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Adding a Location to a Room, Copying a Location, or Editing Existing Location Information - Capacity IQ®
Adding a Location to a Room, Copying a Location, or Editing Existing Location Information - Capacity IQ®
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 6 months ago



  • A location is part of the logical structure of a hospital campus. Each room within the physical structure has locations. For example, In Building J on Floor 1, Room 1234 might have a location called Bed 1234A and a location called Bed 1234B. After you have added rooms to a floor, you can add locations to those rooms. You may also edit existing location information (for example, change the name or location type or select a different room).

Permission Required

  • Which permissions and memberships are required to complete this task?

  • To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission.

  • To complete this task, you must have one of the following permissions:

    • Capacity IQ® EVS Location Settings

    • Capacity IQ® Transport Location Settings.

  • You must have Edit rights to make changes. If you have View rights you can see, but not change, information. You must have the Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled. Or, you may have the Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.

If you are adding the location from the Room page, you also need the Physical Location Information permission.

  • Note

    • Fields on the page marked with a red * are required.

Navigating to the Location Page

On the Location page, you can add a location to a room or edit existing location information.

To navigate to the Location page:

  • Do one of the following:

  • Note

    • On each new page that opens, in the Current Campus list in the upper-right corner, make sure that the correct campus is selected.

  • Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management>Enterprise Information. On the Enterprise Information tab, in the Campus column, click the campus name. On the Campus Information tab, in the Building Name column, click the name of the building that contains the room. When the Building page appears, in the Floors in this Building list, in the Floor Name column, click the floor name where the room is located. In the Rooms on this Floor list, click the name of the room to which the location should be added.

  • Go to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Locations.

  • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information. On the Enterprise Information tab, in the Campus column, click the campus name. On the Campus Information tab, in the Building Name column, click the name of the building that contains the room. When the Building page appears, in the Floors in this Building list, in the Floor Name column, click the floor name where the room is located. In the Rooms on this Floor list, click the name of the room to which the location should be added.

  • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Locations.

  • In the campus list in the upper-right corner, make sure that the correct campus is selected.

  • Note

    • Only campuses that are within your membership appear on the list.

  • Do one of the following:

  • To add a new location, on the Locations tab click Add, or on the Room page, click Add Location.

  • To edit existing location information, from the Room page, in the Locations in this Room list, click the location name in the Location column.

  • To edit existing location information from the Locations tab:

  • Search for the location that you want to edit. You may search by basic options (such as location name or floor), advanced filters (location type, bed status, and bed settings), or a combination. Selecting a combination narrows your search results even further. For example, searching by a specific floor, and then selecting Adv. Filters and selecting a location type and a bed status yield fewer results than searching only by floor or only by bed status.

    • To search by basic options, in the list next to the Search box, select an option (for example, Location Name). Then in the text box, type the text corresponding to the option (for example, Bed1234A).

    • To search for a location by location type (such as Home), bed status (such as Blocked), or bed settings (such as Holding), click Adv Filter. Select the advanced options by which you want to search (for example, Home location type, Blocked bed status, and Holding Bed>Disabled), and then click Apply.

  • When search results appear on the Locations tab, in the IVR ID column, click the IVR ID code or in the Name column, click the name for the location you want to edit.
    The Location page appears.

Editing Information for Multiple Locations at Once

  • On the Locations tab, you may use a feature called Edit Selected Locations to edit some information for multiple locations at once. For example, if there are 20 locations for which the bed size needs to be changed to Crib, then you can select all 20 locations and make that change at one time. Only the following data can be changed for multiple locations at once:

    • Unit and room (physical structure)

    • Cost Center

    • Transport Zone and Bed Zone

    • Origin Priority and Destination Priority

    • Lead Time

    • Auto Return

    • Bed Size

    • Prevent Time

    • Count in Census

    • Show on bedboard

    • Count as Physical Bed

To edit information for multiple locations at once:

  • Do one of the following:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Locations.

    • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Locations.

  • In the campus list in the upper-right corner, make sure that the correct campus is selected.

  • Note

    • Only campuses that are within your membership appear on the list.

  • Search for the location that you want to edit. You may search by basic options (such as location name or floor), advanced filters (location type, bed status, and bed settings), or a combination. Selecting a combination narrows your search results even further. For example, searching by a specific floor, and then selecting Adv. Filters and selecting a location type and a bed status yield fewer results than searching only by floor or only by bed status.

    • To search by basic options, in the list next to the Search box, select an option (for example, Location Name). Then in the text box, type the text corresponding to the option (for example, Bed1234A).

    • To search for a location by location type (such as Home), bed status (such as Blocked), or bed settings (such as Holding), click Adv Filter. Select the advanced options by which you want to search (for example, Home location type, Blocked bed status, and Holding Bed>Disabled), and then click Apply.

  • When locations appear on the tab, select the checkboxes for the ones that you want to edit, and then click Edit Selected Locations to display the Location Bulk Edit dialog box.

  • On the Location, Bulk Edit dialog box, select the checkboxes for the attributes that you want to change (for example, Physical Structure, Origin Priority, and Prevent Time).

  • Complete the following information, depending on the check boxes that you selected:

In this box or list . . .

Do this. . .

Physical Structure

Select the unit and the room that should be associated with all of the locations that you chose. You must select a unit from the Unit list to make the Room list available.

Cost Center

Select the cost center that should be associated with all of the locations that you chose.

Transport Zone

Select the zone that will be associated with all of the chosen locations for transport jobs.

Origin Priority

Type a number from 0 through 9 that will be the transport job origin priority for all of the locations that you chose.

Lead Time

Type the number of minutes (0 through 60) that will be the lead time for all of the locations that you chose.

Destination Priority

Type a number from 0 through 9 that will be the transport job destination priority for all of the locations that you chose.

Auto Return

If the chosen locations are specialty or exam/treatment locations, type the number of minutes (0 through 1440) that a patient can be in these locations before the Capacity IQ® Transport application assumes that the patient has been taken back to the home location already, even though there is no completed transport request to return the patient to the home location. This is called the auto return time. If Capacity IQ® and Location IQ® are integrated, the patient is wearing a patient badge, and both the home location and the exam/treatment or specialty location to which the patient was taken are using Location Tracking then the auto return function will not be used.

Bed Zone

Select the zone that will be associated with all of the chosen locations for bed cleaning jobs.

Bed Size

Select the bed size for all of the chosen locations (for example, Crib or Adult).

Prevent Time

Type a number of minutes after which the chosen locations (beds) can be marked Dirty again through the IVR (telephone), the Capacity IQ® EVS application (Console user interface), or the ADT system (ADT interface) after they have been marked clean or blocked. This will be the prevent time for all of the locations that you selected.

Count in Census

(Cannot be enabled for locations with a location type of Exam/Treatment) If the beds (locations) should be included in the census count, click Disabled to change it to Enabled.

Show on bedboard

If beds (locations) should appear on the electronic bedboard® view, click Disabled to change it to Enabled. The beds will appear on the electronic bedboard® view if the units associated with them are also designated to appear on the electronic bedboard® view.

Count as Physical Bed

If beds (locations) should be counted as regular home locations within a nursing unit, click Disabled to change it to Enabled. Only beds that have the location type of Home can have this setting enabled.

  • Click Save.

  • To close the Location Bulk Edit dialog box, click Close.

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