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Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Permission Details

Permissions are associated with groups, granting every user assigned to a role linked to that group the rights related to those permissions. Some permissions are dependent on others, meaning users must have additional permissions for certain functionalities to be effective. For example, transport supervisors need both the Priority Upgrade and Supervisor Workflow permissions to upgrade the priority of transport jobs and access the appropriate IVR menu.

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool, BedTracking, PreAdmitTracking, and TransportTracking applications.

How Permission Details Work


Permissions in the BedTracking, PreAdmitTracking, and TransportTracking applications often work together. Users may need additional permissions to access certain functions. For example, in the BedTracking application, a requester with the Change Bed Size permission must also have the Requester Workflow permission to access the IVR menu for changing bed sizes.

Admin Tool Dependencies

The Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management provides access to all features within these components. The Admin Tool Menu permission is required to access any feature in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management Menu, except for the Request RAC Code feature. Groups with the Admin Tool Menu permission must be associated with the ADMIN application on the Role Information page.

Permission Dependencies

BedTracking Application

With this permission…

This permission is also required…

Change Bed Size

Requester Workflow

Block Beds

Requester Workflow

Reason Code Required to Block Beds

Requester Workflow

Un-Block Beds

Requester Workflow

Cancel Cleaning Request

Requester Workflow

Reason Code Required to Cancel Cleaning Request

Requester Workflow

Notify New

Supervisor Workflow

Suspend a Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Reason Code Required to Suspend Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Place Bed Cleaning In Progress

Employee Workflow

Delay Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Reason Code Required to Delay Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Release Delayed Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Cancel In Progress Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Reason Code Required to Cancel In Progress Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Create Voice Files

Maintenance Workflow

Review Voice Files

Maintenance Workflow

Modify Another User's Log In Assignment

Access Employee List View

Subscribe to Notifications

Permission to Modify Notification Settings

PreAdmitTracking Application

With this permission…

This permission is also required…

Edit Patient Name

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Edit Patient MRN

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Edit Patient Visit Number

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Edit Patient Social Security Number

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Edit Patient Associated Physicians

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Edit Patient Campus

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Edit a Placement Request Date and Time

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Set/Clear Patient Bedboard Flag

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Activate Placement

Access Placement List View

Deactivate Placement

Access Placement List View

Tag Patient as Ready to Move

Access Placement List View

Edit Target Unit on a Placement

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) (for workstation) and Requester Workflow (to change a status to Pending Transfer on the IVR)

Edit Origin Unit on a Placement

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) (for workstation) and Requester Workflow (to change a status to Pending Transfer on the IVR)

Set Bed Assignment

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) (for workstation) and Requester Workflow (to change a status to Pending Transfer on the IVR)

Change Bed Assignment

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Remove Bed Assignment

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Create Placements

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) (for workstation) and Requester Workflow (to select Pending Transfer status on the IVR)

Return Patient to Home Location

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Send Patient to Procedure

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Set Pending/Confirmed Discharge

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) (for workstation) and Requester Workflow (to change a status to Pending or Confirmed Discharge on the IVR)

Cancel Pending/Confirmed Discharge

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) (for workstation) and Requester Workflow (to cancel pending or confirmed discharge on the IVR)

Cancel Bed Placement Request

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) (for workstation) and Requester Workflow (to cancel pending transfer on IVR)

Unoccupy Patient from Location

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Admit Patient to Inhouse Location

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Transfer Patient to Inhouse Location

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Discharge Patient to Inhouse Location

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Reoccupy Home

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Reoccupy Specialty

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights)

Create New PreAdmits

Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights) and Edit Patient Name

Change electronic bedboard view View Options

Change Units Shown on electronic bedboard view

Change Units Shown on electronic bedboard view

Change electronic bedboard view View Options

Subscribe to Notifications

Permission to Modify Notification Settings

TransportTracking™ Application

With this permission…

This permission is also required…

Inquiry Menu-Inquire about Current Jobs and Patients

Requester Workflow (patients) or Supervisor Workflow (jobs)

Priority 0 Upgrades

Supervisor Workflow

Permit Outpatient Requests

Requester Workflow

Mini Tasks Tracking

Requester, Supervisor, or Transporter Workflow (to track tasks on IVR)

Record Special Instructions

Requester Workflow

User May Edit Patient Transports

Requester Workflow (to add patient job request on IVR)

User May Edit Item/Equipment Transports

Requester Workflow (to add an item job request on IVR)

User May Create Equipment Return Task After Completing Patient Transport Job

Transporter Workflow (to create equipment return task on IVR)


Transporter Workflow

User Can Cancel Job

Transporter Workflow (to cancel a job through the IVR)

User Can Reschedule

Transporter Workflow (to reschedule a job through the IVR)

Job By-pass

Transporter Workflow

Release Self From Job

Transporter Workflow

Round Trips

Transporter Workflow

Device Maintenance

Maintenance Workflow and Supervisor Workflow

User Can Create Voice Files

Maintenance Workflow and Supervisor Workflow or Requester Workflow

User Can Review Voice Files

Maintenance Workflow and Supervisor Workflow

Modify Another User's Log In Assignment

Console Transporters Tab

Subscribe to Notifications

Permission to Modify Notification Settings

Administrative Permissions - Administrative Controls

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

Admin Tool menu

Note: Users who are not part of an Admin group will still see the Admin Tool menu if they have BT, PAT, or TT permission "Allow user to request RAC" enabled

Enabled: Users with this Admin group will see the Admin Tool menu in the green task bar
Disabled: Users with this Admin group will not see the Admin Tool menu in the green task bar

Visibility of the Admin Tool dropdown menu in the green taskbar

Physical Location Information

View: User can view Physical Location Information
Edit: User can edit Physical Location Information
None: User cannot access Physical Location Information

Access to Campus, Building, Floor, Room listing and details

Unit - Cluster Management

View: User can view Unit - Cluster Management
Edit: User can edit Unit - Cluster Management
None: User cannot access Unit - Cluster Management

Access to Cluster and Unit listing and details

Enterprise Communication

View: User can view Enterprise Communication
Edit: User can edit Enterprise Communication
None: User cannot access Enterprise Communication

Access to Enterprise Communication

User Management

To Reset Password/PIN also require:
Reset User Password / Pin

View: User can view User list and details
Edit: User can edit User list and details
None: User cannot access User list and details

Access to User Management - list and detail screens

Reset User Password / Pin

Enabled: User can reset user password / pin
Disabled: User cannot reset user password / pin

Reset Password and Reset PIN buttons in User Detail

Role Management

View: User can view Role list and details
Edit: User can edit Role list and details
None: User cannot access Role list and details

Access to Role Management - list and detail screens

Group Management

View: User can view Group list and details
Edit: User can edit Group list and details
None: User cannot access Group list and details

Access to Group Management - list and detail screens

Paging Setup

View: User can view Device Setup
Edit: User can edit Device Setup
None: User cannot access Device Setup

Access to Device Setup

Enterprise Wide Settings

View: User can view Enterprise-wide Settings
Edit: User can edit Enterprise-wide Settings
None: User cannot access Enterprise-wide Settings

Access to Enterprise-wide Settings

Bed size

View: User can view Bed Size dictionary
Edit: User can edit Bed Size dictionary
None: User cannot access Bed Size dictionary

Access to Bed Size (from Dictionary Management)


View: User can view Category dictionary
Edit: User can edit Category dictionary
None: User cannot access Category dictionary

Access to Category (from Dictionary Management)

Cost Centers

View: User can view Cost Centers dictionary
Edit: User can edit Cost Centers dictionary
None: User cannot access Cost Centers dictionary

Access to Cost Centers (from Dictionary Management)

Custom Columns

View: User can view Custom Columns dictionary
Edit: User can edit Custom Columns dictionary
None: User cannot access Custom Columns dictionary

