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Release Notes - Info - TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System AssetTracking®
Release Notes - Info - TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System AssetTracking®
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 5 months ago


Versions 5.0.0 through 2024.09. You'll find the new form of release notes in the Feature Announcements Collection

Release Notes for Location IQ® will remain here for the time being.

Eventually they will split merge so bookmark the Location IQ® Release Notes!

Whats New?

Version 2024.09

For detailed guidance on the Real-Time Locating System AssetTracking® for version 2024.09, please refer to the specific regional articles below:

Version 2024.02

  • Preventative Maintenance Enhancements

    • Filter by Asset PM Status – The Asset Tracking and Asset Maintenance views can now be filtered to display assets based on when they are scheduled for preventative maintenance.

    • Assign Asset PM Frequency – PM Frequency can now be assigned when creating new assets, editing assets, and bulk updating assets. The Frequency options include Day(s), Week(s), and Year(s).

    • Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Report Enhancements – The Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Report previously included all preventative maintenance scheduled within the next 30 days. In this release, a Start Date and End Date were added to the report parameters, allowing users to limit the results to only scheduled preventative maintenance within the selected date range.

    • Exclude Missing Assets Filter – A new Exclude Missing filter has been added to the AssetTracking® application. This filter available on the Asset Tracking, Asset Maintenance, and Tag Locations views provides users with the ability to Exclude Missing assets, show All Assets (Missing and Active), or show only Missing assets. The filter is set to Exclude Missing assets by default. An Exclude Missing drop-down now appears on the Editor dialog of the Inventory Levels view to filter the Inventory Levels board results to include or exclude Missing assets as desired. The filter options are Yes (Exclude Missing) or No (Do not Exclude Missing). Yes, is selected by default. Administrators can edit the rule for determining if an asset is Missing in the Rules Editor.

Note: Missing assets will not be included in any data published using the Capacity Management Suite® solution or the Clinical Workflow® suite.

Version 2023.10

  • Multi-Asset Search

    • Users can now search for more than one asset at once in the Advanced Search of the Asset Tracking, Asset Maintenance, and Admin AssetTracking® Application What's New? Tag Tools views. A comma, space, or semi-colon can be entered to separate multiple values in the search criteria field. Assets that have one or more of the entered values then appear in the search results. The multi-asset search can be used in the Admin Tag Tools view in the Asset ID field. In the Asset Tracking and Asset Maintenance views, the multi-asset search can be used in the Tag ID and Serial Number fields as well as the Asset ID field. This enhancement makes it easier to find assets by searching for multiple criteria at the same time.

  • Multi-Asset Update

    • Administrators or Advanced users can now apply updates to several assets at the same time on the Asset Maintenance view. Users first search or filter to find the assets that they want to change. The results appear in the list on the Asset Maintenance view. Selecting the new Update Assets button displays the new Bulk update assets dialog box. Users then enter the values that they want to change in the appropriate fields. When users select the Update Assets button again, all the assets that are displayed on the search or filter results change to the new values. If a field is left blank, no change is made. This enhancement makes it easier to make the same edit to multiple assets.

Version 2023.08

  • Integration

    • was added to the list of supported TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ vendors.

  • Add and Import Locations

    • Administrators now have the ability to add and import locations into the AssetTracking® application.

  • Patient and Staff Icons on Floor Plans Views

    • Patient and staff members who are assigned badges now appear on the AssetTracking® application Floor Plan View as generic icons representing patients (👤) and staff (👥) without any associated details. These generic icons replace the previous default icons and make it easier to distinguish between patients, staff members, and devices on the Floor Plan view.

Version 2023.06

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2023.05

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2023.04

  • Impinj xSpan Direct Integration

    • There is a new integration with Impinj that allows direct communication with the physical hardware. The benefits of this are reduced cost and complexity of the workflow and implementation as well as the ability to retire Impinj’s ItemSense.

  • Data Management

    • A new data cleanup process was added to Archive Management Settings, now called Archive & Data Management Settings. This will manage the timeframe data is purged from the system and will help reduce the amount of data retained and maintained by the SQL database server.

  • Data Cleanup Execution

    • The data cleanup process will iteratively delete data for the number of days specified in the configuration and will continue to execute until the number of days selected has been cleaned up per run. This will prevent stored data from exceeding the years of data retention set by an administrator.

Version 2022.12

  • Asset Location Certainty

    • A new column was added to list the probability that assets are located where they are shown in the Asset Tracking view. High, medium, and low values are displayed.

