Version 8.2.0 (Orchestrate™) through 2024.02 (Clinical Workflow™ Suite). You'll find the new form of release notes in the Feature Announcements Collection
Whats New?
Version 2024.02
This release includes bug fixes and general improvements to Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Version 2023.04
Admin Console
New Field Added – A new field named Badge Ping Stale Time Minutes appears on the Admin Console > RTLSInterfaceProperties dialog box that will be used in future functionality to determine if a TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions badge has not been responding and could have a dead battery. This feature will become functional in a future release.
Version 2022.09
This release includes improvements to the Clinical Workflow™ suite installation program, performance, and Mobile application (iOS).
Version 2022.05
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Client Vue Configuration Management Web Dialog - Customer administrators can now control their Client configurations and Client tab configurations from a new Admin menu option. Customers can set up their own groupings of windows instead of relying on TeleTracking to do their configuration. This enhancement includes:
Client Configuration Management (A client contains client vues).
Client Vue (tab) management. (Client Vues associated with a specific client)
Client Vue (tab) group management. (Menu hierarchy collection of Vues).*
Version 2021.08
Installation Program - The Clinical Workflow™ suite now has an improved installation process.
Version 2021.03
There are no enhancements for v2021.03.
Version 2020.11
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Best Practice Implemented – TeleTracking Technologies has brought the logging of HL7 messages and notifications in line with best practices. HL7 message and notification content are no longer logged to the local file system on the customer's server or the event viewer as of version 2020.10. Your TeleTracking Technical representative can assist your health system to update to the newer version of the Clinical Workflow™ suite Inbound Outbound HL7 service and NavNotification service if appropriate.*
Version 2020.07
There are no enhancements for v2020.07.
Version 2020.06
Windows Server® 2019 with IIS 10 Supported - The Clinical Workflow™ suite version 2020.06 and later supports Microsoft® Windows Server® version 2019 with Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) version 10.
Version 2020.03
SQL Server® 2017 Supported - The Clinical Workflow™ suite v2020.03 and later supports Microsoft® SQL Server® 2017.
Version 2020.02
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
iOS Updates - Version 2020.02 of the Clinical Workflow™ suite is compatible with iOS 3.0.32, which supports the following features:
All iOS device screen dimensions.
Both portrait and landscape orientations for login screens on all iOS devices.
Drag and drop functionality for Always Active configurations (such as used with wall mounted iOS devices) without requiring the user to click and hold on a cell before dragging it to a new location.
Quick Access to View Staff Dialog Box - Users having the required permission can now access the View Staff dialog box by selecting the Staff box directly on the list views. From this dialog box, users can edit general information, security settings, roles, and assignments for the selected staff member. The previous method of selecting Find/Edit Staff from the Admin > Staff menu also still displays the View Staff dialog box. This feature allows faster access to the View Staff dialog box. Your TeleTracking representative can assist your health system to implement this feature.*
Version 2019.10
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Only Today's Procedures Completed When Patient Badge Enters Discharge Location – With version 2019.10, RTLS patient badges that are placed in a Discharge Location (drop box) set only that day's procedure to a status of Completed. This enhancement allows future procedures to retain their Pending status and remain on the future schedules.*
Version 2019.05
There are no enhancements for v2019.05.
Version 2019.04
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Use RTLS Move Time Flag – When Clinical Workflow™ suite processes TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions events, the time the event was processed by Clinical Workflow™ suite was shown. These values (TeleTracking RTLS move time, Clinical Workflow™ suite move time) can vary by seconds depending on various factors (Dwell times, system speed). This new setting enables clients to set the Clinical Workflow™ suite move time to match that of the TeleTracking RTLS move time.*
Version Dependency with the Capacity Management Suite and TeleTracking RTLS – To date, Clinical Workflow™ suite clients that integrated with the Capacity Management Suite® and TeleTracking RTLS were required to upgrade the applications in tandem to ensure version compatibility. With this release, versions 2019.04 and later of the Clinical Workflow™ suite are compatible with the current version of the Capacity Management Suite® (v2019.04) and later.
Version 2019.03
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Additional Roles Allowed - The number of roles allowed in the inbound HL7 service has increased from a maximum of five to a new maximum of ten roles. This gives customers more variety in the roles that can be assigned to staff members.
Edit Staff Event Lists – On the Admin > Code Lists page, administrators can now add values for use in event lists. This feature allows users to edit the events list values that previously required a configuration analyst to edit.*
Display Transport Time – The Transport Time from the Capacity Management Suite® can now appear in Clinical Workflow™ suite without the need to right click and view the Transport dialog box. This allows users to more easily estimate when patients will arrive in the department.*
Version 2018.4
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Continuous RTLS Location Updates for Patients in Discharge – Previously, Clinical Workflow™ suite stopped updating the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions (RTLS) location when a patient was in Discharge status in Clinical Workflow™ suite with no pending procedures. This resulted in location mismatches between status in Clinical Workflow™ suite and RTLS. With version 2018.4, the Clinical Workflow™ suite continuously updates the RTLS location of patients in Discharge status even though the patients have no pending procedures. If clients are concerned about the impact on performance of this enhancement, a configuration setting can be implemented to clear the RTLS location when a patient is in Discharge status in Clinical Workflow™ suite with no pending procedures. Your TeleTracking representative can assist your organization to make this setting.*
Search for RTLS Badges – Users can now search for RTLS badges by typing the badge ID in the new RTLS Badge ID field of the Patient Search dialog box. Users can go to the Patient Search dialog by selecting Find Patient in the Patients menu. The results of the search displays patients who are currently active in the system. Archived patients do not appear in the search results. This feature can help pinpoint badges that discharged patients mistakenly took home.
