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Location IQ® Asset and TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System AssetTracking® - Admin Help Content
Location IQ® Asset and TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System AssetTracking® - Admin Help Content
Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 5 months ago

As the application transitions to SaaS, TempTracking™ will transition to Location IQ® Temp and AssetTracking® will transition to Location IQ® Asset. Until then you will still see TempTracking™ and AssetTracking® Referenced in the documentation.


Live Version

AssetTracking® Application Overview

The TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions include a web-based application that connects to real-time locating system data sources (badges) to provide a consistent interface and functionality. Location IQ® or TeleTracking Real-Time Location System solutions allow companies to monitor the following:

  • The location and movement patterns of various assets throughout multiple physical locations within an organization.

  • Track status and other attributes for each asset as they move through various business processes or storage periods.

  • Track service requests and work executed against these assets by various personnel.

  • Track ownership responsibility of assets across multi-disciplinary groups in an organization

  • Create rules that assist with general security of these assets including alerts and notifications

Logging In

When accessing the AssetTracking® application from a new browser window the login screen appears. Enter a valid user name and password and click the Login button to gain access to the system.

The AssetTracking® application has three default user accounts. Each account has varying levels of access. The accounts are listed below:

User Name

Default Password

User Rights



Administrative account



Asset-management rights for all assets



View-only access to all asset information and locations

It is HIGHLY recommended to change these default passwords shortly after installation to prevent unauthorized system access.

If a valid username and password have been entered, the AssetTracking application shows the main AssetTracking view by default.

Grid-Based Screens

Many screens display a list of information in a similar format. Users interface with these grid-based screens in a similar fashion, and so details of the basic interface are summarized here. The sections are organized from top to bottom and left to right on a typical grid-based screen.

Grid-Level Actions

Many of the grid-based screens have action links that apply to the entire grid. These additional links appear in the upper-right part of the screen, to the right of the Search and Export links. For example, creating a new row entry is accessible via a Create New action link on many screens. Other grid-level functions may be available depending on the specific screen being accessed.

Search Functions

Several search methods are available in the AssetTracking® application depending on the specific page.

Users can access the search functions through the Search link which is at the top of the screen and to the right of the data grid's title. Alternatively, users can click a search icon at the bottom of the data grid.

These options open a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen. Three different search methods are available, and one is selected by default for each grid-based screen. A description of each search method follows:

Simple Search Method

The Simple Search section displays a search entry box, a Filter link, and a Reset link. Enter all or part of the information to find on this screen, and click Search to perform the search. Click Reset to remove the results of the search.

Advanced Field Search Method

The advanced Field Search section displays several search entry boxes — one for each search-able displayed field on that screen.

To open the Advanced Search, select the Search button to the right of the page title. See an example from the Asset Tracking page below.

The Advanced dialog box appears.

The Search link and a Reset link are at the bottom. Enter all or part of the information desired for that field in any of these search boxes, and click Search to perform the search. To search on different information, click Search again. To see all search results, scroll down to the end of the section. Click Reset to remove the results of the search and hide this section. Search values may be entered on more than one field at a time to perform advanced searching on the information on that screen.

Note: A search of a single letter or numeral results in all words containing that letter or number. For example: If number “1” is entered in the Serial field, it returns all badges with a serial id that contains the number 1.

Boolean Search Method

Some views provide a Boolean Search dialog box in the Advanced Search. A Boolean search dialog box allows you to combine keywords using operators such as and, not, and or to produce more relevant results.

In the Search dialog box, do the following:

  1. Select which lists to search.

  2. In the left field, select the heading of the column that will be searched.

  3. In the middle field, select an operator. The operator defines the relationship of the column heading and the value in the right field.

  4. In the right field, select a value.

Example: If the left field (column) value is Attached To, the operator value is equal, and the right field value is Staff, the search returns all of the badges that have an Attached To value of Staff.

Performing a Badge ID Search

In cases where a badge has been separated from an asset, it may be necessary to search assets by Badge ID to reattach the badge to the correct asset. Users can search by Badge ID by clicking the Search button and typing or scanning the badge number into the Badge ID field on either the Asset Tracking view or the Asset Maintenance view. Pressing the ENTER key after scanning the badge ID automatically removes the leading characters from the ID number. If your scanner has been configured to automatically press the ENTER key, you do not have to manually press ENTER after scanning the badge's barcode.

Export Functions

An Export link or icon is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

The exported data is downloaded in a comma- separated-values (CSV) file, suitable for importing into programs such as spreadsheets.

Exporting Data

  1. Click the Export link or icon to show the Export section.

  2. Make the desired selections in the Export section:

    • Columns to Export – Select the checkboxes to control which fields to include in the export.

    • Options – Select the boxes to change the exported data format:

    • Omit Header – select this box to leave out the field titles from the exported data.

    • Delimiter – To change the delimiter character from the default comma, type the character in the field.

    • This Page – Select the box to export only the rows on the current page.

    • All Pages – Select the box to export the rows on all available pages for this screen.

    • Email Options – To send the exported file to an email address:

      a. Click the Send export as email option.

      b. Enter an Email Address.

      c. Enter a message in the Message Body field (optional)

  3. Export – Click the button to generate and download the data file. The browser may prompt to either open or save the file, or it may be opened automatically by an application on your computer.

    You can choose to open the file in the Microsoft® Excel® or Adobe® Acrobat® application.

Sorting and Pagination

To Sort the Grid

All grid-based screens support sorting of the information by some or all of the given columns.

  • Click the column heading at the top of the list to sort by that column.

  • Sorting is done alphabetically and numerically, and assets are sorted in ascending order.

  • To sort in descending order, click on the column description again. To restore the previous or default sort selection, click the column description a third time.

To Go to A Different Page

Each of the grid-based screens is paginated by default if more than 25 rows appear in the grid.

The total number of records appears at the bottom of the page.

To go to different pages, use the pagination controls in the lower right corner or lower center of the screen.

  • If available, the Next and Previous buttons or arrow icons allow for viewing page-by-page.

  • The page number field allows jumping directly to the requested page.

  • To see more rows on the screen, select a different option from the list next to the page viewing arrows if it is available.

Accessing the Administrative Functions

To access the administrative functions of the AssetTracking® application:

  1. Click the Admin link located in the top right corner of the screen.

    1. The navigation page of the Admin section of the AssetTracking® application appears. The Rules and Targets tab is selected by default displaying the available Rules and Target views in the right side of the page.

  2. Select a view or select a different tab to display other views.

    1. To access the online Admin Help, click the Help link, located in the upper right-hand corner of any screen within the Admin section.

    2. The AssetTracking® Administrator’s online help appears.

Rules and Targets

The AssetTracking® application can play an active role in interpreting location-based information and taking the appropriate action. This is accomplished via the rules and notification engine, which is configured on the following screens in the Admin section under the Rules and Targets button:

  • Notification Lists – Notifications Lists define which personnel to notify and how to notify them when a rule's conditions are met. This is con- figured on the Notifications Lists screen.

  • Escalation Paths – Users can respond to certain notifications, i.e. the person receiving the notification can acknowledge receipt and reply with a message. The AssetTracking® application uses escalations to allow follow-up actions to take place if a notification is used and no response is received within a set time. This is configured on the Escalation Paths screen.

  • Rules Editor – Finally, the rules engine looks for a certain confluence of events (i.e. a specific asset has just moved into a specific location, the battery level of any badge falls below a set point, etc.). It records this event, and optionally passes the event to an escalation path to allow for notification, follow-up action, or system integration. The rules engine is configured on the Rules Editor screen.

Note: When defining a Rule, it is necessary to set up your Escalation Path first, and then your Notification Type.

Notification Lists

The Notification Lists screen is used to create and configure notification lists and members. Notification members define specific individual actions to perform (i.e. email a person, etc.).

