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Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Generating a Printable List View, Projected Census, Bedboard, or Patient/Placement Details Form

This feature is used by healthcare staff to generate printable files of list views, bedboards, and patient/placement details for record-keeping, reporting, and analysis. It is used when a hard copy or a digital file of the displayed information is needed.

Where you can find this feature: List views, bedboards, and the Patient/Placement Details form in the PatientTracking Portal.

How Print Works


The list views, bedboards, and the Patient/Placement Details form have Print buttons. If you have access to these pages, you may use the Print button to generate a .pdf file that contains the information displayed. After the .pdf file is generated, you may open it and print a hard copy.

Print Options

  • Print > Print: Generates a .pdf file. All of the data will not necessarily fit within the width of each printable page. However, your printed output will have fewer pages than a .pdf file that is generated through the Print > Print (Fit Width) option.

  • Print > Print (Fit Width): Generates a .pdf file. All of the data fits within the width of each printable page. However, your printed output will have more pages than a .pdf file that is generated through the Print > Print option.

  • Print > Print to Excel: Generates a Microsoft Excel file (.xls). This option is helpful if you need to move the data around or create a spreadsheet from the data.

Note: The printable file of the Patient/Placement Details form contains only data that has been saved. If you enter data and then click Print before saving, the unsaved data will not appear in the printable file.

Permissions Required

  • To access the electronic bedboard view, you must have the permissions noted in Accessing the electronic bedboard view and in Configuring the electronic bedboard view.

  • To access a list view, you must have the permissions noted in Understanding List Views.

  • To access a list view, you must have the permissions noted in Understanding the All Placements List View, Understanding the Admits Today List View, and Understanding the Pending/Confirmed Discharges List View.

  • To access the projected census, you must have the permissions noted in Understanding the Projected Census.


To Generate the File

  1. Access and configure an electronic bedboard view.

  2. Access a list view.

  3. Access a placement list view, the Admits Today list view, or the Pending/Confirmed Discharges list view and filter the data.

  4. Access and filter the projected census.

  5. On a list view, click Print > Print, Print > Print (Width), or Print > Print to Excel. On the projected census, click Print > Print or Print > Print to Excel. On a bedboard, or the Patient/Placement Details window, click Print.

Note: If there is no data on a bedboard, then the Print button appears gray and unavailable.

  1. If a security message appears, click it, and then select Download File.

  2. If a File Download box does NOT appear, click one of the Print options again.

  3. When the File Download box appears, do one of the following:

    • To open the printable file and view it immediately, click Open.

    • To save the printable file to the location of your choice, click Save, select a location, and then click Save.

How to Access the List View

  1. Go to PatientTracking Portal > List Views > to display it.

  2. Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal and, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > OR Custom Views icon > .

  3. Click the tab for the list view.

  4. Click the Custom Views icon > .

  5. Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

  6. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

  7. In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

  8. Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

  9. Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

  10. If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

  11. Click Save.

  12. On a list view, click Print > Print, Print > Print (Width), or Print > Print to Excel. On the projected census, click Print > Print or Print > Print to Excel. On a bedboard, or the Patient/Placement Details window, click Print.

Note: If there is no data on a bedboard, then the Print button appears gray and unavailable.

  1. If a security message appears, click it, and then select Download File.

  2. If a File Download box does NOT appear, click one of the Print options again.

  3. When the File Download box appears, do one of the following:

    • To open the printable file and view it immediately, click Open.

    • To save the printable file to the location of your choice, click Save, select a location, and then click Save.

About the Data in the .PDF File

  • For the list views, if there are too many columns to display on one page, the columns that cannot fit on the first page appear on the following pages. Then, the first column appears again with data for additional rows.

  • The printable Patient/Placement Details form will only show the patient's social security number if the user who generated it has the Show Patient SSN on Reports permission.

  • The PatientTracking Portal application list views have columns for lab, radiology, medication, and other orders. In the PDF file, the order status appears in these columns. For example, Ordered, In Process, Resulted, or Cancelled appears.

  • The PatientTracking Portal application list views have columns for patient attributes, such as Fall Risk or Hard of Hearing. In the PDF file, the patient attribute name appears as a column header and in the rows for patients to which it applies.

  • The PatientTracking Portal application list views have columns for Isolation Type and Isolation Indicator. In the PDF file, the Isolation Type column is called Iso Type. It shows the isolation type name, such as Airborne. The Isolation Indicator column is called Isolation. It also shows the isolation type name.

  • The PatientTracking Portal application list views have columns for staff types. It shows the names of the staff members assigned to each patient. If the columns are set to show outgoing and incoming staff, both the outgoing and incoming staff will be printed in the staff type cell.

  • The PatientTracking Portal application can display information for multiple units. When multiple units are displayed and printed, the unit abbreviations are repeated on every page on which that unit appears.

  • For bedboard printouts, the column headings are repeated on every page.

List View Print Function Sorting


  1. Select a tab from any list view in PatientTracking Portal or PreAdmitTracking.

  2. Click on any column heading to sort by column.

  3. Click the Print button and select the method.

Best Practices

This is useful if you need to sort patient list view information by a different column criteria other than by date.

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