Electronic Bedboard®
The Electronic Bedboard® view is used by healthcare professionals to organize bed information and facilitate patient placements. It is essential for tracking bed and patient attributes, and for managing patient transfers and procedures.
Where you can find this feature: Patient/Placement Details Form- Patient Tracking Portal and Capacity IQ® EVS applications.
How Electronic Bedboard® Works
The Electronic Bedboard® view allows users to:
View bed attributes, patient attributes, and patient isolation types.
View the names and genders of patients occupying or assigned to beds.
View whether a patient is in a specialty bed or undergoing a procedure.
View bed status (from the Capacity IQ® EVS application).
Access bed details (special permission required).
Access patient details and complete tasks such as transferring a patient or sending a patient to a procedure (special permissions required).
When first accessing the Electronic Bedboard® view, users need to configure the display by selecting units, deciding whether home holding beds appear, sorting beds by status or abbreviation, and choosing whether patient attributes appear.
You may have more than one Electronic Bedboard® view that your organization has customized.
When first accessing an Electronic Bedboard® view, it appears blank. Users need to configure the display to show the appropriate information by selecting units, deciding whether home holding beds appear, sorting beds by status, attributes, or abbreviation, and choosing whether patient attributes appear. Configurations are in effect only until the session ends or the user signs out, unless the console is saved.
The Electronic Bedboard® view displays information about assigned and occupied beds.
You may view unit counts (such as number of physical beds per unit), summary counts (number of assignments and requests), and bed and patient information (such as bed status, patient attributes, bed attributes, isolation types, bed assignment priorities, and whether a bed is a holding or specialty bed and assigned and occupying patients.
Unit Counts are displayed in the top three rows of each column in the Electronic Bedboard® view display.
Some information is conveyed through colors and abbreviations (explained below).
Within the Electronic Bedboard® there is a color indicator around the unit name that can either be Green, Yellow, or Red. This color represents the occupancy of the unit and if it has hit certain threshold levels.
When you are configuring a bedboard, if you have the Show All Units Bedboard permission, you may select Yes for Show All Units View-Only Bedboard on the View Options dialog box.
If Yes is selected, even units in the selected campus that are not included in your membership can appear on the bedboard, as long as they appear in the Displayed Units list.
However, the Electronic Bedboard® view will be view-only.
You will not be able to change bed attributes, view patient identifiers, view bed details, or change bed assignment priorities.
Permissions Required
To access a bedboard:
Access the Electronic Bedboard® view permission is required to perform this task.
To configure a bedboard:
Change Bedboard View Options permission is required to configure the Electronic Bedboard® view.
Change Units Shown on Bedboard permission is required to select units.
Show All Units Bedboard permission is required to select "Yes" in the Show All Units Bedboard list
Bed and Patient Information
Each cell of each column on the Electronic Bedboard® view contains three rows of patient and bed information.
In the following example, the bed is occupied and the patient has a pending transfer with another bed already assigned.
First Row
The first row displays:
H—Appears if the bed is a holding bed. If the bed is not a holding bed, then H does not appear in the first row.
S—Appears if the bed is a specialty bed. If the bed is not a specialty bed, then S does not appear in the first row.
Bed Identifier—The bed's abbreviation, IVR ID, or name (depending on display selections made in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component). For example, 0054001 in the picture above is the bed identifier. If you selected to display beds in ascending order by bed status, then the beds are displayed by status in the following order: Clean, In Progress, Suspended, Stat, Clean Next, Dirty, UDEF-8, UDEF-9, Blocked, Occupied. The unoccupied, clean beds appear first. Sorting in descending order places the occupied beds first.
The bed identifier can have one of the following background colors:
Dark Pink—The bed is occupied by or assigned to a female patient.
Dark Blue—The bed is occupied by or assigned to a male patient.
Light Pink—The bed can accommodate female patients but is not assigned or occupied.
Light Blue—The bed can accommodate male patients but is not assigned or occupied.
White—Gender unknown or the bed can accommodate patients of both genders (stacked beds only).
