Patient Placement Status (ST)
The ST column combines Patient Status (e.g., PreAdmit, Pending Transfer) and Placement Status (e.g., Assigned, Requested). It also indicates if a patient is Incoming or Outgoing, as well as whether they are Inhouse or Outpatient.
Color Indicators
Background Color | Patient Status | Placement Status |
Green | PreAdmit OR Pending Transfer | Assigned |
White | PreAdmit OR Pending Transfer | Requested |
Blue | Pending Transfer | Closed |
Red | Confirmed Discharge | Closed |
Orange | Inhouse | Closed |
Light Green | Outpatient | N/A |
Black | Visit Cancelled | N/A |
Purple | Discharged | N/A |
Letter Indicators
Letters | Patient Status | Placement Status | Meaning of lower-case and upper-case letters | Tooltip Text |
A / a | PreAdmit | Assigned | "A" appears if no shifts are defined or set for the unit OR if the request date and time is before or at the end of the current shift. Otherwise, "a" appears. | Assigned |
R / r | PreAdmit | Requested | "R" appears if no shifts are defined or set for the unit OR if the request date and time is before or at the end of the current shift. Otherwise, "r" appears. | Requested |
T | Pending Transfer | N/A | N/A | PendT |
D / d | Pending Discharge | N/A | "D" appears if the projected discharge date is today or earlier. If the projected discharge date is after today or there is no projected discharge date, "d" appears | PendD |
C / c | Confirmed Discharge | N/A | "C" appears if the projected discharge date is today or earlier. If the projected discharge date is after today or if there is no projected discharge date, "c" appears | ConfD |
IH | Inhouse | N/A | N/A | InHouse |
OP | Outpatient | N/A | N/A | OutPatient |
Plus (+) and Minus (-) Symbols
Symbol | Meaning |
+ | Incoming patient |
- | Outgoing patient |
Example: A+ = PreAdmit patient, Assigned bed, requested before shift end.
Patient Status (Pt Status)
The PreAdmitTracking application console list views and Patient/Placement Details form display both patient and placement statuses. The status abbreviation appears surrounded by a specific background color that is associated with the status.
The following defines the abbreviations for the patient and placement statuses and the background colors associated with each.
Patient Statuses
Abbreviation | Background Color | Status Name | Description |
PreAdm | Yellow | PreAdmit | Patient is not yet admitted and has an activated, requested or assigned bed placement |
Inhouse | Orange | Inhouse | Patient has been admitted |
PendT | White | Pending Transfer | A transfer has been requested for an Inhouse patient and the patient has an activated, requested or assigned bed placement. |
PendD | Blue | Pending Discharge | Inhouse, Pending Transfer, or Confirmed Discharge patient's status has been changed to Pending Discharge. The patient is expected to be discharged but the discharge has not been confirmed yet. |
ConfD | Red | Confirmed Discharge | Inhouse, Pending, Transfer, or Pending Discharge patient's status has been changed to Pending Discharge. Patient's discharge has been confirmed. |
Disch | Purple | Discharged | Outpatient or Inhouse, Pending Discharge, or Confirmed Discharge patient's status has been changed to Discharged. |
VisitX | Black | Visit Cancelled | A PreAdmit or Pending Transfer patient's placement request was cancelled, |
Outpat | Light Green | Outpatient | Patient is an outpatient |
Automatic Patient Status Transitions
Enable Auto-Pending Discharge: Change patients' status to Pending Discharge (PendD) automatically on or up to 3 days before the projected discharge date.
Revert Pending Discharge to Inhouse: If the projected discharge date is extended, the status reverts from Pending Discharge to Inhouse.
To enable/disable, navigate to:
PreAdmitTracking Global Settings > Automatic Patient Status Transitions
Placement Status (Plc Status)
Displays the patient placement status (e.g., Assigned, Requested). The background color indicates the request state.
Placement Statuses
Abbreviation | Background Color | Status Name | Description |
Rqsted | Red | Requested | Bed has been requested (not yet assigned) for the patient. |
Assgnd | Green | Assigned | Bed has been assigned to the patient. |
Not shown | Not shown | Completed | Placement request is completed. |
Now shown | Not shown | Cancelled | Placement request is cancelled. |
Permissions for Editing Placement
Edit Target Unit on Placement: Select/change a target unit.
Set Bed Assignment: Assign a bed.
Change Bed Assignment: Modify the assigned bed.
Remove Bed Assignment: Remove a bed assignment.
If no open placement request exists, this column remains blank.
Master Configuration for Pending Transfer Patients in Specialty Beds
If the "Dirty a Pending Transfer Patient’s Home Location on Specialty Bed" setting is enabled:
A Pending Transfer (T-) status appears in the ST column of the patient’s home unit before moving to the specialty bed.
A Pending Transfer (T+) status appears in the ST column of the unit where the patient is transferred post-specialty bed.
The patient’s original bed is marked Dirty once the specialty bed is occupied.
The patient’s status updates to Pending Transfer when:
A new bed request is created.
A target unit is assigned.
A new bed is assigned.