Last Update

In Location For


< 31 m

< 6 h


>= 31 m, <= 2 h 31m

>= 6h, <= 1d 6h


>2 h 31m

>1d 6h

Rules Editor Enhancements

  • Select All Locations

    • After a rule is applied to locations in the Rules Editor, administrators can now select all locations by clicking the parent location in the hierarchical list. This will save you time if you have many locations.

  • Tab Switching

    • You can now switch between Editor, Location, and Group tabs in the same dialog box. This makes it easier to create a new rule.

  • Inventory Subrules

    • You can now create subrules for the Inventory-type rule. This allows for easier setup, maintenance, and duplication of existing rules. You can also copy and delete child rules.

  • Location Groups

    • You now have the option to group locations. This allows for easier location setup and association to rules.

Version 2022.10

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2022.09

  • Logos Update

    • The TeleTracking logos were updated.

Version 2022.08

  • Inventory Levels View

    • Inventory Levels Rows – The rows which are expanded and collapsed on the Inventory Levels view are now retained until the next time that users change them. This enhancement makes it easier to use the Inventory because users do not have to make their settings every time that they sign in.

    • Groups Selection – The names of groups that are not selectable now appear as grayed out text in the Groups dialog box. This enhancement avoids users choosing groups that are not based on the currently selected location and rule.

Version 2022.07

  • Inventory Levels View

    • Location Filtering – A new button on the Inventory Levels view allows users to filter the inventory levels by locations that are included in the selected Inventory Rules. In turn, the selected locations limit the groups that appear for selection in the Groups filter and the location rules that appear for selection in the Rules filter. The filter prevents users from needing to reset the Inventory Levels view every time they navigate to it.

    • Response Setting – The AssetTracking® application now retains the Respond setting on the Inventory Levels view until the user resets the response level or the par level returns to zero. This update enhances usability because users do not have to reset the response setting at every auto refresh or sign in.

  • Asset Tracking View

    • Vendor Update – The Asset Tracking view > Last Update column now automatically displays periodic updates from both ICU Medical and B. Braun devices.

Version 2022.06

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2022.05

  • Ruby on Rails Update – With version 2022.05, the AssetTracking application requires Ruby on Rails v6.2, which is automatically updated by the AssetTracking® installation program. The TTRTLSWebServer service, and third party RTLS hardware driver services have been removed and replaced. They are no longer needed for continued operation.

Version 2022.04

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2022.03

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2022.02

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2021.12

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2021.11

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2021.10

  • Inventory Levels View Advanced Filtering – Users can now filter the Inventory Levels view by the response levels and by above or below PAR. Next to the text filter field, a new column appears in which users can select a priority response icon (priority above PAR, priority below PAR, in progress, delayed) or the above or below PAR icons. The view then displays the results of the text filter plus the selected icon filter. In addition, users can now type not equal to (!=) and equal to (=) in the text filter to find or remove specific asset group counts. For example, if users do not want to see asset groups within PAR, then they can type “!= 0” to remove all in PAR assets. These enhancements allow a more granular filter of the Inventory Levels view.

Version 2021.09

  • Inventory Level View – The new Inventory Level view (also known as PAR Levels) applies the inventory rules to track the number of assets that are needed at each location in real-time. The Group column on the view displays the number of assets that need to be added or removed to maintain the minimum acceptable number for the group in that location. A down arrow next to the number indicates that the number of assets is below the requirement in the inventory rule for the group in that location. Users need to add assets from a different location. An up arrow next to the number indicates that the number of assets is above the requirement in the inventory rule for the group in that location. Users need to remove assets from the location and move them to an appropriate place. Users can see the whole campus or filter to a specific location. In addition, users can see an Activity History and set a response of Priority, In Progress, or Delayed next to the inventory level on the view. This helps supply chain personnel know when to move assets from one location to another to maintain the number that employees need to do their work.

Version 2021.08

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2021.07

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2021.06

  • Email Support for Custom Subjects - The AssetTracking® application, as of version 2021.05, allows for a custom email subject. In the Notifications List configuration page, a subject field now appears when the HTML Email - Custom Subject option is selected in the Member Type drop-down list. The administrator can then type a custom notification subject. This feature can be used with popular text to speech mobile phone systems.

  • Support for Different Size Badge ID's - The Capacity Management Suite® now supports AssetTracking® application badges that exist in the same health system with different length ID's and different numbers of leading characters. This allows health systems to use both newer and older patient and staff badges.

Version 2021.05

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2021.04

  • Rule Behavior Enhanced - New rules now always appear at the top of the Rules list. New copies of rules always appear directly below the original rule. Clicking Save sorts the rules alphabetically. This enhancement helps standardize the Rules list behavior.