Bed size or bed accommodation type or observation—Depending on whether Accommodation or Bed Size or Observation was selected in the Top-Right Indicator list on the View Options dialog box, the bed's size (for example A for Adult) or accommodation (for example, P for Private) or the observation status of the occupying patient appear. Bed size and accommodations are configured in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. If Observation was selected and a bed is unoccupied or the occupying patient is not under observation, then a green background appears with no text character. If the occupying patient is under observation, then the character defined in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management to represent the type of observation appears on a green background. The background will appear yellow a certain number of hours before observation is scheduled to end and then turn red a certain number of hours before the observation is scheduled to end. The number of hours before the end of observation when the background turns yellow and then red is configured in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure these settings.
Second Row
Incoming Patient Indicator—A or R appears if a patient has been assigned to the bed.
The meaning of letters and colors that may appear is as follows:
A with a blue background—Assigned patient is male.
A with a pink background—Assigned patient is female.
A with a white background—Assigned patient's gender unknown.
R—Future assignment. Bed will not be needed until at least 24 hours from now.
Outgoing Patient Indicator—D, d, C, c, or T appears if a patient status is Pending Discharge, Confirmed Discharge, or Pending Transfer.
The meaning of letters and colors that may appear is as follows:
c—Confirmed discharge if the projected discharge date is after today or if there is no projected discharge date The tooltip displays.
C—Confirmed discharge with a projected discharge date of today or earlier.
d—Pending discharge if the projected discharge date is after today or if there is no projected discharge date.
D—Pending discharge with a projected discharge date of today or earlier.
Note: A pink background indicates a female patient and a blue background indicates a male patient.
T—Pending transfer. A green background indicates that the patient has been assigned to another bed. A white background indicates that the patient has not been assigned to another bed.
Bed Status and (if applicable) Patient's Discharge or Transfer Milestone Progress Bar— The status abbreviation/name indicates the bed status (such as Occpd or Dirty). If the patient associated with the location is in Pending Transfer or Pending or Confirmed Discharge status and has associated transfer or discharge milestones, the bar below the bed status name shows the patient's milestone completion status. A green bar shows the percentage of milestones that are completed. A red bar means that a milestone is delayed. A yellow bar indicates incomplete milestones. To view milestones and the patient's projected discharge date, move your mouse over the bar to display a list. Completed milestones have check marks. To set or delay milestones, send an instant message about milestones, or change the projected discharge date, press and hold the Shift key, and then click the cell to display a menu, and then select Transfer Milestones or Discharge Milestones. By default, discharge milestone icons in the M column in the Patient Tracking Portal application list views and discharge milestone progress bars in the Milestone column in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application list views or on the Electronic Bedboard® view appear only for patients who are in Pending/Confirmed Discharge status. However, as discharge planning often begins as soon as the patient is admitted, you can choose to display the progress bar or icon for a patient who is in the Inhouse or PreAdmit status. For more details, see Setting or Viewing Transfer or Discharge Milestones.
The meaning of status abbreviations and colors that may appear is as follows:
Occpd (Orange)—Occupied. The Occpd designation will also appear for the patient's home and specialty location if the patient's current location is an exam location. If a light-blue corner appears, move your mouse over it to see special information about the patient that was entered in the Flag box on the Patient/Placement Details form.
Dirty (Brown)—Dirty. If a TeleTracking Technologies representative has enabled the Master Configuration setting called Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority, then "Delayed" appears on a tan background instead of the status name if a cleaning job for an unclean bed has been delayed.
Clean Next (Silver)—Should be cleaned as soon as bed cleaner is finished with current job. If a TeleTracking Technologies representative has enabled the Master Configuration setting called Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority, then "Delayed" appears on a tan background instead of the status name if a cleaning job for an unclean bed has been delayed.
Stat (Red)—Urgent. Bed cleaner should suspend current job and clean immediately. If a TeleTracking Technologies representative has enabled the Master Configuration setting called Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority, then "Delayed" appears on a tan background instead of the status name if a cleaning job for an unclean bed has been delayed.
Udef8 and Udef9 (Light Blue and Dark Blue)—Custom, user-defined unclean status. If a TeleTracking Technologies representative has enabled the Master Configuration setting called Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority, then "Delayed" appears on a tan background instead of the status name if a cleaning job for an unclean bed has been delayed. If the campus has enabled Multi-Stage Cleaning, the Stage 1 name appears on a light blue background and the Stage 2 name appears on a dark blue background.
