assets

The Update Assets button allows users to make updates to several assets at the same time. This functionality is available only for Advanced and Administrative users and by users who have Modify rights to the Asset Group in which the asset is being added or edited.

Tracking Assets

The AssetTracking® application has a dedicated single-asset tracking screen that pops up in a separate, smaller window.

Changing an Asset Status

Users can change the status of an asset to be "in maintenance" or "out of maintenance". This feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users.

Attaching and Detaching Badges from Assets

This feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users.

Viewing a Badge Location

Clicking the More > Location link on the Asset Maintenance view displays the location information for the appropriate badge on the Asset Tracking view.

Viewing Battery Level Status for a CenTrak Badge

In v2018.2.1.3 and later, in the Asset Maintenance View, see the Battery Status column to learn the battery level of a badge (Low, Medium, High, or Null). Null means that the RTLS engine did not receive any data from the RTLS hardware server about the badge's battery status.

Is a CenTrak Badge Missing?

In v2018.2.1.3 and later, to determine if a CenTrak badge is missing, follow these steps:

  1. View the Badge Status column in the Asset Maintenance view.

  2. The administrator configures a Missing Badge rule in the Rules Editor.

  3. If there has been no communication between a badge and the RTLS engine within the time defined in the Missing Badge rule (e.g., 20 minutes), the Badge Status column displays "Missing" for that badge.

  4. If the badge is not missing, "Active" appears in the Badge Status column.

Attaching and Viewing Asset Files

To attach and view asset files:

  1. Click the More > Asset Files link on the Asset Maintenance view.

  2. The Asset Files view will be displayed.

  3. From here, users can:

    • Click the Create New button.

    • Browse and select the file to attach, then click Open.

    • Enter a description for the file.

    • Optionally, modify the date and time the file was applied.

    • Determine if the file is Publicly Available.

    • Click the Create button.

  4. To view an asset file:

    • Click the More > Asset Files link.

    • Click the Show link.

    • Note: Only files defined as Publicly Available will be accessible for all users.

Service Requests

The Service Requests option displays the service maintenance history for a specific asset and allows users to create new service requests. This feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users. For more information, see Service Requests on page 65.

Adding Assets to an Asset Group

To add assets to a group:

  1. Click the Asset Maintenance icon.

  2. Click the Edit link for the asset you wish to add to a group.

  3. In the Groups box, select the groups that should be associated with this asset by enabling the appropriate checkboxes.

  4. Click the Update button.

Adding All Assets to an Asset Group

To add all currently displayed assets to a group:

  1. Click the Asset Maintenance icon.

  2. Using the Asset Maintenance filtering functions, display just those assets you wish to add to a group.

  3. Click the Add all to Group button.

  4. From the group drop-down menu, select the appropriate group.

  5. Click the Add assets to this group button.

Deleting an Asset

To delete an asset:

  1. Click the Asset Maintenance icon.

  2. Click the More > Delete link for the appropriate asset.

  3. A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click the OK button to delete the asset.

Editing an Asset's Icon

To change the icon used to represent the asset on the Floor Plan:

  1. Click the Asset Maintenance icon.

  2. Select the asset's Edit link to open the Update <Asset Name> page.

  3. In the Image section, select Custom in the Filter List drop-down list.

  4. Select a different image from the list that appears.

  5. Click Update to save the new image.

Managing Asset Groups

Asset groups are used to classify tracked assets into user-defined lists for various purposes such as quick viewing, monitoring, report generation, and rule analysis. Here's how you can manage asset groups:

Viewing Asset Groups

  1. Click the Groups link in the top menu bar to access the Groups view.

  2. The Groups view allows you to review and manage existing groups, as well as create new groups.

  3. Quick links for each group enable you to list assets in a set or track a set’s assets on a floor plan.

  4. Each group is listed with its name, description, and the count of assets currently part of the group.

Searching Asset Groups

  • Use the Search button and enter text in the Live Search box above the groups grid to dynamically filter the groups list.

Exporting Asset Groups

  • An Export link is available from the Groups view to extract group data for use in other tools.

