Floors are added to buildings within a campus to organize and manage physical spaces. This feature is used by administrators to maintain accurate records of building layouts and capacities.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
How Floors Work
To add or edit floors in a building, you need specific permissions and memberships:
Permissions Required:
Admin Tool Menu permission
Global Admin - Administrative Controls - Physical Location Information permission
Edit rights to make changes (View rights allow viewing only)
Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled or Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and Administrative Rights enabled for the campus
Fields marked with a red * are required.
Adding a Floor
Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
On the Enterprise Information tab, in the Campus column, click the campus name.
Note: Only campuses to which you have been granted membership appear. If your membership type is "All," all campuses in the enterprise appear.
On the Campus Information tab, in the Building Name column, click the name of the building to which you will add the floor.
When the building page appears, click Add Floor.
On the Floor page, in the Current Campus list, ensure the correct campus name is selected.
In the Floor Name box, type a name for the floor (e.g., Floor 1). Maximum 50 characters.
Click Save. The new floor name appears in the Floors in this Building list.
To add or edit more floors, repeat steps 4 through 7.
Editing Existing Floor Information
Follow steps 1-3 from Adding a Floor.
In the Floors in this Building list, in the Floor Name column, click the floor name.
Edit the floor information as needed.
Click Save.
Deleting a Floor
Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
On the Enterprise Information tab, in the Campus column, click the campus name.
Note: Only campuses within your membership appear in the list.
In the Current Campus list in the upper-right corner, ensure the correct campus is selected.
On the Campus Information tab, in the Building Name column, click the name of the building that contains the floors.
In the Floors in this Building list, in the Floor Name column, click the floor name to display the Floor page.
Select the check boxes for the floors you want to delete.
To select all floors, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Delete Selected.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
Note: If a room has locations associated with it, a message appears indicating that the room cannot be deleted. To remove an association between a room and a location, delete the location. If necessary, recreate the location after the room has been deleted.
Adding or Editing Floors
Navigate to the appropriate menu based on your permissions.
Select the campus and building.
Add or edit floor information as needed.
Save changes.
Deleting Floors
Navigate to the appropriate menu based on your permissions.
Select the campus and building.
Select the floors to delete.
Confirm deletion.