Notification lists are collections of these members, where all of the members should be notified simultaneously (i.e. email several people and also send an HTTP POST message). A single notification list can contain many different types of members, as the example above infers.

Each row documents a separate notification list, with a name and description as well as the list of members appearing on the row.

Searching Notifications Lists

Clicking the Search button opens up a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen.

Exporting a Notification List

An Export link is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Creating a New Notification List

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Notification Lists link.

  3. Click the Create New button.

    1. The Create Notification List view appears.

  4. Enter the Name and Description of the new notification list.

  5. Enable the Create Default Escalation Path option if appropriate. The Create Default Escalation Path check box makes the notification list selectable in the escalation path page. The only times that this box should be unchecked is if the notification list is being used for a secondary or tertiary escalation path. Status change rules can have primary escalation paths only.

  6. Enter Members email information. You are able to put in one member when creating a new notification. If you want to add more than one, use the Members link. See Viewing Members in a Notification List below.

  7. Click the Create button.

    1. The new notification list appears as a row in the Notification Lists view.

Viewing and Adding Members in a Notification List

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Notification Lists link.

  3. Click the Members link.

    1. The Members of sub-grid appears.

  4. To add additional members to this list, click the Create New button.

    1. The Create Members of sub-grid appears.

  5. Type the notification recipient's name in the Name field.

  6. In the Type field, select one of the following types of notifications:

    1. Text email – Select this option to send notifications to the list member in text email format if the rule's conditions are met. Enter the email address in the field that appears after selecting this option.

    2. HTML email – Select this option to send notifications to the list member

      in HTML email format if the rule's conditions are met. Enter the email address in the field that appears after selecting this option.

    3. HTML email -Custom Subject– Select this option to send notifications to the list member in HTML email format with a custom subject if the rule's conditions are met. The Subject field appears when you select this option. Enter the email address in the Email Address field and the custom subject in the Subject field.

    4. Change Asset Status – Select this option to change the status of an asset attached to a non-status badge if the conditions for a Location - Enter rule are met. A Status field then appears. Select the status to which the asset will change on the Asset Tracking view. When the asset leaves the location, it changes back to its original status.

  7. Click the green x in the upper right-hand corner to close the Create Members of view.

Editing Members of a Notification List

  1. On the Notification Lists view, click the Members link.

    1. The Members of sub-grid appears.

  2. In the row of the member whose information you want to change, click the Edit link.

    1. The Update sub-grid for the selected member appears.

  3. Make edits to the information and click Update to save your changes. Click Cancel to close the Update sub-grid without saving your updates.

Copying a Notification List

In cases where a new notification list is required that includes duplicate settings and members from an existing list, clicking the Copy link can reduce the amount of work. A copy of the appropriate list is made and then can be edited rather than starting all over to make a new list.

  1. Click the Copy link for the Notification List you wish to duplicate, and the new list appears at the top of the grid with Copy of appended to the name.

  2. Click the Close link, located to the far right of the Copy of the notification list created row to accept the new list.

  3. Make edits to the copy.

Editing a Notification List

The name and description of individual lists can be edited.

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Notification Lists option.

  3. Click Edit for the notification list you wish to edit.

    1. The notification list row expands to display Update editor.

  4. Modify the notification list Name and Description as required.

  5. Click the Update button to retain your changes.

  6. Click the green x in the upper right-hand to close the editor.

Note: After editing a notification list, you must restart the TTRTLSAssetTrackingEngine service for your changes to take effect. See the appropriate IT personnel in your organization to restart the service.

Deleting a Notification List

  1. In the Notifications List view, click the Delete link in the row for the notification list that you want to remove.

    1. A warning dialog box appears.

  2. Click Yes to continue to delete the notifications list. Click No to cancel the process of deleting the notifications list.

    1. If you selected the Yes option, the notifications list is removed from the Notifications List view.

    2. Note: A notification list may not be deleted if it is included as part of an escalation path.

Notification Types

A Notification Type is required when creating a Rule. There are three options on the drop-down menu of emails that can be sent:

  • An HTML email is sent with an image of the asset’s current location.

  • A text email just has the alert in text so it would be good if the email is sent to people who are able to check email on their phones.

Notification Type


Info Needed

Text Email

Text SMTP Email

Email Address

HTML Email


communicates with MapImageServer to include image.

Email Address

Change Asset Status

Changes an asset’s status upon entering/exiting a pre- defined location.

Status Change

Missing Badge alerts can only be sent using the HTML email notification type. Only one missing badge rule is allowed at a time. It is recommended that the Missing Duration value be no less than 30 minutes.

Escalation Paths

An Escalation Path is required when creating a Rule. Escalation paths form the link between notification lists and rules. In its simplest form, an escalation path does nothing more than reference a single notification list and then stop. But the power of escalations comes when multiple notification lists are used, such that when members from an initial ‘first-responders’ list have not acknowledged the event, it is escalated to a second or third tier of notification.

The Escalation Paths view is available in the Admin section. It lists currently configured escalation paths, by showing a name and description as well as notification list names for the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels (if configured).

Creating an Escalation Path

  1. Create a new escalation path by clicking the Create New button. The Create Escalation Path sub-grid appears.

  2. Type a path name and description.

  3. In the Primary notification list field, select the primary notification list.

  4. To configure a secondary escalation list, click the Enable secondary box below the primary notification list selection box.

    1. Another section opens displaying fields for a secondary notification list.

  5. Select the name of an escalation list to which notifications are send when the members of the primary notification list do not respond to the notification.

  6. In the Delay before secondary notification field, type the amount of time to wait for a response from a primary list member before escalating.

  7. To configure a tertiary escalation list, click the Enable tertiary box below the primary notification list selection box.

    1. Another section opens displaying fields for a tertiary notification list.

  8. Select the name of an escalation list to which notifications are send when the members of the secondary notification list do not respond to the notification.

  9. In the Delay before tertiary notification field, type the amount of time to wait for a response from a primary list member before escalating.

  10. Click Create or Update to retain your changes.

Editing an Escalation Path

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Escalation Paths option.

  3. Click Edit for the escalation path you wish to edit.

    1. The notification list row expands to display Update editor.

  4. Modify the escalation path as required.

  5. Click the Update button to retain your changes.

  6. Click the green x in the upper right-hand to close the editor.

Note: After editing an escalation path, you must restart the TTRTLSAssetTrackingEngine service for your changes to take effect. See the appropriate IT personnel in your organization to restart the service.

Exporting an Escalation Path

An Export link is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Deleting an Escalation Path

  1. On the Escalation Paths List view, click the Delete link in the row of the path that you want to remove.

    1. A warning dialog box appears.

  2. Select Yes if you want to continue to delete the escalation path. Select No if you do not want to continue to delete the escalation path.

  3. If you selected Yes, the row for the escalation path is removed from the Escalation Paths list view.

Rules Editor

The AssetTracking® application allows the creating, editing and monitoring of rules via a Web interface. The Rules Editor view is available via the Admin menu. Only users with administrator rights may access the Rules Editor view.

About the Rules Editor View

Most rules are made up of three pieces of information:

  • The rule type and description

  • A list of devices (assets) to which that rule applies

  • A list of locations where the rules apply for the enabled devices.

The Rules Editor view allows easy access to these three configuration parameters for each rule in the system.

Editing a Rule

The details can be edited for any rule that is already defined by doing the following:

  1. Go to Admin > Rules and Targets > Rules Editor to display the Rules Editor view.

  2. Select the box to the left of the rule's row to select the rule.

  3. Proceed as described in the Creating a New Rule section below, beginning with step 5.

Creating a New Rule

  1. Make sure the Escalation Path that the rule will use is already created.

  2. Make sure the Notification List that the rule's escalation path will use is already created.

  3. Go to Admin > Rules and Targets > Rules Editor to display the Rules Editor view.

  4. Click the Add/Copy Rule button in the top left of the Rules Editor view.

    A blank row appears in the Rules Editor view.