InPrg (Yellow)—Bed cleaning job is in progress. In progress jobs that are part of a multi-stage cleaning workflow appear with a yellow background but also display the first stage as the number one in a light blue circle and the second stage as the number two in a dark blue circle.
Clean (Light Green)—Bed is clean.
Block (Black)—Bed is blocked (for example, because the room is being painted). If a user attempts to assign the bed, a message appears indicating that the bed is in Blocked status. However, the user still can assign the bed.
Susp (Dark Green)—Bed cleaning job is stopped temporarily so that bed cleaner can attend to higher-priority work.
SPEC (Orange)—Specialty bed that is occupied.
PROC (Orange)—Patient is currently undergoing a procedure but does not have a specialty home location. The patient is away from the home location during the procedure.
Third Row
The patient attributes, isolation types, and bed attributes are displayed in the third row. Patient and bed attributes and isolation types are customized in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Character—Patient attribute or isolation type. For example, M might represent the patient attribute MRSA. C might represent the isolation type Contact.
Background Color—The color associated with the bed attribute. For example, the color yellow might be associated with the Negative Air Flow bed attribute. Isolation types do not have background colors.
If you selected to sort beds by attributes, then the beds are sorted by the background colors and values in one of these cells. For example, if you selected to sort by Attribute 1, the beds that have a value in the first cell appear first. Within that grouping, the beds for which there is a background color in the first cell appear first while those with a white background will appear last. Within that grouping, beds are sorted in alphanumeric order by bed name.
Summary Counts
The following information appears at the top of the Electronic Bedboard® view for the units displayed:
Time of calculation.
Census or Multi-Campus Census—The number of census beds in the campus or campuses included on the bedboard.
Assignments—The number of assigned beds displayed.
How is the assignments total calculated?
The number of placement requests for incoming transfers with assigned beds + the number of placement requests for new incoming patients with assigned beds.
Variables that Affect the Calculation
Who is considered an incoming transfer for this calculation?
Placements must be for patients transferring from within the hospital.
Patients transferring from other hospital systems through the Transfer IQ® application are not included in the incoming transfer number. Those patients are considered new incoming patients.
Patients' status must be Pending Transfer.
Placements cannot be in Completed or Cancelled status.
Who is considered a new incoming patient for this calculation?
Placements must be for new patient visits.
Visits for patients transferring from other hospital systems are considered new patient visits.
Patients can be in any status except Discharge, Pending Transfer, or Visit Cancelled.
Placements cannot be in Completed or Cancelled status.
How does bed assignment affect the calculation?
A bed must be assigned for the placement to be included in the calculation.
There must be a target unit for the placement, but a bed must not be assigned yet.
Are both activated and unactivated placement requests included in the calculation?
If the Master Configuration setting called Count unactivated bed requests for TODAY in bedboard and Projected Census is enabled, then both activated and unactivated requests are included. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization enable this setting. Including unactivated requests can provide a more comprehensive picture of known demand for the day.
If that setting is disabled, then only activated requests are included.
Which activated requests are included?
Only activated requests with a request date and time of the current time or earlier are included.
If unactivated requests are included, then which ones?
If unactivated requests have been included based on the Master Configuration setting noted above, then only unactivated requests with request dates and times on the current date are part of the calculation.
Requests—The number of requested beds displayed.
Sum of Assignments + Requests.
How is the requests total calculated?
The number of placement requests for incoming transfers where there is a target unit, but a bed is not assigned + the number of placement requests for new incoming patients where there is a target unit, but a bed is not assigned.
Unit Counts
First Row—A unit abbreviation. If there are multiple campuses displayed, the campus with which each unit is associated appears. If the unit abbreviation appears in red, then the unit has beds in Stat status (should be cleaned immediately).
Middle Row—The number of physical beds, staffed beds, and census beds displayed for the unit. If a certain percentage (set by the administrator) of staffed or physical beds in the unit are already occupied or assigned, a yellow border or a red border appears. A green border indicates that the percentage set for the yellow border has not been reached yet. This can help to determine the availability of beds in the unit. For example, the administrator can configure a setting so that if 50% of the staffed beds are occupied or assigned, a yellow border appears and if 75% of the staffed beds are occupied or assigned, a red border appears. If less than 50% of the staffed beds are occupied or assigned, the border is green.