Automatically Close and Reopen HL7 Inbound Service Port – The HL7 Inbound Service Port can now be configured to close after a specified duration and then re-open. Users can type a value in the Stale Port Interval field of the IB Configurator to set the number of minutes for the system to wait between incoming messages before closing and reopening the listening port. This feature resolves the problem of the inbound HL7 Service not allowing the system to reconnect after a reboot.*
Easier Access for Patient Messaging - Previously users had to right-click the patient's row and select the Patient Message option to access the Patient Messaging dialog box. Now users can display the Patient Messaging dialog box by selecting the Message button in the Patient Information dialog box. This saves time for users since they do not have to leave the patient dialog box while they are setting other options for the patient.*
Easier Access for RTLS Badging - Previously users had to select the RTLS icon in the patient's row to display the Patient Badging dialog box. Now users can display the Patient Badging dialog box by selecting the RTLS Badge button in the Patient Information dialog box. This saves time for users since they do not have to leave the patient dialog box while they are setting other options for the patient.*
Version 2018.2.5.4
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Mobile App Enhanced for iPhone 6 and Later – The mobile app has been enhanced to correct display issues on iPhone versions later than version 5. The screen display now adapts to the different sizes and proportions of the later iPhones. Users can see all the screen elements that they need to complete their tasks.
Patient Messaging Report – For clients who have enabled Patient Messaging (available in version 2018.2 and later), the new Patient Messaging Report displays summary and detail information about the usage of the Patient Messaging feature. Administrators can filter the report to display all communications associated with a specific patient, patient visit, device type, or staff member within a
selected time period. This new report allows administrators to determine if staff members use the Patient Messaging feature. Administrators can also verify if message content conforms with their organization's applicable patient communication policies and/or supports any patient engagement initiatives. To access
the Patient Messaging Report, go to Reports >Patient Messaging Report.* Details about the Patient Messaging Report report can be found in the Reports Guide which is available on the TeleTracking client site. Sign on at https://clients.TeleTracking - Integrated Healthcare Operations and go to Product Information > Documents > Clinical Workflow™ Suite > User Guides.More Columns on the Time Analysis Reports – Users can now add up to 25 columns on the Time Analysis Reports. All of the columns can be included in the same report and exported to a .CVS file. This enhancement improves usability because users no longer need to configure several separate reports.
Version 2018.2
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Send Messages to Patients or Patient Representatives Via a Mobile Device or Assigned Hospital Issued Pager – The new Patient Messaging feature allows users to enter a mobile device or assigned hospital issued pager and select pre-configured messages or type custom messages. Pre-configured messages can also be edited before sending. The Patient Messaging feature integrates with TeleTracking's Notifications Microservice to send the messages. Staff members can disable this feature for patients who opt out. This feature makes it easier for clinical staff, such as Registrars, to communicate with patients who have checked in and elected to receive messages.*
Navigator Support – TeleTracking is pleased to announce an easier path to upgrading the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Starting with this release, TeleTracking has verified that existing clients running the Clinical Workflow™ suite with the Navigator can upgrade to the latest supported version of the Clinical Workflow™ suite without needing to move from the Navigator to the Web Client. For more details on the benefits of upgrading to the current supported release, contact your TeleTracking representative.*
Version 2018.1
The 2018.1 release of the Clinical Workflow™ suite does not include new features or enhancements to existing features. Rather, this release provides resolution to a number of defects as well as performance improvements.
Version 2017.3
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Save Filter Selections – On the Roster or ScheduleVue™ screens, users can save their current Viewing filter selections by selecting the new Set default selection link. The default view options automatically appear when the page refreshes, when the user who set them signs in, and after the user navigates away from and then back to the pages. Users can change the view options from the default settings and they will not reappear until the user logs out or refreshes the page. This feature enhances the ease with which users can locate and view the desired patient.
Menus Reorganized – The top navigation bar has been reorganized. Now, as many tabs as can fit across the top of the screen appear. Any additional pages appear as options under the More menu. Menus, such as Patient and Reports, appear first followed by any remaining view tabs. This reorganization makes better use of all available screen space to keep the maximum number of tabs visible at all times.