  5. Enter the rule Name and Description. This is a required field. It is recommended that you include the rule type in the name.

  6. In the Type column, select the drop-down arrow to define and enable the appropriate rules type.

  7. Click the Editor tab to display a dialog box in which you define properties for the rule depending on the rule type you selected.

    1. In the Location Restriction dialog box, you can define:

      1. Escalation Path

      2. Delay Alarm

      3. Direction

    2. In the Button Press dialog box, you can define:

      1. Escalation Path

      2. Button Type

    3. In the Battery Monitor dialog box, you can define:

      1. Level Name

      2. EscalationPath

    4. In the Inventory Levels dialog box, you can define:

      1. Rule Name

      2. Escalation Path

      3. Delay Alarm

      4. Acceptable Min

      5. Acceptable Max

      6. Location Groups

      7. Note: The parent rule is not editable inside a dialog box. You must edit it from the main Rules Editor screen.

    5. In the Missing Badges dialog box, you can define:

      1. Escalation Path

      2. Missing Duration

    6. In the Status Classification dialog box, you can define:

      1. Escalation Path

      2. Status

    7. Click the x in the top right of the dialog box or click outside of the dialog box to exit and retain your selections.

    8. Note: Your rule configuration selections are not permanently saved until you select the Save button on the Rules Editor view.

  8. Select the Location tab to apply this rule to one or more locations that you select from the hierarchical list. If you click the Editor tab and select Yes from the Location Groups drop-down list, Location Groups will be enabled and will display in the Location tab. When Location Groups are enabled, locations selected are associated with the group and the group is associated to the rule. When Location Groups are not enabled, locations must be selected individually in order to associate them with the rule.

Note: The location(s) defined for a given location group are applied universally to all rules referencing that group. When editing a rule, if the locations selected in the referenced location group are updated and the same location group is referenced by other rules, the locations will be updated accordingly for all other rules once the changes are saved.

In the example below, a Storage location group is referenced by two different rules. Rule1 shows locations 22125 and 50643 selected. Rule2 references the same location group and by default will also show locations 22125 and 50643 selected. If while editing Rule1 we add a New Location or remove an existing one, Rule2 locations will also be updated once the Rule1 changes are saved.

9. Click the Group tab to display the Groups dialog box. Select one or more groups to associate with this rule. You can search for a group by typing its name in the search bar.

10. Click the Save button.

The new rule appears at the top of the Rules Editor list.

Note: Your rule configuration selections are not permanently saved until you select the Save button on the Rules Editor view.

Copying a Rule

  1. Select the rule's row in the Rules Editor view.

  2. With a rule selected, click the New/Copy Rule button in the top left of the Rules Editor view.

    1. A copy of the rule's row appears in the Rules Editor view. The copy has all the same settings as the original rule.

  3. Type a new name and description for the rule.

  4. Continue to edit the attributes of the rule as described in the Editing a Rule section of this page.

  5. Click the Save button on the Rules Editor view to save the rule.

    The copied rule appears directly after the original rule on the Rules Editor view.

Activating and Deactivating a Rule

The Active/Inactive toggle on the Rules Editor view controls if rules are active or not. The Active/Inactive toggle is set to Active by default when a new rule is created.

When an existing rule is copied, the toggle is set to InActive.

  1. Go to Admin > Rules and Targets > Rules Editor to display the Rules Editor view.

  2. To activate an inactive rule, click the selection box next to the rule. Then click the Active button.

    The rule is activated.

  3. To deactivate an active rule, click the selection box next to the rule. Then click the Inactive button.

    1. The rule is deactivated.

    2. The text in the inactive rule's row appears grayed and italicized.

Deleting a Rule

  1. In the Rules Editor view, select a rule you want to delete by clicking the selection box next to the rule.

  2. Select the Delete button in the top left of the Rules Editor view.

  3. A message appears asking you to verify the deletion. Select OK to continue to delete the rule.

    1. The rule clears from the Rules Editor view.

Rule Type Button

The Rule Type field displays the enabled rule type for the currently selected rule. Only one rule type can be enabled at a time for a selected rule.

The following table describes the rule types available when creating or updating a rule.

Rule Type



This rule type defines settings for the locations where the rule applies. For example, in this rule type, you can choose to apply the rule when an asset enters or leaves a location. You can also select a response escalation path to associate with the rule. Additionally, the Delay Alarm control allows you to specify a duration, in seconds, to wait before notifications are sent. This rule only applies to the locations selected in the Locations section of the Rules Editor.


This rule type is used to notify users when buttons located on the asset badges are pressed or if the asset badge is tampered with. For example, a tamper event occurs when an asset badge is removed from an asset without authorization. Note: You do not need to select a location in the Locations section of the Rules Editor for this rule.


This rule type is used to notify users of asset badge battery conditions. For example, a notification can be sent when an asset badge battery reaches a low level. Note: You do not need to select a location or group for this rule. Only one battery rule is allowed at a time. When a Battery rule is configured, the application will prevent additional Battery rules from being created.


This rule type is used to notify users when inventory levels of a specific asset have reached a defined upper or lower threshold. For example, a notification can be sent when too few or too many wheelchairs are on a specific floor. This rule also has the Delay Alarm control, which allows you to specify a duration, in seconds, to wait before notifications are sent.


This rule type is used to notify users when an asset is missing from its location of use. For example, a notification can be sent when an asset is taken off an assigned floor.

Note: You do not need to select a location or group fort his rule. Only one missing rule is allowed at a time. When a Missing rule is configured, the application will prevent additional Missing rules from being created. It is recommended that the Missing Duration value be no less than 30 minutes.


This rule type is used to track the status of a specific asset. The “In Maintenance” and “Out of Maintenance” statuses can be set with this rule in the AssetTracking® application. All other statuses can be set on an asset status badge.

Asset Groups Button

The Asset Groups button shows a list of Groups, and offers checkboxes to include or exclude assets in these sets from being in the rule.

First, select a rule from the Rule Name drop-down list. Then, select check boxes for whichever group or sets you want to use as assets for the configured rule. Note that an Asset Group is required for a Rule to function.

Even if an individual asset is included in two Groups, and both Groups are part of the same rule, the asset only runs this rule once.

Badge Tools

The badge tools area provides access to the AssetTracking® application badge functionality. From this area users can view all badge details, view the current locations of all badges, attach and detach badges from assets, view hardware event logs, and monitor the health of badges.

Badge List

Access the Badge List view from the Badge Tools option in the Administration section.

The Badge List view displays badge information for badges that have changed within the user-specified number of minutes. In addition, notes can be added pertaining to a specific badge and the information can be filtered by any of the columns headers.

Refer to the About the Badge List View section for a description of the columns and fields of the Badge List view. From this view, managers or administrators can view historical attachment information for specific badges. Refer to the About the Location and Status History View section for more information on the Location and Status History view.

About the Badge List View

The following is a description of the fields and buttons displayed on the Badge List


Field Name

Field Description

Show updates that occurred in the last minutes

Badges that have changed within the number of minutes entered in this box are displayed on the Badge List view.

Refresh Data

Clicking this button clears the search criteria and forces a manual refresh of the data on the Badge List view. The view displays the changes that have occurred during the number of minutes displayed in the Show updates that occurred in the last minutes field.


Clicking this button forces a manual reload of the data on the Badge List view that meets the search criteria. The view displays the changes that have occurred during the number of minutes displayed in the Show updates that occurred in the last minutes field.

Badge ID

This field displays the manufacturer's unique ID for the badge.