Note: Patients in a Pending Discharge or Pending Transfer status are not included in the middle row's calculations.
Last Row—The number of requests, assignments, and pending departures displayed for the unit.
The following abbreviations are used:
PB = Physical Beds
SB = Staffed Beds
CB = Census Beds
R = Requests (beds requested) for this unit.
A = Assignments (beds assigned) for this unit.
P = Pending Departures (All pending transfers plus all pending and confirmed discharges with projected discharge dates and times prior to 23:59:59 [11:59:59 PM] of the current date.)
Note: To view a list of abbreviations, move your mouse over the top of the column.
How is the requested total calculated?
The number of placement requests for incoming transfers where the selected unit is the target unit, but a bed is not assigned + the number of placement requests for new incoming patients where the selected unit is the target unit, but a bed is not assigned.
Variables that affect the calculation
Who is considered an incoming transfer for this calculation?
Placements must be for patients transferring from within the hospital. Patients who are transferring from other hospital systems through the Transfer IQ® application are not included in the incoming transfer number. Those patients are considered new incoming patients.
Patients' status must be Pending Transfer.
Placements cannot be in Completed or Cancelled status.
Who is considered a new incoming patient for this calculation?
Placements must be for new patient visits. Visits for patients who are transferring from other hospital systems are considered new patient visits.
Patients can be in any status except Discharge, Pending Transfer, or Visit Cancelled.
The placements cannot be in Completed or Cancelled status.
How does bed assignment affect the calculation?
The selected unit must be the target unit for the placement, but a bed must not be assigned yet.
A bed must be assigned for the placement to be included in the calculation.
Are both activated and unactivated placement requests included in the calculation?
If the Master Configuration setting called Count unactivated bed requests for TODAY in bedboard and Projected Census is enabled, then both activated and unactivated requests are included. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable this setting. Including unactivated requests can provide a more comprehensive picture of known demand for the day.
If that setting is disabled, then only activated requests are included.
Which activated requests are included?
Only activated requests with a request date and time of the current time or earlier are included.
If unactivated requests are included, then which ones?
If unactivated requests have been included based on the Master Configuration setting noted above, then only unactivated requests with request dates and times on the current date are part of the calculation.
How is the assigned total calculated?
The number of placement requests for incoming transfers with assigned beds in the unit + the number of placement requests for new incoming patients with assigned beds in the unit.
Accessing the Electronic Bedboard® View
To access a bedboard:
Go to Patient Tracking Portal > Electronic Bedboard® view > .
Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > Electronic Bedboard® view icon > <name of the Electronic Bedboard® view that you want to open>.
If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity Management Suite® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > > Electronic Bedboard® view icon > .<name of the Electronic Bedboard® view that you want to open>.
Go to the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Electronic Bedboard® view ><name of the Electronic Bedboard® view that you want to open>.
Go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > Electronic Bedboard® view icon > <name of the Electronic Bedboard® view that you want to open>.
If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > > Electronic Bedboard® view icon > <name of the Electronic Bedboard® view that you want to open>.
Click the Electronic Bedboard® view icon, and then select the name of the Electronic Bedboard® view you want to open.
Configuring the Electronic Bedboard® View
Access an Electronic Bedboard® view (it appears blank initially).
Click View Options to display the Electronic Bedboard® view Options dialog box.
In the Options dialog box, perform the following steps:
Selecting Units to Display
Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Displayed Units box.
Click the plus sign (+) next to the campus to display the list of units.
Select the check boxes next to the units you want to display.
To select all units in a campus, select the campus check box.
Click Select.
To change the display order of the units, click the up or down arrows.
Show All Units View-Only Bedboard
In the Show All Units View-Only Bedboard list, select:
Yes to see a view-only Electronic Bedboard® that includes units NOT in your membership.
No to see an editable Electronic Bedboard® that displays only units in your membership.
Important Note: The Show All Units Bedboard permission is required to complete this step. If Yes is selected, even units not in your membership can appear on the bedboard, but it will be view-only.