  • Rules List Scrolling - When the Rules list has too many rules to show all on one screen, the scrollbar now only moves the list rows rather than the whole page. This allows users to always see the column headers and Save and Cancel buttons for ease of use.

Version 2021.03

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2021.02

  • Installation Program

    • Integration Service Check – The AssetTracking® application installer now automatically checks to see if the Centrak Integration service is already installed. If the service is already present on the system, the installation wizard clears the Launch TeleTracking’s Integration Installer check box, and the Centrak Integration service is not installed again. This avoids unnecessary downtime and prevents configurations from being unintentionally overwritten.

Version 2020.12

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2020.11

  • Badge Attachment

    • Attachment Requirement – Previously, the AssetTracking® application did not prevent the attachment of badges to assets, patients, and staff members no matter how long the badge had not communicated with the server. Now, if the badge has not updated within a configured threshold (in seconds), then it cannot be attached. Your TeleTracking representative can assist your health system to configure this threshold.

  • Installation

    • MINIFI and NIFI Automatic Installation - The five hardware vendor integrations (Centrak®, Sonitor®, Stanley®, Healthcare Impinj™, Midmark™) and one HL7 integration are now included in Apache MINIFI and NIFI installation programs. This enhancement accommodates larger badge ID numbers for Centrak® integrations and helps streamline the integration process during installations and upgrades. Note: This enhancement will be required for later releases of the AssetTracking® application.

Version 2020.10

  • Managing Icons – AssetTracking® application administrators can now create and maintain their own floor plan icons via the Floor Plan Icons page. This feature is available in the Admin > Floor Plan Admin > Floor Plan Icon Manager section.

  • Floor Plan Search Improved – To make it easier to focus on the desired asset, when users select an asset in the search pane, the selected asset now appears in color on the Floor Plan View while other assets are gray. Users can also double-click assets that appear in the search results to zoom to an enlargement of that asset on the current floor plan. Additionally, users can now search for an asset across all floor plans by selecting Search All next to the Search field in the search pane. Selecting a result from the All Floor Plans list that appears and then selecting Go To Floor Plan automatically opens the appropriate floor plan and displays the asset in color. These enhancements improve the ease of use for the Floor Plan view.

Version 2020.09

  • Redesigned Rules Editor – The AssetTracking® application Rules Editor view has been redesigned for clarity and ease of use. Each rule is represented by a row in the Rules Editor table. Rule attributes are set by making entries and selections in the table columns. Administrators enter a rule name and description and then select the rule type from a drop-down list. When users select the row's Editor, Locations, and Groups buttons, dialog boxes display the appropriate configuration options. The Locations button displays a hierarchical list that users can search and select one or more locations where the rule applies. Already configured rules can easily be copied with all of their settings, renamed, and edited to make a new rule. This enhancement simplifies the rule configuration process.

Version 2020.08

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2020.07

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2020.06

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2020.05

  • No enhancements for this version.

Version 2020.04

  • Windows Server 2019 and IIS 11 Supported - The AssetTracking® application version 2020.04 and later supports Microsoft® Windows Server® version 2019 with Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) version 10.

Version 2020.03

  • SQL Server® 2017 and 2019 Supported - The TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions v2020.03 and later support Microsoft® SQL Server® 2017 and 2019.

Version 2020.02

  • Enhanced Floor Plan - The AssetTracking® application Floor Plan has several updates as part of the implementation of the OpenLayers technology in preparation for the end of support Adobe® Flash® on December 31, 2020. All previous functionality is the same with the following enhancements:

    • The border color around the asset’s icon indicates the asset’s status.

    • The search All Floor Plans icon no longer appears in the list of assets that appear on the Floor Plan View.

    • When you select asset icons on the floor plan, icons that are not selected turn dark gray and do not appear in the asset list to the left of the floor plan.

    • When users place their cursor over a room, an information bubble appears displaying the room name and the number of assets in the room.

    • The arrow to expand the asset list on the Floor Plan View now appears at the bottom left of the floor plan rather than in the middle left. After the expand arrow is selected, the close arrow appears to the center left of the floor plan. Selecting the close arrow hides the list of assets. These arrows are grayed until you move your cursor over them.

    • An icon link (🔗) linking to the TeleTracking Technologies® web page appears in the lower right of the Floor Plan view.

    • On the Asset Tracking list and the Asset Maintenance list, the Track link that appears in an asset’s row now opens a full-screen view of the floor plan where the asset is currently located, rather than opening a small, magnified, pop-up view of the floor plan.

    • The Change Image icon has been removed from the Floor Plan view. Users with the appropriate permissions can change the asset’s icon by selecting Asset Maintenance > Edit for the asset they want to change.

