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Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Finding Patient Records

Patient records are essential for tracking and managing patient movements within the system. Various settings and permissions impact whether a patient appears in search results, list views, or tracking portals. This guide provides solutions to common issues encountered when searching for patient records.

Where you can find this feature: PatientTracking Portal, TransportTracking™, Admin Tool, Capacity IQ® solution.

How Finding Patient Records Works


  • The PreAdmitTracking Global setting affects which patient records appear in PatientTracking Portal Bed Rows and PreAdmitTracking List Views.

  • The setting controls how many days from the requested date a placement request appears.

  • Patients with active transport jobs are also subject to this setting.

  • Placement requests remain visible through the end of the day regardless of shift.

Changing the Setting

  1. Navigate to Admin ToolEnterprise ManagementEnterprise Information.

  2. Select a Campus, then go to the Global Settings tab.

  3. Review the Default Number of Days to Show on Placement List Views setting.


  • If the administrator configures the setting to 2 days, a placement request for a patient with a requested date of June 1st will remain visible until June 2nd. On June 3rd, the patient no longer appears in list views.

Patient Search Limitations

Cannot See or Lookup Patients From Specific Units

  • Users may be unable to search for or view patients from an entire unit.

  • This issue is due to missing unit membership in the user’s profile.

  • Solution: Add the appropriate unit membership to the user profile.

Blank Patient Names in PatientTracking Portal

  • Users may see blank patient names in PatientTracking Portal.

  • This occurs when users lose access to PreAdmitTracking.

  • The ability to view patient names and diagnoses depends on group permissions.

  • Solution: Restore the "View Patient Name and Diagnosis" permission.

Steps to Restore Permission:

  1. Navigate to Admin ToolUser ManagementGroup Management.

  2. Select the user’s group.

  3. Enable "View Patient Name and Diagnosis".

  4. Save the changes.

Missing Add/Edit Patient Data Permission in TransportTracking™

  • Users cannot see add/edit patient data permission in the TransportTracking™ group.

  • Only TeleAdminUser has access to this setting.

  • Reason: Prevents duplicate patient entries.

  • Solution:

    • Clients using ADT messages for patient entry should not enable this setting.

    • If enabled, duplicate patients may be created.

Patients Admitting to Wrong Locations

  • Patients may be admitted to incorrect locations due to missing or incorrect ADT ID fields.

  • Solution: Validate the ADT ID for the correct location and match it with the HL7 message.

Possible Scenario:

  1. Patient has an Outpatient or PreAdmit Transaction (A04, A05, etc.).

  2. PV1,39 field (Campus) is valid.

  3. PV1,3 field (Location) is blank.

  4. Custom Code lacks rules to assign a valid location.

  5. The system assigns a random location.

Fix: Ensure all locations have a valid ADT ID to match correctly.


Viewing Patient Details

  1. Access the TransportTracking™ console via one of the following:

    • Go to TransportTracking™.

    • Navigate to Care Support > TransportTracking™.

  2. Click the Patients tab or go to TransportTracking™ > Patient List.

  3. Use one or both of the following search options:

    • Patient Filter: Search by Last Name, Social Security Number, or Patient ID.

    • Current Location Filter: Browse locations where the patient may be found.

  4. Click Search to view results.

Searching for a Patient by Location

  1. In Current Location, click Browse.

  2. Enter the location name in the search box.

  3. Select the appropriate Campus.

  4. Choose the units/clusters associated with the location.

  5. Click Click to Search.

  6. Select the correct location from the results.

  7. Click Select Location.

  8. Click Search to display matching patients.

Viewing Patient Information

The Patient List includes:

  • Patient ID – Unique patient identification number.

  • Patient Name & Age – Hover over the age column to see the date of birth.

  • Bed – The patient's home location.

  • Origin Nurse – Contact details for the nurse assigned to the patient's location.

  • Isolation Type – Isolation protocols for transport jobs.

  • Current Location – Displays real-time location via TeleTracking RTLS.

  • Admitted Date – Date and time of patient admission.

  • Patient Status – Displays Inhouse, PreAdmit, or Confirmed Discharge.

  • Assigned Nurse – Contact details for the nurse assigned to the new bed.

  • Last Activity – The most recent transport job update.

  • Unit – The patient’s assigned unit.

Important Notes

  • Search Results Depend on Admin Settings:

    • Searches include patients with admit dates within a configured timeframe.

    • A TeleTracking Technologies representative can assist with configuring these settings.

  • Filters Remain Active:

    • The selected patient search criteria persist until changed.

    • If a search yields no results, adjust the filters and try again.