Undo Interoperative Milestones – Clients who have the browser-based version of Clinical Workflow™ suite can now undo interoperative milestones on RoomVues™. The Undo Milestone option appears when users right-select the milestone that they want to roll back. The timestamp clears and the milestone is no longer set to a completed state. This enhances usability by allowing users to make
corrections to the milestones.Multiple Preop/Postop Locations Map to a Single Physical Location – For those customers that have multiples of the same type of phases of care within a single physical location (Preop/PACU, Phase II), the Clinical Workflow™ suite now contains logic to support automatic moves when utilizing the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ eliminating manual data entry and providing immediate updates of the patient’s location.
Time Analysis Reports Are Grouped Together – Users now access the time analysis reports from Reports > Time Analysis. A list expands that includes the following report options:
Flow Milestones (formerly part of the Processing Time Analysis reports)
PreOp (formerly part of the Processing Time Analysis reports)
OR (formerly part of the Processing Time Analysis reports)
PACU (formerly part of the Processing Time Analysis reports)
Utilization Time Analysis
Location Time Analysis
Selecting one of the options displays the report’s criteria selection dialog box. This enhancement enables users to more easily find these new reports because they now appear in a logical grouping.
Report Names Appear in Report Criteria – The name of the report that users select now automatically appears in the report criteria window. Users can now easily verify for which report they are selecting criteria. This eliminates confusion and improves ease of use.
Milestone Counts Added to Time Analysis Reports – Milestone Counts and Averages now appear in the first column of the Time Analysis reports. Previously, milestone counts did not appear, while averages were imbedded in the row and not easily found. This update makes additional information easily available.
Include or Exclude Aggregates and Milestone Counts on Some Reports – A new report criteria field allows users to choose if the Time Analysis reports will include or exclude aggregate data, such as averages, and milestone counts. By default, the reports include the aggregate data. Excluding the aggregate data can make additional sorting and filtering easier when the data is exported to another application, such as Microsoft® Excel®.
Windows Server® 2016 Supported – The Clinical Workflow™ suite now supports Microsoft® Windows Server® version 2016.
SQL Server® 2014/2016 Supported – The Clinical Workflow™ suite now supports Microsoft® SQL Server® version 2014 and 2016.
Apple® iOS 11.1 Validated — The mobile apps and tablet applications are compatible with iOS versions 9.2.1 through 11.1.
Version 2017.2
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
New Utilization Time Analysis - OR Utilization Report – The new OR Utilization Report displays milestones and intervals that help perioperative managers understand how efficiently the procedure rooms are being used.
Procedure Time Analysis Report Enhanced – Most procedure and episode fields are now available to be included in the Procedure Time Analysis (PTA) report. The PTA report can now be further customized to meet your health system’s specific reporting needs. The added details enhance the ability of the Procedure Time Analysis report to help track utilization by allowing for additional criteria to be included. *
Version Number Updated – Beginning with version 17.2.0, the version of Clinical Workflow™ suite aligns with the TeleTracking IQ™ platform. This change supports the seamless workflow offered by TeleTracking solutions.
Version 8.2.3
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Users Can Sort and Filter Patients on the Roster and ScheduleVue™ – Users can now select preconfigured filters from the Viewing drop-down list on the Roster, such as the following options:
Today's Inpatients by Name
Today's Inpatients by Procedure Location
Today's Inpatients by Provider
Today's Inpatients by Scheduled Time
Today's Outpatients by Name
Today's Outpatients by Procedure Location
Today's Outpatients by Provider
Today's Patients by Name
Today's Patients by Scheduled Time
Today's Patients by Procedure Location
Today's Patients by Provider
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Name
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Procedure Location
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Provider
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Scheduled Time
Tomorrow's Outpatients by Name
Tomorrow's Outpatients by Procedure Location
Tomorrow's Outpatients by Provider
Tomorrow's Patients by Name
Tomorrow's Patients by Scheduled Time
Tomorrow's Patients by Procedure Location
Tomorrow's Patients by Provide
In addition the ScheduleVue™ Viewing filter list has options such as the following options:
Operating Rooms
Other Anesthesia Locations
The Roster and ScheduleVue™ display only the patients defined by the selected filter. This enhancement enables users to find the appropriate patient more easily. *
Tabs React Dynamically When the Screen Resizes – If the screen changes to a smaller size, any views that appear as tabs across the top of the screen move to the More Views submenu. Usability is enhanced as users can more easily access more screens.
Alerts Appear for Patients with the Same Name – If more than one patient with the same last name is scheduled for a procedure on the same day and the same area, an icon appears in the patient’s row to alert the user. In addition, when the user attempts to move a patient who has the same last name as another patient having a procedure in the same area on the same day, a warning dialog box appears. These enhancements can help prevent users from moving the wrong patient, causing misinformation to be displayed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. *
Updated Icons Available - Customers can now elect to use updated icons on their Clinical Workflow™ suite screens for a more modern look and clearer communication of meaning. Contact your TeleTracking representative for more information. *
Added Tablet Touch Functionality - The standalone Clinical Workflow™ suite now supports tap, drag and drop, and tap and hold touch functions on Microsoft® Surface™ Pro running on Windows® 10 in an Internet Explorer® 11 or Google Chrome™ browser. This functionality enhances the flexibility for busy managers to use the application anywhere.
