Health Level 7 (HL7)
The HL7 Interface Software Specification Guide is a comprehensive resource for using HL7 interface software. It includes examples of HL7 message layouts and a thorough discussion of interface functionality. This guide is essential for improving healthcare interoperability and streamlining healthcare workflows and processes. With HL7, seamless healthcare data exchange and improved patient outcomes can be achieved.
Where you can find this feature: HL7 is used throughout Capacity IQ®. Many of the Dictionaries can be integrated with ADT Systems.
How HL7 Interface Software Works
The HL7 interface software facilitates the exchange of healthcare data between systems.
It supports various message types and segments to ensure accurate and efficient data transfer.
In Capacity IQ® PreAdmit there is a confidential flag checkbox in the patient detail screen of Capacity IQ®. This setting will mask the patient’s name with alias name.
In order for this to be set via HL7 transaction, the client will need to include ZB2.3 = 'TRUE' in the HL7 transaction coming from their interface.
Once the client starts sending this, it will flag the patient as confidential and mask their name with the Alias name.
If the Allow Outbound HL7 Updates setting is enabled, any assigned location change or status change to an assigned location in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit for a placement with an order ID in the ADT order system will automatically update the ADT order system. Otherwise, these changes will not be reflected automatically.
Your hospital may require its ADT system to have information about bed status changes.
You can configure settings so that a message is sent to the ADT system when a bed is placed in a certain status (such as Dirty).
You can select each bed status for which a message should be delivered to the ADT system and then enter any text or numbers that should be sent in the message for the status.
If you select a status, you must enter information in the ADT ID column for that status.
Allowing Outbound HL7 Updates
Access the PreAdmitTracking® Global Settings page.
In the General Information section, click the Disabled button for Allow Outbound HL7 Updates for Orders to change it to a green Enabled button.
Click Save.
Note: To disable outbound HL7 updates, click the green Enabled button to change it to a gray Disabled button.
Selecting Statuses that Trigger Two-Way ADT Interface
Note: If you select the Blocked bed status, any associated reason codes will be included in the outgoing ADT message.
Select Bed Statuses for Which Outbound Messages Will Be Sent to the ADT System
In the Mapping Bedtracking Messages section, select Outbound Messages.
In the Bed Status ADT Mapping section, click the gray statuses for which messages should be sent. The background of the statuses changes from gray to a color.
In the ADT ID column, for each status that you selected, type the information that should be in the message for that status (for example, numbers or text that should identify this status in the message that is sent to the ADT system). Maximum characters: 50.
Click Save.
Selecting Bed Statuses for Which Inbound Messages will be sent to the ADT System
Note: This setting is only for customers using the Capacity IQ® Shell. It is not for users who have the Capacity IQ® EVS standalone application or Capacity IQ®.
In the Messaging Configuration section, select the Disabled button for Allow Inbound A20 Bed Status Messages to change it to Enabled.
In the Mapping Bedtracking Messages section, select Inbound Messages.
In the Bed Status ADT Mapping section, click the gray statuses for which messages should be sent. The background of the statuses changes from gray to a color.
In the ADT ID column, for each status that you selected, type the incoming information that you want to associate with the status that you selected (for example, numbers or text that should identify this status in the incoming message). Up to three ADT IDs can be associated to a Bed Status. Maximum characters: 50.
Click Save.
Allowing Outbound A05 Messages to Be Sent to the ADT System
Note: This setting is only for customers using the Capacity IQ® Shell. It is not for users who have the Capacity IQ® EVS standalone application, or Capacity IQ®.
In the Messaging Configuration section, select the Disabled button for Allow Outbound A05 Bed Requests to change it to Enabled.
Click Save.
Troubleshooting Basic HL7
Common Messages
Here are a list of events, trigger events, and code:
A01 – Admit a patient – Admit
A02 – Transfer a patient – Transfer
A03 – Discharge a patient – Discharge
A04 – Register Outpatient in Bed – Admit
A05 – Pre-Admit – PreAdmit
A06 – Transfer outpatient to inpatient – Admit
A07 – Transfer inpatient to outpatient – Admit/Discharge
A08 – Update patient information – Update
A09 – Patient Departing – Discharge
A10 – Patient Arriving – Admit
A11 – Cancel Admit – Delete
A12 – Cancel Transfer – Transfer
A13 – Cancel Discharge – Admit
A14 – Pending Admit – Pending Admit
A15 – Pending Transfer – Pending Transfer
A16 – Pending Discharge – Pending Discharge
A17 – Swap a patient – 2 Transfer
A21 – Leave of absence – Out
A22 – Leave of absence – In – Admit
A25 – Cancel Pending Discharge – CancelDischReq
A26 – Cancel Pending Transfer – CancelTranReq
A27 – Cancel Pending Admit – CancelAdmitReq
A28 – Add Person Info – Add to MPI
A31 – Update Person Info – Update MPI
A32 – Cancel – Place Outpatient from Bed – Discharge
A33 – Cancel – Release Outpatient from Bed – Admit
A40 – Merge Patient – Update MPI (Merge Patient Medical Record Number)
The following segments are needed for clients using Capacity IQ® Transport, Capacity IQ® EVS, or Capacity IQ® PreAdmit:
MSH (Message Header)
EVN (Event)
PID (Patient Identification)
PD1 (Patient Demographics)
PV1 (Patient Visit)
PV2 (Additional Patient Visit)
DG1 (Diagnosis)
MRG (Merge Patient Information)
ORC (Common Order Segment)
NPU (Outbound bed status)
OBR (Outbound Order Updates)
ZB1 (Outbound Order Updates)
ZB2 (Isolation Types)
ZB3 (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit transactions)
ZB4 (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit transactions)
ZB5 (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit order entry transactions)
ZB6 (Customer Portal Fields)
ZB8 (Custom Milestone Fields)
ZB9 (Custom interface fields for use with Capacity IQ® release 3.1)
All other message segments will be discarded unless using an Order Entry Interface.