Creating a New Asset Group

  1. From the Groups view, click the Create New button.

  2. Enter the group Name and Description.

  3. Click the Create button to create the new group.

Editing the Name and Description of an Asset Group

  1. From the Groups view, click the Edit link.

  2. Modify the Name and Description as needed.

  3. Click the Update button to save the changes.

Listing Group Assets

  • Click the List Assets link in the group's row to view assets associated with that group in the Asset Maintenance view.

Deleting an Asset Group

  1. Go to the Groups view.

  2. Click the Delete link on the right side of the group's row to delete the group.

Note: Deleting a group does not delete the assets in the group, only the group itself. You cannot delete a group if it is being used elsewhere in the application, such as in active system rules.

Monitoring Events

The Event screen displays information on system events created when conditions satisfy configured rules. Examples of events include tamper events and inventory events.

Sorting Events

  • Events are listed by default in descending order of arrival. Click on any column heading to sort by that column.

Filtering Events

  • Single-level and multi-level filtering is available for the Events view.

Searching Events

  • Use the Search button for advanced search options to quickly find specific entries on the Events screen.

Exporting Events

  • An Export link is available to extract event data for use in other tools.

Asset Current Location

  • Clicking on the asset name in the Events view directs you to the Asset Tracking screen, showing the current location of the asset.

Event Responses

  • The Respond link allows users to answer events, and the Action History link shows responses to an event.

Responding to an Event

  1. Click the Respond link at the end of the event's row in the Events view.

  2. Type a message in the Response Message field.

  3. Click Respond to save the response or Cancel to close without responding.

Viewing Action History for Events

When you respond to an event, an Action History link appears in the event's row, allowing you to view all responses to that event. Here's how to view the Action History:

  1. Click the Action History link in the event's row in the Events view.

  2. A sub-grid titled Responses for Event appears below the event's row.

  3. The sub-grid lists the details for each response to the event, including:

    • User: The user who responded to the event.

    • Date: The date and time when the response was entered.

    • Response Time: The exact time in seconds from event generation to response.

    • Message: Any specific reply message entered by the user as part of the response.

Monitoring Inventory Levels

The Inventory Levels view (also known as Periodic Automatic Replenishment or PAR Levels) displays the number of assets that need to be added or removed from a location based on the inventory rule or PAR for the selected asset group.

Go to Inventory Levels View

To access the Inventory Levels view, select the Inventory Levels icon in the menu bar at the top of the AssetTracking® application.

View Inventory Levels

  • Select the Inventory Levels icon in the top menu bar.

  • The Inventory Levels view appears.

The Inventory Levels view appears. The numbered callouts in the above image are described below:

  1. Editor Filter – Users can configure the format of the locations and the refresh rate for the Inventory Levels view with this icon.

  2. Groups Filter – Users can configure which asset groups appear on the Inventory Levels view with this icon. Grayed out groups are not included in the selected locations or inventory level rules.

  3. Location Filter – Users can configure which asset locations that appear on the Inventory Levels view with this filter. Grayed out locations are not included in the selected inventory level rules.

  4. Location – Names of locations appear in the left column. The locations are associated with the asset groups that are configured to appear on the Inventory Levels view. Depending on the selection in the Editor dialog box, the campus, building, floor, and location can appear in a hierarchy. Select the arrow to expand or collapse the location to display or not display its rules or hierarchy.

  5. Rule – The name of the rules that are associated with the asset groups. The rule names appear under their associated locations in the left column.

  6. Group Totals – The Group Totals column is the sum of the assets for the location row.

  7. Groups – These columns will show the selected groups and their associated counts of assets above or below PAR based on the actual count of assets in the location.

  8. Filter Rows – Selecting this button displays the filter fields above each column.

How to Read the Inventory Levels View

  • A value of zero means the inventory level does not need to change for the group in the location because it is within the range required by the inventory rule.

  • Numbers other than zero indicate by how many assets the inventory exceeds or falls short of its inventory rule.

  • An arrow appears next to each number that is not zero:

    • A down arrow next to a number indicates the number of assets for the group in the location that are below the inventory rule requirement. This is also known as Below PAR. Users need to add assets from a different location.

    • An up arrow next to a number indicates the number of assets for the group in the location that are above the inventory rule requirement. This is also known as Above PAR. Users need to remove assets from the location and move them to an appropriate location.

Filter Inventory Levels View

Select Filter Rows to display the filter fields below each column heading.

You can filter which location rows appear on the Inventory Levels view in several ways.