Attach Type

This field displays the type of the entity that was last attached to the badge.

Attached To

This field displays the type of entity to which the badge is attached. If badge is attached to a patient, the field displays the value Patient. If badge is attached to a staff member, the field displays the value Staff. If badge is attached to an asset, the field displays the name of the type of entity (Example: wheelchair, infusion pump). If the badge is not currently attached to an entity, the column is blank.


This field displays Low in red text to indicate that the badge's battery is low and action is needed. The field displays High in green text to indicate that the badge's battery is high and no action is needed.

Last Hard- ware Loca- tion

If your organization uses Centrak® hardware, this column displays the name of the collector that last reported the badge. The collector communicates with badges via Radio Frequency (RF). Because collectors do not appear on the floor plan, only their names indicate their locations. This information provides an altern- ative method to find a badge's general location for situations in which the there is no Infrared coverage or the Infrared signal from the beacon to the badge is obstructed. If a badge does not display a value in the Floor Plan or Location columns, the name of the collector can be used to estimate the general vicinity of the badge. This field is blank if you are using badges from a vendor other than Centrak, such as Sonitor® or Stanley® Healthcare (formerly Aeroscout®).


This field displays the name of the campus where the badge was last reported.

Floor Plan

This field displays the floor plan where the badge was last reported.

Location Since

This field displays the date and time when the badge entered the location where it was last reported.

Last Button Press

This field displays the date and time when the last button press occurred.

Last Tamper

Display the date and time when the badge's last tamper event occurred.


This field displays the badge's manufacturer (for example, Centrak, Sonitor, or Stanley® Healthcare ([formerly Aeroscout] ).


Clicking the History link in a row displays the Location and Status History screen for the badge. The badge's Location and Status History view displays all the attachment information for that badge that is in the database.

Sorting and Pagination of the Badge List

Clicking the column headers sorts the data in the Badge List view. Clicking the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen displays additional pages of the view.

Searching Badge Lists

Clicking the Search icon opens a Boolean search dialog box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen.

Exporting a Badge List

An Export icon is available at the bottom of the Badge List view to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Viewing the Badge List

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Badge Tools option in the left navigation bar.

  3. Click the Badge List option. The Badge List view appears.

  4. Type a number of minutes in the For the last field.

  5. Click Refresh Data.

    1. The view displays the data for the past number of minutes entered in the For the last field.

Viewing the Latest Badge List Data

  1. Click Clear Data.

  2. Click Refresh Data.

    1. The newest information appears in the Badge List view.

Locating a Centrak® Badge Using the Hardware Location Column

If your organization uses Centrak® hardware, the Hardware Location column displays the name of the collector that last reported the badge. The collector name can give a general location for the badge. Badges can be anywhere inside of the collector's read radius which can be a maximum of 300 feet (91.4 meters) in all directions. In addition, because badges and collectors communicate using RF (radio frequency), their signals can penetrate ceilings and walls. Therefore, the actual location of the badge can be on the floor above the collector or in the building next door. If your organization does not use Centrak hardware, then the Hardware Location column is blank.

About the Location and Status History View

The History link displays an historical record for a given badge that includes the following information:

Field Name

Field Description


The Attachment History view can be filtered by any or several of the reasons for status changes. Click the box next to the reason for a status change in order to limit the display to a history of those changes:

  • Attach Badge – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by the badge being attached to an entity.

  • Detach Badge – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by the badge being detached from an entity.

  • Location Change – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by the badge changing location.

  • Missing Badge – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by the badge going missing.

  • Missing Badge Return – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by the badge returning from being missing.

  • Admin – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by users via the AssetTracking® application user interface . For example, the user went to the Asset Maintenance view and changed the status for a badged asset to a status of In Maintenance.

  • Rule – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by the rules. For example, a rule states if the badge moves into a location, the badge's status changes to Dirty.

  • Badge – Click this box to display all of the changes to badge status that were made by the badge read. For example, there a button is pressed on the badge that changes the status of the badge to In Use.

Attached To

This field displays the type of entity to which the badge is currently attached. If badge is attached to a patient, the field displays the value Patient. If badge is attached to a staff member, the field displays the value Staff. If badge is attached to an asset, the field displays the name of the type of entity (Example: wheelchair, infusion pump). If the badge is not currently attached to an entity, the column displays the entity type to which the badge was most recently attached.

Attach Type

This field displays the type of the entity that was last attached to the badge.

Start Date

This field displays the date and time when the badge's attachment began.

End Date

This field displays the date and time when the badge's attachment ended.


This field displays the number of hours that the badge was attached.

Change Reason

This field displays the reason that the badge's location or status changed.


This field displays the badge's manufacturer (for example, Centrak, Sonitor, or Stanley® Healthcare [formerly Aeroscout] ).

Viewing a Badge’s Location and Status History

  1. From the Badge List view, click the History link in the row for the appropriate badge.

    1. The badge's Attachment History view appears.

  2. To filter the attachment list, enter a Start Date and End Date and select the boxes next to the status change reason that you want to show in the view.

  3. Click the Refresh Data button.

    1. The attachment history is filtered based upon the selected dates and status change reasons.

Badge/Asset Attachment Wizard

The Badge/Asset Attachment Wizard is a page where you can attach or detach a badge to an asset. There are two categories on the page Assets and Assets without a badge.

On this page you can:

  • Attach badges to assets that are not currently attached to a badge.

  • Detach badges that are currently attached to an asset.

  • Search for attached badges.

Attaching a Badge to an Asset

To attach an available asset to an available badge do the following:

  1. Click the Badge/Asset Attachment Wizard option under the Badge Tools tab of the Administration section.

    1. The Badge/Asset Attachment Wizard appears with the Assets category displayed by default.

  2. Click the Assets without a Badge bar.

    1. The Assets without a Badge category expands displaying two lists, each having its own search field:

      1. Assets that do not have badges attached.

      2. Badges that do not have assets attached.

  3. Search within both lists to find the badge or asset that you want.

    1. You can scan a badge barcode into the Badge ID Search field to locate the badge in the list.

    2. Press the ENTER key after scanning the badge to automatically remove the leading characters, unless your scanner is configured to automatically press ENTER for you.

    3. Note: You do not need to press the ENTER key if you are scanning Stanley® Healthcare (formerly Aeroscout®) badges.

  4. Click the Attach Asset button.

    1. The badge/asset are attached and moved to the Assets category.

Detaching a Badge from an Asset

To detach an asset from a badge do the following:

  1. Click the Badge/Asset Attachment Wizard option under the Badge Tools tab of the Administration section.

    1. The Badge/Asset Attachment Wizard appears with the Assets category displayed by default.

  2. Select a row for an asset and its attached badge.

  3. Click Detach Asset.

  4. The asset is removed from the badge. Both the badge and the asset move to the Assets without a badge category.

    1. Note: When integrated with the Capacity IQ® / Capacity Management Suite® solution, the Badge/Assets Attachment Wizard includes Asset, Patient and Staff badges. When attaching assets, verify that you are selecting asset badges with status or non-status numbers.

Hardware Event Logs

The Hardware Event Logs view displays current and past hardware events. This view is helpful when troubleshooting issues with missing badges or incorrectly reported events.

About the Hardware Event Logs View

The following is a description of the fields and buttons displayed on the Hardware Events view.



Field Description

Choose Log

This field defines the vendor for the hardware that is displayed in the current view.

Refresh Data

Clicking this button forces a manual refresh of the data on the Hardware Event Logs view.


Clicking this button forces a manual reload of the data on the Hardware Event Logs view that meets the search criteria.

Time stamp

This field displays the date and time that the event occurred.

Event Type

This field describes the type of event (information, warning, error).


For error event types, this field describes the exception at the hardware driver level. For other event types, this field displays tracing information.

