Transporter Delay Report
The Transporter Delay Report displays details about each delayed transport job that meets the selected criteria by cost center or by reason code. This report can be helpful in determining 1) in which cost centers most delays occur, 2) for which reasons most transport jobs are delayed, and 3) which types of delays are most frequent and most time-consuming.
Permission Required
To generate this report, you must have one of the following permissions:
Run any reports, including those that reveal patient information
Run only reports that do not reveal patient information
About the Report Data
Only transport jobs that meet the criteria selected when the report was generated and that have an origin and/or destination within the membership of the user who generated the report appear on the report.
The criteria that were selected when the report was generated (such the job type—item transport, patient transport, or both) appear on the report.
The report is grouped either by cost center where the jobs were delayed or by reason code selected when the jobs were delayed.
The report displays only records associated with employees or transporters selected in the report criteria whose membership is within the membership of the user who generated the report. If the user who generated the report has a variable membership, then the user's current membership is used to determine the employee (or transporter) list.
If no individual employees or transporters, or employee categories were selected in report criteria, then the report displays records associated with all employees or transporters whose membership is within the membership of the user who generated the report.
Only employees or transporters who meet the membership criteria listed above and who meet the following criteria appear on the report:
If the employees or transporters have variable membership (or no membership has been designated for them), then their base unit must be within the membership of the user who is generating the report.
Employees or transporters must have:
A base location base unit that is associated with the campus selected in the report criteria.
The Transporter Call Flow (Responsible for Executing Transport Jobs) permission. Supervisors who have the Transporter Call Flow permission may be included.
A valid, saved TransportTracking™ assignment type (fixed, fixed & exclusive, variable, all, or none).
Performed an action through the IVR or the TransportTracking™ application during the date range selected in the report criteria (for example, signing in or signing out of the IVR or TransportTracking™ application).
Note: Dates and times appear in the format configured in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, dates might appear in dd/mm/yyyy format (07/05/2016 is May 7, 2016) and times might appear in twenty-four-hour format (16:00 is 4 PM).
PDF or Microsoft Excel Output
Detailed View
If the detailed report is generated, it shows the following for each transport cost center or reason code include:
Name | Description |
Cost Center or Reason Code | The abbreviation for the cost center (if the report was grouped by cost center) or the reason code selected when the job was delayed (if the report was grouped by reason code). |
Date | Date that the delay started. |
Job ID | Identification code of transport job. Job identification codes are assigned automatically to jobs. |
Dispatched | Date and time that job was dispatched before the delay. |
In Progress | Date and time that a transporter put the job in progress for the first time. |
Completed | Date and time that the job was completed. |
Delay Start | Date and time that the transport job entered a delay status. |
Minutes | The total number of minutes that the transport job was in a delay status. |
Delay Type | If the job was delayed when its status was In Progress, then the delay type is In Progress/Delay. If it was delayed when its status was dispatched, then its status is Dispatch/Delay. |
Delay Reason or Cost Center | If the report is grouped by cost center, then Delay Reason shows the description of the reason code that was selected when the job was delayed. If the report is grouped by reason code, then Cost Center shows the cost center in which the delay occurred. |
Total Delay Count | Total number of delays on this date for this cost center or reason code. |
Total Delay Minutes | Total number of minutes that jobs were in a delay status on this date for this cost center or reason code. |
Average (Avg) Delay Minutes | Total Delay Minutes/Number of times jobs were in a delay status on this date for this cost center or reason code. |
Std Dev Delay Minutes | The standard deviation of all delay minutes. |
Summary View
The following appears for each cost center or each reason code if the report is generated in summary view
Name | Description |
Total Delay Count | Total number of delays on this date for this cost center or reason code. |
Total Delay Minutes | Total number of minutes that jobs were in a delay status on this date for this cost center or reason code. |
Average (Avg) Delay Minutes | Total Delay Minutes divided by Number of times jobs were in a delay status on this date for this cost center or reason code. |
Std Dev Delay Minutes | The standard deviation of all delay minutes. |
Delay Reason or Cost Center | If the report is grouped by cost center, then Delay Reason shows each reason code selected for delays associated with this cost center. If the report is grouped by reason code, then Cost Center shows each cost center where there was a delay associated with this reason code. |
Delay Count | Number of delays that were associated with the reason code or with the cost center shown under Delay Reason or Cost Center. |
Avg Delay Minutes | For this group (cost center or reason code) the average number of minutes that jobs were delayed for the reason code shown or in the cost center shown in the Delay Reason or the Cost Center section. |
Calculation: Total number of minutes of delay for this reason or this cost center divided by the total number of delays for this reason or this cost center. | |
Example: The report is grouped by cost center. In Cost Center A, if there were 3 delays for the reason code called Patient Not Ready, and all delays for that reason added up to a total of 30 minutes of delays, then the calculation would be 30 / 3 = 10. Average delay minutes for Patient Not Ready would be 10. |
Report Summary (in Both Summary and Detailed View)
The Report Summary section displays the following information.
Name | Description |
Total Delay Count | Total number of delays for all jobs included on the report. |
Total Delay Minutes | Total number of minutes that all jobs on the report were in a delay status. |
Average (Avg) Delay Minutes | Total Delay Minutes for all jobs on the report divided by Number of times all jobs on the report jobs were in a delay status. |
Std Dev Delay Minutes | The standard deviation of all delay minutes. |
Delay Reason or Cost Center | If the report is grouped by cost center, then Delay Reason shows each reason code selected for all delays on the report. If the report is grouped by reason code, then Cost Center shows each cost center where there was a delay. |
Delay Count | Number of delays for all jobs in the cost center shown or for the reason code shown. |
Avg Delay Minutes | The average number of minutes that jobs were delayed for the reason code shown or in the cost center shown in the Delay Reason or the Cost Center section. |
Calculation: Total number of minutes of delay for this reason or this cost center divided by the total number of delays for this reason or this cost center. | |
Example: The report is grouped by cost center. For all jobs on the report, if there were 5 delays for the reason code called Patient Not Ready, and all delays for that reason added up to a total of 60 minutes of delays, then the calculation would be 60 / 5 = 12. Average delay minutes for Patient Not Ready would be 12. |
Microsoft Excel-Unformatted Output
The following information appears in the Microsoft Excel-Unformatted output.
Name | Description |
Cost Center or Delay Reason | If the report was grouped by cost centers, then the Cost Center column shows all cost centers that meet the selected report criteria where a delay occurred within the selected date and time range. One cost center could be listed multiple times if multiple delays occurred there. If the report was grouped by reason code, then the Delay Reason column lists all reason codes that meet the report criteria for delays that are included on the report. The same reason code can appear multiple times if it was selected for multiple delays. |
First Delay Date | Date on which the job was first delayed. |
Job ID | Identification code of transport job. Job identification codes are assigned automatically to jobs. |
Patient/Item | Name of the patient of the item (such as Stretcher, Towels) that was transported |
Dispatched | Date and time that job was dispatched before the delay. |
In Progress | Date and time that a transporter put the job in progress for the first time. |
Completed | Date and time that the job was completed. |
Delay Start | Date and time that the transport job entered a delay status. |
Delay End | Date and time that the delay ended. |
Minutes | The total number of minutes that the transport job was in a delay status. |
Delay Reason or Cost Center | If the report was grouped by cost centers, then the description of the reason code associated with the delay appears in this column. If the report was grouped by reason codes, then the cost center where the delay occurred appears in this column. |
Delay Type | If the job was delayed when its status was In Progress, then the delay type is In Progress/Delay. If it was delayed when its status was dispatched, then its status is Dispatch/Delay. |