  • Location/Rule Column – In the filter field for the far left column, type a location or inventory rule name.

  • Group Columns – There are two filter fields above each group column:

    1. Text filter field – This field allows you to filter by the number of assets in the group. This number can be either above or below PAR.

    2. Icon filter field – This field allows you to filter by whether the number of assets is above or below PAR. It also allows you to filter by the priority response to the inventory level.

Text Filtering

  1. Select Filter Rows to display the filter field for each column. You can filter which location rows appear by typing a location or rule name in the filter field above the far left column or by typing a PAR level in the filter field above a group column.

  2. To display only the location rows that have a specific number of assets either above or below PAR, type “=” and the number. For example, to see only location rows that have three assets either above or below PAR, type “=3” in the filter field. Then, if you want to limit the location rows that appear to those that are below PAR, you can select the below PAR icon in the icon filter. See Icon Filtering for more information.

  3. To display only the location rows that do not have a specific number of assets either above or below PAR, type “!=” and the number. For example, to not see location rows that are within PAR, type “!=0” to remove all in PAR location rows.

  4. To display only the location rows that have less than a specific number of assets that are either above or below PAR, type “<” and the number. For example, to see only location rows that have less than 10 assets either above or below PAR, type “<10” in the text filter field.

    Then, if you want to limit the location rows that appear to those that are below PAR, you can select the below PAR icon in the icon filter. See Icon Filtering for more information.

  5. To display only the location rows that have more than a specific number of assets either above or below PAR, type “>” and the number. For example, to see only location rows that have more than three assets either above or below PAR, type “>3” in the filter field.

    Then, if you want to limit the location rows that appear to those that are above PAR, you can select the above PAR icon in the icon filter. See Icon Filtering for more information.

Icon Filtering

  1. To display only location rows that have any number less than the number of assets required by the inventory rule and are not a priority, select the below PAR icon.

  2. To display only location rows that have any number more than the number of assets required by the inventory rule and are not a priority, select the above PAR icon.

  3. To display only the location rows that have assets with a specific response, select the response icon:

    • Select the dash icon to see all location rows that are above, below, or at PAR and that have any priority response. This is the default setting.

    • Select the delayed icon to see location rows with delayed responses.

    • Select the priority above PAR icon to see location rows whose above inventory level is a priority.

    • Select the priority below PAR icon to see location rows whose below inventory level is a priority.

    • Select the in progress icon to see location rows whose inventory response is in progress.

Multiple Filtering

  • You can add filters in multiple columns. For example, you can filter to display only a specific location in the far left column. At the same time you can filter a group column in the location row to display one asset greater than PAR and a priority response.

  • You can also use both the text filter and the icon filter at the same time in a group column. For example, to see only location rows that:

    • Have a PAR number of less than three assets (2, 1, 0)

    • Are below PAR

    • Are a priority, type “<3” in a column's text filter field and select the priority below PAR icon in the response filter.

Configure Groups on the Inventory View

  1. Select the Groups icon below the Inventory Levels page title.

  2. The Groups dialog box appears.

  3. Select the box next to the group(s) that you want to see on the view. You can select multiple groups.

Note: You can select a maximum of 5 groups.

  1. Select the x in the top right to exit the dialog box and return to the Inventory Levels view. The Inventory Levels view refreshes to display your filter selections.

Note: If a group is not associated with an inventory rule, the group’s name is grayed out in the Groups dialog box, and when the mouse is over the group’s name, a tool tip appears stating “not in a rule.”

Configure Locations on the Inventory View

  1. Select the Locations filter below the Inventory Levels page title.

  2. The Locations dialog box appears.

  3. Select the box next to the location(s) that you want to see on the view. You can select multiple locations or no locations.

  4. Select the x in the top right to exit the dialog box and return to the Inventory Levels view. The Inventory Levels view refreshes to display your filter selections.

Note: If a location is not associated with an inventory rule, the location’s name is grayed out in the Locations dialog box. When your pointer is over the location’s name, a tool tip appears stating “not in a rule.”

Edit Inventory Levels View

  1. Select the edit icon below the Inventory Levels view title.

  2. The Editor dialog box appears.

  3. In the View list, select a format for the location column in the Inventory Levels view. Select one of the following:

    • Campus, Building, Floor and Location - Displays the campus, building, floor and location in a hierarchy.

