My Home Page
The My Home Page, My Information, and My Notifications appear as soon as you sign in to the Capacity IQ® solution. Icons that give you access to the applications you have permission to use appear on My Home Page.
Who, Why, When: This feature is used by all users of the Capacity IQ® solution to access various applications and tools. It exists to provide a centralized location for navigating the system. It is used immediately upon signing in.
Where you can find this feature: My Home Page is the first screen you see after signing in to the Capacity IQ® solution.
How My Home Page Works
Accessing Applications: To access an application such as the BedTracking® application, PreAdmitTracking® application, TransportTracking™ application, or Standard Reports, click the icon for that application on My Home Page. Alternatively, you can:
Click the application name in the navigation bar.
Navigate to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal®, Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application, Care Support > BedTracking®, or Care Support > TransportTracking™.
If your health system is configured for multiple instances, navigate to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > [Instance Name], Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [Instance Name], Care Support > BedTracking® > [Instance Name], or Care Support > TransportTracking™ > [Instance Name].
Accessing Admin Tool: To access a section of the Admin Tool (such as User Management):
Click Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management in the navigation bar.
Click the appropriate section name.
Note: Access to functions in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component is based on permissions.
Accessing Reports: To access the Report Criteria page:
Click Standard Reports in the navigation bar.
Navigate to Care Support > Capacity IQ® Reports or Clinical Operations > Capacity IQ® Reports.
If your health system is configured for multiple instances, navigate to Care Support > [Instance Name] > Capacity IQ® Reports or Clinical Operations > [Instance Name] > Capacity IQ® Reports.
Returning to My Home Page: While in an application, click the link for your user ID in the upper-right corner of a page (e.g., csmith) to return to My Home Page, My Information, and My Notifications.
Returning to the Home Page
Traditional On-Premise Capacity IQ® Solution: In the navigation bar at the top of the page, click Home.
TeleTracking IQ Platform: Click your username link, then click My Home Page.