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Employee/Supervisor History Report QRG - Capacity IQ® EVS
Employee/Supervisor History Report QRG - Capacity IQ® EVS
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 5 months ago

Employee/Supervisor History Report

The Employee/Supervisor History Report provides an overall history of employee and supervisor transactions that have occurred in the past and provides information on employee statuses (ex. breaks, lunches, login, and logout).

Generating The Employee/Supervisor History Report

Database - Where Your Facility's Data Is Stored

  • Production - Data that is stored in the production database (this is your current data).

    • Use when live up-to-the-minute data is needed.

    • Contains the data from the current time and for the past number of days as defined in Archive Management. This is typically 7 days but may range between 1 and 30 days. If you do not know the number of days, your TeleTracking System Administrator should be able to assist.

  • Archive - Data that is stored in the archive database (this is your older data).

    • Does not capture data for the current day.

    • Users can access reports as far back as the go-live date.


  • Campus Drop-Down

    • Defaults to your campus. The only exception is if you have access to multiple campuses.


  • Discharge/Transfer Date

    • Click on the Calendar Icon to select the needed dates.


Search By

  • Employee

    • Defaults to include all bed cleaners (recommended).

    • Click on the magnifying glass to choose a specific bed cleaner.

  • Employee Category

    • Will run the report only for the chosen category. You must have these categories built-in dictionary management to use this option (not commonly used).


Cost Center

  • Defaults to all Cost Centers. To select individual or multiple Cost Centers, press and hold the Ctrl keyboard button, and then click the names.


Event Category Type

  • Choose the specific Event Category Types you wish to include. To select multiple types, press and hold the Ctrl keyboard button and click on the appropriate event types.

    • Note: if you do not select any statuses, the report will include ALL events by default.



  • Choose the status or statuses you want to capture in the report. Single-click on one status to select or hold the Ctrl keyboard button down to select multiple.

    • Note: if you do not select any statuses, the report will include ALL statuses by default.


Include Spills

  • Choose whether you want to include spill-clean jobs in the data.


Sort By

  • The list of records can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order by:

    • Bed ID

    • Date/Time

    • Event Description: sort by the description of the event, such as Alert-Bed, Alert-Bed Suspended.



  • Choose the format of the report data. Options include Adobe and Excel.

  • Run Report

    • Click Run Report once all fields are populated.


Analyzing The Employee/Supervisor History Report

  • Time - The date and time the transaction event occurred. If the transaction type is a Notification, then the column displays the date and time that the notification was sent.

  • Status - Depending on the transaction type, this column could show the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column, or the employee status at the time shown in the Time column, or it could be blank.

    • If the Type column displays:

      • User - The Status column displays the employee’s status at the time shown in the Time column (ex. Log In for the Day).

      • Bed - The Status column displays the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column.

      • Job - There was a bed cleaning job associated with the bed. The Status column displays the status of the bed-cleaning job at the time shown in the Time column.

        Notification - If a notification or alert was triggered by a bed-related or bed cleaning-related event, this column displays the status of the bed. If an alert or notification was not related to a bed or a bed cleaning job, then this column is blank. Examples are alerts about employee lunch periods or breaks or about employees in Available status.

  • Type - This column displays whether the event is employee, bed cleaning job, bed, or notification/alert related.

    • User—If the transaction is related to employee status changes but was not triggered by bed cleaning activity. Examples are Login for the Day, Lunch, and Break.

    • Bed—If the transaction concerns an EVS bed but is not related to a bed cleaning job. Examples are a bed size change or a bed status transition, such as “Occupy Location."

    • Job—If the transaction concerns the status transition of a bed cleaning job.

      Notification—If the transaction concerns a notification or alert.

  • Bed - If the transaction event is bed-related or bed cleaning job-related (for example, an employee suspended a bed cleaning job), then the IVR ID of the bed appears in the Bed column.

  • Unit - The unit where the bed can be found.

  • Requester - If the transaction event is related to a bed cleaning job, then the Requester column displays the last and first name of the user who requested the job. If an Interface appears, then the request is sent automatically by the ADT system.

  • Event - Events can be Bed/Job Related, Employee Related, or Notification Related

    • Bed/Job-Related Events:

      • Blocking Locations and Releasing a Block

      • Canceling Cleaning Requests and Canceling Spill Cleans

      • Canceling InProgress Cleans and Spills

      • Changing Cleaning Request Priority

      • Changing Location Setting (Bed Size)

      • Creating a Cleaning Request or Spill Request

      • Completing Cleaning or Spill Request

      • Delaying a Cleaning and Releasing Delays

      • Suspending a Cleaning and Resuming Suspension

      • Occupying a Location

      • Starting a Cleaning or Spill Job

      • Setting Location Clean

    • Employee Related Events:

      • Logging In/Out

      • Going on Breaks and Lunches

      • Returning from Breaks and Lunches

    • Notification Related Events:

      • Bed Status Alerts

      • Employee Alerts

      • No Coverage Alerts

      • Notify New Alerts

      • Cancelation Alerts

  • Event Detail - The details related to the specified event will be described. For example, if an event was related to blocking a location, the event detail would include the reason why the bed was blocked as well as how much time the bed has been blocked.

    • Note:

      • You can verify the time that the employee logs in and out. The sections and zones that they log into are also listed for reference.

      • Important metrics are captured in the last column for each employee including response and clean times for beds.

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