This guide will show you the different symbols and colors within the Patient Tracking Portal.
Portal Color and Symbol Reference
Patient Status (ST Column):
IH with an orange background
- InHouse Patient
R+ with a white background
- incoming Preadmit that has not been given a bed assignment.
A+ with a green background
- incoming Preadmit that has been given a bed assignment.
T+ with a white background
- incoming Pending Transfer that has not been given a bed assignment.
T+ with a green background
- incoming Pending Transfer that has been given a bed assignment.
T- with a white background
- outgoing Pending Transfer that has not been given a bed assignment.
T- with a green background
- outgoing Pending Transfer that has been given a bed assignment.
c(lowercase) with a red background
- Confirmed Discharge with a discharge date after today or if there is no projected discharge date identified.
C(Uppercase) with a red background
- Confirmed Discharge with a discharge date for today.
d(lowercase) with a blue background
- Pending Discharge with a discharge date after today or if there is no projected discharge date identified.
D(Uppercase) with a blue background
- Pending Discharge with a discharge for today.
Bed Status (Bed Column)
Dirty (Brown)
Clean Next (Gray)
Stat (Red)
In Progress (Yellow)
Suspended (Dark Green)
Delayed (Tan)
Clean (Green)
Blocked (Blocked)
Occupied (Orange)
Transport Status:
Pending (Red)
Dispatched (Pink)
Delay/Dispatched (Orange)
In Progress (Yellow)
Delay/InProgress (Dark Green/Olive)
Complete (Gray)
Appointment (Dark Blue)
Assist (Green)
Canceled (Black)