Access to Custom Columns (from Dictionary Management)

Employee Category

View: User can view Employee Category dictionary
Edit: User can edit Employee Category dictionary
None: User cannot access Employee Category dictionary

Access to Employee Category (from Dictionary Management)

Isolation Type

View: User can view Isolation Types dictionary
Edit: User can edit Isolation Types dictionary
None: User cannot access Isolation Types dictionary

Access to Isolation Types List and Detail screens (from Dictionary Management)


View: User can view Positions dictionary
Edit: User can edit Positions dictionary
None: User cannot access Positions dictionary

Access to Positions (from Dictionary Management)

Reason codes

View: User can view Reason Codes dictionary
Edit: User can edit Reason Codes dictionary
None: User cannot access Reason Codes dictionary

Access to Reason Codes (from Dictionary Management)

Room Accommodation Types

View: User can view Room Accommodation Types dictionary
Edit: User can edit Room Accommodation Types dictionary
None: User cannot access Room Accommodation Types dictionary

Access to Room Accommodation (from Dictionary Management)

Room Types

View: User can view Room Types dictionary
Edit: User can edit Room Types dictionary
None: User cannot access Room Types dictionary

Access to Room Types (from Dictionary Management)

Staff Type

View: User can view Staff Type dictionary
Edit: User can edit Staff Type dictionary
None: User cannot access Staff Type dictionary

Access to Staff Type (from Dictionary Management)


View: User can view Titles dictionary
Edit: User can edit Titles dictionary
None: User cannot access Titles dictionary

Access to Room Types (from Dictionary Management)

HL7 Configuration

View: User can view HL7 Configuration
Edit: User can edit HL7 Configuration
None: User cannot access HL7 Configuration

Access to HL7 Configuration

Master Configuration

Available to users with TeleSupportRole only

View: User can view Master Configuration
Edit: User can edit Master Configuration
None: User cannot access Master Configuration

Access to Master Configuration

Archive Management Settings

View: User can view Archive Management
Edit: User can edit Archive Management
None: User cannot access Archive Management

Access to Archive Management

ADT Intercept

View: User can view ADT Intercept
Edit: User can edit ADT Intercept
None: User cannot access ADT Intercept

Access to ADT Intercept

Edit Staffed Beds

View: User can view Staffed Beds
Edit: User can edit Staffed Beds
None: User cannot access Staffed Beds

Access to Staffed Beds

Floor Plan Settings

Enabled: User can use the Floor Plan Settings page
Disabled: User cannot access the Floor Plan Settings page

Access to the Floor Plan Settings Admin Tool page

Icon Management

Enabled: User can use the Icon Management page
Disabled: User cannot access the Icon Management page

Access to the Icon Management Admin Tool page

Patient Tagging

Enabled: User can use the Patient Tagging application
Disabled: User cannot access the Patient Tagging application.

Access to the Patient Tagging Admin Tool Application

Staff Tagging

Enabled: User can use the Staff Tagging application
Disabled: User cannot access the Staff Tagging application.

Access to the Staff Tagging Admin Tool Application

Administrative Permissions - TransportTracking Functions

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

TransportTracking Campus Settings

Physical Location Information - View or Edit

View: User can view TransportTracking Campus Settings
Edit: User can edit TransportTracking Campus Settings
None: User cannot access TransportTracking Campus Settings

Access to TransportTracking Campus Settings Screen (link in Campus Global Settings)

TransportTracking Location Settings

To add, edit, delete locations need one of:
BedTracking Location Settings - Edit
TransportTracking Location Settings - Edit

View: User can view TransportTracking location settings
Edit: User can edit TransportTracking location settings
None: User cannot access TransportTracking location settings

Access to Transport Settings tab in Location Information dialog

Mini Tasks

View: User can view Mini Tasks dictionary
Edit: User can edit Mini Tasks dictionary
None: User cannot access Mini Tasks dictionary

Access to Mini Tasks (from Dictionary management)

Travel Requirements

View: User can view Travel Requirements dictionary
Edit: User can edit Travel Requirements dictionary
None: User cannot access Travel Requirements dictionary

Access to Travel Requirements (from Dictionary management)


View: User can view Batches dictionary
Edit: User can edit Batches dictionary
None: User cannot access Batches dictionary

Access to Batches (from Dictionary management)

Item Types

View: User can view Item Types dictionary
Edit: User can edit Item Types dictionary
None: User cannot access Item Types dictionary

Access to Item Type List and Item Type Detail screens (from Dictionary management)

Mode of Travel

View: User can view Mode of Travel dictionary
Edit: User can edit Mode of Travel dictionary
None: User cannot access Mode of Travel dictionary

Access to Mode of Travel (from Dictionary management)

TransportTracking Alert Settings

View: User can view TransportTracking Alert Settings
Edit: User can edit TransportTracking Alert Settings
None: User cannot access TransportTracking Alert Settings

Access to TransportTracking Alert Settings (on TransportTracking menu item in Alert Management submenu)

Administrative Permissions - BedTracking Functions

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

Spill Type Settings


BedTracking Campus Settings


BedTracking Location Settings


BedTracking Alert Settings


CBS Console


Administrative Permissions - PreAdmit Functions

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

Admit Source

View: User can view Admit Source dictionary
Edit: User can edit Admit Source dictionary
None: User cannot access Admit Source dictionary

Access to Admit Source (from Dictionary Management)

Admit Type

View: User can view Admit Type dictionary
Edit: User can edit Admit Type dictionary
None: User cannot access Admit Type dictionary

Access to Admit Type (from Dictionary Management)

Custom Attribute

View: User can view Patient Attribute dictionary
Edit: User can edit Patient Attribute dictionary
None: User cannot access Patient Attribute dictionary

Access to Patient Attribute (from Dictionary Management)

Custom Attribute Category

View: User can view Custom Attribute Category dictionary
Edit: User can edit Custom Attribute Category dictionary
None: User cannot access Custom Attribute Category dictionary

Access to Custom Attribute Category (from Dictionary Management)


View: User can view Discipline dictionary
Edit: User can edit Discipline dictionary
None: User cannot access Discipline dictionary

Access to Discipline (from Dictionary Management)

Hospital Service

View: User can view Hospital Service dictionary
Edit: User can edit Hospital Service dictionary
None: User cannot access Hospital Service dictionary

Access to Hospital Service (from Dictionary Management)

Level of Care

View: User can view Level of Care dictionary
Edit: User can edit Level of Care dictionary
None: User cannot access Level of Care dictionary

Access to Level of Care (from Dictionary Management)

Patient Type

View: User can view Patient Type dictionary
Edit: User can edit Patient Type dictionary
None: User cannot access Patient Type dictionary

Access to Patient Type (from Dictionary Management)


View: User can view Physicians dictionary
Edit: User can edit Physicians dictionary
None: User cannot access Physicians dictionary

Enterprise Physician List and Physician Detail screens (from Dictionary Management)

Physician Service

View: User can view Physician Service dictionary
Edit: User can edit Physician Service dictionary
None: User cannot access Physician Service dictionary

Access to Physician Service (from Dictionary Management)

View Group

View: User can view View Group dictionary
Edit: User can edit View Group dictionary
None: User cannot access View Group dictionary

Access to View Groups (from Dictionary Management)

PreAdmitTracking Campus Settings

Physical Location Information - View or Edit

View: User can view PreAdmitTracking Campus Settings
Edit: User can edit PreAdmitTracking Campus Settings
None: User cannot access PreAdmitTracking Campus Settings

Access to PreAdmitTracking Campus Settings Screen (from Campus Global Settings)

PreAdmitTracking Unit Settings

Unit - Cluster Management - View or Edit

View: User can view Unit PreAdmitTracking Settings
Edit: User can edit Unit PreAdmitTracking Settings
None: User cannot access Unit PreAdmitTracking Settings

