The Admits Today List View shows patients with specialty, current, home, or prior home locations within your membership who were admitted today or within a selected date range. It is useful for tracking admissions, reviewing placement details, accessing patient or bed information (with permissions), and filtering records by patients, beds, or dates. Used by Patient Placement Specialists, Admitting staff, and clinical teams, this view streamlines patient flow and supports efficient admission management.
Where you can find this feature:
Click the Admits Today tab.
Go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit > Admits Today.
Go to Clinical Operations > Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application. If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Admits Today icon.
How Admits Today List View Works
The following permissions are required to utilize the Admits Today List View:
Access Admits Today permission: Required to access the Admits Today list view.
Show/Hide/Reorder View Columns permission: Required to configure the columns that appear on the Admits Today List View.
Individual permissions are required to perform tasks such as accessing bed details, patient/placement details, or marking a patient ready to move.
You may view only patients with specialty, home, current, or prior home locations within your membership who were admitted today or on a date included in the date range that you select at the top of the page.
If the patient has a current requested or assigned placement, information about that placement appears on the Admits Today List View. If not, but the patient had a placement in the past, then information about the patient's most recent placement appears. Some of the patients shown on the Admits Today List View might not have placements, and therefore no placement information about them appears.
The information that appears on the Admits Today List View can be searched and filtered to display records for specific patients or beds. You may also filter to display records that have requested dates, admit dates, or projected discharge dates within a certain date range.
You may use the View Options button to add, delete, and re-order columns and column headings on the Admits Today List View.
The following columns are available to be displayed on the Admits Today List View:
Admit Date/Time
Admit Source
Admit Type
Admitting Physician
Allow RTLS Transfer to Admit/Discharge Holding Location
Assgnd Bed Status
Attending Physician
Bed Attributes
Bed Delayed
Bed Size
Completed Transport Job Causes Patient to Occupy Destination
Current Location
Duration to Detect Patient Movement
Home Location
Hospital Service
ISO Type
Level of Care
LOS (Length of Stay)
Med Rec #
Milestones (Discharge or Transfer)
Misc (Miscellaneous)
Observation Timer
Origin Unit
Patient Attributes
Patient Status or Pt Status
Patient Type
Procedure Status
Proj. Discharge
Requested by User (Req User)
Require Bed Assignment for Occupancy
RTLS Admission Occupancy Trigger
RTLS Badge
RTLS Transfer Occupancy Trigger
RTM@ (Ready to Move)
Spec Location
Target Unit
Transport Status
Visit Number
From a placement list view, Admits Today list view, or patient search results:
To access a placement list view, Admits Today list view, or patient search results, do one of the following:
Click a placement tab or go to PreAdmitTracking application > List Views and then select the placement list name. Or, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking application > tab. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking application > > tab. Then, filter the list to display the patient you are looking for.
Click the Admits Today icon or go to the PreAdmitTracking application > Admits Today, or go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking application > Admits Today icon. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking application > > Admits Today icon. Then, filter the list to display the patient you are looking for.