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ADT and HL7 Troubleshooting
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

ADT & HL7 Troubleshooting

ADT & HL7 troubleshooting is essential for ensuring that patient record updates are processed correctly. This feature is used by system administrators and technical support teams to diagnose and resolve issues related to ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) messages. It exists to ensure that patient-level updates are accurately reflected in the system. This feature is used whenever there are discrepancies or issues with patient record updates.

Where you can find this feature: Master Config, Capacity IQ® services.

How ADT & HL7 Troubleshooting Works


A28, A31, and A40 Messages

  • Issue: A28 messages are processing, but no changes are taking effect on the patient record.

  • Solution: Ensure that the Master Patient Index (MPI) is enabled in Master Config. These ADT messages are considered patient-level updates and will not affect the application unless MPI is enabled.

    • If MPI is not enabled, contact Tier 2 for permission to enable this setting.

    • Restart IIS and all Capacity IQ® services once MPI is enabled. Notify the client of the brief downtime.

  • Behavior: With MPI enabled, A28 ADT messages are treated as patient-level updates, similar to A31 and A40 messages. These messages can be processed without a PV1 segment.

A08 Messages

  • Issue: A08 messages are not admitting patients.

  • Solution:

    • Enable the "A08 as an admit" setting in the master config.

    • Ensure the location in the PV1.3 field is valid.

    • For readmitting a discharged patient, the A08 message must contain a valid expected admit date and a valid expected discharge date. If these conditions are not met, the transactions will go into the dead letter queue.

    • For new, non-existing patients, the expected admit date and expected discharge date are not required.


Enabling MPI

  1. Navigate to Master Config.

  2. Verify if MPI is enabled.

  3. If not enabled, contact Tier 2 for permission.

  4. Enable MPI.

  5. Restart IIS and all Capacity IQ® services.

  6. Notify the client of the brief downtime.

Configuring A08 as an Admit

  1. Navigate to Master Config.

  2. Enable the "A08 as an admit" setting.

  3. Ensure the PV1.3 field contains a valid location.

  4. For readmitting discharged patients, include valid expected admit and discharge dates in the A08 message.

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