Access to Unit PreAdmitTracking Settings Screen (from Unit Detail)

Unit Attribute Settings

Unit - Cluster Management - View or Edit

View: User can view Unit Attribute Settings
Edit: User can edit Unit Attribute Settings
None: User cannot access Unit Attribute Settings

Access to Unit Attribute Settings (from Unit Detail)

Milestone Setup

View: User can view Discharge/Transfer Milestones and Delay Reasons Setup
User can Edit Discharge/Transfer Milestones and Delay Reasons
User cannot access Milestone Setup

Milestone Setup Screen

Care Progression Group setup

View: User can view Care Progression Group setup/configuration Admin Tool pages
Edit: User can edit Care Progression Group setup/configuration Admin Tool pages
None: User cannot access Care Progression Group setup/configuration Admin Tool pages

Access to Care Progression Group Setup/Configuration pages (from Admin Tool)


View: User can view Diet dictionary
Edit: User can edit Diet dictionary
None: User cannot access Diet dictionary

Access to Diet (from Dictionary management)

Patient Order Status

View: User can view Patient Order Status, Patient Order Priority, and Patient Order Specimen Action Code dictionaries
Edit: User can edit Patient Order Status, Patient Order Priority, and Patient Order Specimen Action Code dictionaries
None: User cannot access Patient Order Status, Patient Order Priority, and Patient Order Specimen Action Code dictionaries

Access to Patient Order Status, Patient Order Priority, and Patient Order Specimen Action Code dictionaries (from Dictionary Management)

BedTracking Permissions

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

Access Bed Dashboard

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can access bed dashboard
Disabled: User cannot access bed dashboard

  1. Beds tab on BT home page

  2. Bed Dashboard menu item under the BT menu

Access All Beds List View

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can access all beds listview
Disabled: User cannot access all beds listview

  1. All Beds icon in BT toolbar

  2. All Beds menu item under BT Listviews menu

Access Occupied Beds List View

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can access occupied beds listview
Disabled: User cannot access occupied beds listview

  1. Occupied Beds icon in BT toolbar

  2. Occupied Beds menu item under BT Listviews menu

Access Employee Dashboard

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can access employee dashboard
Disabled: User cannot access employee dashboard

  1. Employees tab on BT home page

  2. Employee Dashboard menu item under the BT menu

Access Employee List View

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can access employee list listview
Disabled: User cannot access employee list listview

  1. Employee List icon in BT toolbar

  2. Employee List menu item under BT Listviews menu

Access Notification History

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can access BT notification history listview
Disabled: User cannot access BT notification history listview

Note: This permission applies to BT only. Notification History for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Notify History icon in BT toolbar

  2. Notify History menu item under BT menu

Access Bed Information

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access bed information dialog in BT, PAT or PTPortal.
Disabled: User cannot access bed information

Access to Bed Information Dialog on:

  1. "Bed" column on all BT and PTPortal listviews.

  2. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews

  3. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Requester Workflow

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can perform requester functions on IVR. User can create cleaning requests, and change cleaning request priority through the UI.
Disabled: User cannot perform requester functions. User cannot create cleaning requests, or change cleaning request priority through the UI.

Note: This permission applies to BT requester functions only. Requester functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. IVR - Main Menu

  2. UI - Action dropdown in Change Bed Status through:

a. "Bed" column on all BT and PTPortal listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Supervisor Workflow

Enabled: User can perform supervisor functions in BT IVR
Disabled: User cannot perform supervisor functions in BT IVR

Note: This permission applies to BT supervisor functions only. Supervisor functions for other products must use that product's permission.

IVR - Main Menu

Employee Workflow

Enabled: User can perform employee functions in BT IVR
Disabled: User cannot perform employee functions in BT IVR

IVR - Main Menu

Maintenance Workflow

Enabled: User can perform maintenance functions
Disabled: User cannot perform maintenance functions

Note: This permission applies to BT maintenance functions only. Maintenance functions for other products must use that product's permission.

IVR - Main Menu

View Another EVS Employee's History

Show BedTracking Console
Access Employee Listview

Enabled: In Employee Listview, user can click on an employee name and view details and history.
Disabled: User cannot view another employee's details and history.

Employee Detail screen ("Employee" column on employee listview)

Modify Another User's Login/Assignment Status

Show BedTracking Console
Access Employee Listview

Enabled: User can modify login/assignment status of another user
Disabled: User cannot modify login/assignment status of another user

Note: This permission applies to BT only. Modify Another User's Login/Assignment Status for other products must use that product's permission.

Supervisor Login/Logout dialog. ("Device ID", "Zones", "Sections" columns on employee listview)

Subscribe to Notifications

Show BedTracking Console
To save changes one of:
BT: Modify Notification Settings
TT: Permission to modify notification settings
PAT: Subscribe to PreAdmitTracking Notifications

Enabled: In My Notifications page, the BT Tab is displayed and user can subscribe to notifications
Disabled:In My Notifications page, the BT Tab is not displayed

BedTracking Tab in My Notifications page

Modify Notification Settings

Subscribe to Notifications

Enabled: User can modify notification settings
Disabled: User cannot modify notification settings

BedTracking Tab in My Notifications page

Re-Assign Job to Employee (Notify New)

Supervisor Workflow

Enabled: User can reassign a job to employee (notify new)
Disabled: User cannot reassign a job to employee (notify new)

IVR - Supervisor Main Menu

Change Bed Size

For IVR - One of:
Requester Workflow
Employee Workflow

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can change bed size
Disabled: User cannot change bed size

  1. IVR - Requester Main Menu, Employee Idle Menu

  2. Bed Attributes: View/Edit Bed Size dialog though:

a. "Bed Size" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Suspend ADT Transactions


Not used


Block Beds

For IVR - One of:
Requester Workflow
Employee Workflow

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can block beds
Disabled: User cannot block beds

  1. IVR - Requester Main Menu

  2. Employee Idle Menu

3.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Reason Code Required to Block Beds

Block Beds
For IVR:
Requester Workflow

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User is required to provide reason code when blocking beds
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when blocking beds

  1. IVR - Requester Bed Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c.Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Un-Block Beds

One of:
Transition Bed to Clean
Transition Bed to Dirty
Transition Bed to Clean Next
Transition Bed to STAT
Transition Bed to UserDefined Status 8
Transition Bed to UserDefined Status 9
For IVR:
Requester Workflow
For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can remove a bed block
Disabled: User cannot remove a bed block

  1. IVR - Requester Bed is Blocked Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Place Bed Cleaning In Progress

Employee Workflow

Enabled: User can place a "dirty" bed in progress.
Disabled: User cannot place a "dirty" bed in progress.

IVR - Employee Pickup New Job

Allow Found Bed

Employee Workflow

Enabled: User can place an occupied (or clean) bed in progress (aka Found Bed). This will discharge the occupying patient.
Disabled: User cannot place an occupied (or clean) bed in progress (aka Found Bed).

IVR - Employee Pickup New Job

Suspend a Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Enabled: User can suspend a bed cleaning
Disabled: User cannot suspend a bed cleaning

IVR- Employee Main Menu

Reason Code Required to Suspend Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow
Suspend a Bed Cleaning

Enabled: User is required to provide reason code when suspending a bed cleaning job
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when suspending a bed cleaning job

IVR- Suspend Bed Menu

Delay Bed Cleaning Job

Employee Workflow

Enabled: User can delay a bed cleaning job
Disabled: User cannot delay a bed cleaning job

IVR - Pickup New Job Options Menu, option to Delay Bed Cleaning Job may/may not be present

Reason code required to Delay Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow
Delay Bed Cleaning Job

Enabled: User is required to provide reason code when delaying a bed cleaning
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when delaying a bed cleaning

IVR - Delay Bed Menu

Release Delayed Bed Cleaning

For IVR:
Requester Workflow

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can release a delayed bed cleaning job
Disabled: User cannot release a delayed bed cleaning job

  1. IVR - REQ - Requested Bed is Delayed Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog on:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Cancel Cleaning Request

For IVR:
Requester Workflow

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can cancel a cleaning request
Disabled: User cannot cancel a cleaning request

  1. IVR - Bed Request Status Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b."Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Reason Code Required to Cancel Cleaning Request

Cancel Cleaning Request
For IVR:
Requester Workflow

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User is required to provide reason code when canceling a cleaning request
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when canceling a cleaning request

  1. IVR - Cancel Cleaning Request Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Cancel InProgress Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow

Enabled: User can cancel the InProgress status of a bed cleaning job. The cleaning request is not canceled.
Disabled: User cannot cancel the InProgress status of a bed cleaning job.

