Procedures are used to document any notes related to a patient's procedure or precautions. This feature is essential for maintaining accurate and up-to-date patient records, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible to authorized personnel. Procedures are used by healthcare providers to track and manage patient care details.
Where you can find this feature: Patient Placement/Details form, Procedure column in list views.
How Procedures Work
Procedure Column:
Displays notes entered in the Procedures/Precautions box on the Patient Placement/Details form or in the Procedure column of a list view.
To view all text, hover over the cell.
To edit or add text, click the procedure text or the silver/blue plain button to display the Procedures/Precautions dialog box, make changes, and click Save.
Requires the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission with Edit rights.
Procedure Status Column:
Displays a link to a report about patient procedure information if the Bed Management Suite integrates with the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Requires the Access Procedure Information permission to view the report.
If no integration exists, this column remains blank.
Editing a Patient's Procedure/Precautions Text
Permissions Required:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission with View or Edit rights.
Specific permissions for individual items (e.g., Edit Patient Name, Edit Patient Associated Physicians).
Create New PreAdmits permission for creating new preadmit records.
To Edit from a List View:
Search for the patient or click a placement tab.
Navigate to PreAdmitTracking application > List Views > [placement list view name] or Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking application > [placement tab name].
Filter the list to display the patient.
Click the patient's name in the Name column to display the Patient/Placement Details form.
In the Procedure/Precautions box, add or edit the text, and click Save or Save and Close.
To Edit from the Patient/Placement Details Form:
Access the Patient/Placement Details form.
In the Procedure/Precautions box, add or edit the text, and click Save or Save and Close.
Sending a Patient to a Procedure
Used to send a patient to a specialty bed for a procedure.
Applicable for patients in statuses: PreAdmit, Inhouse, Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, Outpatient.
Changes the patient's current location to the specialty location.
Permissions Required:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission with View or Edit rights.
Send Patient to Procedure permission.
To Send a Patient to a Procedure from the Patient/Placement Details Form:
Access the Patient/Placement Details form.
Select Send Patient to Procedure from the Patient Action list.
In the Spec Location box, specify the specialty bed:
Type the first few characters of the ADT ID, abbreviation, or name of the bed, and select from the list.
Click the magnifying glass icon, select a bed, and click Select Location.
Click Save.
To Send a Patient to a Procedure from a List View:
Click in the Pt Status column and select Send Patient to Procedure.
In the Spec Location box, specify the specialty bed:
Type the first few characters of the ADT ID, abbreviation, or name of the bed, and select from the list.
Click the magnifying glass icon, select a bed, and click Select Location.
Click Save.
If the Patient Will Not Return to the Bed After a Procedure
If the Dirty a pending transfer patient's home location on occupying a specialty bed setting is enabled, the patient's home location status changes to Dirty when they occupy a specialty bed.
Ensure another bed is assigned or a target unit is selected for the patient.
If the Patient Will Go to a Different Unit After a Procedure:
Create a bed request targeting the new unit or assign a specific bed.
The patient's status changes to Pending Transfer, and their home location is marked Dirty.
If the Patient Will Go to a Different Bed in the Same Unit After a Procedure:
Create a bed request targeting the current unit or assign a specific bed.
The patient's status changes to Pending Transfer, and their home location is marked Dirty.