Guide covering what’s necessary to maintain an On Premise server. Anywhere that has a table is valuable information for an Administrator to document.
Server Environment
1.1 TeleTracking Server Information
Environment | App Version | Host Name(s) | IP Address(es) |
Production |
NonProduction |
1.2 Remote Access
TeleTracking requires the ability to remotely connect to the servers listed above. This allows TeleTracking Support to assist with troubleshooting should an issue require further investigation. TeleTracking will not connect to servers without approval of the client.
Refer to Technical Information Reference - Info - Capacity Management Suite® | Remote Access for access types.
Server Maintenance
2.1 Backups
It is the client’s responsibility to maintain backups of the application files. This applies to the application and database servers.
It is recommended that these backups are stored in a secure location and not on the application server itself.
Please validate that backups are running, valid, and available at all times.
At a minimum, the following directories on the application server should be backed up under Program Files / Program Files (x86):
.Because the application files do not change often, scheduling a monthly backup of these files should be sufficient.
A backup should always be taken before and after running any TeleTracking application upgrades or patches.
Do not forget to update/backup your disaster recovery system as well.
Note: TeleTracking Technical Support recommends creating an image of the server in case of a hardware or software failure.
2.2 Anti-Virus
It is very important that a fully capable and up-to-date virus scanning solution be installed on the server to ensure protection from viruses.
To ensure that your virus prevention solution does not interfere with the everyday processing of your TeleTracking application, virus scan exclusions need to be in place.
TeleTracking Technologies recommends that the following directories (and their subfolders) be added to the client’s antivirus program exclusion lists for all installations of TeleTracking XT products:
X below refer to the drives in which INTERFACEWARE, TeleTracking XT, and Dialogic are installed to. These are all typically located on a common data drive. These locations will not be present until the applications have been installed.
C:\Program Files (x86)\TeleTracking\*
X:\Program Files\INTERFACEWARE\*
X:\Program Files (x86)\INTERFACEWARE\*
X:\Program Files (x86)\TeleTracking\*
X:\Program Files (x86)\Dialogic\*
2.3 IIS Logs
IIS (Internet Information Services) is a Microsoft application that is required for the web portion of XT
IIS generates its own logs showing web activity on the server.
The management of these logs is the responsibility of the client IS/IT department.
TeleTracking recommends that you set a log retention limit and/or size limit on the IIS logs. This will allow log entries to be purged out as they become out of date or the log file starts to grow too large. If they grow too large, it could cause performance or free space issues. A minimal of two weeks of logs should be retained for troubleshooting purposes.
2.4 Driver Updates
TeleTracking Technical Support will inform you if any Dialogic drivers need to be updated as they are released and tested.
In some situations, a new Dialogic driver will be needed when upgrading your TeleTracking application.
TeleTracking does not track or test non-proprietary driver updates other than Dialogic.
Understand what changes are included in new drivers. Installing new non-proprietary drivers could result in poor system functionality or system downtime (NIC cards, Modems, etc.).
If your system is functioning properly, it is almost always better to leave the current drivers in place.
Applies to the application and database servers
2.5 Event Viewer
Periodically review the Event Viewer to help maintain system performance and avoid downtime.
It can often be used to resolve issues before they result in application downtime or as a good place to troubleshoot issues reported by end users.
The Event Viewer will have a mix of information related to TeleTracking products and other services and applications installed on the server.
The logs that should be reviewed at a minimum are:
TeleTrackingLog (only in XT)
The information in the event viewer will be a mix of information related to TeleTracking products and other services and applications running on the server.
If the system is already experiencing an issue, the event viewer is a good place to check for information on what the possible cause could be.
2.6 Microsoft Updates
TeleTracking recommends that Microsoft updates are set to manual on all TeleTracking servers.
Alternatively, allowing the OS to download but not install updates automatically can be supported.
Automatically installing updates is not supported by TeleTracking and will cause unexpected downtime for your users.
This applies to all TeleTracking servers including shared database environments.
2.7 Reboot Order
If a reboot of the servers is required for maintenance, it is recommended to boot the Servers in the following order. There should be enough of a delay to allow the SQL Server to come back up before Application servers are brought back online.
SQL Server(s)
RTLS Hardware Server
RTLS Application Server
TempTracking Server
XT Application Server
XT Web Servers
XTMobile Server (IQ Connector/Mobile Server)
TransferCenter Application Server
CWS Application Server
For more specific details on reboot order timing across multiple productsreview Server Rebooting Order - Support
2.9 Virtual Memory
Having the virtual memory, also known as the page file, set to an acceptable level allows the system to adequately handle application usage spikes during peak hours.
TeleTracking follows Microsoft’s recommended virtual memory allocation of 1.5x the total RAM installed on the server. Example: A server with 4GB of RAM installed should have 6GB allocated for virtual memory.
The proper allocation of virtual memory for your system will depend on the actual amount of RAM installed and the memory requirements of your applications.