IVR - Employee InProgress Menu

Reason Code Required to Cancel InProgress Bed Cleaning

Employee Workflow
Cancel InProgress Bed Cleaning

Enabled: User is required to provide a reason code when canceling the InProgress status of a bed cleaning job.
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when canceling the InProgress status of a bed cleaning job.

IVR - Cancel InProgress Menu

Transition Bed to Clean

For UI:
Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
For IVR:
Requester Workflow
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can transition bed to clean
Disabled: User cannot transition bed to clean

  1. IVR - Requested Bed is InProgress Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b."Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Transition Bed to Dirty

Requester Workflow

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can change the bed cleaning priority to dirty
Disabled: User cannot change the bed cleaning priority to dirty

  1. IVR - Bed Request Status Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Transition Bed to Clean Next

Requester Workflow

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can change the bed cleaning priority to clean next
Disabled: User cannot change the bed cleaning priority to clean next

  1. IVR - Bed Request Status Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." column on PAT listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Transition Bed to STAT

Requester Workflow

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can change the bed cleaning priority to STAT
Disabled: User cannot change the bed cleaning priority to STAT

  1. IVR - Bed Request Status Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Transition Bed to UserDefined Status 8

Requester Workflow

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can change the bed cleaning priority to UDef8
Disabled: User cannot change the bed cleaning priority to Udef8

  1. IVR - Bed Request Status Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. "Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Transition Bed to UserDefined Status 9

Requester Workflow

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can change the bed cleaning priority to UDef9
Disabled: User cannot change the bed cleaning priority to Udef9

  1. IVR - Bed Request Status Menu

2.Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b."Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Create Spill Request

Requester Workflow

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can create a spill cleaning request or change spill type on existing request.
Disabled: User can neither create a spill cleaning request nor change spill type on existing request.

  1. IVR - Spill Request Menu

  2. Change Bed Status dialog through:

a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b."Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Place Spill Cleaning In Progress

Employee Workflow

Enabled: User can place a spill cleaning job in progress.
Disabled: User cannot place a spill cleaning job in progress.

IVR - Employee Pickup New Job

Cancel Spill Request

Requester Workflow

Show BedTracking Console
and one of:
Access Bed Dashboard
Access All Beds Listview
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can cancel a spill cleaning request
Disabled: User cannot cancel a spill cleaning request

  1. IVR - Spill Request Menu

  2. Change Bed Status dialog through:

a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b."Assgd Bed", "Current Loc.", "Home Loc." "Spec Loc." columns on PAT and Portal listviews
c. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Edit Patient Isolation Type

Show BedTracking Console
Access Occupied Beds Listview
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of PAT permissions:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can edit patient isolation type
Disabled: User cannot edit patient isolation type

  1. "Iso Type" column in BT, PAT and PTPortal Listviews

  2. "Isolation" field in Patient/Placement Details Form

Reoccupy Patient (pick location first)

Show BedTracking Console
Access All Beds Listview
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Access the electronic bedboard
Also available on bedboard if user has:
PAT: Reoccupy Patient (pick patient first)

Also required (for access via "Bed Information" dialog):
BT: Access Bed Information

Enabled: User can reoccupy patient
Disabled: User cannot reoccupy patient

Change Bed Status dialog through:
a. "Bed Status" and "Bed" columns of BT and PTPortal Listviews.
b. Shift-click menu in bedboard ("Bed Information" option)

Access RTKI

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: RTKI statistics are displayed
Disabled: RTKI statistics are not displayed

Note: This permission applies to BT RTKI only. RTKI display for other products must use that product's permission.

RTKI statistics below the menu bar (above toolbar/tabs)

Allow user to set membership on login without RAC

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC
PAT: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC
TT: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC

Enabled: Floater User does not have to enter RAC to set membership at login. Floater must enter membership at login.
Disabled: Floater User will need to provide RAC to set membership at login (when logging in on the same day).

XT Login

Allow user to request RAC

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Allow user to request RAC
PAT: Allow user to request RAC
TT: Allow user to request RAC

Enabled: Floater User can request RAC to allow changing membership in a day.
Disabled: Floater User cannot request RAC

Request RAC menu item in Admin menu.

Change Console Settings

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can change console settings
Disabled: User cannot change console settings

Note: This permission applies to BT Console Settings only. RTKI display for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Console Settings icon in BT Toolbar

  2. Console Settings menu item in BT menu

Show BedTracking Console

Enabled: User can access BT Console
User cannot access BT Console

  1. BT icon on the XT Home Page

  2. BT product menu.

Access Instant Notify

Show BedTracking Console
Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Access Instant Notify
PAT: Access Instant Notify
TT: Access Instant Notify

Enabled: User can send instant notifications and access Instant Notify Quick Report
Disabled: User cannot send instant notifications or access Instant Notify Quick Report

  1. Instant Notify icon in BT Toolbar

  2. Instant Notify menu item in BT menu

  3. Instant Notify menu item in BT Quick Reports menu

Patient Tracking Portal Permissions

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

Edit Patient Diet

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit patient diet
Disabled: User cannot edit patient diet

Diet field in all PTPortal listviews.

Edit Patient Nurse from List View

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit patient nurse
Disabled: User cannot edit patient nurse

Nurse field in all PTPortal listviews

Access Caregiver History

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access caregiver history
Disabled: User cannot access caregiver history

Caregiver History Dialog (on the "CH" column in all PTPortal listviews).

Access Radiology Orders

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access radiology orders
Disabled: User cannot access radiology orders

Radiology Orders dialog

Access Lab Orders

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access lab orders
Disabled: User cannot access lab orders

Lab Orders Dialog

Access Med Orders

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access med orders
Disabled: User cannot access med orders

Med Orders Dialog

Access Other Orders

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access other orders
Disabled: User cannot access other orders

Other Orders Dialog

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access PTPortal
Disabled: User cannot access PTPortal

  1. PTPortal icon on the XT Home Page

  2. PTPortal product menu.

Access Quick Reports

Show PatientTracking Portal Console
and one of:
PTPortal:Run any reports, including those that reveal patient Information
PTPortal: Run only reports that do not reveal patient information
PTPortal: Access Instant Notify (must have this to access Instant Notify Quick Report)

Enabled: User can access PTPortal quick reports
Disabled: User cannot access PTPortal quick reports

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal reports only. Reports for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Quick Reports icon in PTPortal Toolbar

  2. Quick Reports menu item in PTPortal menu

Access Assign Caregiver to Shifts

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can assign caregivers to shifts
Disabled: User cannot assign caregivers to shifts

  1. Assign Caregivers to Shifts option under Caregivers icon

  2. Assign Caregivers to Shifts under Caregivers submenu in PTPortal menu.

Access Assign Caregiver to Beds

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can assign caregivers to beds
Disabled: User cannot assign caregivers to beds

  1. Assign Caregivers to Beds option under Caregivers icon

  2. Assign Caregivers to Beds under Caregivers submenu in PTPortal menu.

Access Replace Caregiver

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can replace caregiver
Disabled: User cannot replace caregiver

