Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report
The Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report provides a summary of queue time and response time of transport jobs organized by Cost Centers.
Generating The Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report
Database - Where Your Facility's Data Is Stored
Production - Data that is stored in the production database (this is your current data).
Use when live up-to-the-minute data is needed.
Contains the data from the current time and for the past number of days as defined in Archive Management. This is typically 7 days but may range between 1 and 30 days. If you do not know the number of days, your TeleTracking System Administrator should be able to assist.
Archive - Data that is stored in the archive database (this is your older data).
Does not capture data for the current day.
Users can access reports as far back as the go-live date.
Campus Drop-Down
Defaults to your campus. The only exception is if you have access to multiple campuses. If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate a report.
Date & Time
Date Time Range
Click on the Calendar Icon to select the needed dates.
The system defaults to the entire day however, you may want to isolate specific shifts if you are trying to investigate issues with not meeting metrics.
Origin Cost Center
Defaults to all Cost Centers. To select individual or multiple Cost Centers, press and hold the Ctrl keyboard button, and then click the names.
Std. Response Minutes
Set the goal for response minutes. The report will provide a percentage of how often this goal is being met.
Std. Transport Minutes
Set the goal for transport minutes. The report will provide a percentage of how often this goal is being met.
Choose the format of the report data. Options include Adobe, Excel, or Excel Unformatted.
Run Report
Click Run Report once all fields are populated.
Analyzing The Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report
Above is an example of the Cost Center Response/Transport Summary Report. We will now break down the information to learn how to read the data.
Cost Center - Name of selected cost centers.
Total Jobs - Total number of transport jobs meeting the selected report criteria.
Avg Pending to Dispatch Minutes - Average number of minutes it took for the jobs that meet the report criteria to go from Pending status to Dispatched status.
Avg Response Minutes - Average number of minutes it took for the jobs that meet the report criteria to go from Pending status to In Progress status.
# Within Range of Std Resp (Avg Response Minutes) - Total number of jobs with response times equal to or less than the Standard Response goals set while generating the report.
% Within Range (Avg Response Minutes) - Percentage of jobs meeting the Standard Response goals set while generating the report.
Avg Transport Minutes - Average number of minutes it took for the jobs that meet the report criteria to go from Pending status to Completed status.
# Within Range of Std Trans (Avg Transport Minutes) - Total number of jobs with transport times equal to or less than the Standard Transport Minute goals set while generating the report.
% Within Range (Avg Transport Minutes) - Percentage of jobs meeting the Standard Transport goals set while generating the report.