Sorting and Pagination of the Hardware Event Logs

On the initial load, the Hardware Event Logs view sorts the data by descending time stamp. Up to 1000 event records are displayed by the Hardware Event Logs view. Clicking the column header changes the data to an ascending sort. Clicking the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen displays additional pages of the view.

Exporting a Hardware Event Log

An Export icon is available at the bottom of the Hardware Event Logs view to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Viewing a Hardware Event Log

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Badge Tools option in the left navigation bar.

  3. Click the Hardware Event Logs option. The Hardware Event Logs view appears.

  4. Select a vendor from the Choose log list.

  5. Click Refresh Data.

The view displays the data for the vendor shown in the Choose log field.

Viewing the Latest Hardware Event Log Data

  1. Click Clear Data.

    1. The Hardware Event Log data is removed from the view.

  2. Click Refresh Data.

    1. The newest information appears in the Hardware Event Logs view.

Monitor Health Dashboard

About the Monitor Health Dashboard

Access the Monitor Health Dashboard view from the Badge Tools option in the Administration section. The Monitor Health Dashboard view is a read-only page that provides information about Centrak hardware such as monitor (device) battery status, whether the device is communicating with the RTLS network, and name of the device's assigned location in the AssetTracking application and in CenTrak's system.

Buttons and Functions

The following buttons and functions are on the Monitor Health Dashboard view:

Button or Function


Collapse/Expand icon

Click the arrow icon in the top corner of the grid to collapse or expand it.

Show updates that occurred in the last minutes

Monitors that have updated within the number of minutes entered in this box. The default value is 20 minutes.

Refresh Data

Clicking this button forces a manual refresh of the data.

Export Devices

Click this button to export device information to a CSV file that can be opened in Microsoft® Excel®.


Click this button to search for devices.




Monitor ID

Identification number for the physical device.

Model Item Number

Model identification number listed on the physical device.

Battery Status

Whether the device battery level is high, medium, or low. Medium means there are 90 days left before the battery needs to be replaced. Low means there are 30 days left before the battery needs to be replaced.


Whether the device is communicating with the RTLS network.

Firmware Version

Version of the firmware for the device.

Battery Capacity

Percentage of battery capacity remaining for the device.

Battery Replacement On

Date when device battery was replaced.

Last Seen

Last date and time that an update on the device was received.

CenTrak Monitor Location

Name of the device's assigned location in CenTrak's system.

AssetTracking Monitor Location

Name of the device's assigned location in the the AssetTracking application.

Viewing the Monitor Health Dashboard

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Badge Tools option in the left navigation bar.

  3. Click the Monitor Health Dashboard option. The Monitor Health Dashboard view appears.

  4. Type a number of minutes in the For the last field.

  5. Click Refresh Data.

    1. The view displays the data under Device Health Monitoring for the past number of minutes entered in the For the last field.

Searching for a Device

Click Search in the upper-right to search for a device. For example, you can search by Battery status equal to OR not equal to a specific status.

Exporting a Device List

Click Export Devices in the upper-right to generate a .csv file with information such as monitor ID and battery status.

Users and Groups

The AssetTracking® application employs the concept of users and user groups to manage account access and rights. Users are defined by different login credentials, i.e. a unique username and a password. User groups are linked to a collection of users, much like Groups are linked to a collection of assets. Access rights are defined at the user group level, and these rights are passed down to users. User groups are also a target for the web alert notifications. Finally, individual users can belong to one or more user groups, and inherits the highest level of access rights available from those groups.

User Accounts

The users screen is available from the Admin menu, by clicking the Users and Groups option and then selecting Users Accounts.

This screen lists each user account, the user group or groups associated with that account, and an account activation date created at date. A filter option in the upper left allows the users list to be filtered down by a specific user group. A drop-down menu by users helps filter, as well as a Search link in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Like most other grid-based screens, this screen offers options to create, edit, and delete user accounts. For safety purposes, however, a user cannot delete his or her own account (an error is displayed). This also works to ensure the existence of at least one Administrator account at all times.

The Create New link accesses the Create User screen. From here administrator can create and define a user account.

The More > Password link allows for changing the password of any user in the system. The force password change option is specified again here. A user’s username cannot be edited here. Instead, edit the old account and then create a new one with the desired username.

To change which groups a particular user belongs to, click the Edit link for that user. This shows a sub-section which lists that user’s group or groups. New user group links can be added, and existing group links can be deleted as well.

Access rights for a user originate in user groups and are passed through these user group links. If a user belongs to multiple user groups, it receives the highest level of access rights out of all of the linked groups. For example, a group with read-only access rights could be linked to the administrative user without affecting this user’s administrative status.

The last user group link for a user cannot be deleted, as this holds the access rights for the user. Also, the last administrative link in The AssetTracking® application cannot be removed. This prevents a lone administrative user from accidentally modifying their account to revoke administrative rights.

Adding a User Account

In the AssetTracking® application, user accounts can be defined as “Standard”, “SingleSign-on” or “Active Directory”. Please refer to the table below for instructions on each type of account.

Account Type




A standard account that signs on manually through the AssetTracking® application login page.

Requires a unique


Requires a unique


Note: Standard users can still log into Single Sign-on enabled systems by clicking Cancel on the web server domain login screen and then logging in normally through the AssetTracking® application login page.

Active Directory User?

option should be False.

Single Sign-on

An account that is integrated as part of the web server domain credentials.

Note: The “Login as” button is displayed on the AssetTracking application login page after the initial login.

This account requires additional initial setup by the TeleTracking Implementation Team.

Requires a unique


Requires a unique


Active Directory User?

option should be False.

Active Directory

An account that utilizes the Windows® Server® Active Directory to log on to the AssetTracking® application.

This account requires additional initial setup by the Teletracking Implementation Team.

Requires a unique


Does not require a password. Active Directory password is used.

Active Directory User?

option should be True.

To add a user account:

  1. Click the Admin link on the upper right-hand corner of the view.

  2. Click the Users and Groups option.

  3. Click User Accounts.

  4. Click the Create New button on the right-hand side of the view.

    1. The Create User screen is displayed.

  5. Enter a unique User Name.

  6. Enter a New Password and re-enter the password in the Confirm New Password box.

  7. For enhanced security, enable the Force user to change password on next login option. This provides improved security, since initial passwords are often writ- ten down or emailed to users.

  8. Enter the user’s Email Address.

  9. If required enter the user’s Mobile Phone number and select a Mobile Phone Carrier.

  10. If the user account utilizes the Windows® Server® Active Directory to log on to the AssetTracking application, select True from the Active Directory User? option.

  11. Select a primary user group from a User Groups list. This selected user group determines the account’s initial access rights.

  12. Click Create.

User Groups

The User Groups screen lists the name and description of user groups in the AssetTracking® application, as well as the access rights level for that group and the number of users that belong to each group.

The AssetTracking® application is configured by default with three user groups: Administrators, Advanced Users, and General Users. These three groups correspond to the three levels of access rights. The Administrators group has admin rights, which allows full access to all screens and features. The General and Advanced Users groups cannot access the Admin section. Furthermore, they cannot edit or delete campuses and buildings, link or unlink maps, or change the currently configured Groups. Members of the Advanced Users group may edit settings in the Assets screen. General users effectively have read-only access to the site and cannot modify anything.

User groups may be created, edited, and deleted, with a few exceptions. The Administrators group cannot be edited or deleted. Also, if a user is only linked to a single user group, that user group cannot be deleted as the user would no longer have access rights. When creating or editing a user group, specify a name, description, and select one of the available access rights settings from the drop-down list. For each group, a link to list the users belonging to that group appears on the right. This link shows the Users screen, with the View By filter pre-set to only show users in the selected group.

Searching for User Groups

Clicking the Search button opens up a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen.