1.Replace Caregiver(this shift) option under Caregivers icon

  1. Replace Caregiver(this shift) under Caregivers submenu in PTPortal menu.

Access Set Shift

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can set shift
Disabled: User cannot set shift

  1. Set Shift option under Caregivers icon

  2. Set Shift under Caregivers submenu in PTPortal menu.

Access Unit Message Board Settings

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit unit message board settings
Disabled: User cannot edit unit message board settings

  1. Unit Message Board option under Message Board icon

  2. Unit Message Board under Message Board submenu in PTPortal menu.

Access Campus Message Board Settings

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit campus message board settings
Disabled: User cannot edit campus message board settings

  1. Campus Message Board option under Message Board icon

  2. Campus Message Board under Message Board submenu in PTPortal menu.

Access RTKI Settings

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit RTKI settings
Disabled: User cannot edit RTKI settings

  1. RTKI icon in PTPortal Toolbar

  2. RTKI menu item in PTPortal menu

Access Instant Notify

Show PatientTracking Portal Console
Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Access Instant Notify
BT: Access Instant Notify
TT: Access Instant Notify
Show Instant Notify Quick Report if user has:
PTPortal: Access Instant Notify

Enabled: User can send instant notifications and access Instant Notify Quick Report
Disabled: User cannot send instant notifications or access Instant Notify Quick Report

  1. Instant Notify icon in PTPortal Toolbar

  2. Instant Notify menu item in PTPortal menu

  3. Instant Notify menu item in PTPortal Quick Reports menu

Access Patient Search

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access patient search listview
Disabled: User cannot access patient search listview

  1. Patient Search icon in PTPortal Toolbar

  2. Patient Search menu item in PTPortal menu

Write configuration to user's workstation

Enabled: Saves the Side Scroll Control position and selected Portal Unit and Tab to the workstation's cookie for the logged-in user
Disabled: Saves nothing to the cookie

Side Scroll Control position and selected Unit and Tab will be saved to the workstation's cookie for the logged-in user

Read configuration from user's workstation

Enabled: Loads Side Scroll Control position and selected Portal Unit and Tab from the workstation's cookie for the logged-in user
Disabled: Loads nothing from the cookie

Side Scroll Control position and selected Unit and Tab will be loaded from the workstation's cookie for the logged-in user

Save/Show/Delete Personal Views

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can save, load or delete personal views in PTPortal console
Disabled: User cannot save, load or delete personal views in PTPortal console

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Console - Load Tab:

Personal Consoles node
2.Load/Save Console - Save Tab:
Scope dropdown

Save/Show/Delete Group Views

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can save, load or delete group views for user's view group
Disabled: User cannot save, load or delete group views

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Console - Load Tab:

Group Consoles node
2.Load/Save Console - Save Tab:
Scope dropdown

Show Group Views

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can load group views belonging to the user's view group
Disabled: User cannot load group views

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Console - Load Tab:

Group Consoles node

Set My Default View

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can set his/her default view
Disabled: User cannot set his/her default view

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

Set as my default view checkbox in the Load/Save Console dialog.

Set Group Default View

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can set default view for his/her view group
Disabled: User cannot set default view for his/her view group

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

Set as group default view checkbox in the Load/Save Console dialog.

Console View Admin

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can save, load or delete group views for any view group in the enterprise
Disabled: User cannot save, load or delete group views for the enterprise

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Dialog - Load Tab:

Group Consoles node

  1. Load/Save Dialog - Save Tab:

Scope dropdown

Set Advanced Filters

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can set advanced filters on listviews
Disabled: User cannot set advanced filters on listviews

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Advanced Filters button on all other listviews.

  2. Filter Settings button on Census View.

Show/Hide/Reorder View Columns

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can show, hide, or reorder listview columns
Disabled: User cannot show, hide, or reorder listview columns

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

View Options button on the listviews.

Change Console Settings

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can change console settings
Disabled: User cannot change console settings

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Console Settings icon in PTPortal Toolbar

  2. Console Settings menu item in PTPortal menu

Access RTKI

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: RTKI statistics are displayed
Disabled: RTKI statistics are not displayed

Note: This permission applies to PTPortal RTKI only. RTKI display for other products must use that product's permission.

RTKI statistics below the menu bar (above toolbar/tabs)

PreAdmitTracking Permissions

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

View Patient Name and Diagnosis

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: Patient Name and Diagnosis will be displayed in listviews.
Disabled: Patient Name and Diagnosis will NOT be displayed in listviews. The columns may appear in lisviews, but will NOT contain Name or Diagnosis.

Name and Diagnosis columns in PAT and Portal listviews

Maintain Patient/Placement Details

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Create New PreAdmits
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

View: User can view patient/placement details.
Edit: User can edit patient/placement details.
None: User will not have access to patient/placement details.

Access to Patient/Placement Details from PAT or Portal listviews (on the "Name" column).

Edit Patient Name

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can edit all name fields
Disabled: User cannot edit any name field

Last, First, MI, and Suffix fields in Patient/Placement Details.

Edit Patient MRN

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can edit MRN.
Disabled: User cannot edit MRN.

"Medical #" field in Patient/Placement Details.

Edit Patient Visit Number

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can edit Visit Number.
Disabled: User cannot edit Visit Number.

"Visit #" field in Patient/Placement Details.

Edit Patient Social Security Number

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can edit SSN.
Disabled: User cannot edit SSN.

"Soc. Sec #" field in Patient/Placement Details.

Edit Patient Associated Physicians

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can add/edit associated physicians
Disabled: User cannot add/edit associated physicians.

Associated Physicians in Patient/Placement Details.

Edit Patient Campus

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can set/change campus for the patient
Disabled: User cannot set/change campus for patient.

Campus dropdown in Patient/Placement Details.

Edit a Placement Request Date and Time

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can edit Request Date/Time
Disabled: User cannot edit Request Date/Time

Request Time field in Patient/Placement Details.

Set/Clear Patient bedboard Flag

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can set/clear the Patient bedboard Flag and edit flag text.
Disabled: User cannot change flag or flag text.

"Flag" checkbox and flag text in Patient/Placement Details.

Activate Placement

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can activate placements.
Disabled: User cannot activate placements.

"Requested" column in PAT and Portal listviews.

De-Activate a Placement (applies to PreAdmit placements only)

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can de-activate PreAdmit placements.
Disabled: User cannot deactivate PreAdmit placements.

"Requested" column in PAT and Portal listviews.

Tag patient as Ready To Move

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can set RTM for a patient
Disabled: User cannot set RTM

"RTM@" column in PAT and Portal listviews.

Edit Target Unit on a Placement

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

PAT permission: Requester Workflow

Enabled: User can edit Target Unit for a patient
Disabled: User cannot edit Target Unit for a patient

  1. Target Unit in Patient/Placements Detail.

  2. Patient Action Dialog from Target Unit/Assign Bed Action on the "Pt Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews.

  3. Patient Action Dialog on "Plc Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews

  4. IVR: Pending Transfer Main Menu

Edit Origin Unit on a Placement

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can edit origin unit
Disabled: User cannot edit origin unit

Origin Unit in Patient/Placement details.

Set Bed Assignment

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

PAT permission: Requester Workflow

Enabled: User can assign bed for patients whose current assignment is NULL
Disabled: User cannot assign bed for patients whose current assignment is NULL

  1. Assigned Bed in Patient/Placements Detail.

  2. Patient Action Dialog from Target Unit/Assign Bed Action on the "Pt Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews.

  3. Patient Action Dialog on "Plc Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews

  4. IVR: Pending Transfer Main Menu

Remove Bed Assignment

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can remove (ie, unassign) bed assignment for patients
User cannot remove bed assignment for patients

  1. Assigned Bed in Patient/Placements Detail.

  2. Patient Action Dialog from Target Unit/Assign Bed Action on the "Pt Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews.