    • These changes streamline the Floor Plan View while preserving the most useful functionality.

Version 2019.12

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2019.11

  • Additional Centrak Support on NIFI — For customers who use Centrak® devices on Apache NIFI, asset badge and staff badge button press events and hand hygiene events are now supported.

Version 2019.10

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2019.09

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2019.08

  • Enhanced RTLS API - There is now a new way to process Centrak hardware location updates via Apache NIFI. This enhancement helps increase the scalability of the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions.

Version 2019.07

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2019.06

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2019.05

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2019.04

  • Occupied Column in Asset Tracking - Health systems that have the AssetTracking® application integrated with the Capacity Management Suite® can now see the new Occupied? column on the Asset Tracking screen of the AssetTracking® application. This column automatically displays Yes if the asset is in an occupied location or No if it is not. Users can better understand if assets are being used or sitting idle in a location.

  • Stanley® Healthcare Integration with Apache NIFI - Customers who use Stanley® Healthcare (formerly Aeroscout®) badges can now integrate with Apache NIFI. This provides a more reliable way of consuming the data from Stanley® Healthcare badges.

Version 2019.03

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2019.02

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2018.4

  • Integration with Capacity Management Suite® and Clinical Workflow™ Suite — The TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solution now provides an option that supports clients who upgrade to versions of AssetTracking later than 2018.4 without upgrading the Capacity Management suite and/or the Clinical Workflow suite 2018.4 to the same version later. When the version of the Capacity Management suite and/or the Clinical Workflow suite is provided during setup, the information published by TeleTracking RTLS will be specific to that version. This allows clients to upgrade AssetTracking without concerns about version mismatches with the Capacity Management suite and/or Clinical Workflow suite.

  • New Columns in Collector List — Administrators can now see CenTrak Device Name and Active columns on the Collector list. The existing Name and Description columns display the AssetTracking name and description for the collector, while the CenTrak Device Name column displays the collector name as shown in CenTrak's GMS system and on the CenTrak server. The Active column shows Yes (the collector is communicating with CenTrak's GMS system) or No (the collector is not communicating with CenTrak's GMS system).

Version 2018.2.1.4

  • Monitor Health Dashboard Available — The Health Monitor Dashboard has been redesigned as the Monitor Health Dashboard to provide streamlined information about the health of CenTrak hardware for administrators. The Monitor Health Dashboard provides information about CenTrak devices such as battery status and battery capacity. Some sections that were on the Health Monitor Dashboard page have been removed, and new columns have been added. Currently, only CenTrak hardware information appears on the dashboard. Providing information about additional vendors is planned for the future.

Version 2018.2.1.3

  • Check CenTrak Badge Battery Levels in Asset Maintenance View — You can view the status level of batteries for CenTrak asset badges in the Asset Maintenance View. A Battery Status column has been added. It shows the status level of badge batteries as High, Medium, Low, or Null. Null means that the RTLS engine did not receive any data from the RTLS hardware server about the badge's battery status. You can sort the Battery Status column in ascending or descending order and search for CenTrak badges by battery level status (for example, search for all badges with a Low battery level). Battery level status can be combined with other search criteria when you are searching for badges.

  • See If a CenTrak Badge is Missing in the Asset Maintenance View — You can now see whether a CenTrak asset badge is missing by looking at the new Badge Status column in the Asset Maintenance View. The administrator configures a Missing Badge rule in the Rules Editor. If there has been no communication between a badge and the RTLS engine for the amount of time defined in the Missing Badge rule (for example, 20 minutes), the Badge Status column displays Missing for that badge. If the badge is not missing, then Active appears in the Badge Status column. At this time, the Badge Status column cannot be sorted by the Missing status, and you cannot search for badges by the Missing badge status.

  • Midmark™ (Formerly Versus) Hardware Vendor Supported — TeleTracking RTLS and the Capacity Management Suite® can now accept RTLS location data from hardware vendor Midmark (formerly Versus).

Version 2018.2.1.1

  • Not applicable for this version.

Version 2018.2

  • Copy an Asset to Create a New One — You might have several assets that have the same asset title, owner, manufacturer, model, group, or rental status (Yes or No). To save time and effort, you can copy an existing asset and use it as a base to create a new one. The asset title, owner, manufacturer, model, group, or rental status (Yes or No) of the copied asset will be included in the newly created asset. However, you can change them. You will need to provide the PM frequency, last PM, first PM, asset ID, badge ID, and serial number in the newly created asset. Each asset must have a unique asset ID, badge ID, and serial number. While the asset ID is required, the badge ID and serial number are optional. Each asset must be associated with a badge that has had communication with the AssetTracking application within the last 3 hours. (If a badge has had not communication with the AssetTracking application in the last three hours, it might be because the badge battery is not working or because the badge is in a location where the AssetTracking application cannot detect it.)

