Employee Supervisor History Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:
Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The Employee Supervisor History Report displays transactions related to jobs, beds, notifications, or employees that were triggered by BedTracking® application-related events. The report displays, in chronological order, the transactions that have occurred during the selected time frame. It includes:
Activities performed by or affected by each employee shown.
Employee status transitions for each employee shown.
Bed or job status transitions that are caused by the actions of the employees who appear on the report.
Events that result in the employees shown on the report either receiving or sending notifications.
The Employee/Supervisor History Report provides an overall history of employee and supervisor transactions that have occurred in the past and provides information on employee statuses (ex. breaks, lunches, login, and logout).
This report provides a log of activities, transitions, and events. For more details about notifications, beds, bed cleaning jobs, and employees, please see the following reports.
For more information on . . . | Generate this report . . . |
Notifications | Notification History |
Bed status transitions | Bed History |
Bed cleaning jobs |
Employees |
Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning users who appear on the report.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
Only locations (beds) that are associated with the BedTracking® application and that are in units within the membership of the user who generated the report are included.
Only beds in units that are within the membership of the user who generated the report appear.
Only transactions that occurred between the dates and during the shifts selected on the Report Criteria page appear. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report. For example, if the end date of the report is September 2, 2012 and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.
For transactions related to bed cleaning jobs, only transactions associated with completed or cancelled jobs are included.
Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.
If the user who generated the report selected specific cost centers, then data about only those employees whose base units are within the selected cost centers appears on the report.
Employee Supervisor History Report Column Descriptions
The following information appears in the columns on the Employee Supervisor History Report for each employee or supervisor listed.
This column. . . | Displays. . . |
Time | The date and time that the transaction event occurred. If the transaction type is Notification, then the column displays the date and time that the notification was sent. |
Status | Depending on the transaction type, this column could show the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column, or the employee status at the time shown in the Time column, or it could be blank. If the Type column displays: <br> - User—The Status column displays the employee’s status at the time shown in the Time column (for example, Log In for the Day). <br> - Bed—The Status column displays the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column. <br> - Job—There was a bed-cleaning job associated with the bed. The Status column displays the status of the bed-cleaning job at the time shown in the Time column. <br> - Notification— If a notification or alert was triggered by a bed-related or bed-cleaning-related event, then this column displays the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column. If an alert or notification was not related to a bed or a bed cleaning job, then this column is blank. Examples are alerts about employee lunch periods or breaks or about employees in Available status. |
Type | View this column to learn whether the event is employee-related, bed-cleaning-job-related, bed-related, or notification and alert-related. The possible values are: <br> - User—If the transaction is related to employee status changes, but was not triggered by bed cleaning activity. Examples are Log In for the Day, Lunch, Break. <br> - Bed—If the transaction concerns an EVS bed, but is not related to a bed cleaning job. Examples are a bed size change or a bed status transition, such as “Occupy Location." <br> - Job—If the transaction concerns the status transition of a bed cleaning job. <br> - Notification—If the transaction concerns a notification or alert. |
Bed | If the transaction event is bed-related or bed cleaning job-related (for example, an employee suspended a bed cleaning job), then the IVR ID of the bed appears in the Bed column. |
Requester | If the transaction event is related to a bed cleaning job, then the Requester column displays the last and first name of the user who requested the job. If Interface appears, then the request was sent automatically by the ADT system. |
Event | The event that triggered the transaction. See a list of events that could appear in the Event column |
Event Details | Additional information about the triggering event. See a list of events that could appear in the Event column and examples of event details |