Patient Tracking Portal List View
Patient Tracking Portal is an application that will provide discharge activity at a unit level. Unlike PreAdmitTracking, this view works best for Case Management staff that are covering specific units and do not require a view of all hospital wide discharges at once. Below is an example of a Case Management Patient Tracking Portal view.
Switching Between Units in Patient Tracking Portal
After logging into Patient Tracking Portal, choose the units you wish to display.
From the Unit Patients tab, click the magnifying glass next to the Unit field.
A list of Units will display. Click on desired Unit(s) to display a green check mark next to the unit name.
Once all units are selected, Click on Add > to move to the Order Displayed Units box.
Click on Save when finished.
NOTE: Can also be done in reverse to Remove units.
Patient Tracking Portal View
Patient Tracking Portal is an application that will provide discharge activity at a unit level. Unlike Capacity IQ® PreAdmit , this view works best for Case Management staff that are covering specific units and do not require a view of all hospital wide discharges at once. Below is an example of a Case Management Patient Tracking Portal view.