Version 8.2.2
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Cloud Hosting by TeleTracking Available — There is now an option for the Clinical Workflow™ suite to be hosted in the cloud by TeleTracking (whether or not you have the cloud-based TeleTracking IQ platform). Please contact TeleTracking for more information about this option. *
Users Access Multiple Facilities from Single URL Point of Entry – Users can now select the facility at which they will work each day when they sign. They can also easily switch their facility while still signed in. They no longer have to open separate URLs to sign in at each different facility. This streamlines the sign in process.
Standard Terms for Milestones – The procedure milestones in the RoomVue™ screens have been renamed with terms that match AORN standards to enhance the ease of use. Users will more easily recognize the generally accepted terms for the procedure milestones. *
Processing Time Analysis Standard Report Suite – A new suite of standard reports display the elapsed time between standard milestones for selected procedure types and date ranges. Users can choose to view the time stamps for reports about Workflow, PreOp, OR, or PostOp processes. Filtering options allow you to customize the report to see an audit history. This report can also help pinpoint bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the perioperative processes that translate into cost savings without diminishing patient outcomes. *
Standardized Term "Provider" Replaces "Surgeon" – The term "provider" now appears in the reports and globally on the user interface to replace "surgeon." This change labels the screens functions and reports in a way that is appropriate for users who are in clinical modalities, such as X-ray, CT Scan, Cancer Clinic, as well as for the perioperative modality. This update is also visible in the following locations*:
Provider role replaces Surgeon in Admin > Admin Lists > Roles page
Primary and Secondary Provider fields replace Surgeon fields in Procedure
dialog box > Procedure Staff sectionProviderVue replaces SurgeonVue™ screen
Provider field replaces Surgeon field on the OR Roomvue™ screens
P icon replaces the S icon on various SuiteVue™ screens
Provider replace Surgeon in the standard reports
Possible, Appointment, and Pending Incomplete Transport Jobs Cancelled when a Procedure Begins – If a patient’s Possible, Appointment or Pending transport job has not been completed before the patient’s procedure begins, the transport job is automatically cancelled. The user does not have to manually delete the incomplete transport jobs in order to remove screen clutter that hides pertinent information.
Users Can View the TransportTracking™ Application Dialog Box – Clinical Workflow™ suite users can now directly access the TransportTracking™ application dialog box to view the patient's transport history and activate a pending or possible appointment instead of creating a new one. This streamlines the patient's transport to and from procedures.
Any Transport Destination Can Be Selected – The patient's transport destination in the Clinical Workflow™ suite is automatically set to the procedure location. Now users can change the destination in the TransportTracking™application dialog box to any location. *
Patient Event History Enhanced – In the Patient Event History dialog box, users can now see patient moves that were deleted. When users select the new Show deleted events box, the deleted events or moves appear in the list in red text. Users can see more details of patient transport histories.
Events Button Added to Patient Information – Users who have the Clinical Workflow™ suite web or mobile client can now open the Patient Event History dialog box from the Patient Information screen. A new button provides this convenience.
Turn Time Report Analyzes Setup Time for Procedure Rooms – The new Turn Time Report captures the times and intervals involved in the cleaning and setup activities between when a patient exits the procedure room and the next patient enters. Administrators can see how the procedure room preparation time is improving over time.
Dwell Time Settings Improve RTLS Accuracy – For environments that are integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions, the new Dwell Time settings allow administrators to configure the time duration that a badge location change must exceed before the Clinical Workflow™ suite reflects the location change. The Occupy Dwell Time is the number of seconds that a badge must remain in a location before the Clinical Workflow™ suite displays it in that location. The Exit Dwell Time is the number of seconds that a badge must be absent from a location before the Clinical Workflow™ suite displays the patient in another area or In Transit. A global setting can also be configured by area for locations that do not have specific dwell times. This feature prevents the unnecessary display of frequent location changes after very short time spans. The resulting report data is cleaner, more accurate, and easier to interpret. Administrators can find the Dwell Time settings in the Location Type section of the Location > Area dialog box in the Admin Console. *
Welcome Message on Patient Check In Kiosk Is Configurable – The message on the first screen that greets patients as they use the self-serve, check-in kiosk can now be edited to better suit the needs of the particular facility and department. The welcome message consists of a heading and body text that can give the information that is most appropriate. *
Search for Patient by Full Name in Patient Check In Kiosk – Patients now search for their full name rather than by two letters of first and last name or two digits of their birthdate. This enhancement better protects patient information.
Automatic Updates for Staff Location Easily Visible – The current locations for staff members as reported by the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions can now appear directly on a staff list screen. Previously users had to open the Staff dialog box and search for staff members to see their location information. Users save time with this new feature. *
Version 8.2.1
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
New Branding as the Clinical Workflow™ Suite – The Orchestrate™ application is now renamed as the Clinical Workflow™ suite, which is consistent with our new TeleTracking IQ® platform.
