First, ensure you are always using the latest version of the On-Premise Data Exchange Agent Installer. This can be confirmed by contacting our Technical Project Team. You will then need to copy this zip file to the Engineer folder on the server that will run the HL7 Agents (optional, but good practice).
Create the following folder structure on the data drive of the system that will run the HL7 Agents. This specific folder structure will create consistency and make the agent installations easier to find.
D:\Program Files\TeleTracking\HL7Agents
In the new HL7Agents folder, create a new folder with the same name as the External Source Configuration. This is not required, but it will make it easier to find the files when there are multiple HL7 Agents installed
Unzip the installer that you copied to the engineer folder and from the extracted folder copy the installer (.exe) and payload (.zip) into the folder you created in the above step.
Right-click on the installer and choose Run as administrator. If you do not run this as an administrator, the installation will fail.
The Installer screen will appear and ask for the Install directory.
Select the Install directory you created in step 3.
Click the Start button.
The On-Premise Data Exchange Agent Installation screen will now pop up. Enter the following information and then click Next.
The Service Name should be the External Source Configuration name, which can be found under the External Source Configuration section of the Platform Settings page. This value will be used as the name of the Windows service. We recommend prefixing all HL7 Agent service names with “TT” so they can be located in the service list easily.
External Source ID and Tenant ID can be found by clicking the View Settings link next to the external source in the External Source Configuration section of the Platform Settings page.
User ID can be found on the User Profile page, which can be found by clicking on the "Welcome, <User Name>" link.
API Host URL can be found by clicking the View Settings link next to the external source in the External Source Configuration section of the Platform Settings page.
Choose the Inbound Port where messages from your system to Tele Services will be sent. This field can be left blank if this agent is for outbound traffic.
Choose the Outbound Port where messages from Tele Services to your system will be sent. This field can be left blank if this agent is for inbound traffic.
The API Key will need to be pasted from where it was stored after generating it from the User Profile page.
The values entered will be previewed for review. Click Next to proceed. Note: User ID and API Key are intentionally blank here. You should have valid entries for these fields or the connection will fail.
You can review the entered configuration and proceed with the installation by clicking the Install button. The User ID and API Key are intentionally redacted in the screenshot below.
A popup will confirm that the On-Premise Data Exchange Agent has been installed and that a log file has been created. Click OK.
In case an error occurs during installation, you will be notified as shown in the screenshot below.
Validate that your service was installed, is running, and is set to start automatically:
Review your logs:
Go to the Logs folder in the area where you installed the agent, and open the log file.
Review the log for any entries where Level is equal to warning or errors
Common Warnings
Config parameter is empty: outboundMessagePort, It should configured in the config file.
This message is normal if a field was left intentionally blank. For example, in the above the HL7 Agent is intended only for inbound traffic.
Common Errors
Unable to find config property value for: apiKeyExpirationTimestamp
If you see this upon initial installation, try restarting the service. If you do not see this after restarting the service, then you are all set.