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EVS Supervisor - Capacity IQ® EVS
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 5 months ago


EVS Supervisor

  • This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) provides step-by-step instructions for the functionality needed to complete the designed Patient Flow processes and workflows specific to the department.


Logging In and Logging Out

  1. Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click the Sign In button.

  2. From the Care Support menu, click on BedTracking.

  3. You will now see the BedTracking Dashboard view. Details of this Dashboard are covered in the Working with Beds section of this guide.

To Log Out

  1. In the upper-right corner, click on sign out or end session.

    1. End session - if you are signed into multiple sessions or workstations, select end session to end the current session.

    2. Sign out - if you are signed into multiple sessions (or multiple workstations), sign out will close all sessions on all workstations.


  • TeleTracking can be configured to send Notifications and Alerts to EVS supervisors for a variety of events. Notifications are sent at the time an event takes place. Alerts are sent after a defined amount of time has elapsed since an event with no resolution so that appropriate actions can be taken to correct any issue. The next several sections will describe how the notifications are configured to enable this feature.

Enabling Notifications and Alerts

  1. Click on the My Notifications tab, at the top of the screen. Here you can select the delivery method for both notifications and alerts.

    1. A notification occurs at the time the event occurs.

    2. An alert occurs after a defined amount of time has elapsed since the event.

  2. Click on the preferred Delivery Method you want to receive Notifications and Alerts to Enable.

    1. Pager - The device must be configured in the application. Please reach out to your system admin for more information.

    2. Email- Requires email address set in user profile. Please reach out to your system admin for more information.

    3. Screen Alert

    4. Note: If enabling Screen Alerts, for them to take effect, you will need to Log Out and Log back into the system.

  3. Set the Delivery Time to choose when you wish to receive messages. There are two options:

    1. When I Am Logged In – Notifications and Alerts will only be sent to the user while they are logged into the system.

    2. Specific Time Range – If this option is selected the user will be prompted to identify when they want to receive Notifications and Alerts.

  4. Set Job Alert Matching:

    1. Assignment -The sections and zones you are logged into.

    2. Base Campus – The campus of the base location assigned in the user profile.

  5. Set Job Notification Matching:

    1. Assignment - The sections and zones you are logged into.

    2. Membership -This is typically a supervisor’s campus but may include other campuses within the enterprise.

    3. NOTE: Both Notification Matching and Alert Matching should be set to “Against my assignment.”

  6. Set Status - Select the status buttons for each notification you wish to receive. These notifications will be sent to you, based upon how you set the notification matching above, as soon as a bed moves into that status.

    1. NOTE: Alerts are configured separately in Alert Management.

Working With Beds

  • From the EVS Dashboard, supervisors can see relevant information about the state of the hospital from an EVS perspective. In this section, we will review the Bed View, Discharge and Spill Clean, and Employees tab.

Beds View

  • The Beds view displays the beds listed by status for the entire campus. The Unit Filter can be used to filter beds by unit. You may also click the dropdown arrow under the campus and select beds based on building, floor, section, cluster, unit, and zone.

  1. Clicking on the drop-down arrow next to a campus name allows you to drill down to segments of the campus as shown to the right.

  2. Clicking on any column heading will provide additional information including detailed information about the beds in each status. In the provided example, we selected the Dirty status. Information provided includes:

  • Bed Number.

  • Room Accommodation.

  • Bed Size.

  • Bed Status.

  • Delayed-will show if the bed had been delayed.

  • Status Time-the time the bed entered the specific status selected.

    • Reference Key in the upper right corner of the Status Time is displaying Tan, Orange, or Red.

  • Employee

  • Job Number

  • Last Employee Informed- The housekeeper that was notified of the job.

  • Unit - The unit that the bed is on.

  • Iso Type-If the patient that was in the bed prior to it being dirtied was in Isolation.

Discharge and Spill Clean

  • The Discharge and Spill Clean beds are placed in columns by their current status. Sorting is done based on IVR bed ID or the time they went into their current status. Clicking on a column heading resorts the information.

  • The Discharge and Spill Clean displays all beds in each status. It also shows the time that the bed went into that status. Bed numbers may be displayed with brackets [ ] around them. This indicates that a patient has been admitted to this bed and once it has been cleaned will automatically be occupied. Bed numbers followed by an asterisk * indicate the bed went dirty due to a transfer.

  1. Clicking on any bed number will display a Bed Detail window showing the current bed status, details about that bed, and its history.

  2. Based on your rights, clicking on the bed status allows certain functions to be performed on this bed. These may include blocking beds, canceling cleaning requests, or changing the bed priority. Depending on the action you may be prompted to select a reason for your action. You can also click on the bed size button and change it if needed.

  • The bed history window will display all actions performed on that bed including details.

  • The information displayed here can be filtered by date range.

  • Whether or not the bed is a Specialty Bed is indicated.

  • Whether EVS services the bed is indicated as well.

  • There also is an option for the notify new function. That functionality is detailed below.

Notify New

  • Notify New allows the supervisor to send a bed cleaning job that was originally paged to one employee to another employee. This is useful when one employee’s assignment encounters many discharge/transfer requests for cleaning while another employee’s assignment does not. A new job notification is sent to the new employee and a canceled job notification is sent to the old employee. The Notify New function can be accessed in two different ways.

  1. Click on the bed you wish to reassign. This opens the Bed Detail window. Click on the Notify New button.

  2. The second way to access Notify New is to click on the Notify New icon on the Navigation Bar.

  • Select the Campus for the bed to be reassigned. This may be auto-filled due to your membership.

  • Select the Bed to be reassigned. If you’ve reached Notify New via the Bed Detail the bed will be auto-filled.