Access Standalone Version via Web Browser – Users can now access the standalone version of the Clinical Workflow™ suite by web browser. This increases productivity as the screens can be accessed from anywhere within your organization where a web browser is available. In addition, the TeleTrackingIQ® platform is flexible in that it does not require a specific operating system. The mobile version of the solution requires iOS.
Access from the TeleTracking IQ Platform – If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is enabled for the TeleTracking IQ® platform, users can access it by signing in to the TeleTracking IQ® platform via web browser. Efficiency increases because a single entry of your credentials allows you to access all of the services on the TeleTracking IQ® platform for which your organization has a license and for which you are assigned an appropriate role.
Users Only See the Appropriate Applications on the TeleTracking IQ™ Platform – Users only see and have access to the applications of the TeleTracking IQ® platform for which their organization has a license. Ease of use increases as users only see options that are appropriate for their own workflow.
Enhanced Communications with Patient Tracking Portal® Application – The dates and times of procedures scheduled in the Clinical Workflow™ suite now appear in the Procedure column of the PatientTracking Portal® application allowing enhanced communication between the OR Suite and the unit prior to a scheduled procedure. When the procedure begins, the procedure status entered in the Clinical Workflow™ suite displays in the PatientTracking Portal™ column. If the patient is marked as delayed in the PatientTracking Portal® application before the procedure begins, the delay icon (hourglass) appears in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. When the patient arrives in the procedure room (Wheels In), all delays, which were previously set, clear automatically.
Configurable Date Formats – Dates can now appear in day/month/year format which is compatible with usage in the United Kingdom. This allows users to see date information in the format they expect to see and avoids interpretation mistakes. For example, a date of 07/06/2016 entered in the United States format means July 6, 2016. However, the date could be misread as 7 June 2016 if the user is expecting to see the United Kingdom format. *
Ability to Suspend and Resume Procedures – With the latest version of the Clinical Workflow™ suite, procedures can be suspended when patients are temporarily sent to the PACU to wait until their procedures can be completed. The patient can be moved back to a different procedure room to resume the procedure without any loss of milestone data. The user selects the pause procedure icon and then the resume procedure icon which appear on all screens of the Clinical Workflow™ suite interface. Contact a TeleTracking representative for assistance in adding this feature to your existing configuration.
Staff Allocation Screen Displays Dynamic Changes of Care Staff – The new Staff Allocation screen allows procedure room staff members to see the latest assignments for each procedure room for the current day. Unlike other screens, the Staff Allocation screen is organized around the team of staff members that are assigned to a specific practitioner. Coordinators can add or change staff members associated with each practitioner on-the-fly. If the practitioners have procedures in different procedure rooms, the staff members automatically move with their assigned practitioner to the new location. This feature can enhance communication and efficiency by making the same information available on monitors in multiple locations. *
Version 8.2.0
*Contact a TeleTracking service representative for additional information about enabling this feature. Additional cost may apply.
Browser-Based Orchestrate™ Application – Users can now access the standalone Orchestrate™ application by entering a url into the address bar of a web browser making it easier to deploy. Time and resource usage are reduced because it is not necessary to install new software on every users’ computer.
Refreshed User Interface — The user interface for the Orchestrate™ application has been updated with a new, clean look. Improved spacing and readability enhance the user's experience and integrate visually with the TeleTracking IQ® platform. *
Directly Access XT Patient/Placement Details Form, Transport Forms, and Asset Search — Orchestrate™ application users who are simultaneously signed into both version 8.2 and an integrated version of the Capacity Management Suite® solution can seamlessly make bed requests, patient transport requests, and asset searches. The appropriate forms in the Capacity Management Suite® can now be accessed directly from the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Users do not have to move from one application to the other in order to make a bed request, assign patient custom attributes, select bed custom attributes, make patient transport requests, or search for equipment. Ease of use is improved and workflow is streamlined.
New Clinic Configurations — The Orchestrate™ application now offers screens that are designed for cancer clinics: Cancer Clinic Patients (roster screen), Infusion Pod, Pharmacy, Infusion SuiteVue™, Radiation Therapy SuiteVue™, X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan, Mammogram, and Clinic FamilyVue®. In addition,
the Orchestrate™ application offers screens specific to Orthopedic clinics: Orthopedic Patients, Orthopedic SuiteVue™, Ortho Exam Pod, and Ortho XRay/Cast. These screens enhance workflow and streamline patient throughput by giving patient status and location visibility in clinical areas with specialized needs and requirements. *
Key Changes
Version 2019.03
[OR-2447] Beginning with 2019, the Clinical Workflow™ suite versions will be numbered in a YYYY.MM format.
Version 2018.4
[OR-1259] In the staff assignment dialog box, regardless of which row was selected for edit, the dialog box for the first checked staff person opened. The Edit button has been removed from the staff assignment dialog box. Administrators should access the Staff dialog via the Admin menu.