  • Date & Time Format:

    • Formats are determined by Admin Tool settings.

    • Example: DD/MM/YYYY (07/05/2016 = May 7, 2016), 24-hour time format (16:00 = 4 PM).

Transferring a Patient

Patient transfers allow for updating a patient's location within the same campus. This ensures accurate tracking on the electronic bedboard, which reflects the current bed assignment after a transfer is completed. Transfers should only be recorded after the patient is physically moved. Transfers are commonly handled via the ADT system, and manual transfers may not trigger ADT notifications.

Where you can find this feature: Patient/Placement Details form, List Views in PatientTracking Portal, and Clinical Operations.

How Transferring a Patient Works


  • Patients must be in one of the following statuses to be transferred:

    • Inhouse

    • Pending Transfer

    • Pending Discharge

    • Confirmed Discharge

  • Users need specific permissions to access and modify patient details:

    • Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit) – Required for accessing and modifying placement details.

    • Create New PreAdmits – Needed for creating new preadmit records.

    • Transfer Patient to Inhouse Location – Required to perform a transfer.

  • The new bed location must be selected from available units within the same campus.

  • Transfers executed manually will not notify the ADT system.

Troubleshooting & Edge Cases

  • Manual Transfer Not Allowed: If the Transfer Patient option is unavailable, confirm that the patient’s status permits transfer and that the user has the correct permissions.

  • Bed Not Found in Search: Ensure the correct unit and cluster are selected, and use wildcard % if necessary.

  • Campus Restriction: Transfers cannot be performed across different campuses.

  • Permissions Conflict: If a user has View but not Edit rights, they can access patient details but cannot execute a transfer.


Transferring a Patient via Patient/Placement Details Form

  1. Confirm the patient is in the correct bed before initiating the transfer.

  2. Open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  3. In the Patient Action list, select Transfer Patient.

  4. Specify the new Home Location:

    • Type a few characters of the bed name, ADT ID, or abbreviation and select from the list.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon to open the Location Search dialog.

  5. (Optional) Use advanced search:

    • Select the Campus.

    • Choose the relevant Units/Clusters.

    • Click Click to Search and select the correct bed.

  6. Click Select Location, then Save to confirm the transfer.

Transferring a Patient via List View

  1. Navigate to PatientTracking Portal > List Views.

  2. Select a relevant list view (e.g., Unit View, Custom Views).

  3. Locate the patient and click their name to open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  4. In the Patient Action list, select Transfer Patient.

  5. Choose the new Home Location:

    • Enter part of the bed name or ID to search.

    • Use the magnifying glass icon to refine the search within a campus and unit.

  6. Click Select Location, then Save to complete the transfer.

Transferring a Patient via Patient Placement Status Column

  1. Navigate to a List View where the patient is listed.

  2. Locate the Patient Placement Status (Pt Status) column.

  3. Click the status and select Transfer Patient.

  4. In the Home Location field, choose the new bed:

    • Type a portion of the bed identifier to search.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon and refine the search.

  5. Click Select Location, then Save.


  • Searching for locations supports wildcard % (e.g., s% finds all locations with 'S').

  • The Campus list is fixed based on the patient's existing location.

  • Users can select multiple units for searching by checking Check All.

  • Custom sorting is available when selecting multiple units in list views.

Unique Capabilities

Patients with pending transfer status may be affected by various system settings that determine how their home location, specialty bed usage, and request status are handled. These settings help ensure patient flow efficiency and reduce unnecessary transfers by automating cancellations, marking home locations as available, and controlling patient visibility in tracking systems.

Where you can find this feature: These capabilities are managed through Admin Tool > Settings > Capacity Management and are reflected in PatientTracking Portal, PreAdmitTracking, and TransportTracking.

How Unique Capabilities Work


Cancellation of Transfer Request When Patient Moves to Specialty Bed

  • A global setting, Cancel Bed Request for PROC/SPEC Patient When Moved to Same Home Non-Holding Bed, determines if a pending transfer request should be automatically cancelled when a patient moves to a specialty bed and then returns to their original home location.

  • By default, this setting is disabled.

  • When enabled, if a patient is moved to a specialty bed for a procedure and then back to their original home location before the scheduled transfer, the pending transfer request is cancelled.

  • If disabled, the transfer request remains active.

Terry, a patient in Pending Transfer status, is scheduled to move from Location 1 in Unit A to Location 2 in Unit B on Thursday. On Wednesday, due to complications, Terry is temporarily moved to a specialty bed. Later that day, Terry is moved back to Location 1 in Unit A.