Version 2018.1

  • Integration with Impinj ™ ItemSense RAIN RFID Software for Automated Discharge Capabilities — Impinj ItemSense RAIN RFID software version 2016 R6 can now be used with AssetTracking and the Capacity Management suite for automated patient discharge. Using TeleTracking RTLS solutions for instant automated discharge can reduce lost bed time and improve bed use so that your hospital can serve more patients. TeleTracking RTLS clients now have additional badge and badge-reader options from Impinj. Impinj single-use form factor badges do not require batteries or cleaning. If your organization uses Impinj ItemSense, you will need Apache NiFi software version 1.4.0 to automate the flow of data between TeleTracking RTLS solutions and the Impinj software. SSL is supported for communication between TeleTracking RTLS solutions and Apache NiFi.

Version 2017.3

  • Additional Supported Versions of Microsoft® SQL Server® and Microsoft® Windows Server — As of version 2017.3, the following are supported whether or not the Capacity Management suite is integrated with the Custom Reporting Solution™ application and/or the Patient Flow Dashboard™ application. Clients can remain technologically current and have the security and performance advantages that these versions of the tools offer:

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016.

    • Microsoft Windows Server 2016.

    • "Always On" Functionality Supported in Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 and 2016— For SQL Server 2014, "Always On" mode was validated both ON and OFF. For SQL Server 2016, "Always On" mode was validated ON. "Always On" mode can reduce the risk of downtime and allow for better management of Microsoft SQL database environments.

Key Changes

Version 2021.02

Staff Assistance Alarm

  • RTLS-2047: Previously, customers using Centrak hardware could press any of the staff badge buttons (green, yellow, or red) to trigger the staff assistance alarm. As of version 2020.11 and later, the staff badge default behavior has changed to the following:

    • Only the green button triggers a staff assistance alarm.

    • Once a staff assistance alarm is triggered, another alarm cannot be sent for 10 minutes. However, users can press the yellow button to cancel the alarm and then press the green button to trigger a new alarm.

    • The red button does not trigger any action.

    • Note: Your TeleTracking representative can customize the new default behavior.

Version 2020.04

  • Selection of Icons in Search Results Clarification: The TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solution version 2020.02 Release Notes incorrectly reported the following in the third bullet item under What’s New > Enhanced Floor Plan:

    • “When you select asset icons on the floor plan, icons that are not selected turn dark gray and do not appear in the asset list to the left of the floor plan.”

    • The sentence should have read:

    • “When you select asset icons in the search results, icons that are not selected turn dark gray on the floor plan.”

Version 2019.02

  • RTLS-1507: A Search button and an Export Devices button have been added to the upper-right of the Monitor Health Dashboard page. Administrators can now search for devices. For example, administrators can search for devices that have a battery status that is equal to or not equal to a certain status. Administrators can use the Export Devices button to generate a .csv file that has information such as monitor ID and battery status for each device. This is helpful for administrators who need to work with the information in Microsoft® Excel®.

  • RTLS-1537: The format of the product version number has been changed to For example, the current version is 2019.02.

Version 2018.2.1.1

  • TLS 1.2 Support: With this release, the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solution has been updated to support TLS 1.2 in a Microsoft® SQL Server® 2016 environment. TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.2 encrypts data in transit, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity.

  • Apache® HTTP Server Software: Apache HTTP server software version 2.4.29 is bundled with the AssetTracking and TempTracking version 2018.2.1.1 installation programs, eliminating the need for manual installation. Note: Manual start may be required if a "Page cannot be displayed" error occurs.

  • Vendor-Specific Text Changes: User interface changes include renaming the "Last RF Location" column to "Last Hardware Location" and updating vendor names from Odin to Stanley and Aeroscout to Stanley.

Version 2017.3

  • "Always On" Functionality: SQL Server 2014 and 2016 now support "Always On" mode, enhancing database management and reducing downtime risk.

  • Badge Movement Processing: Configuration file options are added to address badge movement processing time issues, allowing for automated actions based on queue size.

Version 2017.2

  • WebSocket Protocol: API communication between the Sonitor driver and hardware server now uses WebSocket protocol, requiring Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 R2 or later.

Version 3.4.1

  • Event Time Stamps: Event time stamps are based on when the event packet was received for more accurate timing.

  • Drop Boxes Configuration: Drop boxes can now be configured by TeleTracking representatives, with renamed location groups and additional location types.