    • Location Only - Displays only the name of the location. If you select the Campus, Building, Floor and Location option, a hierarchy appears before the locations in the left column.

  4. In Refresh Rate, you can type a different number of seconds. The AssetTracking® application updates assets on the Inventory Levels view at the rate you typed.

  5. Select Yes to filter the inventory to Exclude Missing assets or no to include Missing assets in the results.

Respond to Inventory Levels

  1. Select the link icon next to the asset’s value. The link dialog box appears.

  2. Select the arrow next to Respond and select an option in the list that appears.

    The Respond options appear as the following icons next to the asset on the Inventory Levels view:

    • 🕒 Delayed

    • ⏫ Priority that is above the inventory rule requirement

    • ⏬Priority that is below the inventory rule requirement

    • 🔁In Progress
      The AssetTracking® application retains the setting that you select until the par level returns to zero.

View Inventory Levels Activity History

  1. Select the link icon next to the asset’s value. The link dialog box appears.

  2. Select Activity History. The Activity History appears.

Viewing Reports

A range of historical and non-historical reports are available through the AssetTracking® application. Reports can be produced as Excel, HTML, or PDF files. To view a report:

  1. Click the Reports icon.

  2. Click the name of the report you wish to view.
    A set of report specific variables appear.

  3. Select the appropriate variables for the report.

  4. Click the Run Report button.

Asset Addition List Report

Displays details on when assets were added. Inclusive of all locations/groups/creators unless specified by the report request.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Group By - Options: None, Asset Group, Model, Manufacturer, Floor Plan, or Location

    • Description: The user must select a field to group the report by. The report will be grouped in ascending order by the selected option.

  • Asset Group - Options: The names of all Asset Groups and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Asset History Detail Report

Historical location and status detail of assets over time. Note: The report is limited to the first 100,000 records within the selected time duration. The user must reset the Start Date and End Date to a shorter duration if the limit is exceeded. The report is also limited to an internally configured number of assets. The default limit of assets for this report is 40.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Database - Options: Archive, Production

    • Description: User selection determines which database will be used to generate the report.

  • Group By - Options: None, Asset Group, Model, Manufacturer, Floor Plan, Location or Badge ID

    • Description: The user must select a field to group the report by. The report will be grouped in ascending order by the selected option.

  • Floor Plan - Options: The name of a floor plan or "All"

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Asset Group - Options: The name of an asset group or "All" asset groups

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to show all of the assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Assets - Options: The names of assets in the selected asset group. Select one or several assets in the list

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to show only some assets which belong to the selected asset group. This field only appears when a selection other than the "All" option has been selected in the Asset Group field.

  • Owner - Options: The name of an owner and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Asset List Report

A list of all assets in the system.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Group By - Options: None, Asset Group, Model, Manufacturer, Floor Plan, or Location

    • Description: The user must select a field to group the report by. The report will be grouped in ascending order by the selected option.

  • Floor Plan - Options: All floor plans and All

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Asset Group - Options: All Asset Groups and All

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Attachment List Report

Badges that have been associated with an asset.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Floor Plan - Options: All floor plans and All

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Asset Group - Options: All Asset Groups and All

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Button Press Report

Badge button presses captured during the timeframe of the report.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Database - Options: Archive, Production

    • Description: User selection determines which database will be used to generate the report.

  • Group By - Options: None, Floor Plan, Location, Asset Name, Badge ID or Asset Group

    • Description: The user must select a field to group the report by. The report will be grouped in ascending order by the selected option.

  • Floor Plan - Options: All floor plans and All

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Asset Group - Options: All Asset Groups and All

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Detachment List Report

Badges that have been detached from their assets. These badges are now considered “available”.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Database - Options: Archive, Production

    • Description: User selection determines which database will be used to generate the report.

  • Group By - Options: None, Badge ID, Asset Name, or Asset ID

    • Description: The user must select a field to group the report by. The report will be grouped in ascending order by the selected option.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Events List Report

List of events that occurred during the time period of the report, this list is inclusive of all assets and all locations unless specified in the report.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Database - Options: Archive, Production

    • Description: User selection determines which database will be used to generate the report.