Applies to the application and web servers
SQL Server
3.1 Configuration
TeleTracking provides a Best Practices document on how to configure the SQL Server within Microsoft’s best practices to ensure optimal performance.
The Best Practices document also includes recommendations for a maintenance plan that can be deployed.
3.2 Maintaining SQL Server
All databases should be managed by a fully qualified Database Administrator (DBA) who knows how to deploy and manage maintenance plans and protect the system from failure.
It's important to verify that a DBA is actively managing the SQL Server and TeleTracking databases.
Please inform TeleTracking of the responsible Database Administrator for escalation needs.
3.3 SQL Maintenance Plans
Maintenance plans perform re-indexing, verify data integrity, perform backups, and manage transaction logs.
Backups should be stored off of the SQL server to ensure availability in case of server failure.
Refer to the maintenance section in the SQL Best Practices Guide for more information.
3.4 Database Copying and Restoration
Copying and restoring databases allows data to be moved between environments for testing or updates.
Restoring a TeleTracking database must be done in collaboration with TeleTracking to avoid application issues.
Backup and restore may be necessary for various reasons such as updating non-production environments, upgrading/rebuilding environments, or migrating databases.
3.5 Database Copying and Restoration – Rules to Follow
Database copies and restores must involve TeleTracking Technical Support to avoid issues like failed processes or data loss.
TeleTracking Technical Support will run SQL scripts and perform repair installs to ensure proper database restoration.
Schedule database copy and restore work with TeleTracking Technical Support ahead of time for coordination.
3.6 Archiving Process: Capacity Management Suite® / TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System
Each night, these applications have an archiving process that copies data to archive databases.
The archiving process runs during off-hours to avoid interference with other processes.
It also deletes records and logs to maintain an appropriate database size, with a default retention period of 7 days.
Email alerts can be configured for archive failures.
Contact Technical Support if archiving fails for resolution to avoid performance issues.
Changes should not be made without TeleTracking Technical Support engagement.
Application | Time |
Capacity Management Suite® |
TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System |
INTERFACEWARE Iguana is an Integration Engine used by TeleTracking to process HL7 transactions from clinical systems used at your facility.
HL7 transactions are typically sent to Iguana for processing by the application but can also be generated by the application and sent outbound to other hospital applications.
Alerts should be configured to specified mailboxes to monitor Iguana for issues. Contact Technical Support for assistance with this.
Capacity Management Suite® Application
5.1 Notifications
The application can send out notifications through various transport protocols. The methods available are SMTP, SNNP, Vocera, and WCTP. Capacity Management Suite® can also send out notifications via mobile devices with a TeleTracking mobile application installed and configured.
Description | Notes |
Hospital Paging Services Used |
Configuration Information for Paging |
Capacity Management Suite® URL(s) |
Mobile Application URL(s) |
5.2 IVR Functionality
The IVR allows employees to call into the system to create and complete EVS and Transport jobs within the system. This has three different levels of operation:
Intel Dialogic or HMP Elements
CTI32 (runs as a service and needed for IVR functionality)
XT Application
Application/Environment | Group Number | Number of Lines |
Production |
Non Production |
5.3 Services
The Capacity Management Suite® utilizes services that start automatically upon application server startup. No user login is required.
XT Archive Service: Controls Production Database Archiving
XT Bed Tracking Timer Service: Manages Bed Tracking Timers and Events
XT Data Synchronization: Synchronizes Portal data to MongoDB
XT Employee Notification Service: Processes Employee Notifications
XT External Integration Service: Integrates with external systems
XT Integration Service: Hosts and receives data from RTLS, processes events, and invokes appropriate components
XT Message Broker ADT Queue Service: Processes & Routes all XT ADT Messages
XT Message Broker Queue Service: Processes & Routes all XT Messages
XT Notification Service: Processes and Sends Notification Emails
XT Patient Manager Timer Service: Auto Transitions Patients to Pending Discharge State
XT Reporting Service: Processes requests for XT Reports
XT Statistics Service: Creates Statistics
XT Subscription Based Notification Service: Processes Subscription Based Notifications
XT Supervisor Alert Service: Processes Supervisor Alerts
XT Timer Alert Service: Enterprise Timer Alert Service
XT Transport Tracking Queue Service: Processes Transport Tracking Messages
XT Transport Tracking Timer Service: Manages Transport Tracking Timers and Events
XT User Session Monitor Service: Processes and Sends Notification Emails
5.4 Third Party Services Used By The XT Application
CTI32 Telephony Engine: IVR / Phone Processing for TeleTracking XT applications
InterfaceWare Iguana: Receives HL7 information from the hospital ADT system and sends it to the appropriate TeleTracking applications
InterfaceWare Iguana Monitor: Iguana Service Helper
Intel Dialogic product System Service: Dialogic Card Service used for dialing into the IVR
HMP Elements Service: HMP Elements Service used for dialing into the IVR
CMS Mobile Services (Installed on IQ/Mobile Server)
TeleTracking Mobile Threshold Service: Controls the sessions generated by the CMS Mobile applications.