  • If the setting is enabled, the Thursday transfer request to Location 2 in Unit B is cancelled.

  • If the setting is disabled, the request remains active.

Marking Home Location as Dirty When Patient Moves to Specialty Bed

  • The Dirty the Patient Home Location on Occupying a Specialty Bed for Patients with Pending Transfer Status setting automatically marks a patient’s home location as dirty when the patient moves to a specialty bed.

  • This allows the home location bed to be cleaned and reassigned, helping maintain efficient bed turnover.

  • This is particularly useful in high-demand environments where patients frequently move between units after procedures.

Managing Incoming Patients in PatientTracking Portal

  • A setting in PreAdmitTracking Global Settings defines how long a patient will appear as incoming in PatientTracking Portal.

  • If the patient’s request falls outside the configured time frame, they will not appear in PatientTracking Portal or PreAdmitTracking by default.

  • This setting is found under Admin Tool > Enterprise Information > Global Settings > PreAdmitTracking, labeled Default number of days to show on placement listviews.

  • Users can manually adjust the filter for individual use, but permanent changes that apply to all users require modifying the PreAdmitTracking Global Setting.

  • The default setting is 5 days.

Handling Patients Displayed in Multiple Locations

Patients may appear in multiple locations simultaneously due to different system behaviors:

  • Expected Behavior:

    • A patient with a pending transport job will appear both in their current location and in the destination location.

    • This ensures visibility of transport progress within TransportTracking.

  • Unexpected Behavior:

    • If a patient has duplicate visit numbers, their name may appear twice in different locations.

    • This can occur due to accidental duplicate entries in the system.

    • To verify, users should check the MRN or visit numbers in the PatientTracking Portal.

    • If duplicates exist, users must run a patient audit in the Audit Logs to determine if manual data entry errors occurred.

Duplicate Patients on PatientTracking Portal Console

  • If a patient appears twice in the PatientTracking Portal Console, it may be due to the Display milestone progress on Console for any active patient status setting being enabled.

  • To resolve this, users should:

    1. Open PatientTracking Portal.

    2. Load the console where duplication is reported.

    3. Click on the Milestones column for the duplicated patient.

    4. Navigate to Discharge Milestones.

    5. Uncheck Display milestone progress on Console for any active patient status.

    6. Save changes.

  • This setting causes duplication when patients have both Discharge and Transfer milestones, displaying them twice so that both milestone sets are visible.

Identifying Patients with the Same Last Name

  • Patients with identical last names will be highlighted in red in PatientTracking Portal.

  • When manually entering a patient, a pop-up alert will notify users of the name conflict after hitting Save.

  • The patient can still be pre-admitted.

  • PreAdmitTracking will display the preadmitted patient, but they will not appear in PatientTracking unless a manual search is performed.

  • Once admitted, the patient will appear in PatientTracking.


Canceling a Pending Transfer Request When Moving a Patient to a Specialty Bed

  1. Navigate to Admin Tool > Settings > Capacity Management.

  2. Locate the setting Cancel Bed Request for PROC/SPEC Patient When Moved to Same Home Non-Holding Bed.

  3. Enable or disable the setting as needed.

  4. Save changes.

Marking Home Location as Dirty When Patient Moves to a Specialty Bed

  1. Open Admin Tool > Settings > Capacity Management.

  2. Locate Dirty the Patient Home Location on Occupying a Specialty Bed for Patients with Pending Transfer Status.

  3. Enable the setting to mark home locations as dirty when patients move to specialty beds.

  4. Save changes.

Adjusting the Visibility of Incoming Patients in PatientTracking Portal

  1. Open Admin Tool > Enterprise Information > Global Settings.

  2. Select PreAdmitTracking.

  3. Locate the setting Default number of days to show on placement listviews.

  4. Modify the value to set the appropriate time frame.

  5. Save changes.

  6. Note: Individual users can temporarily adjust filters, but permanent changes require modifying this global setting.

Resolving Duplicate Patients on Console

  1. Open PatientTracking Portal.

  2. Load the affected console via Load/Save Console.

  3. Click the Milestones column for the duplicated patient.

  4. Switch to the Discharge Milestones tab.

  5. Uncheck Display milestone progress on Console for any active patient status.

  6. Save changes.

Checking for Unexpected Patient Duplicates

  1. Run a patient audit against the MRN or name using Audit Logs.

  2. Check if multiple active visits exist.

  3. Compare visit numbers within PatientTracking Portal to verify duplicates.

  4. If a duplicate visit was created in error, adjust records accordingly.

Identifying Patients with the Same Last Name

  1. Manually enter patient details in PatientTracking Portal.

  2. After hitting Save, check for a pop-up alert regarding duplicate last names.

  3. Proceed with PreAdmitting the patient if necessary.

  4. Search for the patient in PreAdmitTracking or PatientTracking, depending on status.

  5. If needed, perform a manual search in PatientTracking to locate the patient.

Editing Patient Records

Editing patient records allows authorized users to add outpatients, update patient information, discharge patients, and request patient transport. This functionality ensures patient data accuracy, facilitates hospital workflow, and supports patient movement tracking. Users with the necessary permissions can perform these tasks within the TransportTracking™ system.

