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Patient Name Display
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This feature is used by healthcare professionals to view and manage patient names and types within specific workflows. It exists to ensure accurate patient identification and to handle confidentiality and placement conflicts. It is used during patient admission, tracking, and placement processes.

Where you can find this feature: PreAdmitTracking application and PatientTracking Portal application.

How Patient Name Display Works


Patient Name: The first and last name of a patient.

Patient Type: A categorization method for patients used in specific workflows. For example, there might be a patient type called A (for Adult) or I (for Infant). The Patient Type column in the PreAdmitTracking and PatientTracking Portal applications displays the patient type.

Viewing Patient Name:

  • Users with the "View Patient Diagnosis and Name" permission can view the patient's name in the Patient Name column in the PreAdmitTracking and PatientTracking Portal applications.

  • If an alias was entered and the Confidentiality checkbox was selected on the Patient/Placement Details form, the alias appears instead of the patient's name.

Background Colors:

  • Gray Background: Indicates that a predefined number of minutes has passed since the patient's admission without an activated placement, and the patient is considered "unactivated."

  • Yellow Background: Indicates a conflict with the patient's placement due to changes in requested dates, expected discharge dates, assigned locations, occupying patient home locations, or patient statuses.

Duplicate Placement Records: Variations in the patient’s name (e.g., Joe vs. Joseph) can result in duplicate placement records if the Hospital Number in an ADT transaction cannot be compared to the one on the Patient/Placement Details form.


Enable Similar Patient Name Alert Box

To enable the setting that alerts clients if they are selecting a patient whose name is similar to another patient within their facility:

  1. Go to Admin Tool -> Master Configuration.

  2. Under the TransportTracking header, find the setting "Duplicate Patient Name Check" and enable it.

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