Exporting a User Group List

An Export link is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Creating a User Group

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Users and Groups option.

  3. Click User Groups.

  4. Click the Create New button.

    1. The Create User Group view appears.

  5. Enter a Name and Description for the new user group.

  6. Select Access Rights from the drop-down menu. The options are View-only, Modify and View and Hide.

  7. Selecting the Configure Advance rights based on Group checkbox, displays the Custom Rights By Group options.

  8. Using the Custom Rights By Group options, you can map a currently defined Group with the appropriate Access Rights.

  9. Selecting the Configure Advance rights based on Floor Plan checkbox, displays the Custom Rights By Floor Plan options.

  10. Using the Custom Rights By Floor Plan options, you can map a currently defined Floor Plan with the appropriate Access Rights.

  11. Click the Create button.

Listing Users in a Group

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Users and Groups option.

  3. Click User Groups.

  4. Click the List Users link for the appropriate group.

    1. The users included in this user group are displayed.

Editing a User Group

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Users and Groups option.

  3. Click User Groups.

  4. Click the Edit link.

    1. The Update Advanced Users view appears.

  5. Modify any User Group settings as required.

  6. Click the Update button.

Floor Plan Admin

Through the Floor Plan Admin view, the AssetTracking® application provides users with administrative privileges the option to modify the names and descriptions of all Floor Plan locations. Additionally, users with administrative privileges can modify the names, descriptions and address information for campuses, buildings, and collectors, and add, edit and delete floor plan icons used in the system.

Collector List

The Collector List screen displays the Collector ID, Name, and Description, the name that CenTrak's GMS system uses for the collector (CenTrak Device Name) and whether the collector is communicating with CenTrak's GMS system (Active) for currently installed collectors. From this screen, users with administrative privileges can edit individual collector names and descriptions.

The following functions are available from the Collector List view:

Viewing the Collector List Page

Open the Collector List page by doing the following:

  1. Click the Admin link in the top right of the screen.

    1. The Administration section of the AssetTracking® application appears.

  2. Click the Floor Plan Admin option in the left navigation pane. The Floor Plan Administration options appear in the right pane.

  3. Click the Collector List option.

  4. The Collector List page appears. Each row represents one collector.

Searching for Collectors

A simple search function is available from the Collector List page. Clicking the Search button opens up a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen.

Editing Collectors Names and Descriptions

To update the name and descriptions

  1. On the Collector List page, click Edit in the row of the collector that you want to update.

    1. The Collector Edit dialog box expands.

  2. Replace the text in the Name field with a different name for the collector. Note: The collector's name must be unique within the RTLS system.

  3. Replace the text in the Description field with a different description for the collector.

  4. Click Update to save your changes, or click Cancel to abandon your changes.

    1. The Collector Edit dialog box closes, and the updated name and description appear in the collector's row.

Floor Plan List

The Floor Plan List screen displays the Name, Description, Location and Building for currently active floor plans. From this screen, users with administrative privileges can edit floor plan names, descriptions, and locations.

Searching for Floor Plans

Clicking the Search button opens up a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen.

Editing a Floor Plan Information

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Floor Plan Admin option.

  3. Click Floor Plan List.

  4. Click the Edit link for the appropriate floor plan.

    1. The floor plan row expands to display Update Floor Plan editor.

  5. Modify the Name and Description of the floor plan as required.

  6. Click Update

  7. Click the Update button to retain your changes.

  8. Click the green x in the upper right-hand to close the editor.

Editing Floor Plan Locations

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Floor Plan Admin option.

  3. Click Floor Plan List.

    1. The list of floor plans appears. Each row represents a different floor plan.

  4. In the row for the floor plan that you want to edit, click the location links in the Locations column.

    1. The list of Locations for the floor plan appears.

  5. In the row representing the location that you want to change, click the Edit link. The Update location dialog box appears.

    1. The Update location dialog box appears.

  6. Type a new label for the location in the Name field.

  7. If you want to assign the location to a location group, select the group in the Location Group list.

    1. Note: Location Groups are used for configuring Detach and Discharge locations

  8. Click Update.

    1. The floor plan is automatically regenerated.

  9. Click the green x in the top right corner to close the Update location dialog box.

  10. On the Floor Plan List view, click the Show link for the floor plan on which you updated the location.

    1. The updated location name appears on the floor plan.

Campuses and Buildings

The AssetTracking® application adds the concept of locations (campuses and buildings) as part of the floor plan based system. In most systems, a floor plan is typically a floor in a building or a partial floor.

Campuses are made up of individual buildings. Several buildings may belong to a campus. Floor Plans are then linked to an individual building, so that several floors or sections of a building area can be grouped together.

Most systems start with a single campus and one or two buildings. As systems grow and are deployed further however, campus and buildings play a larger role in managing location information across vast areas.

The Campuses and Buildings screen displays the Name, Description and Buildings for currently active campuses. From this screen, users with administrative privileges can edit campus names, descriptions and addresses.

Searching for Campuses

Clicking the Search button opens up a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen.

Exporting a Campus List

An Export link is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Editing Campus and Building Information

To edit a campus name, description and address:

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Floor Plan Admin option.

  3. Click the Campuses and Buildings option on the right side of the screen.

  4. Click Edit for the campus you wish to edit.

    1. The campus row expands to display Update Campus editor.

  5. Modify the campus Name, Description and Address as required.

  6. Click the Update button to retain your changes.

  7. Click the green x in the upper right-hand to close the editor.

Floor Plan Icon Manager

From the Floor Plan Icons page, administrators can add, edit, export, view, and delete icons that represent assets on the floor plans.

Accessing the Floor Plan Icons Page

  1. Go to Admin > Floor Plan Admin.

  2. Select Floor Plan Icon Manager to display the Floor Plan Icons page.

Filtering Icons

  • To limit the list of floor plan icons to display only icons belonging to one group, select the group from the drop-down list in the Filter box, or you can accept the default (all groups) option.

  • To clear the filter, select Reset.

Sorting and Pagination

  • Select the page number, Next, or Previous in the bottom right corner to move to another page of the icon list.

Searching for Icons

  1. Select the Search button to display a simple search box.

  2. Type all or part of the name of the icon you want to find and select Search. The screen refreshes displaying only icons with the letters that you typed in their names.

Exporting Icons

  • Select the Export button to extract data from the Floor Plan Icons page for use in other tools.

Creating New Icons

  1. To add a new icon to the Floor Plan Icons list, select the Create New button. The Create Floor Plan Icon dialog box appears.

  2. Select Choose File and navigate to the desired image file on your local drive, then select Open.

    1. The image filename appears next to Choose File.

  3. In the Name box, type the name of the icon.

  4. In Group, select the icon's group from the list.

    1. Note: Your TeleTracking representative can assist your health system to configure icon groups.

  5. Select Create to add the icon in a new row on the Floor Plan Icons list.

Editing Icons

  1. To edit the icon's properties, select Edit in the icon's row.

  2. The icon's row expands to display the Update<Icon Name>dialog box.

  3. In the Name box, type changes to the icon's name.

  4. In Group, select a different group for the icon.

  5. Select Update to collapse the icon's row and display your changes.

Deleting Icons

  1. To remove the icon from the Floor Plan Icons list, select Delete in the icon's row.

  2. Select OK in the message that appears.

    1. The icon's row clears from the Floor Plan Icons list

Showing Icons

  1. To view an enlarged image of an icon, select Show in the icon's row.

  2. The icon's row expands to display the icon enlargement.

  3. Select Close to collapse the icon's row.

Accessing the Asset Groups

Groups are used to classify tracked assets into user-defined lists for quick viewing or monitoring, report generation, and rule analysis. An asset may belong to one or more asset groups, enabling the creation of hierarchical sets or sets that group assets on differing properties. This free-form asset relation scheme offers the most flexibility in adapting to the specific application.