Top Right Indicator
In the Top Right Indicator list, select Accommodation, Bed Size, Observation, or Unused.
Home Holding Beds
In the Home Holding Beds list, select Show or Hide.
Hide Non-Pending Occupied Beds
In the Non-Pending Occupied Beds list, select Hide.
In the Tooltips list, select Show or Hide.
Outgoing Indicator for Occupied Beds
In the Occupied Beds list, select Show Outgoing Patients.
In the For Days list, select the number of days before the patient's discharge or transfer to start showing the Outgoing Indicator (up to 7 days).
Sorting Data
In the Sort Bedboard By list, select Bed Abbreviation, Bed Status, Bed Assignment Priority, or Attribute 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, and then select Ascending or Descending.
Show Patient Attributes
In the Patient Attributes list, select Show Attributes.
In the Show Attributes list, select whether the patient attributes for the incoming patient (Incoming Patient) or occupying patient (Occupying Patient) appear.
Filter by Bed Attribute
Click the magnifying glass icon next to Filter by Bed Attribute to display a list of bed attributes.
Select the check boxes for the bed attributes, click Select, and then click Save.
Exclude Gender
In the Exclude Gender list, select Female or Male.
To display beds regardless of the patient's gender, select Neither.
Click Save.
Note: The selected settings will be in place until you end your current session or sign out. To save them permanently, save the console view.
Selecting the Number of Columns Shown Per Page
In the Page Size list at the top, select a number of columns.
Moving to Another Page
To go to:
A specific page, click the page number.
The last page, click the double arrows on the right.
The first page, click the double arrows on the left.
The next page, click the single arrow on the right.
The previous page, click the single arrow on the left.
Electronic Bedboard®Tooltip not showing
The Electronic Bedboard® is not showing information when hovering over a bed and beds are also unable to be clicked on.
To resolve this, follow the steps below.
Open the Electronic Bedboard®
Click View Options
Set "Show all units" from yes to no.
Click Save and click OK on the warning that may appear.
Once these steps are complete, verify this resolves the problem.
Then make sure to save the console associated with the Electronic Bedboard®.
Electronic Bedboard® Showing Wrong Color
Follow these steps if a unit is not showing the correct color indicator based on their threshold settings.
For example a unit is 100% occupied but was still showing a yellow indicator when based on the bedboard settings should have been red.
Enable the 'Count in Census' setting for the location
The Count in Census setting can be found in the location within the unit, specifically under the Bed settings tab on the right side of the window.
If Count in Census is disabled for the location the color indicator may show a color the client is not expecting. The system is in fact working as designed.
In order for a location to count within the threshold calculation, Count in Census and Show on bedboard (for location) must be enabled.
If Count in Census is disabled but Show on bedboard is enabled the bed will count towards the overall number of beds but the occupancy will not be included. Ultimately giving us an occupancy color indicator we are not expecting.
Unable to modify bed status on Electronic Bedboard®
Bed Status is greyed out on the Electronic Bedboard® and cannot be modified. This is caused when the location is not assigned to a Capacity IQ® EVS zone.
In order for a bed status to be adjusted on the Electronic Bedboard®, the bed must be assigned to a zone and the specific user must have Requester workflow in Capacity IQ® EVS group settings.
Navigate to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Logical Structure > Unit > Select the specific unit.
Select the specific location that is having issues.
Assign a zone to the specific location:
Ensure that the bed status is no longer greyed out on the Electronic Bedboard®and that it can be modified:
Electronic BedBoard® cannot be clicked and has no tooltips
The Electronic BedBoard® is failing to give users popup tooltips that show patient and bed information. Clicking beds does not pop up a window as it normally would and hovering over beds does not provide tooltip information.
In the Electronic BedBoard® View Options, the option "Show all units View-only bedboard" has been enabled. This setting is intended for whiteboards that do not need to interact with the Electronic BedBoard®.
Changing the setting, Show all units Bedboard to no will allow you re-enable the tooltips and popup functionality.
Default Page Size
Change the default page size for the Electronic Bedboard®and save to a console.
The default page size for the Electronic Bedboard® is not a value that can be saved to the console. It is only stored for the users session.
The default page size is 10 and is only retained during the user session. This change will also carryover to any console the user interacts with during their session.