Version 8.2.2
[OR-1485] The behavior of all navigation menus has improved. Menu items can now be selected anywhere on the item name rather than only on the carat before the item. In addition, all menus open and remain open when clicked rather than opening on hover. This improves application usability.
[OR-1418] The name of the mobile app has been changed to TeleTracking Clinical Workflow.
Performance enhancements have been implemented to allow the web and mobile clients to run faster now.
Fixed Issues
Version 2023.04
[OR-2015] The Staff dialog box displayed unresolved display strings as vue names. This has been fixed, and now the correct vue names appear for selection in the Staff dialog box.
[OR-2910] Some clients noticed that when times were entered, they overlapped the Timestamp button. This issue has been fixed, and now entered times do not overlap the Timestamp buttons.
[OR-2920] The Tab Group Definition dialog box and the Client Configuration Editor displayed unresolved display strings as vue names. This has been fixed, and now the correct vue names appear for selection in the Tab Group Definition dialog box and the Client Configuration Editor.
[OR-2924] When a healthcare system had IQ-Enabled Clinical Workflow™ suite that did not have default configurations in all gateway endpoints, the system would continuously ask users to log in to the Clinical Workflow™ suite. This has been fixed, and now excessive log in requests do not occur.
Version 2022.09
[OR-2849] Occasionally, patients' family members did not receive cell phone text messages sent by staff members using the Clinical Workflow™ suite. This has been fixed. Now Clinical Workflow™ suite users can successfully send text messages to family members who have elected to receive them.
[OR-2859] When a role was added or deleted for a staff member in the Role Selection
dialog box, the change was saved even though Cancel was selected. This has been fixed, and now when Cancel is selected, the change to a staff member’s role is not saved.
Version 2021.08
Not applicable to this release.
Version 2021.03
[OR-2710]: When Pending procedures were not cancelled, patients were not archived from the Capacity Management Suite® as they still had pending procedures. This has been fixed by a new 24 hour filter. Using this filter, procedures are automatically archived if all of the following are true:
They are for patients who only have Pending procedures.
The Pending procedures are over 24 hours past their schedule time.
The Pending procedures are for patients who have not arrived or are in discharge locations.
[OR-2712] When the server restarted, users were not automatically logged back in. This has been fixed, and now all users are automatically logged back in after a server restarts.
[OR-2713] Users could not move patients who had a Same Name alert to a dualuse location, such as preop/postop, or to the departure bucket. This has been fixed, and now users can move patients who have a Same Name alert to dual-use locations and departure buckets.
Version 2020.07
Not applicable to this release.
Version 2020.02
[OR-2553] When users viewed a patient in the In Transit box and another patient entered In Transit, then the focus on the interface shifted to the patient who just entered rather than remain on the first patient who was being viewed. This has been fixed, and now the focus remains on the first patient who was being viewed.
Version 2019.10
Not applicable to this release.
Version 2019.05
Not applicable to this release.
Version 2019.03
[OR-1471] Users who had the Patient abrv override privilege could not see the patient’s full name in the off-floor lists when using the web client. This problem has been corrected, and now users who have the privilege can view the patient’s full name on the off-floor lists when using the web client.
[OR-1712] When users selected a destination in the Patient Information dialog box, the setting was not saved. The problem has been fixed, and the destination field is now saved as expected when added in the Patient Information dialog.
[OR-2367] When the FamilyVue® automatically rotated through its screens to show all the patients, it refreshed the data in varying amounts of time. This problem has been fixed, and the FamilyVue® automatically scrolls through all the patient data at consistent time intervals.
[OR-2457] An error appeared when users selected Undo Last Move or Fix after selecting Override to return a patient to preop from an operating room. This has been fixed, and now the error does not appear.
[OR-2463] Unnecessary files associated with Clinical Workflow™ suite user profiles were created in a cache on the Internet Explorer® browser. This has been fixed, and the unnecessary files are no longer created.
Version 2018.4.1
[OR-2432] The Apple Push Notifications certification has expired. The certification has been updated and customers will receive iOS push notifications without interruption.
[OR-2343] In the Web client, the settings that changed the event timer display from minutes to hours and from hours to days remained at the default settings even though it was changed. This problem has been fixed and now customizations of these settings take effect as expected. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization with the setting.
Version 2018.4
[OR-1190] The Clinical Workflow™ suite would not run with a 64-bit manager. This has been fixed and now clients can use a 64-bit manager.
[OR-1737] Clients with some types of configurations could not navigate between different views and back. This has been fixed in the code and is no longer a problem.
[OR-2040] In Clinical Workflow™ suite browser-based environments, windows with long names prevented administrators from opening the Add New Staff or Edit Staff dialog box. This issue was fixed by modifying the code to allow 255 characters for window names.