TeleTracking® Real-Time Locating System
6.1 Hardware Server
The hardware server is the communication point for the Stars, Monitors, and Sensors. It is configured to receive data from all RTLS infrastructure used by the hospital(s). The hardware server processes this information and sends it to the application environments.
6.2 RTLS Services
Real Time Location System utilizes services that start automatically upon application server startup. No user login is required.
Asset Tracking Services (Pre-2022.05 Services)
TTRTLSAgent Service: Starts RTLS services
TTRTLSArchiveService Service: Controls Production Database Archiving
TTRTLSAssetTrackingEngine Service: Processes location data
TTRTLSCentrakDriver Service: Receives data from the Centrak Hardware server
TTRTLSEngine Service: Processes data from the hardware server
TTRTLSOdinDriver Service: Receives data from the Odin Hardware server
TTRTLSSonitorDriver Service: Receives data from the Sonitor Hardware server
TRTLSStanleyDriver Service: Receives data from the Stanley Hardware server
TTRTLSWebServer Service: Used for the web interface
TTTeleTracking Centrak Integration: Centrak Data Integration Engine
Asset Tracking Services (Post-2022.05 Services)
TTRTLSAgent Service: Starts RTLS services
TTRTLSArchiveService Service: Controls Production Database Archiving
TTRTLSAssetTrackingEngine Service: Processes location data
TTRTLSWebServer Service: Used for the web interface
TTTeleTracking <RTLS Vendor> Integration Service: Vendor Data Integration Engine
TempTracking Services
TTTemperatureAppServer Service: Processes temperature data
TTTemperatureArchiveService Service: Controls Production Database Archiving
TTTemperatureHardwareDriver Service: Receives data from the hardware server
TTTemperatureWebServer Service: Used for the web interface
3rd Party Services used by the RTLS Application
Apache NIFI: Used for hardware server data transport from vendors
Apache: Used for Web interface
7.1 Document Archiving
TransferCenter allows documents to be attached to cases. Over time, the attached documents grow in size and can lead to performance issues if not maintained. TransferCenter has the ability to allow an administrator to export the attached documents. Once exported, the export can be backed up and the entries can be deleted from the database. To complete the task, please see below for instructions:
Navigate to the administrator section
In the top right-hand corner, select Case Documentation
Review the information at the selected screen
7.2 TransferCenter™ Services
3rd Party Services used by the TransferCenter Application
RabbitMQ: A robust and scalable messaging broker.
Clinical Workflow® Suite Application
8.1 Notifications
The CWS application can send out notifications through various paging protocols. The methods available are SMTP, SNPP, WCTP, and iOS Push Notifications.
Description | Notes |
Hospital Paging Services Used |
Configuration Information for Paging |
8.2 Reporting
For reporting, CWS utilizes a separate reporting database (cws_prod_rpt) that uses transactional replication from the cws_prod database. In addition, CWS leverages SSRS on a separate report server. The name of the database(s) may vary depending on client needs.
8.3 Clinical Workflow® Suite Application
cws_prod (cpmmgr32.exe): Manages all CWS services and the database connection. If this service is down, the application is as well.
cws_prod_uivm (Teletracking.Orchestrate.UIVM.ServiceHost.exe): Draws web and mobile user interfaces. If this service is down, the web client and mobile will be inaccessible.
cws_prod_uivm_proxy (Teletracking.Orchestrate.UIVM.Gateway.ServiceHost.exe): Facilitates web and iOS client connections in a multi-instance CWS environment.
cws_prod_inbs (InboundServerService.exe): Processes incoming HL7 transactions. Can have multiple instances for different interfaces.
cws_prod_otbs (HL7Outbound.exe): Generates and sends outbound HL7 transactions. Can have multiple instances for different interfaces.
cws_prod_notification (NavNotification.exe): Generates notifications destined to paging devices and mobile.
cws_prod_xtin (XTinterface.exe): Used for integration with CMS XT.
cws_prod_rtls (RTLSInterface.exe): Used for integration with RTLS.
cws_prod_nav (cpmnav32.exe): A legacy thick client navigator for the CWS application.
service viewer (ttserviceviewer.exe): Provides a taskbar icon that enables interaction with CWS services.
IIS: Used to host the CWS web client and the CWS Dialog Server. If CWS pop-up dialogs are not working, or displaying "unable to connect" errors, the dialog server may be down or misconfigured.
8.4 Third Party Services Used by the CWS Application
PageGate: A notification service that works in tandem with cws_prod_notification
Iguana: Used to process HL7 messages
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services: Used to generate reports.
The following URLs will be used to configure the Mobile Applications:
Description | Notes |
Production Mobile URL |
Production IQ URL |
NonProduction Mobile URL |
Production IQ URL |
TeleTracking Mobile Threshold Service
Updating Read Store for Mobile Device
TeleTracking Mobile Threshold Service (Default)
Processing Data Publisher Log for Nurse
TeleTracking Nurse Service (Default) - (Pre-2022.02)
Processing Data Publisher Log for Nurse