Where you can find this feature: Available in the TransportTracking™ module within Care Support and Clinical Operations views, as well as the PatientTracking Portal.

How Editing Patient Records Works


  • Permissions Required:

    • User Can Add/Edit Patient Data – Required to add or edit patient records.

    • Edit Patient Isolation Type – Required to change a patient’s isolation status.

    • Discharge Patient – Required to discharge a patient.

    • User May Edit Patient Transports – Required to add transport requests for a patient.

  • Adding/Editing Patient Records:

    • Users can edit patient records with an admission or expected admission date within the configured timeframe.

    • Patient searches can be performed using Last Name, Patient ID, or Social Security Number.

    • Required fields include Medical Record Number (MRN) or Visit Number, First and Last Name, Campus, Date of Birth, Gender, and Isolation Type (if applicable).

    • Troubleshooting: If a user searches by MRN but sees no results, they should verify the exact format used in the database. MRNs with dashes or spaces must match the database entry.

  • Discharging Patients:

    • Users can discharge a patient through the Patient Information window.

    • Once discharged, the patient will no longer appear in the active patient list after 48 hours.

    • Troubleshooting: If a patient remains listed after discharge, verify whether the projected discharge date setting is enabled in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Transport Requests:

    • A transport request can be added through the Patient Information window.

    • Users must have appropriate permissions to request a patient transport.

    • Troubleshooting: If a transport request does not process, verify the patient’s current status. Requests cannot be submitted for discharged patients.


Editing a Patient Record

  1. Navigate to TransportTracking™ > Patient Add/Edit (or Patient Edit if Master Patient Index is enabled).

  2. In the Patient Add/Edit window, search for a patient using Last Name or Patient ID.

  3. Select the patient from the search results to open the Patient Information window.

  4. Update necessary fields, including MRN, Visit Number, Name, Campus, DOB, Gender, and Isolation Type.

  5. Click Save to apply the changes.

Adding an Outpatient

  1. Navigate to TransportTracking™ > Patient Add/Edit.

  2. If Master Patient Index is enabled, use Search Patient Demographics to check for existing records.

  3. If no existing record is found, complete the required fields: MRN, Visit Number, Name, Campus, DOB, and Gender.

  4. Click Save to create the outpatient record.

Requesting a Patient Transport

  1. Open the Patient Information window for the selected patient.

  2. Click Add Transport Request.

  3. Enter the transport details, including origin and destination.

  4. Click Save to submit the request.

Discharging a Patient

  1. Open the Patient Information window.

  2. Select Discharge Patient.

  3. Confirm the discharge and click Close.

Viewing Patient Details

  1. Navigate to PatientTracking Portal > List Views.

  2. Select the appropriate list view.

  3. Search for a patient using available filters.

  4. Click the patient’s name to view details.

Cancelling a Pending or Confirmed Discharge

  1. Open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  2. In the Patient Action list, select Cancel Pend/Conf Discharge.

  3. If necessary, update the projected discharge date and time.

  4. Click Save. The patient’s status changes to Inhouse.

Discharging a Patient

Discharging a patient is a critical workflow that ensures accurate patient status updates within the system. Users with appropriate permissions can discharge patients manually or through an integrated ADT system. This feature helps maintain an accurate record of patient flow and occupancy.

Where you can find this feature: Patient/Placement Details form, List Views, TransportTracking™ console.

How Discharging a Patient Works


  • Eligible Patient Statuses: Only patients in the following statuses can be discharged:

    • Outpatient

    • Inhouse

    • Pending Discharge

    • Confirmed Discharge

    • Pending Transfer

    • PreAdmit

  • Manual vs. Automated Discharges:

    • Manual Discharge does not send an update to the ADT system.

    • Automated Discharges occur via ADT integration when configured.

  • TeleTracking RTLS Auto-Discharge:

    • Detach and Discharge Location: A patient is discharged automatically when:

      • They enter a location mapped as a discharge area in Capacity IQ®.

