Environmental Services (EVS) employees and supervisors can now track routine daily room cleaning tasks, which differ from discharge cleaning. The system generates a list of occupied rooms that require cleaning once a day. Daily Clean Job Update – Daily Clean jobs for transferred patients now clear the job's To Do status and update the reason code to System: Patient Transferred. The bed is then cleaned by the discharge bed cleaning workflow.
Employees can use the Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile application to view the daily cleaning list on the My Jobs page, and supervisors can view the number of current daily cleaning jobs and their statuses on the new Daily Cleans multi-view tab and in additional columns on the Bed Dashboard and Occupied Beds List. Supervisors can also change the status of a job to Clean or To Do from the desktop application.
Indicators appear for rooms with patients with Pending and Confirmed discharge statuses to avoid duplicating work. Some Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs) at the top of the BedTracking application screens have been renamed to clarify their job type. The Daily Cleans report allows supervisors to analyze the time employees spend on daily cleaning tasks, enabling health systems to track and account for the time spent on routine daily cleaning.
The Daily Cleans feature is available on versions 2022.6 and newer.
To activate the feature, expand Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information > Select Your campus > Global Settings > BedTracking > Daily Cleans
Daily Clean Job Sweep Time – When this time is set, the system will go out, and find all the beds that qualify for a daily clean.
Once you set the Daily Clean Job Sweep Time, any changes will not go into effect until the next day.
Example – If the time is set for 3am, and it’s changed to 5am, it will execute the daily clean job sweep the next day.
In order to qualify for a Daily Clean, a bed in a room has to be occupied within a home non-holding location with EVS service on.
Example – If there are four beds in the room and one is occupied, and that bed is a non-holding location with EVS service on it will create a daily clean for the room.
Once you have Daily Cleans ( ? ) enabled with your preferred settings in place, you will log out of the Capacity IQ® EVS application. Once you log back in you will see the Daily Cleans section.
These Beds will not create new notifications, they will appear in the housekeepers list on the app.
Mobile APP
When logged into Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile as a housekeeper you will see two sections.
Discharge clean – This is the jobs that will be sent out via notifications
Daily Clean – These are jobs that are made from the daily clean process, these will not send out notifications.
Under the Daily clean section, you will see Confirmed discharge and Pending discharge.
Completing a Job
To select a job simply tap on the room.
Once selected you will get a pop-up asking if you want to go in progress
When finished you can complete the job, or select more options.
Selecting more options gives you the ability to cancel the job.
There is no option to delay or suspend the jobs in conjunction with the daily cleans.
Tap complete once the job is done.
Hit yes in the popup to complete the job
Hitting yes will take you back to the main screen, and you will get a pop-up letting you know the job has been completed successfully.
Once one job is selected it will reflect in the app, so any other housekeepers will no longer see the job.
This Eliminates multiple housekeepers from picking the same job.
Canceling a job
When canceling need to pick a reason
Once you enter the reason you will either Yes, cancel the job, or No, return to the job.
Selecting Yes, cancel job will put the job back in the list and return you to the main screen.
Supervisors can take a bed that was marked as clean and change it back to TO DO
Click on Daily Clean Status
Update the reason code and change the status.
The bed now reflects back in the TO DO section
In the Daily Clean Tab, you can see the To Do, In progress, and Clean, along with Pending and Confirmed discharges.
You can also narrow the search by unit
All these transactions will now show in a new report called Daily Cleans.