PreAdmitTracking View
PreAdmitTracking is an application that will provide an overall view of discharge activity across the entire hospital. This view is most useful for Case Management staff that are covering the whole hospital, not just a few specific units. PreAdmitTracking will also provide some valuable reporting tools in relation to Length of Stay metrics as well as Observation patients. Below is an example of a Case Management PreAdmitTracking view.
Capacity IQ® PreAdmit View
Capacity IQ® PreAdmit is an application that will provide an overall view of discharge activity across the entire hospital. This view is most useful for Case Management staff that are covering the whole hospital, not just a few specific units. Capacity IQ® PreAdmit will also provide some valuable reporting tools in relation to Length of Stay metrics as well as Observation of patients. Below is an example of a Case Management Capacity IQ® PreAdmit view. Content and related functionality will be discussed in detail within this reference guide.