  3. Patient Action Dialog on "Plc Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews

Change Bed Assignment

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can change bed assignment for patients whose current assignment is not NULL
Disabled: User cannot change bed assignment for patients whose current assignment is not NULL

  1. Assigned Bed in Patient/Placements Detail.

  2. Patient Action Dialog from Target Unit/Assign Bed Action on the "Pt Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews.

  3. Patient Action Dialog on "Plc Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews

Receive Placement Pages

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can be selected as a recipient of placement notifications
Disabled: User cannot be selected as a recipient of placement notifications

Notification Information section in Patient/Placement Details for:
Bed Assigned
Assigned Bed Cleaned
Ready To Move
Notify Now

Requester Workflow

Enabled: User can perform requester functions in IVR
Disabled: User cannot perform requester functions in IVR

Note: This permission applies to PAT requester fuctions only. Requester functions for other products must use that product's permission.

Applies to IVR only: Access to Pending Transaction IVR Main Menu

Create Placements

For UI, One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Requester Workflow

Enabled: User can create a placement
Disabled: User cannot create a placement

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

  3. IVR: Patient Pending Transactions - New Request Menu

Return Patient from Procedure

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can return patient from procedure
Disabled: User cannot return patient from procedure

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

Send Patient to Procedure

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can send patient to procedure
Disabled: User cannot send patient to procedure

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

Set Pending/Confirmed Discharge

For UI, One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Requester Workflow

Enabled: User can set pending or confirmed discharge
Disabled: User cannot set pending or confirmed discharge

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

  3. IVR: Patient Pending Transactions - New Request Menu

Cancel Pending/Confirmed Discharge

For UI, One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Requester Workflow

Enabled: User can cancel pending or confirmed discharge
Disabled: User cannot cancel pending or confirmed discharge

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

  3. IVR: Patient Pending Transactions - Update Status Menu

Cancel Bed Placement Request

For UI, One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Requester Workflow

Enabled: User can cancel a bed placement request
Disabled: User cannot cancel a bed placement request

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

  3. IVR: Patient Pending Transactions - Update Status Menu

Admit Patient to InHouse Location

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can admit a patient to an InHouse Location
Disabled: User cannot admit a patient

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

Set Patient Intake Location

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can set patient intake location
Disabled: User cannot set patient intake location

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

Transfer Patient to InHouse Location

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can transfer patient
Disabled: User cannot transfer patient

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

Discharge Patient from Inhouse Location

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can discharge patient
Disabled: User cannot discharge patient

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details.

  2. Patient Status dropdown menu in listviews ("Pt Status" column's dropdown menu).

Allow user to set membership on login without RAC

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC
BT: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC
TT: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC

Enabled: Floater User does not have to enter RAC to set membership at login. Floater must enter membership at login.
Disabled: Floater User will need to provide RAC to set membership at login (when logging in on the same day).

XT Login

Allow user to request RAC

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Allow user to request RAC
BT: Allow user to request RAC
TT: Allow user to request RAC

Enabled: Floater User can request RAC to allow changing membership in a day.
Disabled: Floater User cannot request RAC

Request RAC menu item in Admin menu.

Reoccupy Patient (pick patient first)

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Access Electronic Bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Also available in bedboard if user has:
BT: Reoccupy Patient (pick location first)

Enabled: User can reoccupy patient
Disabled: User cannot reoccupy patient

  1. Patient Action dropdown in Patient/Placement details

  2. Shift-click menu in bedboard

Set/Clear Bed Assignment Priority

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can set or clear Bed Assignment Priority
Disabled: User cannot set or clear Bed Assignment Priority

  1. Shift-click Menu in bedboard

  2. Menu on "Bed" column in PTPortal Listviews

Edit Discharge Milestones

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit discharge milestones, delay reason and notes
Disabled: User cannot edit discharge milestones, delay reason and notes

Milestone checkboxes, Delay Reason dropdown, Notes field in Set Milestone Detail when patient status is one of PendD or ConfD.

Edit Transfer Milestones

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit transfer milestones, delay reason and notes
Disabled: User cannot edit transfer milestones, delay reason and notes

Milestone checkboxes, Delay Reason dropdown, Notes field in Set Milestone Detail when patient status is PendT.

Allow disabling discharge milestone automatic timer alerts

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
and one of PAT permissions:
Edit Transfer Milestones
Edit Discharge Milestones

Enabled: User can disable discharge milestone automatic timer alerts
Disabled: User cannot disable discharge milestone automatic timer alerts

Don‘t send automatic discharge timer alerts checkbox in Set Milestone Detail.

Allow sending milestone notifications

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
and one of PAT permissions:
Edit Transfer Milestones
Edit Discharge Milestones

Enabled: User can send milestone notifications
Disabled: User cannot send milestone notifications

Send Notifications button in Set Milestone Detail.

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can access PAT Console
Disabled: User cannot access PAT Console

  1. PAT icon on the XT Home Page

  2. PAT product menu.

Create New PreAdmits

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: User can create new preadmit patients
Disabled: User cannot create new preadmit patients

  1. New PreAdmit icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. New PreAdmit menu item in PAT menu

  3. Create PreAdmit action in Shift-click menu of bedboard.

Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can access pending/confirmed discharges listview
Disabled: User cannot access pending/confirmed discharges listview

  1. Pending/Confirmed Discharges tab on PAT home page

  2. Pending/Confirmed Discharges menu item in PAT menu.

Access Admits Today List View

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can access admits today listview
Disabled: User cannot access admits today listview

  1. Admits Today icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Admits Today menu item in PAT menu

Access Placement List Views

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

If PAT permission "Change Console Settings" is enabled, user can access Console Settings, but cannot change any of the Tab/Custom View names or visibility.

Enabled: User can access placement listviews.
Disabled: User cannot access placement listviews

  1. Tabs (1-5) on PAT home page

  2. Tabs (1-5) in the Listview submenu.

  3. Custom Views icon on the toolbar

  4. Custom Views (1-5) in Listview submenu.

  5. Console Settings Dialog

Access Patient Search

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can access patient search listview
Disabled: User cannot access patient search listview

  1. Patient Search icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Patient Search menu item in PAT menu

Access Notification History

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can access PAT notification history listview
Disabled: User cannot access PAT notification history listview

Note: This permission applies to PAT only. Notification History for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Notification History icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Notification History menu item in PAT menu

Access Quick Reports

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
PAT: Run any reports, including those that reveal patient Information
PAT:Run only reports that do not reveal patient information
PAT: Access Instant Notify (must have this to access Instant Notify Quick Report)

Enabled: User can access PAT quick reports
Disabled: User cannot access PAT quick reports

Note: This permission applies to PAT reports only. Reports for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Quick Reports icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Quick Reports menu item in PAT menu

Access the Census View

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can access census view
Disabled: User cannot access census view

  1. Census View icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Census View menu item in PAT menu

Edit Staffed Beds

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can edit staffed beds in PAT UI
Disabled: User cannot edit staffed beds

  1. Staffed Beds icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Staffed Beds menu item in PAT menu

Allow to Start Observation

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can start observation timer, and change start time
Disabled: User cannot start observation timer

Start Time date-time controls and associated Set Now button in Observation dialog (invoked from "Observation" column of listviews).

Allow to Stop Observation

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can stop observation timer and change stop time
Disabled: User cannot stop observation datetime

Actual Stop Time date-time controls and associated Set Now button in Observation dialog (invoked from "Observation" column of listviews).

Access Instant Notify

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Access Instant Notify
BT: Access Instant Notify
TT: Access Instant Notify
Show Instant Notify Quick Report if user has:
PAT: Access Quick Reports

Enabled: User can send instant notifications and access Instant Notify Quick Report
Disabled: User cannot send instant notifications or access Instant Notify Quick Report

  1. Instant Notify icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Instant Notify menu item in PAT menu

  3. Instant Notify menu item in PAT Quick Reports menu

Access Procedure Information

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can access procedure information
Disabled: User cannot access procedure information

Procedure Information Report ("Procedure Status" column in PAT and Portal listviews).