      • They were in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status before entry.

      • Their badge is removed and placed in a drop box.

    • Confirmed Discharge Location: A patient is discharged automatically when:

      • They enter a mapped discharge location in Capacity IQ®.

      • They were in Confirmed Discharged status before entry.

  • Patient status changes take effect immediately, but excessive interface transactions can cause delays.

Permissions Required

  • Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View): Access only, no changes.

  • Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit): Allows modifications within permitted fields.

  • Edit Patient Name: Allows updating patient names.

  • Edit Patient Associated Physicians: Allows modifying physician details.

  • Create New PreAdmits: Allows creating new preadmit records.

  • Discharge Patient from Inhouse Location: Required to discharge patients.


Discharging a Patient

From the Patient/Placement Details Form:

  1. Open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  2. Select Discharge Patient from the Patient Action list.

  3. Click Save.

From a List View:

  1. Open a list view via:

    • PatientTracking Portal > List Views > <List View Name>

    • Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal > Select instance > <List View Tab Name>

    • Click Custom Views > <List View Name>

  2. Select the appropriate Unit(s):

    • Click the magnifying glass to open the Unit dialog box.

    • Select a Campus and Units.

    • Click Add > to move selected units to the active list.

    • Click Save.

  3. Click the patient’s name in the Name column to open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  4. Select Discharge Patient from the Patient Action list.

  5. Click Save.

Quick Discharge via List View:

  1. Click in the Patient Status (ST) or Patient Placement Status (Pt Status) column.

  2. Select Discharge Patient from the dropdown.

  3. Confirm the action in the Patient Action dialog box.

  4. Click Save.

Readmitting a Discharged Patient

Patients may be discharged incorrectly due to misplaced discharge orders or unexpected system behavior. The following methods can restore a patient’s status:

  1. Send a Cancel Discharge Order:

    • If a discharge message was sent via ADT, canceling the discharge may restore the patient record.

  2. Transfer to a Holding Location:

    • Move the discharged patient to a temporary location, then back to their home location.

  3. Send a Readmit Order:

    • This retains the patient’s visit number, preventing mismatches with the ADT system.

  4. Manually Reoccupy a Patient (Requires "Reoccupy Patient" Permission):

    • Search for the discharged patient.

    • Open Patient Placement Details.

    • Select Reoccupy Patient from the Patient Action menu.

Searching for a Patient

To locate a patient for discharge, use the TransportTracking™ console:

  1. Navigate to:

    • TransportTracking™

    • Care Support > TransportTracking™

    • Care Support > TransportTracking™ > <Instance Name>

  2. Click the Patients tab or go to TransportTracking™ > Patient List.

  3. Search using:

    • Last Name, Social Security Number, or Patient ID.

    • Click Search.

    • Optionally, filter by Current Location.

  4. Select the patient’s name from the results.

Troubleshooting & Edge Cases

Patient Status Updates Not Appearing

  • Issue: Interface transactions may delay patient updates.

  • Cause: If 5,000-6,000 messages are processed within an hour, updates may be delayed by 4-5 hours.

  • Resolution:

    • Monitor interface queues for backlog processing.

    • Verify the ADT system for processing errors.

    • Check for pending HL7 messages that may still be updating records.

Discharge Not Completing as Expected

  • Issue: The discharge command was issued, but the patient remains in the system.

  • Possible Causes & Resolutions:

    • Patient was not in an eligible status: Ensure they were in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge.

    • Interface issues: If ADT messages are delayed, manually verify if the discharge processed in external systems.

    • Insufficient permissions: Confirm the user has the Discharge Patient from Inhouse Location permission.

Readmission Conflicts

  • Issue: Readmitting a discharged patient fails or creates duplicate records.

  • Possible Causes & Resolutions:

    • Mismatch in ADT system: Ensure the visit number matches the prior admission.

    • Existing discharge flag: A patient marked as discharged in external systems must be updated before readmission.

    • Manually update patient placement: If the system prevents readmission, use the Reoccupy Patient workflow.

Patient Placement Not Updating

  • Issue: After a discharge or transfer, the patient placement does not update correctly.

  • Possible Causes & Resolutions:

    • System lag due to transaction volume: Allow processing time.

    • Location mismatch: Verify that the home location is correctly configured.

Additional Notes

  • Discharges are irreversible after 48 hours unless a readmit order is processed.

  • Transport requests must be submitted separately if a patient requires post-discharge movement.

  • System behaviors differ based on ADT integration. If using TeleTracking RTLS, verify location mappings are configured correctly.

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