Patient VOX and ID Listing Report
The Patient VOX and ID Listing Report lists patient information such as name and identification number, home location (bed), current location, and whether or not a VOX file has been created with the patient's name.
The following information is displayed on the report.
The report includes only patients who have:
Home locations. (See the definition of home locations in the BedTracking® application and in the PreAdmitTracking® application application and home locations in the TransportTracking™ application.)
Current locations
Pending transport jobs with origin locations and/or destination locations
that are within the membership of the person who generated the report and are within the campus selected on the Report Criteria page. (See the definitions of membership in the BedTracking® application, membership in PreAdmitTracking® application, and membership in the TransportTracking™ application.)
If individual patient names were selected when the report was generated, then only information for those patients appears.
The criteria selected when the report was generated (such as individual patient names) appear on the report.
Name | Description |
Last | Patient's last name. |
First | Patient's first name. |
Patient ID# | Patient's identification code. |
Bed | Patient's home location or the bed the patient has been assigned to. |
Current Location | The patient's location when the report was generated. |
VOX File (See the definition of VOX files in the BedTracking® application and VOX files in the TransportTracking™ application) | If a voice file (VOX file) with the patient's name has been created, this column displays CREATED. If not, the column displays NONE. |