Version 3.4.0

  • CenTrak Firmware Compatibility: Installation program changes accommodate CenTrak Firmware version T.0.173.

  • Service Pack Regression Testing: CenTrak Service Pack 19 has been regression tested with the AssetTracking® application and the TempTracking™ application.

Fixed Issues

Version 2024.02

  • [RTLS-3181] Users with Advanced access can now utilize the Bulk update assets feature from the Asset Maintenance view.

Version 2023.10

  • [RTLS-3113] Fixed code inefficiency causing delays in updating asset statuses during concurrent tag movements.

  • [RTLS-3154] Addressed security vulnerabilities in Apache NiFi and Apache MiniFi.

Version 2023.08

  • [RTLS-3062] Corrected Track function in tag search within asset maintenance.

  • [RTLS-3058] Fixed AssetTracking® application search after fixing the calendar date and time issue.

  • [RTLS-3072, RTLS-3064] Tag locations counts report now correctly uses filters.

  • [RTLS-3063] Resolved error message when attempting to copy assets.

  • [RTLS-3065] Search within the members link under the notifications list now works as intended.

  • [RTLS-3027] Updated calendar date picker dialog on the Asset History/Location History view.

Version 2023.06

  • [RTLS-3021] Fixed asset removal from view when "More" or "Edit" was clicked.

  • [RTLS-3015] Updated AssetTracking installer to address Windows vulnerability.

  • [RTLS-3013] Resolved issue redirecting users to error message screen when exporting a list of items.

Version 2023.05

  • [RTLS-2996] Clients can now search badge history past default 30 rows.

  • [RTLS-2986] Fixed unavailability of "Out of Maintenance" option after placing asset in "In Maintenance" mode.

  • [RTLS-2982] Resolved issue where no data was pulled when running AssetTracking reports against the Archive database.

  • [RTLS-2947] Asset History Detail report now displays assets as expected after selecting an Asset Group.

  • [RTLS-2865] Renamed "Battery Level" column to "Battery Status" and updated status display.

Version 2023.04

  • [RTLS-2970] Fixed uneditable location name when selected location was not part of Location Group.

  • [RTLS-2934] Addressed "Missing Translation" error messages with Custom Image Groups.

  • [RTLS-2929] Resolved unavailability of "Out of Maintenance" option in Asset Maintenance view.

  • [RTLS-2845] Asset Maintenance view now populates with assets when accessed from any reports screen.

  • [RTLS-2945] Fixed issue where advanced users lost ability to run reports.

  • [RTLS-2921] "Add All to Group" button in Asset Maintenance view now filters assets correctly.

  • [RTLS-2952] Asset History in Asset Tracking view now shows correct floor plan for listed locations.

  • [RTLS-2918] Asset History in Asset Tracking view now shows correct start time for listed locations.

Version 2022.12

  • Various fixes including loading of Rules List, searching asset badges with "T00" prefix, PM date selection, filtering by Group, and Asset Maintenance view error messages.

  • Resolved issues related to attaching badges with Battery Status of Medium, displaying assets with detached badges in search results, and updating Hardware Last Update column in Badge Locations view.

Version 2022.09

  • [RTLS-2657] Newtonsoft.Json Security vulnerabilities have been addressed.

  • [RTLS-2693] Microsoft Active Directory logins failed due to certificate and domain mismatch. This issue has been fixed in the code.

  • [RTLS-2696] The landing pages failed to appear after log in while using software version 2022.07. This was addressed and fixed in the code.

  • [RTLS-2677] The Copy popup window in the Asset Maintenance page opened while connected over HTTP and displayed a “Not secure” warning. This has been fixed, and now the Copy popup connects over HTTPS as expected.

  • [RTLS-2704] Microsoft Active Directory logins failed due to certificate and domain mismatch. This issue has been fixed in the code.

  • [OP-6992] When users clicked the Help button, a blank window appeared. This has been fixed by implementing an updated look for the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions help. Users still see the same topics and navigation in a tri-pane format. However, some functions are in different places on the interface and some functions now appear as icons rather than text buttons. For example, the Contents and Glossary are now tabs in the top of the left navigation pane, and the Search bar is in the top right of the window. The Print topic, Go back to previous topic, and Remove Highlights functions appear as icons to the right of the Contents and Glossary tabs. The collapse navigation function is an arrow in the middle of the right side of the navigation pane. To search within the currently visible topic users can click Control-F and type the text in the search box that appears. These changes improve the performance of the Help while delivering the same content and functionality.

