About Searching for an Available Bed
You may need to know if beds are available to assign even if you are not currently requesting a bed for a specific patient. You can use the Patient/Placement Details form to perform a generic search for beds that are available to assign. When you are performing a generic search, you may select bed attributes and patient attributes to be considered in the search and you may select a target unit, origin unit, and request time (time that a bed would be needed). the Patient/Placement Details form to perform a generic search for beds that are available to assign. When performing a generic search, you may select the bed attributes and patient attributes to be considered in the search. In addition you may select a target unit, origin unit, and request time (time that a bed would be needed).
If your organization enabled the Allow Double Assignment setting in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then you are able to assign the same bed to more than one patient. However, if this setting is not enabled, you cannot assign one bed to more than one patient at a time.
If your organization enabled a setting that requires you to select an Isolation options before a bed can be assigned in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then you must either select an isolation type or select None in the Isolation list.
Permissions Required
If you have the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission with View rights, you may access and view the Patient/Placement Details form. If you do not have this permission, you cannot make changes unless you have specific permissions to change individual items.
If you have the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission with Edit rights, you may access the Patient/Placement Details form and make changes.
Individual permissions are required to make some specific changes like:
Edit Patient Name - Allows you to change the patients name.
Edit Patient Associated Physicians - Allows you to add or change physician information.
If you have the Create New PreAdmits permission, you can create a new preadmit record.
Individual permissions are required to perform actions such as selecting a target unit.
To Search for an Available Bed (Generic Search)
To perform a generic search for an Available Bed, you would perform one of the following actions:
Click the New PreAdmit icon.
Go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit > New PreAdmit.
Go to Clinical Operations > Capacity IQ® PreAdmit > Select the instance name (if multiple instances are configured in Capacity IQ®) > New PreAdmit icon.
If you would like to search for a bed that can be assigned to a patient based on specific bed attributes (such as level of care) and patient attributes (such as MRSA), then set bed and patient attributes before continuing.
In the Placement Information section, complete the following:
Request Time—Select the date and time when a bed is needed. (Edit Request Date Time permission required)
Click the calendar icon, select a month, and then click a date.
In the box to the right of the calendar icon, type the time that the bed is needed in the following format: ##:## AM or PM (for example, 04:35 PM).
Origin Unit—Select the unit where a patient who would be occupying the bed is assigned or located currently. (Edit Origin Unit on a Placement permission required)
Click the magnifying glass to display a list of campuses.
Click the plus sign (+) next to a campus to display the units in that campus.
Click the check box for the patient's origin unit, and then click Select.
Target Unit—Select the unit where a patient is to be admitted or transferred. (Edit Target Unit on a Placement permission required.)
Click the magnifying glass to display a list of campuses.
Click the plus sign (+) next to a campus to display the units in that campus.
Click the check box for the unit where the patient will be admitted or transferred, and then click Select.
Assigned Bed—Complete an advanced search for an available bed.
If you wish to include all beds in the search results, and not just available beds, select the Include Inhouse Occupied Beds check box.
Click Adv Search.
On the Bed Search Results window, if you did not select a target unit, you have membership to multiple campuses, and you wish to search all of those campuses for a bed, select Include All Campuses.
Review the bed search results for bed status, bed assignment priority (bed ahead), level of care, discipline, bed attributes, and accommodation type associated with each bed. Only beds that have the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component appear in search results.
If the Include Inhouse Occupied Beds check box is unchecked, search results include beds occupied by patients in Pending or Confirmed Discharge status and by patients in Pending Transfer status who have already been assigned to new beds. If the Include Inhouse Occupied Beds check box is checked, search results additionally include beds occupied by patients in Inhouse status. If the check box was selected, then columns showing patients' ages and isolation types appear in search results. View the ST column to see whether the bed has an occupying patient and that patient's status.
The ST column displays the following:
View the Bed Status column to learn the bed's status (for example, Clean or Occupied).
If a TeleTracking Technologies representative has enabled the Master Configuration setting called Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority, then "Delayed" appears on a tan background instead of the status name if a cleaning job for an unclean bed has been delayed.
View the Bed column to see patient gender and age conflict indicators.
This column can indicate whether you might be assigning a patient to a room that can only have patients of the opposite gender or can only have patients in a different age group
For example, the patient being assigned is a child and the other patients in the room are adults.
Patient Gender Indicators—The bed identifier can have the following backgrounds to indicate the gender that can occupy the bed. This helps to ensure that females are not assigned to beds in rooms where there are only male patients and female patients are not allowed or vice versa.
Light blue—The bed can only be assigned to male patients.
Light pink—The bed can only be assigned to female patients.
White—The bed can be assigned to patients of either gender.
Silver—Either 1) no patients currently occupy the room in which the bed is located OR 2) the patient who currently occupies the bed is to be transferred or discharged soon and there are no adjacent beds in the room. The bed can be assigned to either gender.
Patient Age Conflict Indicators—If the bed identifier has a caution symbol next to it, there is a conflict between the age of the patient being assigned and the ages of the patients who already occupy beds in the room.
For example, the patient who is being assigned to a bed might be a child, while other patients in the room are adults.
Review the Unit column to learn the admitting physician's preferred units (3 stars indicates the physician's first choice, 2 stars indicates the second choice, and 1 star indicates the third choice).
The admitting physician's restricted units do not appear in search results.
To close the Bed Search Results window, click Cancel.