Tableau Server Upgrade
We wanted to upgrade to Tableau Server 2023.3.4 for Data IQ® in order to make use of new features.
We have upgraded our server from Tableau Server 2022.1 to Tableau Server 2023.3.4. We recommend updating the version of Tableau Desktop to 2023.3.4 to ensure you have the new capabilities. We highly recommend using a Tableau Desktop version at or below our current Tableau Server version. This means if you have Tableau Desktop you can upgrade it to Tableau Desktop 2023.3.4.
Here are the new capabilities:
Web authoring
Change field data type
Edit fonts for tooltips, totals, and grand totals
Minor formatting enhancements
Borders etc
Upgraded search capability on server
Find more relevant content faster
Line charts can be dotted/dashed instead of just solid
PROPER() casting capability
Capitalize first letter of each word
Publish direct from Tableau Desktop to a personal space
Good for testing without needing a dedicated hidden testing folder
Replace data source by sheet instead of entire workbook in Tableau Desktop