Case Communication ID data point in the IQ Case Facility Communication (Standard Lane) and IQ Case Facility Communication Detail (Standard Lane) data sources
Previously, the IQ Case Facility Communication data source filtered out deleted communication records. We want to change this behavior to allow users to show or filter out deleted communication records.
A new Case Communication ID data point has been added to the IQ Case Facility Communication (Standard Lane) and IQ Case Facility Communication Detail (Standard Lane) data sources.
The Case Communication ID is the unique GUID assigned to tie up all the communication events within the employee. This field allows users to filter out deleted communication records on Tableau.
Historical data was retroactively filled into the Case Communication ID without affecting existing reports.
The WarehouseAcquisitionDate_UTC was modified, ensuring that DWC customers automatically retrieve the latest updates, provided their data pull is linked to WarehouseAcquisitionDate_UTC.
Note: The Case_Communication_ID was incorporated into Transfer IQ® around February 2022. Communications from Facilities preceding this date will display empty GUID as their Case_Communication_ID.