Common Fields
MSH,7 – Date/Time of Message
MSH,9 – Message Type
ADT^A – ADT transaction
ORM^O0 - Orders
SCH^S – Scheduled surgery
EVN,1 – Transaction Code
EVN,5 – Operator ID
PID,3 – Patient ID (MRN)
PID,5 – Patient Name
PID,18 – Visit ID Number
PV1,3 – Patient Current Location
PV1,6 – Patient Prior Location
PV1,39 – Servicing Facility
PV1,44 – Admit Date/Time
PV1,45 – Discharge Date/Time
PV2,8 – Expected Admit Date
PV2,9 – Expected Discharge Date
DG1,4 – Diagnosis Description
Sample Messages
Individual messages and the fields they contain will vary from one site to another. The following are typical examples of HL7 transactions. They do not include actual patient data, and some fields contain placeholders rather than sample information.
A01 — Admit a Patient
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A01|||| EVN|A01|20050314110346 PID|||4535||TEST^ADMIT||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232|| 877-570-6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A02 — Transfer a Patient
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A02|||| EVN|A02|20050314110346 PID|||4535||TEST^TRANSFER||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570- 6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA|12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR||| HOSPSERV||||ADMITSOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A03 — Discharge a Patient
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A03|||| EVN|A03|20050314110346 PID|||4535||TEST^DISCHARGE||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570- 6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346| 200705111200| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A05 — Pre-Admit
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A05|||| EVN|A05|20050314110346 PID|||4535||TEST^PREADMIT||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570- 6903|||||53455|123456789| PD1||||56789^PRENTIS^PAUL^P^PrimaryCareDOCTOR|||||||||||||||| PV1||||ADMIT TYPE||| 12345^ADAMS^ALEX^A^AttendingDOCTOR1|11223^ROBERTSON^RONALD^R^ReferringDOCTOR| 44556^CHASE^CHARLES^C^ConsultingDOCTOR1~77889^CONNORS^CALVIN^C^ConsultingDOCTOR2| HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE|||||||||||||||||||||ServicingFacility|||||
PV2|||DIAGNOSIS|||||20070512|20070515| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS ZB1|NULL|NULL|RoomAccomodation|UnitRequested| ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart| |Level of Care|Discipline ZB3|udef01|udef02|udef03|udef04|udef05|udef06|udef07|udef08|udef09|udef10 ZB4|miscellaneous1| ZB6|com1|com2|com3|com4|com5|com6|com7|com8
A08 — Update Patient Information
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A08|||| EVN|A08|20050314110346 PID|||4535||TEST^UPDATE||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570- 6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS ZB1|NULL|NULL|RoomAccomodation|UnitRequested| ZB2|isolation|Comments|Confidential| |procedure|ObservationIndicator|ObsStop|ObsStart| |Level of Care|Discipline ZB3|udef01|udef02|udef03|udef04|udef05|udef06|udef07|udef08|udef09|udef10 ZB4|miscellaneous1| ZB6|comment1|comment2|comment3|comment4|comment5|comment6|comment7|comment8
A11 — Cancel Admit
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A11|||| EVN|A11|20050314110346 PID|||4535||ADMIT^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570- 6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A12 — Cancel Transfer
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A12|||| EVN|A12|20050314110346 PID|||4535||TRANSFER^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570- 6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA|12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A13 —Cancel Discharge
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A13|||| EVN|A13|20050314110346 PID|||4535||DISCHARGE^CANCEL||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877- 570-6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A14 — Pending Admit
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A14|||| EVN|A14|20050314110346 PID|||4535||ADMIT^PENDING||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877-570- 6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1||||ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||||20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS|||||20070512|20070510| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A15 — Pending Transfer
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A15|||| EVN|A15|20050314110346 PID|||4535||TRANSFER^PENDING||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877- 570-6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||NS1^ROOM1^BEDA ||20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS||||| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS
A16 — Pending Discharge
MSH|^~\&|ADT|PITCHER|TELE|CATCHER|20050314110346||ADT^A16|||| EVN|A16|20050314110346 PID|||4535||DISCHARGE^PENDING||19800314|M|||336 FOURTH AVENUE^PITTSBURGH^PA^15232||877- 570-6903|||||53455|123456789| PV1|||NS1^ROOM2^BEDA|ADMIT TYPE|||12345^JOHNSON^AttendingDOCTOR|||HOSP SERV||||ADMIT SOURCE|||56789^SMITH^AdmittingDOCTOR|PATIENT TYPE||||||||||||||||||||||||A||20050314110346| PV2|||DIAGNOSIS|||||20070511|20070512| DG1||||DIAGNOSIS