  • Select the employee to whom you are reassigning the bed. The Employee must be logged in with a device to receive notifications.

  • The bed will be reassigned, and the original employee will receive a canceled job message.

Daily Clean

  • The Daily Clean tab displays all beds that require a Daily Clean, In Progress, and Daily Cleans completed today.

    • To-Do – List all beds that currently require daily cleaning.

    • In Progress – The housekeeper is currently cleaning a bed.

    • Clean – List of all daily cleans completed today.


  • The Employees tab displays each employee’s status and how many Employees are currently in that status. Like the Bed tab, the information is broken down by campus.

    • In Progress – The housekeeper is currently cleaning a bed.

    • Available – The housekeeper is logged in to sections and/or zones.

    • Break – The housekeeper is on an authorized break.

    • Lunch – The housekeeper is on an authorized lunch break.

    • Logged In – The housekeeper is logged in but does not have either a pager/mobile device assigned or a section or zone.

    • Logged Out – The housekeeper has logged out for the day.

  1. Clicking on the drop-down arrow next to a campus name allows you to drill down to segments of the campus as shown to the right.

  2. Clicking on the campus name itself will display all employees and their status.

  3. Clicking on a Status name displays just the Employees in that Status.

  4. Clicking on Device ID, Zones, or Sections displays a popup box. From this popup, you can change:

    1. The Employee’s device.

    2. The Employee’s Assignment.

Instant Notify

  1. Instant Notify allows a supervisor to send messages to employees who are logged in with a pager or other device. Please note that these messages are a reportable item. They appear on the Instant Notify History Report.

  2. Clicking on Instant Notify brings up the popup screen.

    1. Search for the user or group of users to whom you want to send the message.

    2. Type your message in the message box.

    3. Click Send.

    4. You will see a “Message Sent” message at the top of the screen.

    5. Click on the X to close the Instant Notify box.

NOTE: Notification groups can be created by your system Admin. This will enable you to send messages to a group, say all EVS Employees, without having to search for them individually.

Supervisor Shift Turnover Process

  1. Print the Employee Zone Coverage Report.

    1. Click on the Quick Reports icon.

    2. Click on Employee Zone Coverage Quick Report.

    3. Click on Run Report.

    4. Once the report is run, you will be prompted to either open or save the report. Select Open to view the report immediately.

  2. The Employee Zone Coverage Report is sorted by units and displays which EVS zone is attached to each unit. There may be more than one zone on a unit.

    1. User Name – The name of each Employee logged into each zone with their IVR ID.

    2. Position Type – Whether the Employee is an Employee or a Supervisor.

    3. Pager ID – If the employee signed in with a pager, the pager number is shown. If the Employee is using a device other than a pager (iPhone or Android Device, etc.) then no Pager ID will be displayed.

    4. Beds with no coverage – This column will display the currently dirty beds in zones that have Employees logged in:

  3. Make Corrections from the Employee List.

  4. After reviewing the Employee Zone Coverage Report you may identify changes that need to be made to the coverage in the system.

    1. Click on the name of the Campus you are reviewing to display the Employees for that campus.

      1. Employees identified as Available are Logged In to at least 1 zone, with a valid pager.

      2. Employees identified as Logged In have no pager and/or are not assigned to a zone or section.

    2. From the Employee List, click on the Device ID, Zones, or Sections for the employee you wish to edit.

    3. Click on Login for the Day or Logout for the Day to either log an Employee in or out.

    4. Change the Device by clicking on the drop-down area.

    5. Click on Change Assignment and edit the Sections or Zones assigned to an Employee.

    6. Click Submit on the Change Assignment Screen when you are done.

  5. Housekeeping Supervisors should also be logged into Capacity IQ® EVS with the correct device and the Zones and Sections for which they are responsible.

Supervisor IVR Menu

  • If you are using pagers, the IVR System is the way Employees and Supervisors will log into Capacity IQ® EVS.

  1. Starting a Shift

    1. Dial The BedTracking Phone Extension.

    2. Enter your IVR ID: _____ Press the # (pound sign) when complete.

    3. For Requester functions press 1. (This does NOT log you in as a Supervisor.)

    4. For Supervisor functions press 2. (You will only receive alerts for the areas you log into.)

    5. For Employee functions press 3. (You will assume the role of a normal employee.)

      1. Logging in as a Supervisor or Employee will set your DEFAULT behavior for the day. You still have access to the other functions through the telephone menu options once logged in.

      2. For Employee Telephone Functions see Employee Phone QRG.

  2. Logging out at the End of a shift

    1. Dial The BedTracking Phone Extension:

    2. Enter your IVR ID: _____ Press the # (pound sign) when complete.

    3. “To Log Out –“ Press 3

  3. Supervisor Menu

    1. Dial The BedTracking Phone Extension:

    2. Enter your IVR ID:_____ Press the # (pound sign) when complete.

    3. “For Supervisor Functions–“ Press 2.

    4. “For Notify New Requests” Press 1.

      1. “Please Enter the Numeric Bed ID followed by the # (pound sign).”

  4. The system will prompt you with the available employees in that campus zone, if no employees are available in the chosen bed’s zone or if you wish to skip the listing of available employees; you can press 1 to enter an employee IVR ID which is currently available or logged into the system. You will only be able to select employees who have a valid pager assignment.

  5. “Please Enter the Employee IVR ID followed by the # (pound sign).”

  6. The system then will tell you who is going to receive the Notify New page and if the bed was paged out previously to another employee, who will receive the cancel page. Then you will be prompted to press 1 to accept these actions and the pages will be sent.

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