Version 2022.08

Badge List Page

  • [RTLS-2591] When users selected the Track links on the Badge List page, a blank page appeared. This has been fixed, and now when users select a badge's track link, the Floor Plan appears displaying the badge.

Floor Plan View

  • [OP 6728] Users could not view the Floor Plan in the Capacity Management Suite® solution. This has been fixed, and now the Floor Plan view appears when users select the Floor Plan button on the BedTracking®, PreAdmitTracking® , PatientTracking Portal®, or the TransportTracking™ pages.

Inventory Levels View

  • [RTLS-2624] When users set a response while the inventory level was out of range, and the rule went back in range and then out of range again, the Inventory Levels view displayed the response level from the first time the inventory went out of range. This has been fixed, and now the second time that the inventory goes out of range, the Inventory Levels view displays the default response icons (up/down arrows), instead of the initial response that the user set.

Version 2022.07

  • [RTLS-1593] Users could not run the Asset History Detail report when they chose to group by Asset Group. This issue has been fixed, and now grouping the report by Asset Group does not cause an error.

  • [RTLS-2511] Previously, a Track link appeared on the Asset Tracking view for assets, patients, and staff members. This has been corrected, and now the Asset Tracking view only displays a Track link for badged assets and not for patient or staff badges.

  • [RTLS 2558] When administrators selected the Badge Tools > Health Monitor option, the page did not appear. This has been fixed, and now when administrators go to Admin > Badge Tools > Health Monitor, the page appears as expected.

  • [RTLS 2655] Administrators could not delete assets when they select Delete in an asset’s row on the Asset Maintenance page. This has been fixed, and now selecting Delete in an asset’s row on the Asset Maintenance page successfully deletes the asset.

Version 2022.05

  • [RTLS-1897] When the search on the Asset Tracking page found more than six pages of results, users could not view any page after page six. This has been fixed, and now users can view more than the first six pages of the Asset Tracking search results.

  • [RTLS 2275] A communication problem between Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 authentication and Microsoft® Active Directory caused difficulty signing into the AssetTracking® application. To correct this issue, customers should update to version 2022.05 or later of the AssetTracking® application.

Version 2021.10

  • [RTLS-2223] The Last Update column in the Admin > Badge Tools > Badge List did not update correctly. This has been fixed, and now the Last Update column updates as expected and matches the AssetTracking® application list view.

Version 2021.09

  • [RTLS-2183] When users copied a rule and changed the copy, then the original rule displayed the copy’s changes until the user saved the copy. After the copy was saved, the original rule reverted to it’s original settings. Also, when users made several copies of a rule, then all copies displayed the changes made to any of the copies. These issues have been fixed, and now the original rule always retains its original values while users are editing a copy. Also, changes to one copy of a rule are not applied to other copies of the same rule.

Version 2021.08

  • [RTLS-2152] When users scrolled to the last rule in the Rules Editor view and changed the rule’s Type, Editor, Locations, or Groups, then the rule moved to the top of the view. This has been fixed, and now an edited rule maintains its original position on the Rules Editor view.

  • [RTLS-2177] Email notifications for Location Rules displayed different Asset ID’s than what appeared in the AssetTracking® application user interface. This has been fixed, and now the same Asset ID that appears in the user interface also appears in the Location Rule email.

Version 2021.07

  • [RTLS-2140] Customers who had Healthcare Impinj™ integrated with the AssetTracking® application found that the Impinj Integration service crashed and did not automatically recover. This has been fixed by having the MINIFI installation program ensure that the client ID is unique.

Version 2021.03

Floor Plan View

  • [RTLS-2027] When users searched across all floor plans while in full screen mode, the All Floor Plans search results window did not appear until users exited the full screen Floor Plan view. This has been fixed, and now the All Floor Plans search results window appears in front of the Floor Plan full screen view as expected.

  • [RTLS-2041] When users searched for AssetIDs, Asset Names, or BadgeIDs across all floor plans, the results included records that did not match the search criteria. This has been fixed, and now the search results only include appropriate records as expected.

  • [RTLS-2045] When an asset existed on multiple floor plans, and users selected a search result to navigate to a different floor plan than the current one, then the Floor Plan field in the top right corner failed to update with the new floor plan name. This has been fixed, and now the name in the Floor Plan field matches the floor plan that users navigate to.

Installation Program

  • [RTLS-2051] The NIFI Integration Installer now uses Media Access Control (MAC) ID’s to locate and update the status of Centrak badges and hardware. This feature has been restored after being omitted in the previous version.

Staff Badges

  • [RTLS-2050] Centrak Staff badges that were configured to automatically cancel Staff Assist calls after a specified number of minutes, mistakenly triggered a Staff Assist alarm. This has been fixed, and now automatic cancellations of Staff Assist calls do not trigger Staff Assist alarms.

