Daily Cleans Data Now Accessible Under BTJob and EVS Streaming
We need the ability to view Daily Cleans data under the BTJob and EVS Streaming data sources.
Daily Cleans data is now accessible under both the BTJob and EVS Streaming data sources.
You can filter by Job Type to view the Daily Cleans data.
Additionally, the following new data points have been added to these data sources:
BED_COUNT: The number of beds in the room associated with the Daily Clean job
REOPENED_BY_USER: The user who reopened the Daily Clean job.
REOPENED_BY_USER_LOGIN_ID: The unique username associated with the user that reopened the daily clean job.
REOPENED_REASON: The reason indicated when a user reopens a Daily Clean job.
REOPENED_TIMESTAMP: The local date and time of day that the daily clean job was reopened.
REOPENED_TIMESTAMP_ENTERPRISE: The date and time of day when the daily clean job was reopened in enterprise time.
The enterprise time is in the timezone configured in the Operations IQ® Platform enterprise settings.
REOPENED_TIMESTAMP_UTC: The date and time of day that the daily clean job was reopened in UTC.
Note: The Daily Cleans feature is available on Capacity IQ® versions 2022.6 and newer.