[OR-2303] For Clinical Workflow™ suite/Capacity Management Suite® (referred to as CMS throughout this document) integrated systems that automatically add new Patient Types to Clinical Workflow™ suite, if the CMS patient type was more than 32 characters, the episode Patient Type did not appear in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Consequently, filtering in Clinical Workflow™ suite that was done by Patient Type did not display these patients. In addition, further updates to those patients from CMS did not appear in Clinical Workflow™ suite. The problem has been fixed because Clinical Workflow™ suite now allows the Patient Type to be 50 characters to match the limit in CMS.
[OR-2390] When patients who were in Discharge had a procedure added, they were incorrectly being archived. This has been corrected and patients in Discharge are no longer being incorrectly archived.
[OR-2392] Customers who used the Clinical Workflow™ suite in a browser based or mobile environment sometimes could not navigate to a view from the menu if that view was configured to be Read Only. The users had to select the top menu in the browser, or swipe through the windows on the mobile app.
[OR-2406] When attempting to use the cpmmgr32.exe as a gateway service, users received an unhandled exception error. This problem has been fixed in the code and an error no longer appears.
[OR-2411] The Admissions Discharges Transfers (ADT) system generated a “Dupe Staff ODBC” error when trying to process HL7 messages that included staff records with the new UPN (User Principal Name) field. This has been corrected in the code, and the problem no longer occurs.
[OR-2424] Customers sometimes saw a significant delay between an event and the generation of its outbound HL7 message. This problem has been corrected with performance improvements.
Version 2018.2.5.4
[OR-627] Bulletin Board messages sent to an individual user appeared in the Messages bar for all users. This issue has been corrected. Now, the message only appears for the user to whom it is addressed.
[OR-1527] Refreshing a page (using the browser Refresh option or pressing F5) automatically ended the current user’s session. Now, the current page refreshes without ending the session.
[OR-2270] - When adjusting from landscape to portrait on a mobile device with the font size enlarged, users could not see all patients on the Vue. This has been corrected and now, the mobile app font sizes adjust when the screen is oriented from portrait to landscape to enable users to see all patients.
[OR-2310] The Patient Event History dialog box and reports that included the names of staff members who performed a task incorrectly displayed the text “UIVM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT” instead of the user’s name. This has been corrected. Now the staff member’s name appears correctly in reports and Patient
Event History dialog box.[OR-2325] In certain scenarios, the integration between the Clinical Workflow™ suite and the backend TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ engine would fail, which resulted in patient location changes not appearing in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. With this fix, if the integration fails, the Clinical Workflow™ suite is configured to retry the connection to the TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions engine every 30 seconds. In addition, logging has been enhanced to capture instances when the TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions engine has failed.
[OR-2344] The Add On icon automatically appeared for patients who had not been manually added to the Roster. This has been corrected and the Add On icon only appears for patients who are manually added to the Clinical Workflow™ suite or added by the HL7 interface.
[OR-2366] In certain rare occurrences, a transport job created in the Capacity Management Suite® was inadvertently cancelled by the Clinical Workflow™ suite. This problem, reported by one client, has been fixed so that the Clinical Workflow™ suite does not cancel a pending Capacity Management Suite® transport job .
[OR-2385] When users ran the Time Analysis Reports with a date range of 30 or more days, the report did not complete. This problem has been fixed and the report now completes when the date range is 30 or more days.
Note: The resolution to this issue changes the OR Utilization and Turn Times report formats. Previously, all location data would appear on a single page or single sheet when exported. Now, the location data found in the OR Utilization and Turn Times reports appears on individual pages when viewed in the browser and on separate tabs when exported to Microsoft® Excel®.
Version 2018.2
[OR-2241] The current location of a patient was not always updated in a timely manner. Performance improvements were made to address this issue.
[OR-2266] Manually entered transport requests made from the browser-based Clinical Workflow™ suite, did not associate the transports with the procedures. Therefore, Clinical Workflow™ suite did not receive updates on the progress of the transport jobs and the transport icons did not update. This has been fixed and the Clinical Workflow™ suite automatically associates the transport requests with the procedures and the transport icons now update appropriately.
[OR-2346] After sitting idle for 10-20 minutes, the Orders Entry Work List did not update until users navigated to another view and back. This issue has been corrected and now the Orders Entry Work List updates without requiring user interaction.
[OR-2347] The OR Roster Vue with the filter set to Today displayed future patients in addition to today's patients. Now the Today filter works as expected on the OR Roster Vue.
Version 2018.1
[OR-1849] When users search for staff members in the Staff Search dialog box, a list of staff members appears; however, users cannot select a staff member from the list for editing. This has been corrected and the screen no longer freezes after multiple staff searches.
[OR-2038] On the Web version of the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ Badging dialog box, if the user entered the badge ID and then hit the ENTER key instead of selecting the Attach Badge button, the dialog closed without assigning the badge to the staff member or patient. This has been fixed and now selecting the ENTER key attaches the badge just as selecting Attach Badge does.
[OR-2112] If a user ran a report with a selected end date or time that was before
the start date or time, a blank report appeared with no explanation. Now, the report
displays a red alert that the date or time is invalid.[OR-2174] When users added and removed staff members from the StaffVue™
shift list, duplicate entries appeared on the list. This problem has been corrected[OR-2216] Occasionally when users selected a different view filter in the Clinical
Workflow™ suite, the web client did not always update the view to the selected filter.