  • Group By - Options: None, Floor Plan, Location, Asset Name, Asset ID or Rule Type

    • Description: The user must select a field to group the report by. The report will be grouped in ascending order by the selected option.

  • Floor Plan - Options: All floor plans and All

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Asset Group - Options: All Asset Groups and All

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Rule Type - Options: All, Location, Restriction, Button Press, Battery Level, Inventory, Tamper Detect, Missing Badge, and Status

    • Description: The user can select a type of rule by which to restrict the report results.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Inventory Par Level History Report

Displays a list of events triggered by variances in par levels based upon existing inventory.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Database - Options: Archive, Production

    • Description: User selection determines which database will be used to generate the report.

  • Rule - Options: Any rule where the Rule Type is Inventory and All

    • Description: Filter the report to include only events notified from the selected Inventory rule(s).

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Inventory Report

Inventory count by floor plan and location.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Floor Plan - Options: All floor plans and All

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Asset Group - Options: All Asset Groups and All

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Missing Badges Report

Devices that have not reported a new location in the last period time of the report. Default is 10 hours.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Floor Plan - Options: All floor plans and All

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Rule - Options: All missing badge rules and All

    • Description: Show badges that went missing based on the configuration of the selected rule.

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Badge Location Counts Report

A list displaying the number of attached and unattached asset, patient, and staff badges in a location. The report can be configured to show only patient badges in both discharge drop boxes and intake (badge application) areas. This report allows a user to easily determine which locations require badge collection or replenishment.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Campus

    • Description: User must select the campus for the report.

  • Only Discharge/Detach Locations

    • Description: User selects the Yes option to display only locations where patients are discharged and patient badges are detached. User selects the No option to display asset, patient, and staff member badges in the report.

  • Locations

    • Description: User selects the locations for the report.

  • Unattached, Attached, or All Badges

    • Description: User selects Unattached, Attached, or All badges.

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF.

Tamper Events Report

Badges that have reported a tamper event during the time constraints of the report.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Database - Options: Archive, Production

    • Description: User selection determines which database will be used to generate the report.

  • Group By - Options: None, Floor Plan, or Location

    • Description: The user must select a field to group the report by. The report will be grouped in ascending order by the selected option.

  • Floor Plan - Options: All floor plans and All

    • Description: Show events that have occurred in the selected Floor Plan.

  • Asset Group - Options: All Asset Groups and All

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Report

Displays all preventative maintenance scheduled within the selected date range.

Report Filter Criteria:

  • Asset Group - Options: All Asset Groups and All

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only showing assets which belong to the selected Asset Group.

  • Owner - Options: The names of all owners and "All"

    • Description: This selection restricts the report to only show assets which are owned by the selected Owner.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Format - Options: Microsoft® Excel, HTML, or PDF

Administrative Functions

Creating and Editing Assets


This feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users and by users who have Modify rights to the Asset Group in which the asset is being added or edited. Assets are created and edited on the Asset Maintenance view. You can:

  • Create a new asset from scratch — When you create a new asset from scratch, you provide the asset title, owner, manufacturer, model, group, rental status (Yes or No), PM frequency, last PM, first PM, asset ID, badge ID, and serial number.

  • Copy an existing asset to create a new one — You might have several assets that have the same asset title, owner, manufacturer, model, group, or rental status (Yes or No). To save time and effort, you can copy an existing asset and use it as a base to create a new one. The asset title, owner, manufacturer, model, group, or rental status (Yes or No) of the copied asset will be included in the newly created asset. However, you can change them. You will need to provide the PM frequency, last PM, first PM, asset ID, badge ID, and serial number in the newly created asset.

  • Edit an existing asset — If something changes about an existing asset, you can edit the asset.

  • Edit assets in bulk — You can apply the same changes to multiple assets at once.

To Navigate to the Asset Maintenance View

  • To navigate to the Asset Maintenance view, click the Asset Maintenance icon at the top of any screen.

Links on the Asset Maintenance View

Each asset row has links on the right side. Some links may be under the More link. The links that appear vary based on whether the asset has a tracking badge attached as well as the current user’s rights. The possible links are:

  • Track – This link, which only appears for assets with an attached badge and valid tracking information, displays the asset's location on the appropriate floor plan in a separate window.

  • Edit – The Edit link is used to change this asset’s information.