Save/Show/Delete Personal Views

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can save, load or delete personal views in PAT console
Disabled: User cannot save, load or delete personal views in PAT console

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Console - Load Tab:

Personal Consoles node
2.Load/Save Console - Save Tab:
Scope dropdown

Save/Show/Delete Group Views

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can save, load or delete group views for user's view group
Disabled: User cannot save, load or delete group views

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Console - Load Tab:

Group Consoles node
2.Load/Save Console - Save Tab:
Scope dropdown

Show Group Views

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can load group views belonging to the user's view group
Disabled: User cannot load group views

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Console - Load Tab:

Group Consoles node

Set My Default View

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can set his/her default view
Disabled: User cannot set his/her default view

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

Set as my default view checkbox in the Load/Save Console dialog.

Set Group Default View

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can set default view for his/her view group
Disabled: User cannot set default view for his/her view group

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

Set as group default view checkbox in the Load/Save Console dialog.

Console View Admin

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can save, load or delete group views for any view group in the enterprise
Disabled: User cannot save, load or delete group views for the enterprise

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Load/Save Dialog - Load Tab:

Group Consoles node

  1. Load/Save Dialog - Save Tab:

Scope dropdown

Set Advanced Filters

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search

Enabled: User can set advanced filters on listviews
Disabled: User cannot set advanced filters on listviews

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Advanced Filters button on listviews.

  2. Filter Settings button on Census View.

Show/Hide/Reorder View Columns

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
and one of:
Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges
Access Admits Today Listview
Access Placement Listviews
Access Patient Search

Enabled: User can show, hide, or reorder listview columns
Disabled: User cannot show, hide, or reorder listview columns

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

View Options button on the listviews.

Change Console Settings

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

If PAT permission "Access Placement List Views" is disabled, user can access Console Settings, but cannot change any of the Tab/Custom View names or visibility.

Enabled: User can change console settings
Disabled: User cannot change console settings

Note: This permission applies to PAT consoles only. Console functions for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Console Settings icon in PAT Toolbar

  2. Console Settings menu item in PAT menu

Subscribe to PreAdmitTracking Notifications

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled:In My Notifications page, the PAT Tab is displayed and all controls are enabled.
Disabled: In My Notifications page, the PAT Tab is not displayed

PAT tab in My Notifications

Run any reports, including those that reveal patient Information

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

PAT: Run only reports that do not reveal patient information

Enabled: User can run all PAT quick reports and standard reports
Disabled: User cannot run any PAT quick report or standard report containing patient data

Note: This permission applies to PAT reports only. Reports for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. PAT section in Standard Reports.

  2. Quick Reports in PAT

Run only reports that do not reveal patient information

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Overridden by:
PAT: Run any reports, including those that reveal patient Information

Enabled: User can run any PAT quick report or standard report that does not contain patient data
Disabled: User cannot run any PAT quick or standard report

Note: This permission applies to PAT reports only. Reports for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. PAT reports in Standard Reports.

  2. Quick Reports in PAT.

Show Patient SSN on Reports

One of:
Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Show PatientTracking Portal Console
AND PAT permission:
Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View/Edit)

Enabled: Patient/Placement Details print output will display patient's social security number
Disabled: Patient/Placement Details print output will not display patient's social security number

Patient/Placement Details print output.

Access Application Level HIPAA Audit Data

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Access Application Level HIPAA Audit Data
BT: Access Application Level HIPAA Audit Data
TT: Access Application Level HIPAA Audit Data

Enabled: User can run HIPAA Reports
Disabled: User cannot run HIPAA Reports

HIPAA Reports section in Standard Reports

Run Master Reports

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Run Master Reports
BT: Run Master Reports
TT: Run Master Reports

Enabled: User can run Master Configuration Reports
Disabled: User cannot run Master Configuration Reports

Master Configuration Reports section in Standard Reports

Access the electronic bedboard

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

Enabled: User can access electronic bedboard
Disabled: User cannot access electronic bedboard

  1. electronic bedboard icon on toolbar

  2. electronic bedboard menu item under PAT menu

Change bedboard View Options

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Access the electronic bedboard

Enabled: User can change bedboard view options
Disabled: User cannot change bedboard view options

View options button on bedboard

Change units shown on bedboard

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Access the electronic bedboard
Change bedboard View Options

Enabled: User can define which units to show on bedboard
Disabled: User cannot define which units to show on bedboard

Unit picker in View Options dialog within the bedboard

Change location attributes

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Access the electronic bedboard
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can change location attributes from bedboard or listivew
Disabled: User cannot change location attributes

  1. Shift-click menu on electronic bedboard

  2. Menu on "Bed" column in PTPortal listviews

Show all units bedboard

Show PreAdmitTracking Console
Access the electronic bedboard
Change bedboard View Options

Enabled: User can view units outside their membership in a read-only mode
Disabled: Users cannot view units outside their membership on the bedboard

Show all units bedboard dropdown in View Options dialog within the bedboard

Show Patient Tooltip

Also available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Show Patient Tooltip
BT: Show Patient Tooltip
TT: Show Patient Tooltip

Enabled: User can view Patient information from Floor Plan tooltips
Disabled: User cannot view Patient information from Floor Plan Tooltips

Access to Patient information on Floor Plan tooltips

TransportTracking Permissions

Permission Label in Admin Tool UI

Must Also Set or Consider (including cross-app groups)


What will be affected in application

User can add/edit patient data

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can add new patients or edit existing patient data
Disabled: User cannot add/edit patient data

  1. Patient Add/Edit icon on TT toolbar

  2. Patient Add/Edit menu item in the TT menu

Edit Isolation Type

Show TransportTracking Console
User can add/edit patient data

Enabled: User can edit patient isolation type
Disabled: User cannot edit patient isolation type

  1. Isolation field in Patient Information - Add A New Patient and View Patient Information dialogs

  2. "Iso Type" column in TT listviews

  3. Isolation Type dropdown in Patient Transport Request dialog

Discharge Patient

Show TransportTracking Console
User can add/edit patient data

Enabled: User can discharge patient
Disabled: User cannot discharge patient

Discharge patient button in Patient Information - View Patient Information dialog

Console "Requests" tab

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can access Patient Transport dashboard
Disabled: User cannot access Patient Transport dashboard

  1. Patient Transports tab TT home page

  2. Patient Transport Dashboard menu item in the TT menu

User may view patient transports

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
Console "Requests" tab
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can view a patient's transport job(s)
Disabled: User cannot view a patient's transport job(s)

  1. Patient Transports Listview (on "Job #" column)

  2. Patient List Listview (on "Patient Name" column)

  3. PTPortal Listviews (on "Transport Status" column)

User may edit patient transports

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
Console "Requests" tab
For IVR:
Requestor Workflow
Show PatientTracking Portal Console

Enabled: User can edit a patient's transport job(s)
Disabled: User cannot edit a patient's transport job(s)

  1. Patient Transports Listview (on "Job #" column)

  2. Patient List Listview (on "Patient Name" column)

  3. PTPortal Listviews (on "Transport Status" column)

  4. IVR - Requester Main menu

Console "Transporters" tab

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can access Transporter dashboard
Disabled: User cannot access Transporter dashboard

  1. Transporters tab on TT home page

  2. Transporter Dashboard menu item in the TT menu

User may View Other Transporter's History

Show TransportTracking Console
Console "Requests" tab

Enabled: User can view other transporter's history
Disabled: User cannot view other transporter's history

Transporter Information Screen (on "Employee ID" column)

Console "Patients" tab

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can access Patient List
Disabled: User cannot access Patient List