The new selection did not update in the dropdown dialog, and the user had to
navigate away from the view and back to see the selected filter. The issue has
been fixed by preventing the application from sending two identical requests when
context-menu options were selected.
Version 2017.3
[OR-1435] User received a services error when they entered a time without a colon in the Time Analysis reports criteria (i.e., 0800 instead of 08:00). Now, the colon is automatically entered, and users do not receive the error.
[OR-1869] Sometimes, when a new patient is added to a view that has multiple columns, a blank space appears in one or more of the columns.
[OR-1906] When users selected an option in the More Views menu, the selected view did not appear as a tab on the menu bar. Users had to reselect the view from More Views every time they wanted to access it.
[OR-1978] Clients who had the browser-based version found that sometimes the application did not load completely at start up.
[OR-1982] In browser-based environments, when a user moves a patient to a different location, a user at a different workstation still sees the patient at the old location.
[OR-1997] Patients with multiple procedures incorrectly appeared on roster views multiple times (once for each procedure).
[OR-2073] When users changed tabs on the interface, the system retrieved and rendered the data twice causing slow response time. This no longer happens.
[OR-2074] Processing time was slow because columns that had time filters were redrawing the screen every 30 seconds. This problem has been fixed.
[OR-2075] When administrators changed patient type, event code, roles or other configuration elements, the disconnect warning appeared. The disconnect warning no longer appears when administrators make changes.
[OR-2076] Customers received a disconnect warning when they should have received a timeout warning. Therefore, customers had the impression that a more serious problem existed than was actually the case. Now customers do not get the disconnect warning inappropriately.
[OR-2098] Users saw an exception error and could not process incoming HL7 messages because multiple HL7 Inbound services (instances) were trying to update the same shared configuration file. Now, only one Inbound service writes to the file at a time, and users do not see the error and do not have that problem processing incoming HL7 messages.
[OR-2101] The Name Alert feature slowed performance issue because every patient was searched every time the screen was drawn. Now pre-filtering the patients prevents this performance issue for the name alert.
[OR-2109] Setting a patient to Ready to Move (RTM) caused the bed request to be inactivated when it should not have been. This issue has been corrected and no longer happens.
Version 2017.2
[OR-1320] Clients saw an invalid dialog box when they selected View Staff Info for users who had an apostrophe in their first or last names.
[OR-1593] The View User Privileges dialog displayed Confirm button and Save/Save and Close rather than only displaying a Cancel button.
[OR-1633] When users attempted to select a report from the Reports menu, the menu jumped back and forth, and they could not select the Detail or Summary report options.
[OR-1693] The Patient History report displayed a value of '0 Procedure' in the procedure record.
[OR-1885] When there was a change to the staff, the HL7 service stopped processing messages, and patients and procedures could not be added to the system via the HL7 interface.
[OR-1846] When creating transport jobs, customers received an error message stating: "Unable to decrypt parameters. Please contact your system administrator." The transport job was created successfully, but the transport icon did not appear on the user interface and, therefore, could not be selected to view the transport job status.
[OR-1713] The FamilyVue® displayed several blank pages with an occasional patient listed.
[OR-1768] The Add Procedure dialog displayed deleted locations in the Location Information > Location drop-down list.
[OR-1739] The sizing for the procedure icons was incorrect in browser-based versions.
[OR-1900] Procedure icons were missing from the Today's Patients (Roster view).
Version 8.2.3
[OR-1516] The standard report names were cut off or overlapping on the Reports menu rather than wrapping.
[OR-1616] Some drop-down controls in dialog boxes incorrectly defaulted to a blank selection regardless of event state.
[OR-1619] A performance lag was noted when one user attempted to assign technicians and therapists while another user was selecting icons in the application.
[OR-1620] Sometimes when the user attempted to move a patient, an error message appeared saying the patient could not be moved.
[OR-1630] The following issues were adversely impacting performance: All data was retrieved by the internal collection was rendered to all of the views. .Net related and other issues prevented the UIVM from utilizing maximum CPU. UIVM sent unnecessary updates to the application. Indexes were generated inefficiently.
[OR-1644] For TeleTracking IQ® platform enabled customers, the R icon no longer set the patient’s status to Ready to Move because the referenced Patient/Placement dialog box in Capacity Management Suite® does not have a Ready to Move option.
[OR-1717] Patients' locations sporadically did not update on all display monitors. In this instance, patients appeared in both their previous and new locations.
Version 8.2.2
[OR-1301] System crashed due to low memory condition.
[OR-1381] Staff do not display as available on future StaffVue™ screen after being assigned to a location. Upon rollover at midnight, staff assigned to multiple rooms are displayed multiple times in the available staff list.
[OR-1504] - Users were unable to edit milestone Timestamps.
Version 8.2.1
Not applicable for this version.
Version 8.2.0
Not applicable for this version.