The Group screen is found by clicking on the Groups link in the top menu bar, or by clicking the Groups section heading from the Main Menu. This screen allows the review and management of existing Groups of assets, as well as the creation of new Groups. Additionally, quick links for each group enable the listing of assets in a set, or the tracking of a set’s assets on a floor plan.

The name and description of each group as well as a count of the number of assets that are currently a part of the set are listed on the screen. This is a free-form text field that can be used for hierarchical grouping of Groups.

When new tracking devices are detected, an asset is automatically created and linked to this tracking device. In addition, this asset is linked to an All default group. This is the first set to appear in the Groups list when the AssetTracking application is installed.

The List Assets link on the right side of each group row allows for quick navigation to other screens within the AssetTracking® application. List Assets shows the Assets screen, but with the filter pre-set to only show those assets in the selected group.

Administrators have the option of deleting a group. To delete a group, use the Delete link on the right side of its row. This process does NOT delete the assets in a group, only the group itself.

Note: The AssetTracking® application does not allow a group to be deleted if it is being used in other places in the application. Example, if an active system rule includes a given group in its definition, this prevents a group from being deleted.

Editing or Creating New Groups

Administrators are able to create new Groups or modify the properties of an existing group. These tasks are accomplished by clicking on the CreateNew or Edit links along the right side of the Groups screen.

Enter or change information in the fields and then click Create or Update to save the information. Use the Cancel link to exit this sub-screen without making any changes.

Note: The ‘All’ group can be edited (i.e. renamed, description, etc.). Automatically created assets are still added to this group.

Removing Assets from a Group

Asset addition and removal tasks are accomplished from the Assets screen. To remove an asset, click the List Assets link from the Groups screen. This shows the Assets screen, listing only the assets in that set. Search for or find the asset or assets to remove, click Edit, and then deselect the check box for the appropriate group.


In the Advanced area of the Admin section, users with administrative privileges can designate owners, configure and run archive jobs, and manage connections with the Custom Reporting Solution™ application. Access the Advanced area by clicking the Admin link in the top right corner of the screen.


The Owners screen is available from the Admin menu, by clicking the Advanced option and then selecting Owners. The Owners screen lists the name and description of owners and the number of assets that they own. From this screen you can create new owners, edit and delete owners, search owners, and export owner information.

Searching for User Groups

Clicking the Search button opens up a Search box to allow users to quickly find one or a few entries on this screen.

Exporting a User Group List

An Export link is available on many grid-based screens to simplify the extraction of data for use in other tools.

Creating a New Owner

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Advanced option.

  3. Click Owners.

  4. Click Create New.

    1. The Create Owner view appears.

  5. Enter a Title and Description for the new owner.

  6. Click Create, or click Cancel to return to the Owners view.

Listing an Owner’s Assets

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Advanced option.

  3. Click Owners.

  4. In the owner's row, click the link in the Assets column.

    1. The Asset Maintenance view appears listing the owner's assets.

Editing an Owner

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Advanced option.

  3. Click Owners.

  4. Click the Edit link.

    1. The Owners detail view appears.

  5. Modify any Owners settings as required.

  6. Click Update, or click Cancel to return to the Owners view.

Deleting an Owner

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Advanced option.

  3. Click Owners.

  4. Click the Delete link in the row of the owner that you want to delete, or click Cancel to return to the Owners view.

Archiving Asset Data

Through the Advanced Admin view, the AssetTracking® application provides users with the ability to define data archiving jobs and manage archive settings. When a user with administrative privileges clicks the Advanced option, Archive Jobs and Archive Management Settings are displayed.

Archive Jobs

Clicking the Archive Jobs option displays a grid that includes the following archive job details:

  • Archive Batch ID - Clicking this link displays a list of all of the operations performed for the associated batch archive job.

  • Archive Status - Running, Success or Failure

  • Archive Start Date - Start date of the corresponding archive process

  • Archive End Date - End date of the corresponding archive process

Additionally, the Archive Jobs view includes:

  • Refresh Grid Button - Refreshes the Archive Jobs grid, displaying the latest results.

  • Archive Management Setting Button - Opens the Archive Management Settings view.

Viewing the Archive Detail for Batch ID

Each archive job includes several segments. In addition, each segment includes several steps. Both segments and steps run for each table that is archived.

  • To view a list of the operations performed during a batch archiving job, click the Archive Batch ID link in the Archive Jobs view.

    • The Archive Detail for Batch ID: view appears.

      Each row on this view describes an operation of the batch archive job. The following information appears for each row:

      • Archive Detail for Batch Id field - The batch number that is selected in the Archive Jobs view for which the screen shows details.

      • Refresh Data - Clicking this button refreshes the grid and displays the

        latest results.

      • Search - Clicking this button allows the user to search the grid by Table Name.

      • Reload - Clicking the button clears the search criteria and refreshes the

        data that the grid displays.

      • Export - Clicking this button exports all pages of the Archive Detail for Batch ID view to a CSV file that can be opened in a text editor or in Microsoft® Excel®.

      • Batch Id - This column displays the ID for this batch of archive job.

      • Batch Operation - This column displays the segment of the archiving job that ran for the table.

      • Table Name - This column displays the table that on which the table operation was performed.

      • Table Operation - This column displays the SQL Operation that was executed on the table specified in the Table Name column within the specified Batch Operation segment.

      • Step - Additional details about the table operation that ran on the table.

      • Record Count - This column displays the number of records that the archive operation affected.

      • Start Date - This column displays the date that the archive step began.

      • End Date - This column displays the date that the archive step ended.

      • Error - If the archive process encountered an error when executing the table operation, this column displays the corresponding error message.

Archive & Data Management Settings

Clicking the Archive & Data Management Settings option displays a grid that includes the current archive and data settings. The following settings are displayed:

  • Process - Displays settings for Archive Management and Data Cleanup Management, which manages the timeframe when data is purged from the system.

  • Enabled - Displays if archiving is currently enabled. Default = No.

  • Start Time - Displays the daily start time for the RTLS archiving process. Default = 13:01.

  • Cut Off Days / Years - Displays the number of days or years to retain the data. Data older than this will be archived. Default = 7 days for Archive Management and 21 years for Data Cleanup Management.

  • Max Retry - Displays the maximum number of retries for the archiving process if it fails. After these attempts Archiving will send an email alerting users to this failure. Default = 2.

  • Delete Batch Size - Displays the number of records to be deleted in each batch. Default = 2000.

  • Notification Email - Displays the comma separated email IDs to whom the archiving failure email needs to be sent.

  • Notify when? - Displays when to send the failure notification email. The default setting will send email whenever archiving fails for any reason.

Additionally, the Archive & Data Management Settings view includes:

  • Archiving Reset Button - Click this button to cancel the currently running archive process when it has run too long. By default the button is hidden until the archive has run longer than a configured number of hours. The default number of hours is 22.

  • List Archive Jobs Button - Opens the Archive Jobs view.

  • Run Archive Now Button - Starts the archiving process immediately regardless of the next archiving schedule.

  • Edit Link - Displays the Update Archive Settings screen.

Archive Management and Data Cleanup Management are not enabled by default. The default cut off period is 7 days for Archive Management and 21 years for Data Cleanup Management. A special process must be followed for Data Cleanup Management, e.g., documents have to be signed.