  • More - You can access the following through the More link.

    • In Maintenance – Clicking this link puts the asset into maintenance. Yes appears in the In Maintenance column.

    • Attach – The Attach link attaches a badge to an asset that is not currently attached to a badge ("-" appears in the asset's Badge ID column). To learn about the Attach/Detach links, see the Badge/Asset Attach Wizard section in the AssetTracking® Application Administrator's Guide.

    • Detach – The Detach link removes the badge from the asset. The Badge ID is replaced by "-" in the Badge ID column. To learn about the Attach/Detach links, see the Badge/Asset Attach Wizard section in the AssetTracking® Administrator's Guide.

    • Location – The Location link takes you to an AssetTracking view that just shows information about the asset selected.

    • Asset Files – Click this link to attach and view various files related to the specific asset (for example, operating instructions, warranty information, etc.). Any type of file (document, text, image, PDF, etc.) can be attached. See Attaching and Viewing Asset Files.

    • Service Requests – Clicking this link allows you to enter a service request for the asset.

    • Delete – The Delete link removes the asset from the list. If the asset is currently linked to a badge, this badge record is deleted as well.

    • Copy – Select the Copy link to copy the asset in this row so that you can use it as the starting point for creating a new asset.

Delete assets with care! If a badge record is deleted along with an asset, and that badge is seen again by the source AssetTracking® application, its default asset is recreated in the AssetTracking® application. If an asset is deleted without its linked badge being deleted as well, a new asset record does not appear even if the badge is seen again by the source AssetTracking® application. A new asset must be created and manually attached to this unused badge (see the following sections on creating, editing, and attaching/detaching an asset).

To Create an Asset from Scratch or Edit an Asset

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To edit an asset’s information, click the Edit link on the right side of the asset’s row.

    • To create a new asset, click Create New.
      A sub-section appears which allows for entering and editing of individual asset fields.

  2. Click inside the boxes and enter or change the information.

  3. To save changes for an existing asset, click the Update button in the lower left. The asset’s groups are also managed here.

  4. To create a new asset, click the Create button in the lower left. The subsection closes and the new or edited asset row appears in its spot. In either case, to drop any changes and close the sub-section, click the Cancel link.

To Create a New Asset by Copying an Existing One

  1. In the Asset Maintenance View, in the last column, select More, and then Copy.

  2. When the Copy Asset page appears, complete the blank boxes, such as Asset ID, with the information for the new asset.

Each asset must have a unique asset ID, badge ID, and serial number. While an asset ID is required for each asset, a badge ID and a serial number are optional. If you enter a badge ID for a badge that has had no communication with the AssetTracking application for 3 hours or more, a red border appears around it and you cannot save the asset. The badge ID is considered invalid. This might be because the badge battery is not working or because the badge is in a location where the AssetTracking application cannot detect it.

3. If necessary, change the information that was copied from the other asset, so that it applies to the new asset.

4. After you have completed the information in the row, if you want to create another asset with the same information, select the Copy button or select the icon in the first column.

5. Complete the Asset ID, Badge ID, and Serial Number for the new asset.

While a unique asset ID is required, a badge ID and a serial number are optional.

When you have added and completed all rows, select Save and Close.

Bulk Updating Assets

  1. On the Asset Maintenance view, search or filter to list the assets that you want to update. See Search Functions and Filter Views. The assets you want to change appear on the Asset Maintenance view.

  2. Select the Update Assets button on the right. The Bulk update assets dialog box appears.

  3. Type the values that you want to update in the appropriate fields. Only fields that are not required to be unique appear in the Bulk update assets dialog box. Fields that are left blank do not update that attribute of the assets.

  4. Select the Update Asset button at the bottom of the Bulk update assets dialog box. A confirmation message appears. If you select Yes in the message, all of the assets that are listed on the Asset Maintenance view update at once with the same values that your entered.

Attaching and Detaching Badges

This feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users.

To attach a badge, go to the Asset Maintenance view from the heading menu. Create a new asset if you have not done so already. See Creating and Editing Assets on page 57.

Once the asset is in the grid:

  1. Go to the end of the row and click More for the drop-down menu.

  2. Click Attach. The Available Badges list appears. The Available Badges list contains available badges that have not been attached yet.

