Daily Cleans
Daily Cleans is a feature used by employees in the Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile application to manage daily cleaning jobs. It allows employees to put daily cleaning jobs in progress, cancel, or complete them via their cell phones. This feature is used to ensure routine cleaning tasks are performed efficiently. Daily Cleans data empower EVS supervisors to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and efficiency in the hospital environment.
Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® EVS and Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile
How Daily Cleans Work
Daily Cleans can be configured to generate a list of rooms to be cleaned once a day, early in the morning, in the campus’s Global Settings.
Daily Cleans is generated by the Capacity IQ® EVS Timer Service.
The Capacity IQ® EVS Timer Service needs to be running at the designated generation time.
If there were recent network or SQL interruptions, the service can fail while staying running.
Restarting the service will allow the Daily Cleans to generate correctly at the next scheduled time.
Examples of daily cleaning tasks might be: emptying the trash can, cleaning the bathroom, dusting.
Daily Clean Assignments: All housekeepers assigned to the same area will see the same list of daily cleans.
To Do Status: Indicates that the room has not yet received a daily clean for the day.
Room Requirements: A room must have been occupied by at least one patient for it to require a daily clean.
Room vs. Bed Cleaning: For rooms with multiple beds, only one daily clean is recorded for the entire room.
Notifications: Housekeepers do not receive notifications for daily cleans.
Cancellation Process: If a daily clean is canceled after being started, the room will return to the To Do status.
Job Delays and Suspensions: Daily cleans cannot be delayed or suspended.
The Daily Cleans report provides analytics on the time spent on daily cleaning tasks, helping to track and optimize cleaning staff efficiency.
You can set the maximum and minimum clean times for reporting purposes.
The minimum daily clean time and maximum daily clean time settings allow to you to set the acceptable maximum and minimum amount of time that it should take to complete a daily cleaning job (for a room).
The minimum daily clean time and maximum daily clean time settings are similar to minimum clean time and maximum clean time settings; however, they apply to daily cleaning jobs (rooms) instead of bed cleaning.
The maximum and minimum daily clean times are compared with actual daily clean times to determine if a daily room cleaning job was out of the ordinary (an outlier).
These settings are used to determine the number of adjusted daily cleaning jobs each employee had. Outliers are not used to calculate counts, averages or Real Time Key Indicators RTKI.
Administrators can enable the Daily Clean feature for campuses in their health system to allow employees using the Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile application to put daily cleaning jobs in progress, to cancel or to complete them via their cell phones.
The amount of time that elapses before a daily clean alert escalates to the next level depends on the Daily Clean Alert Escalation Time setting.
The Daily Clean Alert Escalation Time is configurable under Alert Management for Capacity IQ® Transport and Capacity IQ® EVS applications.
Managing Daily Clean Jobs
EVS supervisors can now use the Daily Cleans multi-view tab and the Bed Dashboard and Occupied Beds List to view and manage daily cleaning tasks. These tools allow supervisors to:
View the number of current daily cleaning jobs and their statuses.
Change the status of a job to "Clean" or "To Do" directly from the desktop application.
Assigning Jobs: Supervisors can assign specific areas to staff members.
Common Job Definitions:
Clean: List of all daily cleans completed in a day.
In Progress: The bed is currently being cleaned.
Once in progress, the daily clean job can be tracked until completion.
Delayed: A barrier prevents the start of cleaning.
Suspended: The cleaning job was started but had to be stopped.
To Do: List of rooms that require daily cleaning.
Job Priority:
STAT: Urgent jobs that must be completed immediately.
Clean Next: The job to be completed after the current one.
Dirty: A bed marked as needing cleaning.
Indicators are present for rooms with patients who have a Pending or Confirmed Discharge status.
This ensures that the EVS team does not duplicate efforts by cleaning rooms that are about to be vacated.
Daily Cleans List
The Daily Clean list provides an overview of occupied rooms requiring routine cleaning tasks. It displays jobs in the following statuses:
To Do: The room needs to be cleaned. (Tan with Brown Border)
In Progress: An employee is currently cleaning the room. (Light Yellow with Dark Yellow Border)
Clean: The room cleaning tasks are completed. (Light Green with Dark Green Border)
To access the Daily Clean List, you must have the Access All Beds permission.
Only rooms containing beds within your membership that are noted as Environmental Service (EVS) beds (beds that are associated with the Capacity IQ® EVS application) and that are assigned to sections and zones appear in the list.
You may filter the Daily Clean list so that it displays only rooms that are in selected units.
The columns on the Daily Clean list display a color-coded header that corresponds to the room's status.
The header also has a thick border to distinguish it from discharge and spill clean cleaning statuses
Within each status grouping are the following columns:
Status Time – The date and time of day that the room entered its status.
A status of To Do is assigned to all appropriate rooms at the same configured time each day in the Admin Tool (Daily Clean Job Sweep Time).
EVS employees use the Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile application to change the rooms' statuses to In Progress when they start the jobs and Clean when they finish the jobs.
ST – The patient's status.
Pending (D) and Confirmed (C) Discharge statuses appear to help employees prioritize their work.
If one patient in a multi-patient room has a discharge status, the whole room displays that discharge status.
Room – The room identifier.
The In Progress groupings also display the following column:
Employee – Name of the employee who put the job in progress.
Daily Clean View
The Daily Clean tab (on the Capacity IQ® EVS application dashboard) specifically displays all beds that:
Require daily cleaning (To Do)
Are currently In Progress
Have been Cleaned today
In this tab, supervisors can also see:
Status Time: The last time the room status was updated.
ST: The status of the room (Dirty or Clean).
Room: A descriptor of the room listed in the To Do area.
Employee: The EVS staff member currently assigned to clean the room (visible in the In Progress area).
Using the Daily Clean List
Starting a Daily Clean Job:
Expand the Daily Clean List.
Tap on the room to clean.
View bed details and tap "Go In Progress."
Confirm In Progress status.
Cancelling a Daily Clean:
Access More Options from an in-progress job.
Select Cancel and choose a reason.
Confirm cancellation.
Configuring Daily Cleans
In the Daily Cleans section, ensure the green Enabled button appears. If the gray Disabled button appears, click it to change it to Enabled.
In Daily Clean Job Sweep Time, select a time from the list or type a time in the box. This sets the time of day when the list of daily cleaning jobs is generated.
Note: The sweep setting takes effect the following day.
Set the minimum and maximum daily clean times to define the acceptable time range for completing a daily cleaning job.
Enter the minimum and maximum clean times in the respective boxes.
Select Save.
Filtering the Daily Clean List by Unit
Select the campus from the Campus list.
In the Unit Filter section, click Browse to display the Unit Filter dialog box.
If a plus sign (+) appears next to a name in the list, then it is a cluster that contains units. To display the units that are in the cluster (so that you may select certain ones), click the plus sign (+).
Select the check boxes next to the units or clusters you want to display.
If you select a cluster, rooms in all units in that cluster will appear on the list.
Click Apply to finalize selections.
Click Select to display the rooms for the selected units.
To clear the filter, click Clear.