Version 2021.02

  • [RTLS-1956] Administrators could mistakenly create more than one Missing or Battery rule at the same time, even though the application only allows one. In addition, administrators could select Location and Group options for Missing and Battery rules even though those options do not apply to Missing and Battery rules. This has been fixed, and now an error message alerts administrators when they try to create more than one Missing or Battery rule, and when administrators select the Missing or Battery rule Type, the Location and Groups settings become inactive.

Version 2020.07

  • [RTLS-1854] If a rule’s escalation path is configured with a multiple-member notification list and with a delay before sending the notification, then one list member receives several emails and the other members do not receive any email notification. This has been fixed, and now all members of the notification list receive the notification email as expected.

Version 2020.03

  • [RTLS-1812] In version 2020.02, users could only search the Floor Plan View for assets by asset name, and the Track link in the Asset Maintenance list displayed the old Flash technology Floor Plan View. These issues have been fixed, and now users can search by the asset id, asset name, or badge id, and the search finds the specific asset that has one of those three properties. In addition, the Track link now displays the new OpenLayers technology Floor Plan View.

Version 2019.12

  • [RTLS-1728] An export of the Asset Maintenance page displayed programming code in the Battery Status column rather than an indication of battery level, such as High or Low. This has been fixed, and now the battery level appears as expected.

Version 2019.08

  • [RTLS-1638] When searching the main Assets list or Asset Maintenance page, users can add a space before or after the search criteria. This affects the results that are returned. Now, users cannot add a space before or after the search criteria, which returns more consistent the search results.

  • [RTLS-640] “Request Failed (code 500, Internal Error)” appeared on the Asset Maintenance page when users filtered by a group and searched at the same time. This is no longer a problem, and users can search while the assets are filtered without receiving an error.

Version 2019.06

  • [RTLS-1577] While High and Low statuses appeared correctly in the Battery Status column on the Badge List page for CenTrak asset badges, the text Medium was not appearing. Now the Medium status appears as appropriate for batteries with medium battery health.

Version 2018.4

  • [RTLS-1494] On the Monitor Health Dashboard, when you selected Export Devices, the .csv file that was generated showed 1, 2, or 3 in the Battery Status column instead of High, Medium, or Low.

  • [RTLS-1500] Some hospitals have beacons (monitors) only in detach / discharge locations with drop boxes. In cases like this, when a CenTrak patient badge was placed in the drop box in a detach / discharge location, the patient was discharged automatically as expected. However, when the badge was then moved to an area to be associated with a different patient, there were no other beacons (monitors) to detect it. Therefore, when it was attached to a new patient, the only known location for the badge was the detach / discharge location where it had been previously. As a result, the new patient automatically was discharged erroneously. A TeleTracking representative can now set a parameter in a configuration file that clears the CenTrak driver cache so that a badge transitions normally when it is actually moved to a location with a beacon (monitor) (in this case, the detach / discharge location). This setting prevents patients who are newly associated with a badge from being discharged erroneously. By default, the parameter is not set and a TeleTracking representative must set it.

Version 2018.2.1.4

  • [RTLS-1413] and [RTLS-1470] When there were several rules that affected thousands of assets and hundreds of locations, the Rules Editor loaded the rules very slowly.

Version 2017.3

  • [RTLS-705] and [RTLS 1322] The duration for a status change is not updated on the Asset History tab. The Asset Location History tab shows the incorrect time in the Duration column. This also affects the Asset Utilization tab.

  • [RTLS-1289] The archive process takes a long time.

  • [RTLS-1302] Asset History Detail report showing duplicate rows.

  • [RTLS-1309] Sonitor® badges in WiFi mode cause unhandled exceptions in the RTLS engine.

  • [RTLS-1315] After the Sonitor server is restarted, the Sonitor® driver does not reestablish a connection with the Sonitor API.

  • [RTLS-1339/RTLS-1346/RTLS-1344] Archiving could not be completed successfully in the production database because of a duplicate key in the badge database.

Version 2017.1

  • [RTLS-1262] Patients' current locations not updated in the Capacity Management Suite® when badges move.

  • [RTLS-1264] Badge movement processing causing slow performance.

Version 3.4.1

  • [RTLS-1204] When the Badge Tools Badge List is exported to a .csv file, the .csv file columns are misaligned.

Version 3.4.0

  • [RTLS-1023] Inventory Par Level History report displays the column name "Low/Exceeded," which does not match the specification. It should be "Below/Within/Exceeded Par."

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