  3. Find the badge that you want by looking for the Badge Unique ID.

  4. After finding the correct badge, click the Link This Badge link at the end of the row. The AssetTracking® application automatically closes the Available Badges list and your badge is now attached.

  5. To detach a badge, go to the More link and in the drop-down menu click Detach. A pop-up box is displayed.

  6. Click Yes to detach.

An alternative method to attach and detach is through the Badge/AssetAttach Wizard under AdminBadge Tools.

Changing an Asset Status

This feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users. For the purposes of repair, users can define an asset as In Maintenance or Out of Maintenance from the Asset Maintenance view.

Status Description

  • In Maintenance: Maintenance is currently being performed on this asset.

  • Out of Maintenance: Maintenance on this asset has been completed and the asset is being returned to service where the status becomes No Status.

From the Asset Maintenance view, click More to display the drop-down menu. From the drop-down menu, you can toggle the specific asset between In Maintenance or Out of Maintenance.


The In Maintenance and Out of Maintenance statuses can only be set in the AssetTracking® application. Other statuses are available on the physical status badge.

Service Requests

This feature can only be accessed by Advanced and Administrative users. The Service Requests option displays the service maintenance history for a specific asset while also allowing users to create a new service request. Service requests are used to schedule general maintenance and repairs for assets.

Accessing the Service Requests Option

  1. Click the Asset Maintenance icon.

  2. To the far right of the appropriate asset, click More and then click Service Requests. The asset row is expanded to include the service maintenance history.

Entering a Service Request

  1. From the service maintenance history area, click Create New. The Create Service Request page is displayed.

  2. From the Create Service Request page, enter the following information:

    • Service Date: Enter the date the service request was made. By default, this date is the current date.

    • Due Date: Enter the date and time that the service should be completed.

    • Description: Enter a detailed description of the service required.

    • Cause: Select a cause from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click Create. The service request is added to the service maintenance history area.

Updating a Service Request

  1. From the service maintenance history area, click Edit for the appropriate service request. The Create Service Request page is displayed.

  2. From the Create Service Request page, enter the following information (as appropriate):

    • Resolution: Enter a description of what was done to resolve the service request.

    • Technician: Enter the name of the technician who serviced the asset.

    • Time: Enter the length of time it took to complete the service request.

    • Cost: Enter the cost (price of materials) to complete the service request.

  3. Click Update.

Leveraging Asset Groups

The AssetTracking® application presents the concept of Groups as a way to take a list of tracked assets and logically group these devices into sets. The Groups feature is flexible to allow the user to group assets in the most logical way for their specific installation. This can be on a general product level, such as “all IV Pumps belong to the ‘IV Pump’ group.” It also could be based on a more refined level, such as “’IV Pumps, Third Floor’ contains the IV Pumps that are assigned to the third floor.” The User Group rights are an important aspect of the group creation process. Some groups may only be allowed to see certain Groups and therefore can only work with certain assets. This is done to simplify the work that certain groups of users are performing.

Additionally, a single asset can be added to multiple Groups. This allows for overlap and hierarchy in the group structure. For example, all clinical hospital assets could belong to a master set, and then specific types of assets can belong to other, smaller Groups. All of the features listed above can be applied using multiple Groups, i.e. some personnel may need to be notified for a location restriction on any asset, while other personnel only care about location restrictions on certain pieces of equipment.

Groups are created and deleted from the Groups screen. Assets are added to or removed from groups from the Asset Tracking screen. Assets never show up twice in an asset list or are counted twice in a report, no matter how many Groups it may belong to.

Managing Groups for Each Asset

Each asset can belong to one or more Groups. These sets serve to group assets with similar properties together.

Group membership for each asset is managed via checkboxes in the asset’s edit pane. To add this asset to a set, check the box. To remove it, uncheck the box. All assets are automatically a part of an “All” group, and this set appears in the Groups list of check boxes for each asset. To save the changes, click the button in the lower-left corner. This restores the original asset row entry to the screen. In many cases it is desired to add several assets with similar properties to a group in a single step. To do this, use the drop-down filters or Search link to get the assets you need. Then click the link Add all to Group in the top right of the screen.

Use the drop-down menu to pick an existing group. The link also allows you to create a new set. When you have finished click the Add assets to this group button. Press Cancel to close the sub-section without making any changes.

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