  1. Patients tab on TT home page

  2. Patient List menu item in the TT menu

Console "Items" tab

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can access Item Transport dashboard
Disabled: User cannot access Item Transport dashboard

  1. Item Transports tab TT home page

  2. Item Transport Dashboard menu item in the TT menu

User may view Item/Equipment transports

Show TransportTracking Console
Console "Items" tab

Enabled: User can view item/equipment transport jobs
Disabled: User cannot view item/equipment transport jobs

  1. Item Transports Listview (on "Job #" column)

User may edit Item/Equipment transports

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
Console "Requests" tab
For IVR:
Requestor Workflow

Enabled: User can edit item/equipment transport jobs
Disabled: User cannot edit item/equipment transport jobs

  1. Item Transports Listview (on "Job #" column)

  2. IVR - Requester Main menu

User mayto view "Dispatching monitor"

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can view Dispatch Monitor
Disabled: User cannot view Dispatch Monitor

  1. Dispatch Monitor icon on TT toolbar

  2. Dispatch Monitor menu item in TT menu

User can access "Notify history" view

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can access TT notification history listview
Disabled: User cannot access TT notification history listview

  1. Notification History icon on TT toolbar

  2. Notification History menu item in TT menu

User can save/delete views


Not used


User may enter Discharge Disposition


Not used


User can cancel job

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
and one of:
Console "Requests" tab
Console "Items" tab
and one of:
User may edit patient transports
User may edit Item transports
For IVR - one of:
Transporter Workflow
Supervisor Workflow
Maintenance Workflow

Enabled: User can cancel a transport job
Disabled: User cannot cancel a transport job

  1. Cancel Button on Transport Request Dialog

  2. IVR - Trans Dispatched Menu

  3. IVR - Trans Dispatch Delayed Menu

  4. IVR - Trans Dispatch Assist Menu

  5. IVR - Trans InProgress Menu

  6. IVR - Trans InProgress Delayed Menu

  7. IVR - Trans Assist Menu

  8. IVR - Supervisor Job Inquiry Menu

User can reschedule

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
and one of:
Console "Requests" tab
Console "Items" tab
and one of:
User may edit patient transports
User may edit Item transports
For IVR:
Transporter Workflow

Enabled: User can reschedule a transport job
Disabled: User cannot reschedule a transport job

  1. Transport Request Dialog

  2. IVR - Trans Dispatched Menu

  3. IVR - Trans Dispatch Delayed Menu

  4. IVR - Trans Dispatch Assist Menu

  5. IVR - Trans InProgress Menu

  6. IVR - Trans InProgress Delayed Menu

  7. IVR - Trans Assist Menu

  8. IVR - Supervisor Job Inquiry Menu

Reason code required for cancel

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
and one of:
Console "Requests" tab
Console "Items" tab
and one of:
User may edit patient transports
User may edit Item transports
For IVR:
Transporter Workflow

Enabled: User is required to provide a reason code when canceling job
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when canceling job

  1. Transport Request Dialog

  2. IVR - Cancel Job Menu

Reason code required for Delay

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
and one of:
Console "Requests" tab
Console "Items" tab
and one of:
User may edit patient transports
User may edit Item transports
For IVR:
Transporter Workflow

Enabled: User is required to provide a reason code when delaying job
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when delaying job

  1. Transport Request Dialog

  2. IVR - Delay Job Menu

Reason code required for reschedule

For UI:
Show TransportTracking Console
and one of:
Console "Requests" tab
Console "Items" tab
and one of:
User may edit patient transports
User may edit Item transports
For IVR:
Transporter Workflow

Enabled: User is required to provide a reason code when rescheduling job
Disabled: User cannot provide reason code when rescheduling job

  1. Transport Request Dialog

  2. IVR - Reschedule Job Menu

Requester work flow, responsible for creating and updating Job requests

Enabled: User can perform requester functions in IVR
Disabled: User cannot perform requester functions in IVR

Note: This permission applies to TT requester functions only. Requester functions for other products must use that product's permission.

IVR - Main Menu

Supervisor work flow, offering managerial statistics about employees, etc.

Enabled: User can perform supervisor functions in IVR
Disabled: User cannot perform supervisor functions in IVR

Note: This permission applies to TT supervisor functions only. Supervisor functions for other products must use that product's permission.

IVR - Main Menu

Modify Another User's Login/Assignment Status

Show TransportTracking Console
Console "Transporters" tab

Enabled: User can modify login/assignment status of another user
Disabled: User cannot modify login/assignment status of another user

Note: This permission applies to TT only. Modify Another User's Login/Assignment Status for other products must use that product's permission.

Supervisor Login/Logout Dialog (on "Zone" and "Device ID" columns of Transporter List listview)

Transporter work flow, responsible for executing Transport Jobs

Enabled: User can perform transporter employee functions in IVR
Disabled: User cannot perform transporter employee functions in IVR

IVR - Main Menu

Access RTKI

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: RTKI statistics are displayed
Disabled: RTKI statistics are not displayed

Note: This permission applies to TT RTKI only. RTKI display for other products must use that product's permission.

RTKI statistics below the menu bar (above toolbar/tabs)

Maintenance work flow, responsible for maintenance functions

Enabled: User can perform maintenance functions in IVR
Disabled: User cannot perform maintenance functions in IVR

Note: This permission applies to TT maintenance functions only. Maintenance functions for other products must use that product's permission.

IVR - Main Menu

Subscribe to Notifications

Show TransportTracking Console
To save changes one of:
BT: Modify Notification Settings
TT: Permission to modify notification settings
PAT: Subscribe to PreAdmitTracking Notifications

Enabled: In My Notifications page, the TT Tab is displayed and user can subscribe to notifications
Disabled:In My Notifications page, the TT Tab is not displayed

TransportTracking Tab in My Notifications page

Permission to modify notification settings

Subscribe to Notifications

Enabled: User can modify notification settings
Disabled: User cannot modify notification settings

TransportTracking Tab in My Notifications page

User can filter data in view

Show TransportTracking Console
and one of:
Console "Requests" tab
Console "Items" tab
Console "Patients" tab
Console "Transports" tab

Enabled: User can filter data in listview
Disabled: User cannot filter data in listview

  1. Membership, Location, and Date Range filters on Patient Transport and Item Transport listviews

  2. Patient Name, Current Location, and Exclude patient with unknown locations filters in Patient List listview

  3. Recipient Name, Job #, Status, and Date range filters in Notification History

Allow user to set membership on login without RAC

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC
PAT: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC
BT: Allow user to set membership on login without RAC

Enabled: Floater User does not have to enter RAC to set membership at login. Floater must enter membership at login.
Disabled: Floater User will need to provide RAC to set membership at login (when logging in on the same day).

XT Login

Allow user to request RAC

Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Allow user to request RAC
PAT: Allow user to request RAC
BT: Allow user to request RAC

Enabled: Floater User can request RAC to allow changing membership in a day.
Disabled: Floater User cannot request RAC

Request RAC menu item in Admin menu.

Change Console Settings

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can change console settings
Disabled: User cannot change console settings

Note: This permission applies to TT Console Settings only. RTKI display for other products must use that product's permission.

  1. Console Settings icon on TT Toolbar

  2. Console Settings menu item in TT menu

Show TransportTracking Console

Enabled: User can access TT Console
Disabled: User cannot access TT Console

  1. TT icon on the XT Home Page

  2. TT product menu.

Access Instant Notify

Show TransportTracking Console
Also Available if user has one of:
PTPortal: Access Instant Notify
PAT: Access Instant Notify
BT: Access Instant Notify

Enabled: User can send instant notifications and access Instant Notify Quick Report
Disabled: User cannot send instant notifications or access Instant Notify Quick Report

  1. Instant Notify icon on TT Toolbar

  2. Instant Notify menu item in TT menu

  3. Instant Notify menu item in TT Quick Reports menu

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