Editing Archive Settings

  1. Click the Admin link.

  2. Click the Advance button.

  3. Click the Archive Management Settings option.

  4. Click the Edit link.

    1. The Update Archive Settings screen is displayed.

  5. Modify the archiving settings as needed.

  6. Click Update to save your modifications.

CRS Management Settings

If the AssetTracking® application is integrated with the Custom Reporting Solution™ (CRS) application, the CRS Management Settings view allows the two applications to share data. In this view, the connection can be enabled between the CRS Extract Transform and Load (ETL) process and the AssetTracking® application database archive. This connection allows the CRS ETL database to be updated with AssetTracking® application data when the AssetTracking archive runs. It is also possible in this view to test the CRS connection and run the CRS ETL procedure. Contact TeleTracking for assistance in configuring integration with the Custom Reporting Solution™ application.

Viewing the CRS Management Settings View

  1. To access the CRS Management Settings view, click the Admin link in the top right corner of the AssetTracking® application screen.

  2. Click Advanced in the left navigation bar.

  3. Click the CRS Management Settings option.

    1. The CRS Management Settings view appears.

Updating the CRS Server Connection

  1. In the CRS Management Settings view, click the Edit link in the row for the CRS database server.

  2. The Update CRS Management dialog box appears.

  3. Make selections and edits based on the following description of the displayed fields:




Select Yes in the list to run the CRS ETL process every day during AssetTracking® application archive process.

To turn off the CRS ETL process, select No in the list.

CRS DB Server Name

Type the IP address of the Custom Reporting Solution™ application database server.


If you leave the CRS DB Server Name field empty, the AssetTracking® application will assume that the Custom Reporting Solution™ database is residing on the same server as the AssetTracking® database.

Notification Email

Type the email address to which notifications are sent. More than one email address can be separated by commas.

Notify When

Select when notifications are sent to the notification email address (Always, Never, or On Failure). The default setting is On Failure.

  1. Click Update to save the settings, or click Cancel to abandon any changes.

    1. The Update CRS Management dialog box closes, and the server's row displays the saved changes in the CRS Management view.

Testing the CRS Database Server Connection

On the CRS Management Settings view, click Test Connection to CRS DB Server in the top right of the screen. The AssetTracking® application tests for the presence of a linked CRS database server and for a valid connection to that CRS database server.

  • If a linked server is not detected at the IP address displayed in the CRS DB Server Name column, a failure message appears above the server's row directing you to contact the system administrator.

  • If a linked server is detected at the IP address displayed in the CRS DB Server Name column, the AssetTracking® application tests the connection to that server.

    • If the connection to the CRS database server is valid, a message appears, Connection OK.

    • If the connection to the CRS database server is not valid, an error message appears directing you to contact your system administrator.

Running the CRS ETL Process

Normally the CRS ETL process runs during the regularly scheduled AssetTracking® application archive process. The CRS ETL process can be run manually at other times by following these steps:

  1. Click Run the CRS ETL Process Now in the top right of the screen. A dialog box appears asking if you want to start the CRS ETL process.

  2. Click Yes to continue, or No to return to the CRS Management view.

If you selected Yes, the CRS stored procedure located on Custom Reporting Solution™ database server is invoked. The CRS ETL process runs updating the CRS database with the latest events in the AssetTracking® application.

Administrators can view the CRS ETL Job List for details about past ETL runs.

CRS ETL Job List View

On this view, users with administrator privileges can see the status and details of the Custom Reporting Solution™ application (CRS) Extract Transform and Load (ETL) processes that have run in the past. The view is sorted initially by descending ETL Batch ID number.

Below is an explanation of the fields and buttons on the CRS ETL Job view:



Shows records for the last

By default the list displays the CRS ETL jobs that have run in the past 20 days. To see a different number of jobs in the list, type a number between 1 and 2,000,000,000.


Click the button to clear the search criteria and refresh the grid with the latest available data as limited by the Shows records for the last field.


Click the button to search the list by ETL Status and Archive Batch Id.


Clicking this button forces a manual reload of the data on the

ETL Jobs view that meets the search criteria.


Click the button to export the CRS ETL Job List view to a CSV file that can be opened in a text editor or in Microsoft® Excel®.

ETL Batch ID

This column displays the ID for a batch of CRS ETL jobs. Click the link to display the details for that CRS ETL batch.

ETL Status

This column displays the status of the CRS ETL job (success, failure).

ETL Start Date

This column displays the date that the CRS ETL job began.

ETL End Date

This column displays the date that the CRS ETL job ended.

Archive Batch ID

This column displays the ID for the batch RTLS Archive job that is associated with the ETL batch job. The value displayed is one of the following:

  • The last archive job that ran before the CRS ETL process was manually initiated by clicking Run CRS ETL Procedure on the CRS Management view.

  • The archive job that was automatically initiated by the settings on the Archive Management Settings view.

Archive Start Date

This column displays the date that the Archive Batch job began.

CRS ETL Job Details for Batch ID View

Each archive job includes several segments. In addition, each segment includes several steps. Both segments and steps run for each table that is archived.

On this view, users with administrator privileges can see the segments and steps of the CRS ETL batch job selected in the CRS ETL Job List view. Each row in the view is a step in the selected CRS ETL batch job. The view is sorted initially by ascending Create Date values. The view can be searched by ETL Control Source and exported to a CSV file.

Viewing the CRS ETL Job Details for a Batch ID

  1. To access the CRS ETL Job List, click the Admin link in the top right corner of theAssetTracking® application screen.

  2. Click Advanced in the left navigation bar.

  3. Click the CRS Jobs option.

    1. The CRS ETL Job List appears.

  4. To access the CRS ETL Job Details for a particular Batch ID, click the ETL Batch ID link in the CRS ETL Job List.

    1. The CRS ETL Job Details for Batch ID: view appears.

      Below is an explanation of the fields and buttons on the CRS ETL Job Detail for Batch ID view:



ETL Detail for Batch ID

This column displays the ID for this batch of CRS ETL jobs.


Click the button to clear the search criteria and refresh the grid with the latest available data.


Click the button to search the list by ETL Control Source.


Clicking this button forces a manual reload of the data on the

ETL Detail for Batch ID view that meets the search criteria.


Click the button to export the CRS ETL Job Detail for Batch ID view to a CSV file that can be opened in a text editor or in Microsoft® Excel®.

Control Source

This column displays the description of the segment of the ETL step.

ETL Detail Step

This column displays additional details about the step in the ETL process.

Row Count

This column displays the number of records that are affected by the CRS ETL step.


If the CRS ETL process encountered an error when executing this step, this column displays the corresponding error message.

Create Date

This column displays the date that the ETL step began.

Appendix A - Permissions by Group



Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Asset Tracking View

This shows the latest location-based information for all assets (assets).

















Attachment History




Asset History




Event History




List view Sorting




View Asset Details



Floor Plan View

A view of all the maps defined.









Change Icons


Switch Campus from drop-down




Switch Floor Plans (from the map dropdown)






Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Assets Maint.

Create or edit the records for tracked assets, including other functions like attaching or detaching tracking badges to/from your assets, organize your assets into groups, or jump to the latest known location for your assets (visually via the Track button, or textually via the Location button)










Create New



Add all to Group


List view Sorting









Service Requests






Out/In Maintenance






Asset Files







Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users


Manage groups of assets using this view. Assets can be added to or removed from these groups from this screen.









Create New






List Assets









This page displays information on all system "Events". The Event screen displays information on system events created when

conditions satisfy one of the configured rules in the system.

















Action History




Asset Utilization

Displays overall asset utilization in the form of user- definable charts.















Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users



Run reports





Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Admin Tool

System configuration/Admin tool.



Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Rules and Targets



Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Notification Lists




Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Escalation Paths




Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Rules Editor




Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Badge Tools



Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users

Badge List


Badge/Asset Attachment Wizard


Hardware Event Logs


Monitor Health Dash- board


Users and Groups

User Accounts


User Groups


Floor Plan Admin

Collector List


Floor Plan List


Campuses and Buildings


Floor Plan Icons



Archive Jobs


Archive Management Settings




CRS Management


ETL Job List




Admin Users

Advanced Users

General Users









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