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Technical Information Reference Guide - Clinical Workflow® Suite
Technical Information Reference Guide - Clinical Workflow® Suite
Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 5 months ago

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Technical Information Reference Guide for the Clinical Workflow™ Suite

Version 2022.xx


TeleTracking requires a separate test server that matches the specifications for the application server.

The number of CPUs, RAM, and Disk Space specified below provide optimal performance for a Clinical Workflow® Suite system with up to 150 Vues and a daily case volume of 250 cases. Depending on your implementation, adjustments to the number of CPUs, RAM and/or Disk Space may be considered. Please consult with your Technical Project Manager for guidance.

This server cannot be used for any other TeleTracking applications.


The reporting application may reside on the production SQL server or a standalone SSRS server. The following specifications are only necessary if the reporting application module in installed on a server separate from the production server (The Report Server Hardware is Optional).

The DataVue™ product is supported but is no longer implemented at new sites.


Third-Party Software

The following third-party components are installed by the TeleTracking installation program:

  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later is required.

  • iNTERFACEWARE Iguana™ (version 6.1.2) HL7 Interface Engine and iNTERFACEWARE Chameleon™ HL7 Messaging Toolkit.

The Capacity Management Suite™ solution version 2021.12 and later requires iNTERFACEWARE Iguana™ version 6. Previous versions of the Capacity Management Suite™ solution are compatible with Iguana™ versions 4 and 5.

  • Microsoft® ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server.

  • Microsoft® OLE DB Driver for SQL Server.

  • Microsoft® Web Service Extension.

  • Microsoft® Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable program. To get the Microsoft® Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable program go to

  • Symphonia® 3.8 Run Time License SIU/HL7 for production server or optional HL7 server.


The software will include an MSI file that will help in the distribution of the client workstation installation.


The utilizes PageGate version 5.0 (Middleware Paging Software Provided by TeleTracking Technologies). PageGate requires customer-provided wireless devices that receive ASCII text through standard connections and use standard paging protocols such as:

  • SNPP (Simple Network Paging Protocol) — This protocol is Alphanumeric. It can be configured for SSL if valid certificates are provided and the feature is available from the paging/provider system. Clients must supply a valid SSL certificate. Trusted self-signed or third-party provided (Verisign) certificates are valid. Test certificates are not considered valid.

  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) — This protocol is Alphanumeric. It can be configured for SSL or StartTLS.

  • WCTP (Wireless Communication Transfer Protocol)

Only SMTP or SNPP are supported when the Clinical Workflow® Suite is in the following deployment options:

  • Cloud-Hosted, not TeleTracking IQ Enabled.

  • Cloud-Hosted, TeleTracking IQ Enabled.

TAP paging is not supported.



System remote access is required to provide ongoing client support and services. TeleTracking’s preferred methods of remote access are included in the table below. If none of these methods are appropriate for your site, ensure that your implementation team is aware so that they can properly plan for the alternative.

Preferred Remote Access Types

Tokens and Two-Factor Authentication

TeleTracking’s goal is to provide support for you in the fastest and most secure way. If two-factor authentication is required and a hardware token is used, the client must hold the hardware token. In this scenario, TeleTracking will work with you to develop processes for requesting access to your site. TeleTracking will not possess client-owned hardware tokens for remote access. Software tokens are generally not supported unless the authentication information can be shared securely via email.



Tablet Requirements

To download the app, search for TeleTracking Clinical Workflow in the Apple App Store.

Smart Phone Requirements

Refer to the latest version of the Mobile Applications Guide for more information about supported smart phones, operating systems, and configurations.


The following MDM keys apply to iOS devices.


Additional Requirements for the Custom Reporting Solution™ Application powered by TeleTracking XT Platform

The Capacity Management Suite™ solution can be configured with the Custom Reporting Solution™ application . If the Custom Reporting Solution™ application is configured, the following minimum recommended requirements apply in addition to the basic requirements for the Capacity Management Suite™ solution.

The Custom Reporting Solution™ application is not available when the Clinical Workflow® Suite is deployed in Cloud-Hosted, Not TeleTracking IQ Enabled option or Cloud-Hosted, TeleTracking IQ Enabled option. Assistance from a TeleTracking representative is required when integrating the Custom Reporting Solution™ application with the Clinical Workflow® Suite in the On-Premise, TeleTracking IQ Enabled option.

Additional Requirements for Integration with the Bed Management Suite® System

The Bed Management Suite® system may be configured with the Clinical Workflow® Suite (formerly Orchestrate™ application) to enable bed requests to be made directly from the Clinical Workflow® Suite to the Bed Management Suite® system.

  • The Bed Management Suite® system must be installed before the Clinical Workflow® Suite.

  • For the Clinical Workflow® Suite to work, there must be a network connection between the Clinical Workflow® Suite and the Bed Management Suite® system.

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