Membership allows users to see only patient, bed, unit, and job data associated with patients and employees who come to or leave specific units and departments. This feature helps prevent unauthorized users from seeing irrelevant data, thereby protecting patient and employee privacy. Membership is used by healthcare staff to access relevant information based on their assigned units and clusters.
Where you can find this feature: TransportTracking™ console, BedTracking® console, PatientTracking Portal™ console, PreAdmitTracking® console.
How Membership Works
Membership gives users access to patient, employee, bed, and job information for certain units and clusters. Users can be assigned one of the following types of membership:
Fixed Membership: Users are always assigned to specific units and clusters. They can see only data related to those units or clusters and do not have to select them when signing in.
Variable Membership: Users must select units or clusters when they sign in for the day. They can view only data associated with those selected units or clusters for that day.
All Membership: Users can see all patient, bed, unit, and job data for the entire campus.
Users with administrative rights and appropriate permissions can change information within their assigned units and clusters. If users need access to data from other units or clusters and do not have the “Allow User to Set Membership on Login” permission, they must request a Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC code) to sign in again and select the necessary units and clusters.
How Does Membership Affect What You See?
When your user profile is set up, you are given membership. If you have fixed membership, you can see information only about certain units specified in your profile. You can choose only units included in your membership to display on list views. If you have variable membership, you select the units where you will work each time you sign in.
What If You Have Variable Membership (Floater)?
If you have variable membership, you select units each time you sign in. This is sometimes called being a "floater." The units you selected when you signed in will appear automatically on list views.
What If You Have Fixed Membership?
If you have fixed membership, you can see information only about specific units included in your membership when your profile was set up. You can choose only units within your membership to display on the list view. For example, if your membership includes four units, you can choose to display two of those four units on a list view at once. The units that appear automatically when you first access a list view depend on how your fixed membership was set up in your profile.
One individual unit: The unit to which you have fixed membership.
Multiple units that are not in a cluster: Your base unit.
Multiple units that are in the same cluster, but not every unit in that cluster: Your base unit.
One individual cluster: All units in that cluster.
Multiple clusters: Your base unit.
All Membership
Users with a membership of All can access patient, bed, and ward data from anywhere on the campus. They do not have to specify a ward or cluster when signing in to the IVR system for the day.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool menu, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management
##How All Membership Works
###Functionality Users with a membership of All can access patient, bed, and ward data from anywhere on the campus. They do not need to specify a ward or cluster when signing in to the IVR system for the day.
####Setting a User's Membership
Add user information and save it.
The Membership and Assignment tabs appear under the user profile information on the User page.
Use the Membership tab to set at least one membership unit or cluster for a user whose membership type is Fixed.
Users with variable membership types will select a single unit or cluster each time they sign in to the IVR system or to the Capacity IQ® solution on a workstation.
Users with the All membership type can see data from all units and clusters on the campus.
####Permissions Required
Admin Tool Menu permission to access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-User Management permission to access administrative groups.
Edit rights to change user information.
View rights to see user information without changing it.
Membership Type must be All with Administrative Rights enabled, or Fixed with campus-, cluster-, or unit-level membership with Administrative Membership rights enabled.
###Setting a User's Membership
Add or edit, and then save, the user profile information.
With the user information displayed in the User Profile section of the User page, click the Membership tab.
For instructions on setting the membership, see How to Add, Copy, or Edit User Information.
###Setting Membership for a Fixed User
Ensure Fixed is selected in the Membership Type list under Profile Information.
Click the Membership tab.
Add the membership you want to set for the user to the Membership tab.
To allow the user to change information in a specific area of membership, click the gray Disabled button next to that area to change the button name to Enabled.
To disable the user's administrative rights for the areas in the membership, click the green Enabled button next to those areas to change the button name to Disabled.
If the user should no longer have membership to some areas, remove the areas from the tab:
Select the check boxes for the areas or select the check box on the Units/Clusters in Membership title bar to select all of them, and then click Delete Selected Records.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
Click Save.
If the user is a transporter or transport supervisor or bed cleaner or EVS supervisor, set the user's transport assignment type and assigned sections or zones.
###Setting Membership for a Variable User
In the user's Profile Information section, select Variable in the Membership type field.
The Variable Membership Campus Map tab appears in the Membership & Assignment section.
Select the boxes next to the campuses in which you want the user to be able to work. All campuses are selected by default. To deselect a campus, click the blue box with the check mark next to the campus name. To deselect all campuses, click the box next to the Campus Name heading.
When signing in, users will be able to choose to work in one of the units or clusters in their membership that are also in one of the campuses that you selected.
Membership in the BedTracking Application
The BedTracking application allows administrators to grant membership to selected wards/units and clusters within a campus or campuses. This membership provides access to data about employees, patients, and beds associated with those wards/units and clusters. Users can only view information related to their assigned memberships.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units.
How Membership in the BedTracking Application Works
Membership Access: Users can view information about beds and patients associated with their assigned wards/units.
Example: If membership includes only Wards/Units 1 and 2 in the Main Campus, the user sees only beds in those wards/units.
Example: If membership includes all wards/units in the Main Campus, the user sees all beds in the Main Campus.
Employee List: Users see only employees whose membership includes the same wards/units and clusters.
Example: Chris Smith (Ward/Unit 1) is visible, but Terry Ramirez (Ward/Unit 3) is not if the user does not have access to Ward/Unit 3.
Issue: Notifications not updating to new membership.
Solution: Ensure the user account is logged in. Check login status using the Application Access Audit report.
Viewing Unit Membership
Permissions Required:
Admin Tool Menu permission.
Unit-Cluster Management permission.
Edit rights for changes; View rights for viewing.
Membership Type "All" and Administrative Rights enabled.
Go to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units.
Select the correct campus.
Click the Units tab.
Click the unit name in the Name column.
View the Unit Membership tab for user names.
Deleting Unit Membership
Permissions Required:
Admin Tool Menu permission.
Unit-Cluster Management permission.
Edit rights for changes; View rights for viewing.
Membership Type "All" and Administrative Rights enabled.
Important Note: Users must be removed from the cluster if their membership is due to cluster membership.
Go to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units.
Select the correct campus.
Click the Units tab.
Click the unit name in the Name column.
Click the Unit Membership tab.
Select users to remove and click Delete Selected Records.
Confirm the deletion.
Administrative Rights
Functionality: Users with permissions and fixed or all membership types can be granted administrative rights to manage information in their memberships.
Example: A user with administrative rights for Unit 1 can change user information for that unit but not for Unit 2 if they lack rights for Unit 2.
Complete Steps 1 through 3 of Setting a User's Membership.
Check the Admin Rights column for the green Enabled button.
If not enabled, click the gray Disabled button.
Click Save on the Membership tab.